Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1940, p. 7

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i=0=0=0=l0=°l GLENNS DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 6 RM. Phone HYland 2081 Open Evening: Res. Phone 9788 BALING Hay & Straw DALZIEL-JOHNS’I‘ONE On March 16th, 1940 at 7 o’clock, Ethel Louise Johnstone and Walter G. Dalziel were quietly married by Rev. R. J. Irwin, 49 Fielding Ave. A reception was held' later at the home of the bride’s parents, 165 Milverton Blvd., Toronto. They will reside at Clairéville‘ ORDER A NEW Spring Sait or Top Coat ’ NOW Having taken over Moore Bros. baling business I am pre- pared to bale hay and straw on short notice. Price rea- sonable. Latest facility for moving outfit. THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1940. Phone 49J Successor to Moore Bros. Let us take care of your Cleaning and Pressing Requirements. Our driver Will call or you may take advantage of our low cash and carry prices. PERCY COBER RICHMOND TAILORS EYES EXAMINED Tailored clothes have a quality of distinction which is a definite amt to your personal appear- ance. It is possible to attain this dress distinc- tion without any increased drain on your budget by letting us take care of your clothing needs. Quality clothes, hand tailored to your measure from the choicest materials are now available at a very reasonable cost. Make sure you see us before you make the choice of your next suit or GLASSES FITTED Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley R.R. 1 DR. P. P. SMYTH [0:0] J. A. Greene ‘o=.o::..... . ,_ w-MMJ In comparison ‘with the others the Treaty of Prague could almost be termed} mild. From defeated Aus- tria Prussia demanded no territory and) no indemnity. To whom was this exceptional generosity due? Not to the King of Prussia; he was‘ fur- ious- at Austria. being let off so cheaply, though at first he had been All these three treaties Were Bis- mamk’s own treaties, as the wars had rbeen Bismarck’s own wars. (The terms of the first and1 third| were universally condemned by the pub- Iic opinion of Europe as being ex- cessively harsh. Bismarck as “Moderate” All these treaties, be it observed, were “dictated” treaties â€"â€" a point of importance in view of German in- dignation at the “dictated” Treaty of Versailles. BotIh Prussia and Gerâ€" many bluntly refused to sulbmit their treaties to any European Congress for revision. 'The Losers must pay, they said, what the victors demand- ed. Neutrals were sharply told not to meddle in other nati’ons’ quarrels. sace and Lorraine were torn from France and an indemnity of five millliards $200,000,000) was exact- ed. N‘crth Ge'rman Confederation estab- lishedI under .the headship of Prussia and with Austria excluded. 1871... .Treaty of Frankfort which ended the Franco-Prussian war. A1- '1864â€"â€"'Ih‘eaty of Vienna by which Denmark was dismembered. .1866 Treaty of Prague after the Prusso-Austrian war. This was fol- lowed by minvo'r treaties with the South German States which had taken the side of Austria. Hanover, :Hesse-Cassel, Nassau, Frankfort were annexed by Prussia. The Saxon Army was placed under the control of the Prussian King. The German Confederation was dissolved- and the Germany’s record as a treaty- m-aker is a matter of history. It is a very bad record. Bisrmarck only offered to pllay “the honest broker" When he was lbroking lands and terâ€" ritories which he did not covet. But look at the treaties which Prussia and Germany made within living ‘meâ€" mory. They can be tabulated very concisely: They assume that she would ap- Russell. “were the bases upon which proach the problem of a negotiated alone the Partitioning Powers (i.e., peace in a reasonable frame of mind. Prussia and! Austria) founded their On what. evidence? I know of none. agreement.” When they fell out, But the evidence to the "contrary is Prussia at once seized] the entire overwhelming. spoil, the chief jewel of which was Germany’s record as a treaty- Kiel Harlb-our. Already the idea of a maker is a matter of history. It is German Fleet had made a strong a very bad record. Bisrmarck only appeal to German sentiment and with offered to play “the honest bI‘Oker” it the ideal of a Kiel Canal from the when he was lbroking