Mae Cow, fat Wein, due time of sale IMPLEMENTS "ï¬reshing Machine. Favorite 24x48 Combination, chaff blower, .ele- ‘vator 13-20 I.H.C. Tractor 'ï¬-uctor Plow. "Irantor Disc Plow, LH. mï¬vator. 1‘7 spring tooth, M.-H. mtivator. 1'3 spring tooth, M.-H. "Bractor Disc Finder, M.-H. 7'2 Mowers. I.H.C.. 5 ft. “Reamer. I_HJC., 5 ï¬t.. nearly new 'Seéd' Dril‘l, 1~5 disc. Deer-mg “Kharv Rack Souffler “Cultivator. stiff tooth, Hamilton “Corn Cultivator. 2 row "0cm! Binder. M.â€"H. “39 Drum Railer ‘Wa‘lkinq Plow. Fleurv 21 “Set Hal-rows. 4 section “Set Harrows. 3 section "mam Senarafnr. Melotte "K’Iav Tom'er, M.-H. "Hav Tedder Ton BUEQ‘V “‘2‘ Cutters Wheelbarrow m Cow. full fléw, not bred Imktein, full flow, not bred Edistein, full flow CATTLE “(53% Durham Cow, fresh, calf by‘ ' e Weill Cow, fresh) m Heifer, 'fresh 2 months m Durham Cow, fresh, calf by sidJe Mtein Cow, d‘ue May 1 M Cow, due April 20 39h]; Jersey Cow, full flow, not bred‘ ï¬â€˜stein, due June 28, milking mac Cow, fresh 6 weeks W Cow, full flow, bred! Dec. 30 “min, full flow, not bred mtein, in†flow muein, fresh 1 month But Jersey, fresh in 3 months White Cow, fresh 3 months Main, fresh» 2 months fl'ue Cow. full- flow. 'bred‘ Oct. 20 Eoigteig, full flow, bred$ Dec. 12 m Geldi'ng, 10 yeané, 7GP." @237 Gelding, 8 years, G.P. ‘HORSES My Mare, 4 years, G.P. 3m Mare, 4 years, G.P.. a? Dead Horses and Cattle picked up free of charge GORDON YOUNG Limited SHEPPARD mu U M B E R Sale 10 a.m. sharp Lunch at noon No Reserve as the Farm has been sold TERMS:â€"CASH, except on Tractor and Threshing Machine, half cash, balance due October 1st, 1940 Furniture and Smallware will be disposed of immediately the sale opens, so be on time Clerks: Geo. Storey, Jim Smith ALVIN S. FARMER, Auctioneer H. C. BENNETT Lot 26, Concession 3, Markham Township 1/2 mile west of Victoria Square, Elgin sideroad Extensive Auction Sale Tractor, Threshing Machine, Implements, Horses, Cattle, Hay, Grain, Furniture, etc. COMPANY- PHONE ADelaide 3636 ~ 166 Keating St., TORONTO Thursday, April 11th Market prices paid for worn-out live Horses Delivered‘Our Plant Dead Horses and Cattle picked up free of charge RICHMOND HILL HORSES ah excellent team PAGE SIX The Property of Gormley, Ont FURNITURE Walnut Sideboard, antique lMaple Bed, with Springs 2 Beds, with springs Dresser Wash-stand! Hall Talble 2 Small Tables 2 Kitchen Tables Extension Tables 2 Book Cases Rocking Chairs Book Case and Desk, combined 2 Linoleum Rugs, 95:12" andl 12‘x15’ Carpet Rug 2 Couches- Stretcher Wicker Settee leatherette Extension ICouch Screen Pictures ‘1 Dress Mod'els Verand'a'h Bench “Phenol: Milk Tester Bread Mixer Oi‘l Burner Too Creem Freezer ° -"an2‘inq Lamps “'"k Pails ‘7 Kitchen Clocks r“uv‘drv Stove Rfrainer "ï¬nger Thermometer "shes 2 Vinegar Barrel lTinware. ané manr- other pieces nor mentioned ?8 Pigs, 10 weeks 40 Yearling Hens HAY AND GRAIN Set Back Bamdr Harness, nearly new Set Breathing Harness Set Plow Harness Number of Colla'rs 16 Tons Mixed! Hay 150 Bus. MixedJ Grain 20 Bus. Soy Beans 6 Bags Seed‘ Potatoes v HARNESS Stoneboat 2 Corn Planters Grinvdstone Carpenter’s Bench 4 Steel Drums Ii’oot Pul'per Set Scales, 2000 lbs; ‘yFlat Rack Sat. Sloolp Sleighs Grainy King- Drive Belt, 100 ft., good Electric Clippers, Stewart 160 ft. Gard-en Hose Milk Sleigh oeders Coal Broader, 500 cap. Drinkers 2 Logging Chains Line Shaft, 25 ft.. with hangers 40 ft. 6â€, 4 ply, Drive Belt Maple Syrup Pan, 10’ by 21/2’ Maple Syrup Pan, 8’ by 2" Lister Grain Grinder, 1'0†Forks, Hoes, many other articles The ah‘ealdy comnplei prici‘ng func- tion has been rendered increasingly difficult since September, 1939, the article continues. ’War usually brings a buyers’ market. One of the wisest measures taken by the Can- a-dian Government was the setting I The complex problems «faced by retailers throughout Canada have ‘been rer'iercd increasingly difficult :since Scpteirlber, 1939. An article lin the spring issue of The Com- merce Quarterly, University of Wesâ€" tern Ontario’s :business publication outlines the present conditions af- fecting price-setting in Canadian stores, and: explains how retailers can relieve the situation. Written by‘Pnrotlssor Walter A. Thompson, Head) 0' the Department of Busi- ness Administration, and; Gordon H. Ingram, well knownI retailer, the article shows the importance of style, local dlemand, competition and) advertising in the priceâ€"setting division of retail business. War and Retail Problems SWINE and POULTRY Phone Stouffville 6312 XS It is pointed out by the Hon. P. M. Detwan, Ont. Minister of Agri- culture, that agricultural war-time efforts in Ontario are not confined to increased .swine production, but includ‘e cheese and powdered milk. To step-up production of these pro- ducts, dairy cattle must, be fed wiselgr and the farmer must know feed' values and their uses if he is vto profit. The handbook on- “Feeding‘ and Management of Dairy Cattle" is just off the press and contains valuable iwaratime feeding information for the [ It wouldI also be ad‘visable to ask for the large convenient placard onr Dairy Cattle Rations, which can be hung in a conveniem spot in the barn near the feed ibin. This placard contains suggested meal mixtures as well as rules and recommenda- tions for dairy cows in milk. Cattleâ€, that can be. obtained free of change by Ontario farmers from the Agricultural Representative in his county or by writing direct to the Statistics and» Publication-sI Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. Print New Handbook Dairy Cattle Feeding When prices are going down, the consumer wants the same quality E1] lower prices, though this is not (30ml- pletely true when prices are rising. Professor Thompson concludes ‘by warning retailers to avoid trash and says “Changes in: fabric and design are acceptalble to the public so long as the basic wearing quality is not substantially touched. Valuable war-time information for every dairy farmer issued by Ont. Feed) Board tihro-ug‘h Ont. Dept. oct‘ Agriculture. The Ontario Feed Board, through the Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, has issued! a 20 page handbook on “The Feeding and Management of Dairy Retail prices did] not rise as fast; as Wholesale prices; the average de- partment store had enough. stock on hand in September to carry through four months’ lbusin-ess. Consumer resistance to immediate .price' rises, strong competition, desire to avoid the label “profiteerâ€, were among the factors which caused the reâ€" tailer to avoid immediate price inâ€", creases. But the Canadian custom-l er is beginning to feel' the rise now. Widper consumer knowledge of re- tail prices will procbalbly tend! to in- crease consumer resistance to price increases, and this is another factor which causes department stores to consider the policy of handling mer- chandise of slightly lower quality and fabric ini'ordler to axvoid< price change. The price situation of September, 1989, certainly did not suggest a downward price revision, and‘ some speculating in merchandise result- ed. A rise in employment resulted from the accelerated general econ- omic structure, and the heavier pur- chase to “beat the price rise.