Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Apr 1940, p. 4

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Bowden Lumber & Coal CO.LTD. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Insulex, Donnacpna Board, etc. Lehigh [alley JONES COAL Co. LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0284 AfiTHRACITE “The Coal That Satjsfiesi’ Greenbough Bungalows NATIONAL HOUSING ACT We build your home com- plete solid brick $2,500 $250.00 down $14.71 per month Buy your home before prices advance These houses have no con- nection with any others building in the village Apply G.‘ H. PRICE Now on Display in Our Showrog 11-0 Richmond St. Richmond Hill DAVID HILL & C31 Paris AutoSupply AUTO WRECKERS RICHMOND HILL COMMERCIAL TIRE C0., Limited 450 x 21 TIRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.35 475 x 19 TIRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.00 30 x 5 TRUCK TIRES, used . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 HEAD LIGHT REFLECTORS, resilvered, pr. . $1.50 13 PLATE BATTERIES. exchange . . . . . . . . . . $4.95 CROWN MOTOR OIL, sealed cans, per gal. . . . . $1.00 1 Gallon Paragon Motor Oil for your discarded Battery or will pay 65c. cash. We have a complete stock of C.C.M. Bicycle Parts PAGE FOUR PRICED FROM $189.95 TO $329.95 Weekly payments may be arranged Telephone 188 BUY NOW â€"â€" Additional luxury taxes under the new budget may increase prices considerably. Kelvinator The New 1940 Phone 86, Richmond Hill Distributors for SPECIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.B., Minister Sunday, April 28th 11 a.m.â€"“What is Happiness?” 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, April 28th 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. All Be partments. 7 p.m.â€"“Surrender.” Do your best at all times and do it with your might. ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road Sunday, April 28th Easter 5 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. 7 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Prayer and Serâ€" ‘ mon. Preacher at both services, the Rec- tor. A11 invited to worship God at these services. tor. p.m.â€"Vesper Service. The Gospel in song and sermon. One hour only. Inspiring music at all ser- vices. Mr. A. Melecci, organist and choir leader. A hearty we]- come ‘awaits you at these ser- vices. a.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship. The ONTARIO LIMITED There was a very good attendance at Y.P.U. last Sunday evening. The .meeting opened with Hazel Carson presiding for the first ten minutes after which Eddy James, the con- venor for the evening, took charge. Opening hymn 164, prayer read by Eddy James followed, Scripture 1es_ son Matt. 11-13-20, a reading “Mediâ€" tation" was given by Eddy James. This was followed by the feature of the evening, lantern slides on “Mr. Murray at Labrador” which were en- joyed by all. On Saturday at noon Mrs. Hall discovered her home was on fire caused by an overheated Stovepipe. The alarm was given and neighbors and Maple Fire Brigade tried to get the fire under control but only a few effects were saved. The loss is covered. by insurance. Mrs. Hall and family have since leased the house belonging to Harold Bowen and have the assistance and sym- pathy of the neighborhood in their misfortune. . Mr.’ and Mrs. Garner of Tor0nto were visitors with Mrs. Wm. VMar- wood' on Sumday afternoon. Roy Bowen has purchased the Wells farm 1% miles east of King Village and will take possession af- ter the sale there on April 2w6th. Friends wish him success in his new home. Alex. MacDonald- has leased the farm formerly occupied by E. Cas- tator, from the present owner Sid. Bowers, Fairbank, and has moved over from Lot 25. ’ Miss Lorna Henderson. Toronto, visited with her friend Miss Jean Robson for the Week-end. iMiSS Mildred Monks, Toronto, vis-â€" ited with Mrs. Alex. MacDonald last Saturday afternoon and on Sunday afternoon Miss Norma Garner, To- ronto, was a visitor. Messrs. Frank,Piercey and E. J. Hitchcock were guests of Mr. and Mrs.» Hugh Lighthoddy, Toronto, Sunday evening. Mrs. 