lands and terâ€" Baltic to the North Sea. I observe, however, that those who wish to enter at once into negotia- tions for a patched-up Vpeace which would leave Hifl-erism unbroken, Austri‘a, Czecho-Slovakia and Poland unredeemed and an unrepentant Reich in possession of nine-tenths of its till-gvtt-en gains, studiousfly avoidl telling us what Germany’s concep- tion of a “just” peace would be. W31“ By J. B. Firth Still the vain and necessarily im conclusive controversy goes on, though in diminishing voflume, over what should be the terms of the next Peace â€" if the Allies win the Examples of Dnminpering Greed Victory Which Culminnted at Brest-Litovsk Richmond Hill When Germany Dictates a Peace 10:0] OED 0:0 i "‘No," I.cri'ed. “I willnever sur- render iboth Mew and] Belfort. You “mean to ruin Franceinl her finances, and‘ ruin her on her frontiers! Well, take her, administer the country, levy the taxes. We shall retire, and yOUowili' have to ’govem her in the "eyes of- the whole of'Europe, if Eu- rope penmits.” ‘I was desperate. Count Bismarck, taking my hands, said to me: “Believe me. I have done all I could': I'but as for leaving you part of Alsace, it is quite im- pos'silble." “I sign this very instant,” I rejoined, “if you give me BeHort. If not, nothing; nothing but the last extremities, whatever they may be." Pouehing the Prizes Bismarck then agreed to make one more effort to induce the King and Moltke to reient. He wrote and desnatched two letters, and they waited. After a long interval Bis- marck left the room, and on his return stood with his hand on the key of the door: “I have an alternative to prepose to you,” he said. “Which will you have: Befi'ort or the abandonment Finally, the question of Belrfort was reached. Bdsmarck’s contenrtion was that alt Alsace must be trans- ferred to Germany, and Beltfort was in Alsace. qu two hours Thiers entreated and‘ expostulated. Here is his own: story: x1 z'encwed reference to Ber- l.:: on the [subject of the indemnity, tine 1'1le word came through that rot a franc less than five milliards could be considered. And until this £2'0’0,‘0l00,000‘ was paid to the lasrt seu German soldiers would be inr- tered on French soil at French ex- pense. France on the Rack 1 Bismarck was fertile in excuses. It was not he who had‘ raised the terms, he said, but les militaires, who had the ear of the King. “In Ger- many,” he added, “they accuse me of losing the battles that Count Molnke has won. Do not ask m: for impossibilities!” Bismarck wish»- ed it to be inferred? that if the final wordr had rested‘ with him he would huxe leit the French in possession of Metz! During his first interview with Bdsmarok :M. Thiers was told that the price Genmany requiredl for an armistice was Alsace-Inrraine and an indemnity of four milliards, $160,000,000. This was promptly reâ€" jected as impossible. Nevertheless, when three months later Thfiers en- tered' the presence chamlber for the second» time he was greeted with the observation that the amount of the indemnity had been. raised from four milliardvs to six. And Beltfiort, the proud‘ fortress which had gallantly withstood all attacks and assaults, must be surrendered as well as Metz. Let us turn now to the better lmown story of the French nego- tiations for an Armistice after the French Empire hadl fallen at Sedan, while Bazaine was still shut {up in Metz on the point (If capitulation, and the German armies were campâ€" ed within range of the walls of Paris. Un the French side counsel was distracted and con-fused. 0n the Gerâ€" man side there was a cold resolve to squeeze the last penalty out Oif an enemy still dangerous in its de- spair and still formidable, if it should find a strong rallying centre and a capable leader. Bismarck was an'xi- ous to cash in on his victories and get out of France while the going was good. The German Generals, who resented his presence at their Councils of War, were eager, as Blucher had‘ been in- 18‘1I5, to bleed France white. Bislmarck’s moderation, therefore, was- as calculated as his brutality towardls Denmark two years before. “Violence and conquest," wrote Lord! Russell. “were the bases upon which alone the Partitioning Powers (i.e., Why? Because, after destrOying at Sadowa Austria’s oldI