Another reason for putting forth a special effort in home beautification work just now is to make Canada more attractive to tourists. The tourist trade from the United States is Very important to Canada at the present time and anything that can be done to help increase it will be a benefit to the Dominion as a whole. We frequently meet with the objection that gardens and flowers cost too much or that they take too much time. The truth is that it is not so much a matter of time or money asvit is of desire and disposition. If we are disposed to have gardens and flowers and attractive home surroundings, we will have them no matter how busy we may be. Your nearest Experimental Farm 01; Agricultural College will gladly give you information re- garding suitable varieties of planting material for the dis- trict in which you live. The investment that you make of time and money in this connection will pay great divi- dends in satisfaction and if you make your home more attractive you have helped to improve the town or com- munity in which you live. If you help to make your home town or community more beautiful you have helped to make a more beautiful Canada. Advent of the warmer weather is welcome after the long, tedious winter months. It is at this season, that any community looks its worst, with an accumulation of winter debris on the streets and in the back yards. The annual appeal is made to those with a sense of civic pride to clean up their premises. The women have already at- tacked every corner of the home in the annual spring house-cleaning drive, and it remains for other members of the family to lend a hand in cleaning up the exterior sur- roundings. Plan to make your home more attractive this year. Visitors to your community will be impressed, and a little paint, a few plants, a rock garden, or a hedge will add many times their cost to the attractiveness of a home. Most homes and places of business need a thorough face- washing at this time of year and it is surprising what a little attention in this regard will mean. To “protect peace in the North,†Germany has in- vaded Scandinavia and provoked a declaration of war by Norway. Berlin says that German occupation is the “sole guarantee†the Scandinavian countries will not become a battlefield. Of course, the mantle of the “protector†blows aside in places. In one place the note mentions that Germany is interested in a continued supply of Swed- ish iron and in another it says that Germany can under no circumstances tolerate Scandinavia being made into “theatre of war against Germany.â€â€"(From the Boston Christian Science Monitor). There are many good reasons why every household- er, rural or urban, should do his or her part toward mak- ing the home surroundings more attractive. In the first place, the moncy spent for nursery stock or other plant- ing material is a good investment and will increase the value of a home to a much greater extent than the amount spent for planting material. Further, in the full and satisfactory life there must be found time for both mental and physical relaxation and where can one find a more satisfactory place to get away from warâ€"times stress and strain than among the flowers of the garden. The expenditures in most cases. will not be heavy, but the prolific use of a paint brush and use of a rake and other garden tools will help to make Richmond Hill and other York County communities more attractive to 'visitors. . Join the “Paint-Up, Clean-Up†campaign this year. Yet almost the whole note is devoted to building up the picture of Nazi Germany as the tender protector of neutrals. It begins with long explanations of how Britain launched “sea warfare against the neutral world†and how Germany “aimed at respecting neutral rights.†And it protests that the present action is taken because the Allies “intended to make a surprise occupation of certain regions in the Northern States in the coming days.†Un- der this reasoning Germany has committed an offence which â€" according to Berlin â€" the British and the French intended to commit. We are influenced by our surroundings to a greater degree than we sometimes realize. Children are parti- cularly sensitive in this regard. Surely a home in and around which flowers are grown is a better place to bring up children than a home where no attention is paid to these friends of the plant kingdom. If children are taught to love flowers and become familiar with them they will be filled with love for these things and there will be less room in their hearts and minds for the things that hurt and destroy. Canada is a land of rare natural beauty from the Bras (1’ Or Lakes in Cape Breton Island to the MOuntain Ranges of the Pacific Coast. Nature has endowed this country with the most beautiful and the greatest variety of natural scenic