†Sound arguments tended to keep these im- pulses and speculations at a mini- mum. The powers of the wartime Price and Trade Board andl the po- tent force of the style cycle pre- vented :speculatiwe risks. The de- mand1 of the consumer pulbli-c simply cannot be forecast; the writers state; women want high heels one season and no heels-the nxext. Even men may sudldenly refuse to wear hats. Sound merchants simply can’t afford to have on hand any- thing .but the minimum quantities of merchandise. nrrer ealins up of Canada's Wartime Price and Industry Board. The. setting up of this competently manned Board was ‘as popular a move as could hawe been made by the Government. It is generally l'CCOgLZZed‘ by the pub- lic and the business community that no one should! make money from this war. A variety le additional forces which will tend to keep price rises in hand are described by the writers. Considerable. capacity in machine and man power to ,manuâ€" facture goods. control of credit in- flation and mechanical means of keeping down the price Level are in. turn opposed! by rising ,ocean transportation costs, exchange dis! advantage on purchases from the Unitedl States, and the switching of machinery and men from consumw ers" goods to war productions in, the battle to keep prices’ at normal levels. amen THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ook on: “ of Dairy ( ; and cont ling in'forn very one n- “Feeding .and ry Cattle†is just contains valuable formation for the feed dail- Grain and seed! from the previouls year’s crops may the of better qual- ity and is frequenth held over with a View to receiving better prices and ‘as assurance that g-oodl seed! will ‘be alvailalble for seeding purposes. In ‘view of the information made avaifl- able as a result of the above exâ€" periments it would appear that the farmers would be playing safe. How- ever, in View of the very short time and- smallll expense imvolved, it is re- commendedI that a representative sample of the bulk ‘be germinated in order that one may Ibe absolutely sure that seed’ caï¬aible of germinat- ing and producing strong plants is shown. ‘ Seedls live longest in a dry gran- ary or other building. They live a shorter time in: the soil. They die at an early age when placed in a manure pile. The kind! of a coat or hutll worn by seeds hhs a more or less definite relation to the length of their life period. Johnston & Granston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments Buy British, Buy Canadian, and help win the war. The vitality of tilm-othiy seed in dry storage was Iwell-re‘taiinled' until after the fourth year while red Glov- er, alsike and; white clover showed little reduction in germinating rpow- er during the first three years. These experiments show rth-at it is DOSIS‘inb'le to hold seed‘ grain, clover and grass seed over a short period of years without seriously injuring its germâ€" inating power. _Wheat and barley retained their vitality almost unimpaired for five years after harvest. Oats showed little 105‘s of vitaility until after the ninth year. The gem of the wheat was practically dead at the end) of the fifteenth year but after the same length of time oats stilll gave a fair- ly