pretensions to the hegemony of the German States as being lawfu'E inheritor of the dignities of the Holy Roman Empire, Bismarck was ‘bent mpon securing the neutrality of Austria in his coming war with Louis Na- poleon for the hegemony of Europe. He meant that war to ‘come soon, and he did] not want an Austria, eager for revenge, on: his flanik. totally opposed: to the war. No, it was the Man of Blood and Iron him- self who showed this chivaulrousv‘ for- bearance, or, shall we say, conceived this stroke of clever/ statecrarft. ' THE LIBERAL. RICHMONU HILL. ONTARIO Never once from first to last did the Germans give a straightforward undertaking to restore the full sov- ereign independence of Belgium, though this was always the first question on which the Allies sought assurances. Always they returned evasive replies, the fact being that they could not agree among them- selves. The Panâ€"Germans demanded sweeping annexationus in the West as well as in the East, andl the all- porwerful Ludlelndorff belonged to their school of thought. Parcelling Out Belgium Hindenburg, on the other hand, was more moderate. In 1915 he said that “Germany should take no more than she could) digest without dam- age to her Gemmandom.” In the West he would have been content with Liege “to round‘ off her fron-' tiers,” i.e., to facilitate the next in- vasion: in the East he opposed those who wished“ to grab as much of Pol- and‘ as they could! without alienat- ing Austria, for she also was reck- oning on large annexations. Ludend-orff, cm the other hand, in 1916 wanted Antwerp and large Providentially for the Allies the dictation of the peace terms after the Great War lay not ‘with the Germans but with the Allies. Yet‘ the world- knows with sufficient ac- curacy what the Germans’ terms would have been, because they were repeatedly invited to indicate the sort of terms on which they were ready to consider a negotiated peace. They always frarmed their replies on! the assumption that they were in al winning position and that they were to pouch the prizes of war. ' in the recital to Busch] the tears and! grey hairs of Jules Favre he would! have acquired more merit with posterity. Let us call it, therefore, a well-acted scene! It was a very well-acted scene, and ilf Bismarck had not rehearsed it over again in later yeam and} mockEd of our entry into Paris?” I do not hesitate for a moment.and with a look to Jules Favre, who divines my feeling and shares 1t: “Belfort! Bel- fort!” I cried. The entry of the Germans into Paris must be a cruel blow to our priqey a danger to ms who held the reins of government, butâ€"our coun’pry before everything. DComer’s Weekly, 1 Yr. ..; Uhmlean's Magazine, ‘1 Yr. [jCamuilnn Home Journal, 1 Yr. fiChatelaine Magazine, 1 Yr. [1 National Ho'mefMoatluy, '1 Y}. Din-m: Story Magazine, 1 Yr. .. Duagadm: Digest, 1 Yr. . . . . . . . Dfied Book Magazine, 1 Yr. DNewsweek 'Magulnc, 1 Yr. ... Dom-1mm Herald, 1 Yr. ....... [j Woman’s Home Combanlon, 1 I DParento' Magazine, 1 Yr. . . . . . [3 Canadian Horticulture and Home Magazine, 2 Yrs. D Maclean’s Magazine, 1 Yr. [3 National Home Monthly, 1 Yr. Fl Chatelaine Magazine, 1 Yr. [1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 Yr. THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year, and your choice One ' group at the price listed, THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year, and your choice any Two in group. Mark “X” before the two you desire. Maclean’s Magazine, 1 Yr. [:1 Rod & Gun in Canada, 1 Yr. ALL TI National Home Monthly, 1 Yr. D American mm 3 1mm 0N1 Whether you live in town or in the country . . . here's a combination ofier to please your reading tastes . . . our paper and your favorite magazines at really huge savings. Make your selection and send us the coupon now! THIS OFFER IS POSITIVE“ GUARANTEED vflease allow {our in six weeks {or is! copies of magazines to arrive “POPULAR DEMAND” OFFER “BHG THREE” GFFER TGWN AND comm MKS l Humbling of Russia That was one of the most astoundi- ing peace negotiations in all history. With a sulblimely insolen-t disregard 'of the facts of the military position, Trotsky had offered an armistice on the basis of “No annexatio-ns; no in- demnities.” Hoffmann thereupon blandly explained: that Germany did ’not want to annex, but she would ’ require the voluntary .cession of P01- and, Lithuania and Courland. “Joffe, ione of the Russian delegates, was dumbfounded,” wrote Hoffmann, “and Pokrovsky said‘ that the forc- ible annexation of 18 governments amounted! to a dictatedI peace.” The delegates, therefore, dispersed to Berlin, Vienna and: Petersburg and' for: three months there was no re- sumption of armistice or peace talks. In the meantime, the German forces simply marched on unopposed from place to place, settng up a pwppet government in the Ukraine and scouring thousands of square miles for forced supplies of wheat and coaL More than three months elaupsed before Trotsky return-ed to the conâ€" ference room at Brest and there, after uttering cloudy and windy ap- peals which, according to legend, caused Hoffmann to bang the table with his fist in angry impatience, he signed the most humiliating sur- render of modem times. Not that A year later at Spa on July 2, just a month before the Germans‘ Black Day of August 8, Lud‘endroff was still demanding that “Belgium must remain under German influence in order to prevent a hostile inva- siori from ever advancing through it again.” Belgium, too, must be d’i- vided into two States, Flanders and Walloonia, united solely through the pensvom of the ruler. These are not the inventions of partisans anxious to bolster up the case of the Allies: they are talken from the official German pulbl‘ica- tioms. If the Germans had' won the war Luderbdvorff would have dictat- ed the peace in the same temper as that in which he drictatevd, through Gevn. Hoffman, the Treaty of Brest- Litovsk. tracts of Russian Poland. Whenr Ger- many’s war prospects brightenelfl in 1916-17 his demands increased, and as Bethmamn-Hollweg and his em~ barrassed successors in the Chancel- lonship always referred this question to General Headquarters, the final word lay with him. [1 Parents’ Magazine, 6 M05. I] Home Arts (Needlecraft), 1 Yr. 1:] American Fruit Grower, 1 Yr. de'sired. Flu oi: coupon carefully. Gentlemen: I enclou 1 un checmn: point the one: dam-ed mm a year‘l nubacnpnon w your paper. ( ) “Bil Three" ( J “Wick” NEWSDBPOTI" ( ) "Popular Demand" Nun. Post Office Please cpp‘lls; ol‘ynagazlnes alter eyegng one. Fill Out Couponâ€"Mail Today DWoman’s World! 1 Yea: .-. {jSflver J'Yr. DOpen (F0!_Boyl), 1 Yr. Dmertcan’zairl, {in [j Amerignfiio}, 1 Yr. Dmcow's Magnum, 1 Yr. ijanadlan Homcmture and; ,’ Home Magazine, 1 Yr. “5. . Home Magdzlne, 1 Yr. D Screenimd Migaune, 1 Yr.- 4,.“ [mod and Gun in Canada, 1 1i. [jFlower Grower, 1 Yr. [30mm we, 1 Yr. . . Province. . . . other Publication In Lehig}; VaHiey' LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS. AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY. GUARANTEE BONW SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS: ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S A. G. Savage ORDER HELEN SIMPSON Helen Simpson Lynett [NSLLRANCE You can help‘ by becoming": me.â€" ber of the Red‘ Cross. ‘ ‘ For All Occasiohs Phohe orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District JONES COAL Cop William R. Coates, farmer eastcf Stouffw'lle, has a brood sow whit". is a. real booster for filling up the. gap between the requirements cf the" British ‘bacon- market and the put-- ers so far supplied! by Canada. 1‘58- partieular mother pig in the U? four litters has given birth to .3» less than 73 lusty squeele‘rs. Thale- were two litters of 17,, one (i m: and the last I8.‘ ' POSterity,will waste no am on Trotsky and his BolSh-EVEE-M richly deserved the Prussian iiiâ€"- bootirig which they received. But as; a sample of German pm the Treaty of Brestâ€"Lftnvsk M unmatéhed for cynical and 75ml ll- pacity till the appearance on u: European sceme of Adolf H'ifla’. it. mattered much, because the ‘â€" lapse of Turkey, Bulgaria and A'â€" tria a few months later led also in) the, collapse of the Treaty «f Blu- Litovsk amd ml: dowmfalrl 131’ Ind-â€" dorff and of the German Emile. ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies” 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 Old Post Office Richmond Hill Telephone 188 in: .u, I l nu.- .nu-on‘ifll PAGE ONLY 1-35 1.50, 2500.

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