Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Apr 1940, p. 8

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Wmmmwmouwom T0 FARMERS Phone 10 JIthratedâ€"Cheviolet Special De Lwoe Sport Sedan. 'TO ORILLIA 8.18 a.m. 1.43 pm. 6 5.48 pm. e 6.48 pm. câ€"figat. only ;‘ Special reduced price on Oilcake and Soybean Meal PAGE EIGHT 'We have a good supply of Erban. Alaska, Victory and Banner Seed Oats Treat your grain with Ceresan. It pays. A good supply always on hand Timothy and Clever Seeds topies of I. D. RAMER & SON Also No. 21 O.A.C. and Velvet Barley and Spring Wheat Effective Sunday, April 28th LEAVE RICHMOND HILL (Standard Time) ILLIA T0 N-OR’I‘H BAY TO MI] :3 m; 8.18 a..m. 3.; RAY COACH LINES G. A. DONNELLY, Telephone 177 the new time tables are available at all offices and agencies THORNHILL MOTORS d 5.48 p.m e 6.48 p.m y;‘ dâ€"Daily ‘except Sat, Sun. and Ho]. eâ€"Sat., Sun. and H01. only 1 All coach traveh information at THORNHILL Attached to the front end of the chassis frame, and linked to the lower Knee-Action member, it imâ€" parts genuine steadiness on curves and sharp turns! With double-acting shock absorbers, and with spring action varying auto- matically according to load and de- flection. “balanced springing”assures uniform riding smoothness. SCIENTIFICALLY BALANCED SPRINGS 'I‘O MIDLAND 8.18 a.m. c 1.43 pm. The Elevator ONTARIO Scientific distribution of weight over springs in this longest of all lowest- priced carsâ€"completes the story of today’s finest ride,“Chevrolet's Ride Royal!” Come in and try it today. RIGID ALL-STEEL BODY AND BOX-GIRDER FRAME The strongest and most rigid body and frame const‘ruction known to modern automotive engineeringâ€"â€" makes forsolid, long-lasting comfort and safety. The regular meeting of the Y.F.U. was withdrawn Monday evening and the members attended the Rally held at Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. Kv‘ly of Gananoque are visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Robeson. The combined Women’s Associa- tion and Women’s Missionary So- c ety held their April meeting at the home of Mrs. L. Laver with twenty- five members present. An address “ Your Life Count”, was giv- en .by Mrs. H. E. Huenergard. Mrs. J. R. MacCrimmon gave the report of the W.M.S. conference. Lunch was served by the committee in charge, Mrs. A. Wilson and Mrs. F. P. Rumble. Mrs. 1. Watson, Mrs. Fred Cooper and Mrs. Harry Taylor attended the fiftieth anniversary of Trinity Church Women’s Auxiliary at Thornâ€" hill Friday afternoon, April 19th. Miss Minnie Line and Mrs. Carl Black visited Monday at the home of Mrs. Geo. Lloyd. Toronto. Thirty-five Maple friends of Al Forrest attended the graduating ex- ercises of Emmanuel College held in Deer Park United Church, Toronto, on Tuesday evening, Ariril 23rd. On April 15th. twenty years ago, Miss Muriet Gould came from Eng- land to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. F. Line. iss Florence Cave spent a few days this week at the home 0f Miss Myrtle Keffer. ¢ ‘ Congratulations to Bob Manning -who has won the McLellan Scott and! the R. H. Thornton scholarships at Knox College, and has led his year with first class honours. Necessity is the mother of inven- tion. That’s why some boys invented a method of stealing gaSOIine out of parked‘ cars. 3| Inc" THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MAPLE g‘ of the Y.P.U.l -» jay evening and Warden and Members of the York lthe Rally held ’ County Council Honoured by ‘ Patterson Lodge A.F. & A.M. n M3 Cuminan Thornhill C4I4B A very pleasing event took place at the regular meeting of Patterson Lodge Thursday, April 18th, 1940, when the officers and members hOn- oured the Warden of York County, Bro. Earl Bales, who is a member of Patterson Lodge. He was accom- panied by his colleagues of the York ‘County Council and Visitors from the various lodges of the County and the City to the number of over one hun- dred. After the business of the lodge had been disposed of, the War- den and distinguished guests were received and welcomed by W. Bro. Neil McDonald, the acting Worship- ‘ful Master. W. Bro. J. D. Lucas, ‘County Solicitor and presiding Wor- shipful Master of the evening, occu- pied the ehair and conducted the ceremony of the EA. degree and was ably assisted by R.W. Bro. J. 0.