grandeur to be found anywhere in the universe, mountains, lakes, streams, forests, plains, water- falls, all are to be found in great abundance. The things which are unsightly and unlovely are made by man and it would seem that the least we can do is to make these man-made places sufficiently attractive that they will, in some measure at'least, be in keeping with the great na- tural beauty to be found throughout this great Dominion. The Nazi Government has again made a mockery of words. With the meaning of German "protection" plain to be seen in Poland and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Berlin now asks Norway and Denmark not to resist “protection†by the German Army. Then, aware perhaps that Nazi venevolence might be misunderstood, the German note to the Danes and Norwegians adds that if there is resistance to such “protection†it will be “brok- en by every available means.†The old saying that a home is not a home until it is planted is as true to-day as ever. Every unplanted home in Canada can be made more attractive by the judicious use of trees, shrubs, vines, flowers and a well-kept lawn. Estabï¬shed 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachem Smith, Manager iember Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year - To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Beet Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 PAGE TWO A MORE BEAUTIFUL CANADA THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1940. CLEAN-UP â€" PAINT-UP “THE LIBERAL†“PROTECTION†However, thanks to the skill and versatility of Canadian workmen and engineers, the guns went into pro- duction a full five months ahead of the allotted time. Some idea of the enormous task that had been accomplished with the firing of that first gun may be gainâ€" ed from the fact that 17,604 fix- tures, tools and gauges are used ini conjunction with 600 machines inl turning out a Bren gun. Becausel they had no counterpart in other lines of indu'stry, a great proportion 'of these tools, gauges and other pieces of equipment had to be made in the plant itself. When the Canadian concern was given its contract, it was allowed two years in which to prepare itself for actual production of guns, be- cause military authorities here and in England well realized the tremen- dous difficulties to be faced in settâ€" ing up the necessary manufacturing facilities. The first gun to come off the line was expected to contain many faults subsequently to be corrected by ad'- justments to machines and increased experience on the part of the work- men themselves. Yet, to use the words of a plant official “She acted like a lady.†The machine gun that fired that first round was made in its entirety from raw Canadian steel, tempered and treated by Canadian experts, fashioned into its intricate shape by the hands of Canadian workmen. Today, and for many months to come, hundreds of Canadian broth- ers of this, the world’s most modern and efficient light machine gun, will travel from the assembly line. They will fire their first bursts on the plant’s testing range and be handed over to the forces of Canada and the Motherland to play their part in winning the Allies’ eventual victory. The story of how these complicat- ed weapons were taken from the drafting boards of Europe and put into Canadian production is one of the most interesting in the annals of Canadian industrial history. The vast majority of our Canad- ian 'workmen, it must be remember- ed, had never before worked on the production of machine guns, or any other kind of light weapon, for that matter. Mounted on the' test range, it plugged its bullets into the target as speedily and accurately as could ‘be expected: frdm the best product. It was the staccato bark of a Bren machine gun and the burst of firing was the signal of a new Can- adian accomplishment â€" an accomp- lishment that may take on more and more significance before the war is Even in the steel many problems 'are presented. because each Bren 'gun contains fifteen different alloys which must be constantly examined and checked by expert metallurgists. The journey taken by the Bren gun from the moment it is so many lumps of shapeless steel until it is a deathly weapon of precision, takes in 2,846 separate and distinct oper- ations. OVEI' ' It starts this journey as 101 pounds of steel and completes it as 21 pounds of machine gun, trimmed down in some instances to accuracies of 4/1,000 of an inch. Such pre- cision reaches its highest degree in the standards room of the plant, where there are measuring devices capable of registering up to ten one- millionths of an inch. This room is kept at a constant temperature of 68 degrees F. to prevent even the slight expansion and contraction of steel due to changing temperatures. The gun itself is