'Ben Corfield,-‘Carrvil.1e, 'was £1 visitor with“ Mrs George .Taggart last Tuesday. ' At the W.A. Entertainment _on Monday evening, April 22, the Young People of Rev. Garnet Lynd’s church at'Downsview- presented their play “Aunt Susie Shoots the Works”. There was a fair attendance to hear his very bright and attractive play which was nicely staged and the characters gave a good account of themselves inmtheir presentation of characters. There were many shocks, thrills and blackouts which gave very weird feelings to the audience. The director Mrs. Harold Dickin is to be congratulated on the success of her effort and the young peeple ‘on the good work in staging and costuming. At the close the ladies Served lunch. The caste included: ‘Joy Herbert, Ilse Lu'bbers; Scarlet ‘Deane, Mildred Shore; Aunt Susie, ‘Mrs A. Phillips; Madame Zola, ‘Adele ‘Carruthers; Johnny Rogers, George Brooks; Laura Dawson, Mil- dred Young; Portia Lark, Doris Wil- son; La Salle Johnson, Chas. Gorâ€" don; Omar Graves, Eryslle Phillips; Cynthia Dunning, Winnifred Dickin; 'Slick Conway, Wesley Lynd. DIED ‘CASILEY, Re-beccaâ€"At Unionville, on Monday, April 22nd, 194-0, Re- becca Casley, widow of the late Dan- iel Casley. Funeral was held at Wright .& Taylor’s Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, on Wednesday at 2.30. Inter- ment followed in Hagerman Hill Cemetery GLENIDINN‘INJG, John P.â€"Sudden'ly, on Monday, April 22nd, 1940, John ‘P. Glendinning, Milliken, Scarboro’ Township, beloved husband of Ara- bella Johnston, in his 61st year. Funeral private was held from his‘ late residence on Thursday, 25th in- stant, at 2 o’clock. Interment folâ€" lowed in St. John’s Cemetery, Mark- ham Township. The regular meeting of the Y'.P.S. was held at the hOme of Mr. B. Witty Wednesday, April 17. A mis- sionary program directed by Chas. Shropshire was very much enjoyed. The Village Caretaker will make the rounds of the Village dur- ing the early part of May for the purpose of collecting the DOG TAX for the current year. Please be ready for him when he calls. The tax for 1940 is as follows. One male dog, $2.00; each ad- ditional male dog, $4.00. One female dog, $5.00; and each addition female dog, $8.00. Richmond Hill, April 25, 1940. A. J. HUME, Clerk. DOGS {JUN GURU TESTON THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ROSELAVVN DAIRY HORSES and’ Mares. Apply Leo Burton, Carr- ville Road. ALFALFA SEED. W. E. Heacock, Maple, telephone Maple 1537. hatching; also quantity manure. Ap- ply Liberal Office. USED BEE SUPPLIES, good con- dition. Anderson, 92 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. DRILL FOR SALE, 15 disc, Masseyâ€" Hlarris; Harrows, etc. Langstaff Supply, Langstaff. THIRTY or FO‘RTY loads manure. Naughton Farm, El‘gin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 127. QUANTITY OF MIXED HAY, Clo- ver and TimothyY haled. Geo. Mc- Nair, Maple RE. No. 2. EUREBRED WHifiE I;EKII:I- [TUCK NUMBER OF GOOSE EGGS for grey, suitable for farm work or dairy wagon. Apply Phpne Maplel 463. BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms, at Maple, good garden, fruit trees, garage. Ap- ply A. Rumble, Maple, or G. Rumble, King. ' - EGGS for hatching. L. C. Burton, Carrvi‘lle Road. Phone Maple 764. BANNER SEED. OA'DS, 700. bus.; O.A.C; “No; 21 ' Barley, ~75c. bus. C. E..Wa1kington, King, telephene‘, King 421?}.- - ERCHERON GELDING, dapple 38 PIGS, 40 to 100 lbs., good stock, priced right, first come first served. J. M. Farquharson, Victoria Square. Phone Stouffville 6103. i LEG‘HORN CO‘C‘KEREL CHICKS $1.26 ‘per' hundred. No delivery. Every Friday. Apply W/m. Vander- benvt, Gormley, phone Thornhill 1821. ALF‘ALFA SEED, cleaned by Eddy ‘Seed Cleaning Co., Toronto, Grade 1, $12.00 per :bus. Apply Robert Vyse, 'Corner Bathurst and Lawrence Ave., North Toronto, phone Mayfair 4996. 