} 'Little, P.D;D.G.M. Toronto Districtl D and Ex-Wa‘rden of York“County, V.W. Bro. Thos. Trench, P.G.S., and; Reeve of Richmond Hill,- Bro. Har-i old Sanders, Senior Warden of Rich- ‘ardson Lodge, Stouffville; W. Bro.l K. C. Siddall, the Worshipful Mas-l ter of Mimico Lodge, Mimico; Bro. Byron Stiver, Rowland Lodge, Mt. Albert; Bro. W. W. Gardhouse, Coun- ty Treasurer, Humber Lodge, Wes- ton; Bro. H. C. Rose, Waverly Lodge, Guelph; Bro. James Rennie, Richardson Lodge, Stouffville, and Reeve of Markham Township; Bro. J. S. Osborne, Newmarket; Bro. W. A. Roberts, Patterson Lodge; W. Bro. O. B. Heisey, PlM., Markham Union Lodge, and Reeve of Mark- ham Village; vBro. F. J. MacRae, Wilson Lodge, Toronto; W. Bro. W. H. Pugsley, Malone Lodge, Sutton; W. Bro. J. P. Allan, Humlber Lodge, Weston, and W. Bro. Allan P. Wheeler, Scarboro Lodge, Agincourt; W. Bro. Hilliard LeGard, P.M., Cathedral Lodge, Toronto. During the signing of the register Bro. F. J. Tovs7e11 E'endered a delightful solo with Bro. W. R. Howard at the or- gan At the conclusion of the ceremony W. Bro. Thos. Johnstone moved a hearty vote of thanks to W. Bro. Lucas and his staff of officers for the very creditable manner in which the degree was conferred. W. Bro. Lucas replied with a few appropriate remarks. After the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to the banquet hall Where W. Bi'o. McDonald pre- sided. After the usual toasts the brethren were entertained by a de- lightful film “They Discovered Amer- ica" sponsored by Gray Coach Lines. The Woman’s Auxiliary of Trinity Church, Thornhill, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its founding on Friday, April 19th. A service was held in the church at which Rev. J. W. McDonald, rector of St. George's Church, Hamilton, and‘ a former Thornhill rector, was the special preacher. Rev. E. W. G. Wor- rall assisted the rector in the serâ€" vice. Visitors were present from all parts of the Deanery of West York as well as Toronto and other points. The two remaining charter members were present, Mrs. Lang- staff of Umbridge and Miss Alice Wright of Willowdale. After the service a social hour was spent in Lawrence Memorial Hall. ‘The history of the organiza- tion was reviewed by Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. M. Simp- son. Congratulatory messages were given by 'Miss V. Summerhayes and Mrs. Cuttle of the Diocesan Board, and Mrs. Haynes, the Deanery off- icer for West York. A beautiful threeâ€"storey cake was sampled by all during the refreshm'ént period, when tea and many appetizing deli- cacies were served by the hostesses. Aibout 13-0 were present. The visiting clergy were as folâ€" lows: Rev. N. H. Noble, a former rector; Rev. J. H. Kidd, Woodbridge; Rev. F. V. Abbott, Schoimberg; Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, King; Rev. A. J. Patstone, Newmarket; Rev. J. W. McDonald, Hamilton; Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Richmond Hill, and Rev. E. B. Cooke of Thornhill United Church. On Sunday evening Mrs. MacDon- ald, a missionary from Trinidad, gave an illustrated lecture with beautifully colored slides in Law- rence Memorial Hall. A new con- ception of the geography, industries and people was given those who were fortunate enough to be pre- sent. Many a young man thinks he has been treated unfair by the fair sex. The Women’s Association will hold a sale of Work and Home Baking in Richvale Church on Wednesday, May 8th at 3 pm. Afternoon Tea will 'be served. Thornhill RICHVALE Noted Missionary Speaks At Gormley Gormley and vicinity are to be very highly favored in the near fu- ture by a visit from Rev. A. W. Banfield who has served as a mis- sionary in West Africa for nearly sionary 1n thirty years Rem A. W. Banfield went out from Toronto to Nigeria. West Africa. in 1901 with the pioneer‘party -\of the Sudan Interior Mission. For fifteen years he labored among the Nupe (new pay) tribe of the interior. Dur- ing those years he built five mis- sion stations, reduced the native language to writing, prepared school books, a hymn book, two books of Bible stories, compiled a Nupe dic- tionary of 15,000 words, wrote a Grammar and numerous other books. He also translated the entire Bible into Nupe. In 1915 Mr. Banfield was appoint- ed General Secretary for West Africa for the British and Foreign Bible Society of London, Eng-., which position he filled for fifteen years, During that period he travelled two hundred thousand miles in West and Central Africa. In 1928 he crossed the African continent twice by diffâ€" ‘ erent routes, travelling 11,5100 miles‘v in seven and a half months. He has‘ travelled extensively in the fields of sixty-four Missionary Secieties in West, East and Central Africa. He enjoys the distinction of being a Fel- low of the Royal Geographical So- ciety of London, England. His 1000 foot motion picture film of a Missionary journey from New York to Kano, the metropolis of Cen- tral Africa, shows typical village market scenes, witch doctors’ activi- ties, Juju men demonstrating their powers, scenes in the daily life of