designed as a successor to the Lewis light machine gun. It is primarily an infantry weapon. It is the standard light machine gun of the British Empire. The name “Bren†is a contraction of “Brunn†Czecho‘Slovakia, where the gun was first developed, and “Enfield†in Englandpwhere it was refined and perfected for use in the British forces. Had you been standing in the vi- cinity of a Toronto manufacturing plant a few weeks ago you might have heard a new and strange sound rising above the normal bustle of industrial activity. Toronto Factory Turns Out Bren Guns Nothing moves on the sutside of the gun and all principal parts are "interlocked, thus doing away with nuts and bolts so far as possible. It fires one magazine clip of 30 rounds in 4 seconds and a well- trained crew of two soldiers can fire 210 of its .303 calibre cartridges in one minute, including the time ne- cessary to change clips. In its initial order, Canada will ‘supply a total of 12,000 of these Weaponsâ€"7,000 to its own forces and 5,000 to Great Britain. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO The executive of King Women’s Institute appointed department con- veners for 1940‘ at an executive meeting on April 15th: EducatiOn, Mrs. Walter Rolling; Home Econom- ics, Mrs. Wells McDonald; Health and Child Welfare, Mrs. Patton; Ag- riculture and Canadian Industries, Jessie Gellatly; Legislation, Mrs. Jack Archilbald; Historical Research, and Current Events, Miss Jarvis; Community Activity and Relief, Mrs. Armstrong; Canadianization, Mrs. P. Norris; Peace, Education and Inter- national Relations, Mrs. Colin Stew- art; Red Cross Committee, Mrs. D. M. Ross and Miss Jessie Monkman; Program Conveners, Mrs. D. Rawlâ€" ings, Mrs. C. Campbell. Plans for the twenty-fifth annual meeting of Section four Presbyterian Women’s Missionary Society, have been set up for May 16th at Aurora Presbyterian Church. This column congratulates Mr. John Dutcher of Kettleby who cele- brated» his 84th birthday this week. Born at Eversley. attending school at Kinghorn, married 6-0 years ago in King City United Church to Susan Thorpe of fifth line, Mr. Dutcher was known by older settlers about King. About 40 years ago he re- moved to the Kettleby district and with Mrs. Dutcher enjoys good health and the companionship of his family, grandchildren and great- grandchildren. ‘ Ten years his senior is Mr. Luke Gibbons of Kettle‘oy, celebrating his 94th birthday this month. The son of an enterprising Irish immigrant, Patrick Gibbons, Mr. Gibbons inher- ited the industrious and progressive nature of his parents. pioneer settl- ers of Kettleby district. His sociable, even disposition, his Irish humour and his zest for living- is still quite apparent. A fondness for learning, a remarkable memory, a sixth sense as a public office holder, gave him scope for his active mind. He was none the less a lover and tiller of the soil and resides on-the farm where,he was born. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, May 14th at the home of Mrs. Douglas Davis, “Educationâ€, the topic. May 12th is the date of King United Church Anniversary, good services anticipated. Dr. Jordan’s movie slides and lec- ture in the interests of Laskay Wo- Man’s Organization on April '17th proved a delight to those fortunate enough to be present. Four hundred select photos of the Royal Visit, 'taken by the Toronto Camera Club, as well as snapshots of Ottawa tak- en by Dr. Jordan himself, was an unusual entertainment here. Mrs. A. McClure, Mrs. R: Gellatly and Miss Alice Ferguson attended ‘the 26th annual Presbyterial of W. M.S. held at Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto, April 16, 17 and 18. The Girls’ Mission Cir-cle held their 'April meeting in the SS. hall on Tuesday evening with Miss Irene ’Smith‘ in the chair. The Evening ‘Auxiliary of Richmond Hill United "Church were guests and conducted ’the devotional worship service with ’Miss Jones and Mrs. L. Clement in ‘charge. Miss; N. Fisher sang a solo Very~acceptwbly. The guest speaker Was Rev. Dr. Frank Russell who has spent a number of years in India. 'He spoke on "The Bhils of Indiaâ€. 