One by one the lights are going out in Europe. The small, free, independent nations, which have contributed so much to the cultural, scientific and social life and pro- gress of Western civilization are being swallowed up by merciless Germany, whose only law is might. First it was Austria, then Czecho-Slovakia, Poland followed and now, without warning, without the formality of the de- claration of war, Germany has seized Denmark and in- vaded Norway. Next it will be Sweden and already there are rumors of Germany extending her authority over the Danubian States. As a citizen he was loyal and devoted to his country and community and gave freely of his means in support of every good cause. Quiet and unostentatious he never sought the limelight and consequently his countless bene- factions were never exploited. In his quiet and sincere way he lent his support to every worthy cause and the community will be much the poorer for his passing. Per- haps the greatest tribute to the life of John D. Patterson is the loyalty and devotion of those who were associated with him in his business and Agricultural enterprises. He enjoyed to a remarkable degree the esteem and genuine affection of those associated with him and one of his great- est concerns in life was the good and welfare of those who worked with him. '» His death removes from this community a great and a good man, who made a lasting and worthwhile contribu- tion to his day and generation. It is difficult to use restrained language in describ- ing the action of Germany, or to find adjectives sufficient- ly strong to condemn the policy of the Reich. If anyone ever had any doubts as to the nature of the German chal- lenge to Western civilization they should be diSSipated now. Law, pacts, treaties mean nothing to the madman who has control in Berlin. The seizure of Denmark and the invasion of Norway is just another step forward in a policy, which has as its goal, the ultimate domination not only of Europe, but of the world. It is becoming clearer as time passes that Western civilization, its culture, its liberty, its regard for human rights and its religious freedom are today at stake. As far as Canada is concerned we must tighten our belts and proceed to ice-operate to the utmost with Great Britain in a fight which means the very existence of everything which we hold dear in life. Or, if we wish to continue the pleasing custom of parading new finery on a given date, why not choose the first of May, which of late has become more associated with dreary labor demonstrations than with the joyous spirit of Merrie England? Merchants, who now too often see their Easter windows disregarded while the passing crowds battle the blizzards, would at least have a fifty per cent chance of getting one or tw0 good shopping days.†A native so’n of this community he was known best in recent years as an ardent Agriculturist and his Don Head Farm has been a model and inspiration to all inter- ested in better farming and improved livestoek. Spring is here and the planting season is upon us. The Ontario Forestry Branch, at Toronto, supplies trees to rural schools throughout Ontario, and in Lambton County, which would be much improved by tree planting. A school house that is in attractive surroundings has a beneficial effect upon the children who go there. A few trees and shrubs add greatly to the appearance, and these trees can be obtained and full directions for planting and caring for them afterwards, are given. The first Friday in, May is Arbor Day and the Ontario Department of Education regulations says in part: “In rural school sections and in villages Arbor Day, the first Friday in May or a school day as near thereto as climatic conditions will permit, shall be devoted to planting shade trees, making flower beds, and otherwise beautifying and improving the school ‘grounds. Easter came so early this year and the spring season has been so long delayed that we think the time opportune to discuss the association of Easter with‘ new spring clothes. It has often been pointed out that the traditional connection between Easter and new spring clothes is not particularly suitable to the Canadian climate. The 1940 spring would seem to bear out this contention. With Easter as early as it was this year a parade of spring finery‘ is an impossibility. Discussing this question The Printed Word says: “The impulse to buy new clothes and display them in church or on a- board-walk is directly connected with spring. The date of Easter is also dependent on the vernal equinox in a roundabout sort of way. Hence it has been assumed that there is a necessary connection between new clothes and Easter. ' The assumption does no harm in countries where spring pays some attentim to the calendar, but in this part. of Canada at least, we have no reason to believe that spring is here until, by the calendar, it is about half over. One is often inclined to wonder whether it might not be as well to divide the Canadian year into three seasons instead 0f four. In most cases this improvement must be instigated by the teacher and the work done by the pupils. With the co-operation of the parents much can be done at school and it does not need to detract from school work. Actual tree planting would be a splendid lesson to correlate with Agriculture or Nature Study, a compulsory subject on the curriculum. The passing of John D. Patterson this week removed one of York County’s most distinguished citizens. For over half a century he occupied an important place in the industrial and agricultural life of Canada and his wide business connections extended to the United States and South America. Estabï¬shed 1878 AN INDEPENBENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year - To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 A GREAT AND A GOOD MAN PASSES PAGE TWO THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1940. EUROPE’S CHANGING SCENE “THE LIBERAL†SPRING CLOTHES TREE PLANTING vanah Sparrow, Klngfisiher, Tree Swallow, Goldfinch, Wilsons Snipe, Cowbird, Phoebe, Vesper Sparrow, Hermit Thrush, Pied-chilled Grebe, Towhee, Pipit, Yellow-bellied Sapâ€" sucker, Winter Wren. Added to these are a number of waterbirds On March 3 the first migratory bird arrived in Richmond Hill. Un- sung and unheralded, but quite def- initely present. The Horned Lark was the bird and of all the many species who act in unusual ways for their own good the Horned Lark is the most interesting. The Lark’s idea seems to be a. hard season but a merry one. And he puts it into practise by coming North long be- fore the snow goes, wasting no time dillydallying around the countryside singing†his head off. Instead- no sooner is he (or she as the case may be) back than the business of nest- ing is begun. As early as two weeks ago the first eggs were being laid in warm nests built under the shel- ber of protecting snow banks. And in two more weeks, when all the other birds are working on nest building, the Horned Lark will be able to sit by in the spring sunshine and jeer at his less ambitious neigh- bours. Three weeks of sub zero con- ditions and hard work at the beginn- ing of the season and then the spring and summer to enjoy in .leisure. Another early nester is the Horned Owl whose young are about ready to hatch by now. The difference be- tween the Owl and the Lark is that it takes only a couple of weeks to raise a family of lal‘ks but a full two months are necessary before the owlets leave their parents. When the owl is laying the weather is often too cold to leave the nests so incubation starts as soon as the first egg is laid. Since the eggs are often several days apart, the young 8. week after hatching vary in size from as small as a sparrow to as big as a Blue Jay. The first robin was [back about two weeks ago In time for the post Easter storm. His enthusiasm was unabated after the storm but for a few days he looked utterly bewildered, not to say worriedI as he waited nervously for Spring to do sdmething about it. Incidently the male robins arrive back first. The females begin to show up anout the middle of April. As with most birds the male robin invariably comes back to. the same .bit of territory he used last year. And if there is already an occupant war becomes imminent. Both males start off [by singing their loudest for an hour or so and covert- ly watching each other. Sooner or later this bit of byâ€"play palls and the rightful owner makes a dash, seldom does the ‘squatter’ wait. Usu- ally he is a last year’s bird who has Birds that should arrive back be tween April 10â€"17: Bluebird, Flicker Marsh Hawk, Mourning Dove, Sav This week the list is small com- paratively. If by any chance this column is still running by May 15 the list of birds for the following three days would take up most of the column. on Grenadier pond in Toronto on or about March 12 for the last twenty or thirty years. This year the first Red-wings arrived on March 18. R01)- ins are two weeks late, Song Spar- rows about 10 days and other early birds in proportion. However now that spring has come (‘1) the birds that normally appeared on specific dates in April will probably be pretty well on time. There are about 150 species that migrate in any numbers through North York and each week we will print a list of the birds to be ex- pected for the Week. no definite Ibreeding territory and is hoping that an accident might have deprived a certain garden of its for- mer occupant. By the way the fe- male robin can be quite easily dis- tinguished from the male by the uniâ€" form colour of the head and back. The male has a very dark head, al- most black, which stands out from the slaty colour of his back. This year’s migration seems to ‘be about two weeks behind the average If there are any skeptiés’lwho claim that this winter was no w0rse' than that of the winter of ’84 etc., let them consult the records of orni- thologists for the year they are in- terested in. Unless very unusual weather conditions interfere most birds arrive back within 5 or 6 days of the previous year‘s migration. For instance the Red-wing has appeared The song sparrows that are sing- ing their heads off around town this week‘ are not residents. They are a much more Northerly race of birds and probably nest several hundred miles farther North. The resident song sparrows will start to arrive in a week or two. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO BIRDS OF THE SEASON (By Farley Mowat) who will show up wherever there is open water. During the last month or twa I have been. gathering up most of the local lists kept in or near Richmond Hill of birds seen in the locality. Next week it will be ready for pulb- lication. Something like 180 species have been recorded in this district and they will be listed in this column along with indications as to their rarity and whether they breed here. I suggest you clip the list and use it for reference Any information that readers can give will be very welcome. Also if you have any questions on birds y0u would like answered send them with a stamped addressed envelope to this column. Interesting local items will be used in these articles. Local Notes Migration was slow last week. The only observers to report new birds have been Harris Hord, John Curzon, Jim Bailie and a large grey- cat that caught and killed the first Kinglet of the season. Birds seen include Cowbirds, Rulby- crowned Kinglets, Grackles, Mourn- ing Dove (exceptionally early), Can- ada Geese, Loggerhead Shrike, Marsh Hlawk, Bluebird and believe it or not, a Canary, probably an escaped cage bird. 