a hill tribe that wears leaves for cloth- ing;.f1‘ontier missionaries at home, travelling, preaching by the wayside and baptizing their converts. He has seen how missionaries are changing “Darkest Africa" into “Hopeful Africa” and the “White Man’s Grave" being transformed into the “Black Man’s Resurrection”. He has been invited here by the Young People’s Society of the Gorm- ley Mennonite Church. FIGURE" THIS OUT An Arab who had three sons and 17 horses, before his death wished to divide his horses among his sons according to the merit of each. To the first he gave one half; to the second one third, and to the third one ninth, and that night he died. As 17 horses could not be divided, a wise man of that tribe was consult- ed. He said he had a horse that he would put in to make an even number. Therefore, the first receiv- ed half of 18, or 9 horses; the sec- ond, a third of 18, or 6 horses; the third 3 ninth of 18, or 2 horses, making 17 in all, and the wise man took his own horse home again. HAVE YOU A LAST WEEK’S LIBERAL? We will pay 5 cents each for cop- ies of last week’s issue of The Lib- eral delivered to this office in gOOd‘ condition. Buy Canadian, Buy British, Help Win the War. CANADIAN OIL SERVICE STATION NOW IS THE TIME FOR THAT SPRING CHECK-UP OF YOUR CAR General Repair Work â€"â€" Greasing â€" Washing, Simonizing and Polishing Prompt Service and Careful, Efficient Workmanship We invite you to bring your motor trOubles to us CECIL MABLEY, Prop. WHITE ROSE GAS and ENARCO MOTOR OIL Telephone 156W North Yonge St., Richmond Hill )rses; the 2 horses, wise man again. THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1940. FRIDAY, APRIL 26â€"Auction sale of ‘Farm Stock, Implements, etc., the property of J. G. \Vells, Lot 6, rear half of 'second Concession, King Township, 11/4. miles east of King Village. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. F. N. Smith, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, APRIL 26th â€" Auction sale of 35 Head of Dairy Cattle, mush Cows and Springers. All cattle are negative to blood test, 4 Horses and some Brood Sows, the property of W. J. Honey, on Lot 2, Con. '7, Markham. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 pm. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, APRIL 27 â€" Auction Sale of Furniture and Household ef- fects on Church Street, Markham, the property of Mrs. John Postill. Sale at 2 pm. No reserve. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auction- eers SATURDAY, APRIL Timâ€"Auction sale of Walnut Furniture, Musical Instruments and other furniture, the property of Wilmot White Estate. Maple Avenue, Maple,'0nt. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 pm. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY 4â€"Auction Sale of 4 acres of land, frame cottage, good cellar, furnace, etc., stable, chicken house, household~ furniture, etc. No reserve on chattels. Propâ€" erty sold Subject to reserve lbid. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. PrOperty {of Asa Kettlewell. Prentice & Pren- ltice, Auctioneers. TUESDAY, APRIL 30th â€" Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, etc., the property of the Estate of the late Wm. J. MaAllister, Lot 1, rear Con. 3, King Township, on good road one mile south of King- City. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is rented. Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. C. E. Walvking'ton, Auctioneer. Full list in next week’s paper. SATURDAY, VIAY 4â€"Auction sale of six acres of land, also Horse, Pigs, ‘Oats, Furniture, Garden Tools, Hot 'Bed Sash, etc., the property of L. 'F. Bagg, Lot 15, Con. 2, Markham Township. Terms cash. Terms, for land made known on day of sale. Sate at 2 pm Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY 11th â€" Auction sale of Public Garage with frame Workshop in rear and Dwelling at 2.30 p.m., on the property, corner Weston Road and Ray Avenue, No. 1263 Weston Road, the property of James Rames‘bottom. Terms 10 per cent on day of sale, balance 40 per cent in 30 days, and vendor if he; cessary is willing to accept mortgage for balance for term of five years at 6 per cent half yearly. For fur- ther particulars apply to James Ramesbottom, phone Maple 6123 or J. Carl Saigéoh, Auctioneer, Maple, phone 11. WEDNESDAY, MAY 15thâ€"Auction sale of Valuable Residential propâ€" erty situated at 19 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, also the Furniture, Household Goods, etc. belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Agnes Coulter Campbell. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Sale Register D.S.T. R. H. Kane,

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