hig'h germination. This was pro 4 ably due 0 the protectipn of the, oat huill. Grain which is held over would need to ‘be rirpe when thresh‘ed so that it would not heat in storage and the place in which it is stored woulld' need) to ‘be perfectly dry. be fcund in the f0110wing experiment conducted at Ottawa‘and at experi- ment stations in Unit-ed: States, Eng- land and Denmark, to determine the vitality of the seeds of cereals, clov- ers and! timothy, when stored in dry’ storage for different periods of time, says John D. MacLeod, seed expert of the Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronrto. " May Hold Seed Grain‘Canada 3W For Several Years I “War†Day on War Experin‘enrts show no serious injury to germinating lpower, states J. D. MacLeod, Onut. Dept. of Agricul- ture. The answer to the question re- garding the germinating power of seed’ which has! (been: held! over on the’ farm for two years or more may 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Merbn & Bal‘lio-l Sts. MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment See Your H are the Charles Graham ORDERS TAKEN AT HE LIBERAL OFFICE @@r§@/f ï¬aï¬es 59056 iome Printer Firs best Counter oaks made in 1 Mi 20. BARNOrSS DeKOYLE ROD-KER, No. 54863. 7 years 0101 George C. Jackson of Elia in charge of pedigrees 9. ABIBEKERK LOR‘NABElLLE MO- DE‘L, 2 yrs. old, No. 41218882, fbred 1‘0. ABBEKERK MODEL INKA, 2 yrs. old, No. 428883, fresh 11. POLLY _L_ORNABELLE KEYES, old, No. 344287, in full flow, bred Feb. 151: 7. PIETJE TE‘NSEN ALCARTRA, 3 yrs. old, No. 362707, fresh 8. TENSEN SYLVIA ALCARTRA, 3 6. LU_L_.U7$YLVIA TENSEN, 4dyns. 4. “(901939531319ng 3‘ yrs. old, COWS 1. SILVIA ALCAR‘TA WOODROSE, 6 yrs. old, No. 310490, due to calf May 10th 2. WILLOW WIDR'OzSE, 5 yrs. old, No. 310488, fresh 3. RQSGH TENSEN_ _ALCARTRA, 5. INKAAPRINCEISS' WILLOW, 3 CATTLE Registered, Fully Accredited1 Blood Tested HOLSTEINS BULLâ€"TOITILLA BURKE PAL, No. 126500, ‘born Oct. 22, 1937. Sire, Farm Bonnie Pal, No. 102â€" 489; Dam, Toitilla Rose Burke, No. 263479. WM. A. RILEY ESTATE So a million doDlars is a stupen- d'ous sum of .money and: how it is to be spent is an important ques- tion. Or if you had been able to put away $5 every day since about the days of the Crusades you would be able to pay for one day of the Do- minion‘s war. Horses, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, etc. THE PROPERTY OF Halstein Cattle Or if you had: put $2 a day in the savings loank every d'ay from a little after the year that the Roman Empire blew up you would have the million. If you had started to save a dol- lar a day out of your wages some 8-00 years Ibefore the Christian era opened, you would) have just about the sum of money that Canada is spending each dlay on the war. Yet, just how much is a million dollars? Canada is spending something like a million dollars a dlay for war pu‘r- poses and Britain is spending- over $25,000,000 a- day. Those items of news are spread over the world andI most .just take them for granted: At $1 a Day unfld Take Since 800 RC. to Save That Sum H01 H01 H01: ‘ERMS CASH. No Reserve as Farm is sold Sale at 12 O’Clock Noon Sharp \S THIS IS A LARGE SALE IT WILL COMMENCE ON TIME J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer - yrs. old, No. 370522,7freshl Bay Horse, 5 years old, H.D. Roan Horse, 5 y‘ears old, H.D. Brown Horse, 6 years old, Clyde Bay Mere, 5 years old, weighh 1300 lbs. Gray Mare, 12 years old, H.D. Gray Horse, 10 years