'Dr. Lillian Lang-staff reports that a Coopers Hawk has spent the last week in her garden. Dr. Langstaff also has two males and a female Cardinal at, her feeding station. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Starling have returned home after spending the winter in Florida. Rev. A. H. Halbert, Mr. A. W. Galbraith and Mr. C. O. Bales at- ‘tended Toronto Centre Presbytery held in Westminster Church, Toron- to, last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown ami son Irwin attended the 25th Armi- versary of Mrs. Brown’s brother at Minesing last Friday. We afe glad to hear that Mr. Reid Brumwell is recovering from his re~ cent illness. Misses Bertha and' Irene Smith attended a miscellaneous showerlast week in honor of Miss Elizabeth Stephen of Toronto. North York Horticultural Society held its regular meeting in the Town Hall with a large attendance. A very interesting address on “Table Decorâ€" ations†was given by Mr. E. C. Prince, illustrated by colored lantern slides. A special feature of the meeting was a competition among several of the members for the best address on “Personal Knowledge of the Gardenâ€. Two floral oil paint- ings were offered for the two \best addresses and were won by Mrs. R. Jarrett and Mr. 1“. Vincent. Mr. G. A. Preston, principal of Earl Haig The members of the Women’s As- sociation met for a sewing meeting last Thursday and completed three quilts for the Red Cross. The annual Athletic and‘ Novelty Night of Earl Haig Collegiate In- stitute will be held on‘Friday, April 19th at 8 pm. Collegiate Institute, and Mr. J. S Hall, acted as judges. The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. A. W. Galbraith JONES COAL Co. Lehigh Valley SHEPPARD&GILL L U M B E R N EWTON BROOK ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies†COMPANY RICHMOND HILL Telephone 188 T. Wells and Mrs. W. T. New. The devotional service was conducted by Mrs. Foreman and prayer was off- ered by Mrs. A. H. Halbert. Mrs. Murray presented the study book chapter. A shower for the Mission- ary Bale will be held at the next meeting on May let at the Par- sonage. last Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Foreman presiding. Interest- ing readings were given by Mrs. W. The regular monthly meeting of_ the North York Red Cross Society was held last Friday with an at- tendance of 140. An immense amount of work was reported done during the month. Since Sept. 1939 the total number of pairs of socks knitt- ed‘ has amounted to 1228. Other knittcd articles amounted to 508 and 1370 pieces of hospital supplies. In addition sewing and knitting were done for local purposes and families- were assisted where necessity de- manded. The secretary, Mrs. Angus read a very comprehensive and m- teresting report of the annual meet- ing held at the Royal York Hotel on March 6th. This branch was highly honored by the appointment of their president, Mrs. L. A. Reeves to membership on the Provincial executive. At this meeting in To- ronto one of our most valued mem- bers, Miss Mary Bathgate, was pre- sented with the Service Medal for .23 continuous years as convenor of the work committee of the local Red Cross Society. Miss Mazo De La Roche was unable to be present to give an address on account of ill- ness. Miss Ruth Home, a lecturer on the staff of the Toronto Museum, was the guest speaker. So that King Township may have enough money to carry on extensive road repairs this summer, some 1,760 acres of fertile marsh land may be put up for sale, members of the council decided at their meeting on Sajurday. _ Reported owned bv a syndicate, according to Reeve Thomas Mc'Murâ€" chy, the land has been in arrears of taxes for the past 12 years. “Un- less some legal matter interferes, the land will be put up for sale,†the reeve said. He added that council was anxious to improve township roads. but with its budget cut by $12,000 it was finding it increasingly difficult to providel‘the necessary moneys. you ï¬at MORE for Your Money W/Ien you Choose NORGEI “e†NEG 1940 “SIX†Steel cabinet and stainless steel “freezerâ€; double width dessert tray; large cold storage tray for meats; Dry Zero insulation; sparkling chrome hardware; Norg-ite cold- retaining door panel; fast freezing frOZen dessert shelf and plenty of ice cubesâ€"always. Easy extended terms. LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR PRESENT REFRIGERATOR Yonge Street GARFIELD YEREX C/Jec'k T/Iese New I940 Feature: THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1940. At Maple Freight Sheds INSURANCE LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS. AUTOMOBILE SURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS FIRST CLASS BREAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FDOUIR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, O.A.C. Formula MILKM‘AKER O.A.C. Formula SALT FINE SALT, 100 lbs. . . . . . COARS‘E SALT, 100 lbs. IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS, IODIZED, each â€" Also -â€" CAR MILL FEED BRAN . . . . . . . SHIORTS . . . . . MLDDLINGS . I Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and I Fair Deal to All 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 foot lengths, at reasonable price 1 Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 2110-25-30 cents eac ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO'S A. G. Savage C. E. SMITH NUT AND STOVE COAL No. 1 ANTHRAOITE COAL ORDERS PHONE MAPLE 19W Prices as follows: Priced Old Post Office Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL as follows: 3 lbs . . . . . 80c. 0 l'bS . . . . . 85c. . . . . . . . . . . . 40¢. each . . . . . 40c. b â€"â€" - $1.35 per cwt. $1.20 per M $1.35 per owt.