A Few Reasons Why You Should Use “MAPLE LEAF†FEEDS Feed Service FORMULAS â€" are the result of experimental work conducted at Canadian Agricultural Colleges and Ex- perimental Farms. SALES POLICY â€"â€" All feeds are sold on the open formula. The exact number of pounds of each mâ€" gredient used to make up the feed is given on every bag. QUALITY â€" The highest quality ingredients obtain- able are used in Monarch and Cafeteria feeds. BAGS â€" All chick starters are packed in high grade cotton bags. The bags are printed in wash-out inks. With every bag of chick mash the housewife gets more than a yard and a quarter of high grade cotton. CAFETERIA OHIGK STARTER is the result of the well known Cafeteria Experiments that were conduct- ed by the Poultry Department at the Ontario Agri- cultural College. It is a very palatable ration due largely to its coarse texture. The oat greats, barley, and wheat are rolled instead of being finely ground. anu "Anvuu Av .v..v_ ._-~- MONAR‘CH CHICK STARTER is granular in texture and is higher in protein than Cafeteria Chick Starter. It gives excellent results and where poultrymen have been accustomed to feeding this type of ration you will make no mistake in buying Monarch Chick Starter. RESULTS: Monarch and Cafeteria Chick Starters are used by thousands of Canada’s best poultrymen. We receive hundreds of letters of 1 recommendation every year. For further recommendations and in- formation on feeding, read “Feed Facts for 1940â€. COMMERCIAL TIRE ‘30., Limited RECONDITIONED CARS 1931 Chr’ysler Sedan . . . . . . . . 1930 Pontiac Coupe . . . . . . . . . PAGE EIGHT SPECIAL THIS WEEK 600 x 16 Guaranteed Tires . . . . . . . . . 475 x ]9 Guaranteed Tires . . . . . . . . . 700 x 20 Slightly Used Truck Tires . 30 x 5 Slightly Used Truck Tires 700 x 21 Heavy Duty Tires . . . . . . . . Heavy Duty Truck Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . a'risAutOSupply AUTO WRECKERS u xxx True luxury marks all Oldsmobile interiors, from smart, trimly tailored upholstery to deep. resilient seats. Seat cushion sp ' s are tied and wrapped individually or long-lived comfort. Any way you look at the low-priced Olds Sixtyâ€"the popular Seventyâ€"the Stunning new Custom 8 Cruise:- . . 1- n -I. n-, A,_At__ "’I Eâ€"irhey im ress you as big, welliuilt cars. Bigâ€"not for the sake offsize aloneâ€"but because bigness means longer life, greater safety, increased comfort and freedom from repairs. Size, where it is needed, is an essential Elm-t of quality. That’s why we urge you to drive a 'gger, smarter Olds and learn for yourself how much bigness adds to comfort, performance and all-around motoring satisfaction. Visit our showrooms today. THORNHILL MOTORS, Thomhill, Ont. Phone 86, Richmond Hill Distributors for CALL â€" LANGSTAFF, ONT. PHONE THORNHILL 721‘11 Oldsmobile‘: instrument panel is both beautiful and practical. Gauges are large and easy to tend. Controls are conveniently located. The panel itself is ï¬nished in rich walnut grain. $185.00 $150.00 $9.75 $7.10 $18.00 $12.00 $10.00 . $2.00 A big-performing engine power: the low- priced Old: Sixty. It develops 95 h.p.. gives you snappier getaway and smoother cruising. Yet it saves on gas and 011. Oldsmobile is the lowest priced car in Canada, with modern coil springs all gxoqnd.§n_joy_§ Rhygymic Ride today ,L, nu- The passing of Dr. John Caldwell at his home in Toronto after a ling- ering illness was heard here with sorrow when Rev. Davis made the announcement last Sunday. When a young man the late Dr. Caldwell preached at this appointment. He was a speaker of great power and force and had a fine personality. He always remembered this place and after the reopening of the church at Christmas‘1934 presented the con- gregation with two beautiful memor- ial windows, the scenes representing "‘1 am the Good Shepherd†and “I am the Light'of the Worldâ€. The sympathy of a host of friends goes out to Mrs. Caldwell in her bereave- ment. Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper mot- ored to Oshawa on Saturday and visited friends there. Mrs. Bureau of Cobalt spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper. Friends were pleased to welcome :M‘iss Hattie Dicem-an :back to her old' homestead which. she purchased from the estate of her father the late Wm. Diceman. Roy Bowen and Hadwen Kyle were guests of the Robson‘s on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Walker Jr. and Billie of Toronto were Sunday visâ€" itorsv with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wil- son Keep in mind the W.A. entertain- ment on April 23rd when Wood‘â€" bridige Young People will present their play “It Happened in Juneâ€. Friends will be glad! to hear that George Kerr is prOgressing very fav- ora'bly from the effects of blood poisoning. The Y.P.U. program on Sunday evening was on the work of Dr. Grenfali and was presided over by Miss Eleanor Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Goddall of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wark on Sunday. Mrs. Bert Middleton and Marion spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Walker at Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clarke visited Mr. and'Mrs. N. Ferguson at Temper- anceville on Sunday. Mrs. J. Baker and little son Keh- neth visited Mrs. Craigie at Rich- mond' Hill Tuesday afternoon. The annual oratory contest will be held in ‘Carrville school on April 26. Mr. L. Burton and‘ Mr. C. Clarke attended the funeral of Mrs. Han- cock at Woodville last week. CA RRV ILLE TESTON LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Oâ€"lSB Trinity Church Women’s Auxiliary are celebrating their 50th Annivers- ary on Friday, April 19th, with a service in the 'Church at 2.30 o’clock, and after a reception in the Parish Hall. noon, rector ilt-on. aibout A jubilee service in connection with the branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of Trinity Church. Thorn- hill, will be held on Friday after- noon, when Rev. J. W. McDonald, rector of St. George's Church, Ham- ilton, who was pastor of Thornhill about twenty years ago, will speak. A sccial hour will follow in the par- ish hall Thornhill United Church celebrat- ed its annual W.M.S. special service last Sunday when Rev. Dr. C. H. Dickinson, of Toronto, was guest preacher. Music for the occasion was supplied «by Newmarket Trinity United choir under the direction of Illtyd Harris, choirmaster. Rev. A. B. Cooke, minister of the church, was in charge of the largely attend- ed service. The regular meeting of the~W.MJS. of Central United Church, Union- ville, was held at the home of Mrs. A. E Milner April 11th, the Presi- dent, Mrs. Wm. Young, presiding. There was a good attendance. The treasurer reported the sum of seven- ty-nine dollars and forty cents sent to the Presbyterial treasurer for the first quarter. The idea of a Travelling Basket, as a means of obtaining a little extra money was adopted. A com- mittee comprising Mesdames Whaley, Hobbs, BeWell and Weatherill, was asked to arrange the affair. ers. T. Hoblbs had charge of the 4th chapter of the study book, a chapter dealing with the Medical Work in India. A visit to the W.M.‘S. at Locust Hill was much enjoyed by members of the Unionville Auxiliary. Mrs. Alvin: Woods was named‘ president of the local “Burwick†In- stitute when the group met in an- nual session at the home of Mrs. R. Vanderburgh Tuesday afternoon. Others elected were as follows: lst Vice-president. Mrs. R. Vander- iburgh; 2nd Vice-president. Mrs. P. Neal; Secretary, Mrs. Clarence Gra- ham: Assistant Secretary, Miss Bet- ty Wallace: Treasurer, Miss Ger- trude Frankum; District Director, Mrs. Bob Plunkett; Directors. Miss Reva Nattress, Mrs. J. H. Kersey, ‘Mrs. Wxay, Miss Agnes Watson; Auditors, Mrs. A. E. Kearney, Mrs. C. F. Lewis; Conveners: Relief, Mrs. W. Hollingshead and Mrs. T. Mc- Lean; Education, Mrs. Arthur Howl; Social Research, Mrs. M. Barker; Agriculture, Mrs. Ross Miller; Health, Mrs. J. Weatherill; Legisla- tion, Miss Gloria Hallman; Peace, Mrs. Leo Watson; Home Economics, Miss Evelyn Brown; Pianistu Mrs_.“A. E. Kearney; Assistant pianist, Miss Agnes Watson; Visiting COmmittee, Mrs. C. F. Lewis. Mrs. J. Weather- ill, Mrs. H. Watts, Miss Jean Troy- er. Miss Myra Goodwill, Mrs. Gor- don Miller: Social Committee. Mrs. Garfield Farr. Miss Agnes McCal- lum. Mrs. W. Hollinqshead, Mrs. George Stewart. Miss Gertrude Frankum. Mrs. Lorne Bagg. Mrs. Harry Fieldhouse, Miss Hazel Ella, Mrs. J. Weatherill. Miss Gloria Hallman, Mrs. J. Kersey, Mi5s Agnes Watson. The meeting also heard splendid reports from standing com- mittees and a short nrogram which included vocal solos by Miss Betty Wallace and a talk by Miss Agnes Watson on the motto, “Take your hats off to the past and your coat off to the future.†By-law No. 712 to appoint 2. Plumbing Inspextor fer the Village of Woodlbridg‘e was passed by ap- pointing John Matthews. ‘Moved by Cecil Shannon, seconded.