'He said they Were a truthful honest people and when given the oppor- ‘tunity of hearing the gospel became 'sincere Christians, and on one occa- sion a whole village was converted ‘by one of these Bhils who had re- ‘ceived the Gospel. A young Bhil Was brought in from the jungle to attend the Mission School. He afâ€" terwards graduated as a Medical Doctor and is now serving in one of the Mission Hospitals of the United Church in India and is an autstand- ling surgeon. His sister is a gradu- ‘ate nurse in the same hospital. Fol- ‘lowing the meeting a Birthday Tea Was held to celebrate the eighth an- niversary of the organization. Spring flowers made an attractive centre to the tea table with! green lighted 'candles. A large birthday cake with ‘eight lighted candles graced the table and was cut by Mrs. Robert 'Pinder. As this was her birthday also, she was presented with a beau- tiful corsage of sweet peas by Miss 'Bertha Smith on behalf of the Girls' Circle. Also Mrs. A. W. Galbraith, the WM.S. president, received a corâ€" ‘sage, who presided at the tea table ‘and poured tea. About sixty were in attendance. The Victorian Order of Nurses has put on a campaign this week to raise $3000.00. This is a worthy cause and ‘Laskay Y.P.U. will put on views of Labrador Missions followed by a box social on April 25th. KING CITY NEW’TONBROOK deserves your loyal support. If Our visiting nursing service were not a- ‘vailable many of our people would have to be without skilled nursing care of any kind during their illness. The two nurses in charge, Miss Cur- tis and Miss Scrimgeour, made 700 balls last month in North York. Last year they made a total of over 7000 ‘calls. l The annual Spring Rally of To- ’ront0 Centre Presbyterial W.M.S. ‘will be held next Tuesday, April 30 at 11 a.m. in King City'United Church. It is hoped that a. ï¬end re- ‘presentation from here will attend. Deer Park United Church Chapel, Toronto, was the setting of a pretty ‘wedding last Saturday at 3.30 p.m. when Vernona Blanche Folliott, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ‘Ivan Folliott of King City became the bride of Raymond Lester Ed- ‘monds, son of Mr. and- Mrs. A. Ed- monds of Toronto with Rev. A. H. ‘Halbert officiating. The bride, who Was given in marriage by her bro- ther, Lawrence Folliott of Queens- ‘ville, wore a costume of Queen’s ’Blue with corsage of sweetheart ‘roses and Iily-of-the-valley. She was 'attended Iby her sister, Wilda Foll- iott who wore a primrose yellow Icostume with navy accessories and a ‘corsage of Talisman roses and corn ‘flowers. The wedding music was played by the organist of the church. 'A reception followed at the home of “the bride's aunt, Mrs. H. George, 21 Baby Point Rd. The happy yOung ‘couple left later on a wedding trip to New York. They will reside in 'Toronto. The Y.P.U. will present a play en- titled “Look Who’s Here†in New- ‘tonbrook S. S._ hall of the United *Church on Friday, May 3rd at 8 pmt. Plan to come and enjoy a happy time. A car reportedly owned by Frank King, of Thistletown, rolled more than 1-00 feet down an embankment in Swansea Saturday night, and came to rest near the Humber river. It had been reported stolen earlier. The Mission Band met last .Sat- urday with a large attendance. Reta Hurd presided and Jean Lippett asâ€" sisted in the devotional service. Mrs'. E. Pearson and Mrs. B. Sampson were in charge of the meeting and gave a review of the study book chapter. The next meeting Will be held on Saturday, May 4 at 2.30 pm. 'YON GE STREET in 1940 . . . and through the years to come SAVES YOUR FOOD . . . SAVES YOUR MONEY SAVE M NORGE The greater Norge is a greater money-saver . . . it combines the economies of Royal Rollator gold-making with the food-saving economies of a refrxgerator [hats almost Model shown is SR4; all storage space. Come 1n . . . see what this means to you in dollars and cents. See also the many other time-saving, food- 95 saving, money-saving features your refrig- 0 eration dollar buys in a Notge. AND UP Other models as low as foyag m QM erex’s Electric Store SEE NORGE BEFORE YOU BUY! THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1940. Recently boys of the lst Wood- bridge Wolf Cub Pack enjoyed a. theatre ‘ arty in Toronto. The out» ing conc udedJ with lunch at the home of a member, Dudley Kearney. Trans- portation for the eighteen boys was provided by Dr. G. D. McLean, Mrs. A. E. Kearney and Mrs. Leo Wat- son. After extensive deliberation on Monday evening, Brampton council- lors decided not to amend or re- strict the by-law which permits cars to park on streets for “a reasonable length of timeâ€. Mayor R. P. Worth said he knew of an automobile which had been parked on West street since Christmas Day. FIRST CLASS BREAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, At Maple FINE SALT, 100 lbs. . . . . . COARSE SALT, 100 lbs. IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS, IODIZED, each â€" Also â€" CAR MILL FEED BRAN . . . . . . . SHORTS . . . . . MIDDLINGS . I Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and a Fair Deal to All 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 foot lengths, at reasonable price 1 Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25-30 cents each MlLKMtAKEIR O.A.C. Formula SALT C. E. SMITH reight Sheds NUT COAL ORDERS PHONE MAPLE 19W IT AND STOVE OOAL No. 1 ANTHRACITE Priced Prices as follows: O.A.‘C. Formula RIC HMON D HILL as follows: $1.35 per cwt- $1.20 per cwt. $1.35 per cwt. 65c. 80c. 85c.