1‘0 YOUNG HOLSTEIN COWS, all good milkers, 3 of them fresh, 2 due May 9th. J. M. Galloway,- Hager- man Corners, Bell Telephone Agin- ‘court 51J4. GAJRDEN PROPERTY, two and a half acres, attractive cottage, elec- tric light, lots of small fruit, in Bar- rie. A Ibargain to close an estate. Apply Box 62 The Liberal Office. BAXTER‘S SEEDS, PLANTS and Fertilizer. It will pay you to buy garden supplies from us. See our display at 3372 Yonge St., at Mel- rose Avenue. ASIPARAAGUS ROOTS. Mary Wash- ington, (rustproof), strong, healthy roots. One year old, $1.00 per 100. Two year old, $1.25 per 100. Henry Kanis, 103 Richmond Street, Rich- mond Hill. SET DOUBLE HARNESS; Grinder, 13 inch; 8 gas drums; 'set scales, 12040 lbs.; wagon and 2 racks; seed potatoes; 20 bus. turnips. Apply J. Baker, foot of Church Street, Rich- mond Hill. PI‘T RUN GRAVE‘L, Concrete Gra- vel, Sand, etc. Prompt deliveries. Charges reasonable. Also general trucking, road materials, P.C.V. Li- cense. W. J. Hodge, Maple, phone Maple 19W. 2 OAK LIBRARY CHAIR‘S, uphol- stered; 1 Walnut rocker; odd chairs; ORDER BIG-4 MAY CHICKS NOW. “Our 4th year with Big-4 Chicksâ€" wonderful layers,” writes T. Jones. Big 4 Chicks are from Government Inspected, Blood-tested Breeders. All po-pulér breeds. Chicks $8.95 and up. Pullets, Cockerels, Day-old, Started Chicks and Pullets, all ages. Write for catalogue with prices. Wesley Clark, Gormley, Ont, R.R. 2. Phone Richmond Hill 4704. 1 Chesterfield chair; 2 carved Wal- nut tip-top tables; 1 round Walnut table; 1 Walnut living room table; carved Walnut lamps. 33 Hunt Ave. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Mortgage for sale, $1700. Good investment on Toronto residential property which sold May lst, 1939 for $2100. Imâ€" provements made since that date, hardwood floors, etc., amounting to $300.00. Payments of $30 a month, paid regularly during the past year. Original mortgage $1900.00 for five years. Balance owing at 5%% 5% off for cash. Liberal Office. Lions edftorial staff inwtes "let- ters from the people” on subjects of local interest for the special isâ€" sue of The Liberal next week. Copy should reach The Liberal Orffice not later than Tuesday morning. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors, and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall ap- Apply Box 74, pear to be true viewsâ€"Abraham Lincoln. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISENGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT i{:5.71:E§;F§v- lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and laiéenté 10: each subsequent insertion. Over 6 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. 1F CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE NLNE FIGS, 7 weeks old. L. Chap- man, Langstaff, Stop 20 Yonge ,St. 12 SMALL PIGS, feeders; Â¥Sow with 7 pigs. Apply George Kd'zak, Rich- mond Hill. LARGE USED MOFFAT ELECTRIC RAJNGE, 4 burners, warming oven, good condition, $35.00. Apply 1212 Yonge St, phone RichmOnd Hill 100. PULLEYS, hangars, shafting, coun- tcrshafts, drill press, Massey-Harris mower, greenhouse glass, rafters, bee supplies. J. H. Young, Green- houses, Steele’s and Bayview. SINGLE MAN WANTED, n0n-sm0k4 er preferred. Bermor Farms, second concession Markham, phone Rich- mond Hill 441‘6. V GIRL or MIDDLE-AGED WO'MtAN for general housework on farm. Ap- ply Mrs. Robert Gee, RE. 2 Gorm- ley, phone‘ Stouffville 6108.‘ . BOYS WANTED to vcaddie at Up- '1ands Golf Club, Thornhill, ages 12 ~’£o 16 years. Apply Saturday morn- ing at 9 o’clock at Pro Shop. SEPTIC ' TANKS; installed, cleaned and repaired, 'drains renewed, wells dug andvcleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jefif- erson. ‘ HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 7-3. 7_ .tf BIG 4 CHECKS will make you Extra Profits. John ‘Sheckleton writes, “Purchased Big 4 Chicks 3 years and have always raised 100%”. G. Vei- ini writes, “Our Big 4 Barred Rock Cockerels at 41/2 months averaged 6‘7’2 lbs.” ‘This is what makes the profits. Write for Catalogue and Low Prices on all Popular Breeds, Hybrids, Started Chicks, Pullets and Special Low Prices on Day-old Cock- erels. Wesley Clark, Gormley R.R. 2, Ont. Phone Richmond Hill 4704. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. -Es-ti1nétes given._ N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt ,Avenue. ' - ff. by "Experienced workmen. .Priees rea; sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer-~ son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. PAINTING & DECORATING done IT‘S RESULTS THAT COUNT. For the best possible results in hatching, either turkey, duck, bantam, pheasant or hen eggs, bring your eggs to an expert. All eggs .inCubated and hatched in individual compartments. Any number of eggs. accepted at any time. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. ‘FOX TERRIER, white with brown spot on side and face. Pet. Finder please notify A. Brown, Jefferson. The First Instalment ofthe cur- rent year’s ta'ggs ‘iggue. A penalty of three per cent is imposed on all taxes remaining unpaid after May 20th. . Pay promptly and save. expense Discount of two per cent is al- lowed when payment of the whole amount of the year’s taxes is made on or before May 15th. Richmond Hill, April 25, 1940. A. J. HUME, T AXES INVITE LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE Lions edl‘torial staff invites “let- ters from the people” on subjects of local interest for the special is- sue of The Liberal next week. Copy should reach The Liberal Office not later than Tuesday morning. MISCELLANEOUS (Graduate of the Owen A. Smily Studio) ELOCUTION and DRAMATIC ART “Homewood Hall” Thornhfll MARGUERITE BOYLE W A NTE‘D MAY IST. LOST Village Treasurer. THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1940. HOUSE, 6 rooms, all convenignces. Possession immediately. Apply Lib- eral Office. ‘ ' 6 ROOMED HOUSE on Elizabeth Street. Apply W. Bone. 15 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service MODERN APARTMENT convenient-- 1y located, electric rzmge. Possession. 'immediately. Apply Liberal Office. 5 ROOMED HOUSE including 1% acres of land, 1/2 mile south of Edge-- lejr. Possession April 151;. Apply H. L. Whitmore, Maple, phone Maple 791‘21. ences, electric stove, possess-ion at once. W. C. Savage, Yonge St., phone- 1~06, Richmond Hill. DUPLEX, five rooms, all conveni- SIX ROO’MED HOUSE, 60 Richmoni Street, Richmond Hill, good cellar, garage, Lot 100x150. Moderate tent- 31. Apply A. E. Glass, Richmond Hill, telephone 20. HOUSES, 6 and 7 rooms, modern conveniences, sunroom, gas and Velec; tric, garage, chuicken house; Close to church, post office, 5091001.,and' store. $28[& $30 per month. Amle 51 Drewry Aven, Newtombrook, phone Willawd'ale 944.~ v 127 Yomge SL. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios Dr. L. R. Bell who formerly prac- ticed Dentistry here for 'sevéi'al ye'iirs'v has' resumed 'practice in the vflla‘ge and his office i-s,lpcated in the Hotel Richmond. Telefihone 111. ‘ Owners of dogs in Vaughan “Town- ship are hereby warned that. it'is- contrary to Towhship By-Iaw'to 51- low dogs to run at large during- the summer months. ‘ A11 dog owners are hereby asked to- take notice and observe the con- ditions of the said byâ€"Iaw. Used Cars (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1938 FORD V-S COUPEâ€"A GM 1937 FORD V-8 DeLZ‘JX'E COUPEâ€" 1937 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€" Small 1931 DURANT SEDANâ€"Good ville 1935 FORD V-8 TUDORâ€"Excep- tionally nice. 1931 DODGE PANEL DELIVERY TRUCK. In excellent condition. 1930 WHIPPET SEDAN in good condition. Cheap transp9rtation. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS 0F VAUGHAN;T\VP. . n Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE 1940 LICENSES Very nice. mileage. TUBES TESTED FREE TO RE NT N O T I C Emmi?” J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk $550.00 $395.00 $495.00 $135.00 $495.00 $175.00 $175.00

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