old, G.P. Black Mare, 11 years old, G.P. 1300 1le[ Rognr Mare, 5 years old, weight Important Auction Sale ABBEKERK LORNABELLE WOODROrSE, No. 427570, born May 25, 1938, bred TENSEN LORNABELLE. No. 427568, born Mav 21, 1938 ALC‘AR’I'RA LQRNABELLE, No. LOW, No. 444820, born Nov. 26th. 1939 TOITILLA ALCARTRA POSCH, No. 444819. born Nov. 24, 1939 1 Heifer Calf, registration ap- plied for 1 Heifer Calf, registration ap- plied for 12th Wednesday, April 10th West half Lot 22, Con. 5, North York Twp. Just north of EMERY on 6th concession 2 7y]; old. No. 428884, fresh ABBEKERK WILLOW BELLE. No. 427571, born ADI‘. 15, 1939 TOITILLA PRINCESS WIL- yrs. old‘. No. 370523, in fun fiow, bred Feb. 2nd No. 37951217,, fresh, bred No. 344286, in full flow, brecï¬ 999.33, 5 yrs. old 27’569. born Jan. 15. 1938 tric Motor ein Cow, due time ein' Cow, due May ein Cow, full flow, GRADE CATTLE IMPLEMENTS Machine 0“ 0W HORSES full full Registered Blood Tested Sut flow 9, good as bred bred bred of -s ale THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1940 Feb Dec Feb 1 Wood‘ Bed with Mattress 2 Bedroom Suites with Springs and} Mattress 1 Lawn Mower 1 Daisy Churn, No. 2 Other articles too numerous to men- tion HHDâ€"AHHHN Uphols Couch Bell P Roll T1 Davis Large Steel I 1 Gurney Range, coal or wood, near. ly new Set Leath-er Bottom Dining- Room Chairs 5 Dining Room Chairs Number of Kitchen Chairs 3 Rocking Chairs 1 Kitchen Lounge' 1 Small Quelbec Heater 3 Extension Tables 2 Kitchen prboards Number Small Tables 2 Upholstered Chairs and Sofa 1 Couch 1 Davenrport 1 Bell Piano 1_Tapestry Rug About About About About 1 Set Harness 1 Set Harness A Number of Horse Collars horse hitch Water Furrow Runner Potato Plough 1 Milk Cart Moulding Plough Gang Plough, Verity, 2 furrow Steel Water Trough Grindstone, nower hitch Disc Drill, 15 disc Fence Stretcher Reaper, M.-H. Steel Wheellbarrow A Number of Doubletrees A Number of Neckyokes Forks, Shovels, Chains and other articles too numerous to men- tion vâ€"nâ€"uâ€"nâ€"Hâ€"nâ€"uâ€"uâ€"Mâ€"nâ€"t 1 Pump Jack 1 Milk Cooler, Woods, good as new 1 Binder, M.-H.. 7 ft. cut 1 Mower, M.-H., 51/2 ft. cut 1 Manure Spreader, Cockshutt 1 Bissell Double Disc, tractor hitch 1 Trench Spring Wagon 1 Wagon: 1 Buggy 1 Cutter 1 Cutter 1 Orchard Sprayer, complete 1 Wheel Plough, No. 12 Fleury, good 1 Wheel Plough, Wilkinson No. ‘3 1 Set Harrows, 4 sections 1 Set Harrows, 3 sections 1 Chatham Fanning- Mill, complete 1 Set Scales, 2000 lbs. capacity, gOOd' 1 Set Sleighs 1 Roller, 3 drum 1 Truck Wagon, 2006‘ 2 “Hay “Racks 1 éda-ms Wagon 2 Hay Racks 1 Ada-ms Wagon 1 Disc Drill, M.-H., 15 disc, good! 1 4-horse Cultivator, M.-H. 1 Spring Tooth Cultivator, M.-H. 1 Hay Tedder, M.-H., good 1 House Rake 1 Scuszler 1 Fleury Riding Plough, 1-f1u'row Steel BedI with Springs tress Brass Bed with Springs tress Bell Piano 1 Tape: Roll Top Office Desk Davis Sewing Machine Large Brussels- Carpet Steel Bed- with Springs No. 13 Zâ€"row Riding Souffler M.â€"H. Disc Plough, 2 furrow, new 'Cockshqt'f, _2-furrow Plough, 4 In stock, O.A.C.2_1 Barley, Erban, Banner & Improved Victory Oats, Peas and Goose Wheat Phones: Day 139 Evenings 82W GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE Robin Héod noun 4 CBC NETWORK HUM ma†win 5.0009 and ai‘me wakh jus+ bq sending in the ‘UN PARADE†Z’flï¬ï¬‚fiw THE MILL saom A BAG 0: 10 Tons: Hay 1‘00 Bus. Erban Oats 150 Bus. Victory Oats 300 Bus. Mixedl Grain HAY AND GRAIN FURNITURE HARNESS and Mat- and Mat-