‘ by Wilfred R. Scott, that we do now adjourn to meet again on the first Monday in May at 8 p.m. sharp. Carried. The Woodlbridge Village council met aocordling to adjournment in the Town Hall on Monday evening, April lst. Present were N. Geong‘e Wal~ lace, reeve; councillors Cecil Shan- non and Wilfred R. Scott. WOODBRIDGE COUNCIL ‘Mï¬nutes of the previous meeting were read' and adopted and) the fol- lowing accounts were laid“ before council: r Woodlbri-dge Hydro Electric Comâ€" mission, March street “Lighting, uuwiuu, "La-Lu†cu m.» “5 ...... a, $82.16; Gutta Percha & Rubber Ltd., gas masks, $44.00; Gordon Wilcox, looking after dump, $3.00; Ed. W. Brown, salary, $25.00; C. F. Lewis, salary and postage, $27.00. Relief Account G. W. Bagg, groceries, $6.50; Woodbridge Farmers Co., coal, coke, $66.65; Mrs. A. B. Cousins, grocer- ies, $7.86; H. Hilliard, groceries and meat, $5.19; R. T. Wallace, grocer- ies, $6.65. Waterworks Department VVood‘bridg‘e Farmers Co., coal, $13.84; Woodibridge Hy‘dcro Electric Commission, power and light, $54.00; H‘umlberview Garage, charging batt- eries. $2.00; C. F. Lewis, salary, $25.00. Moved by W. R. Scott, seconded by Cecil Shannon, that the treasurer be authorized to pay the accounts as read. Carried. By-law No. 712 to appoint a MRS. A. \VOODS IS ELECTED ‘BL'RWICK’ INSTITUTE PRES. THORNHILL UN IONVILLE APRIL MEETING 1 Credit for the arrest of Quinn goes to the wife of Constable Art Daniels of Markham.‘ Quinn, it is reported, 1'1-mocked. on the door of the con- stable’s home and when Mrs. Dan- iels answered the door he requested information about some person not living there. Becoming suspicious, Mrs. Daniels notified her husband, who picked Quinn up as he walked ’_\ along the street. With the arrest of Earl Quinn, To- ronto, police of four centres believe they have cleared up a series 0f break-ins and thefts during- the past three months in Markham, Union- ville, Thornhill, Richmond Hill and Aurora. Five charges of breaking and en- tering face Quinn, three of them laid by Constable Ben Gayman and two by Chief Constable Fisher Dun- ham, of Aurora. According to police, the house- breauker they were seeking, in each case of ‘breaking and- entering, knocked on the door of a house, and if no answer came, went to the rear of the house and again knocked. If he still got no answer to his re- peated knocking the man, police de- cided, picked the lock on the dwell- ing. If any person did‘ answer the door he would invariably ask for a Mr. William Smith and go to the ‘next house. Only money and jewelry "were stolen. CANADIAN 01L SERVlCE STATION Peelar’s R.O.P. Sired Rocks NOW IS THE TIME FOR THAT SPRING CHECK-UP OF YOUR CAR General Repair Work â€" Greasing â€" Washing, Simonizing and Polishing Prompt Service and Careful, Efficient Workmanship We invite you to bring your motor troubles to us It Only Takes 6 lbs. of MASTER Growing Mash Here is real economy! Master Growing Mash costs only a few cents per 100 birds per day. It gives you birds that come into the Fall ready and able to lay for months on end. Feed Master Growing Mash all Summer and you’ll have birds coming into produc- tion normally. Properly grown birds usual- ly avoid a “three months record production followed by a costly blow-upâ€. Drop in next time you’re in town. Let’s talk this growing programme over. It’s good business. It’s making new friends for us and for Master every year. We’ll be able from vfrésh stock. Phone Thornhill 54 CECIL MABLEY, Prop. WHITE ROSE GAS and ENARCO MOTOR OIL Telephone 156W North Yonge St., Richmond Hill PHONE 571'11 WALTER BONE & SON WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Frost Steel & Wire Co. Products We Gladly Quote Prices Phone Maple 864 Order Your May Chicks Now at reduced prices ALL BREEDERS BLOOD TESTED NO OUTSIDE FLOCKS per 100 birds daily ! C. A. PEELAR THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1940. 'PEEL COUNTY GRANTS 5500 T0 LORNE SCOTS Peel county council at the March session, voted a grant of $500 to the Lorne Scots regiment. They also de- cided to make a grant of $500 to Peel Agricultural Society and voted $150 for the Fairs at Cooksville, Caledon, Bolton and Streetsville. To- ronto Gore Agricultural Society will receive $100. The council authorized an expenditure of $400 for reforesta- tion work. $500 for the county soil survey and $50 for Mono Mills con- tinuation school. Greenbough Bungalows We build your home com- plete solid brick $2,500 $250.00 down $14.71 per month Buy your home before prices advance These houses have no con- nection with any others building in the village Apply 110 Richmond St., Richmond Hill NATIONAL HOUSING ACT MAPLE, ONT. We Deliver