Then slipped in to Dr. Jim‘s, a little fearful of his dissecting eye, albeit he has a charming wife, who said forsooth the Dr. develops strange symptoms on being placed before a salad, which symptoms dis- appear when th-e salad changes place with fritters â€"â€" a weird example, thought I, of the doctrine of mind over matter, and one not calculated, if noised abroad, to swell the prac- tice of a medico. J. E. Smith in rear of home, digg- J. E. Smith in rear of home, digg- ing diligently in a garden of fairish size, and looking methought, more wan than everâ€"resolved to warn» his wife against his starch-free diet, which I do think, is the real reason “Having been reared :by a wise mother, I eat what’s placed before me, and ask no questions,†which answer was to me so nearly perfect I did doubt its veracity, for being pressed, his loathing for spinach was admitted -â€" in truth a shameful con- fession for a doctor whose prime ad- vice to all and sundry is, “You need more iron.†an interview of little satisfaction, whose total worth amounted to “a steak of good proportions, and smothered well with onionsâ€, which advice mayhap would have served well except for the injunction, “and if perchance, you are ignorant of cooking steak, consult my Jean,†albeit which insult caused me to leave him flat. Up betimes this wintry Monday morning, determined to ferret from my husband’s friends, a means of putting to a stop this ceaseless grumbling over meals, which has beâ€" come in my small family, more than one woman can well withstand. A knowledge of other men‘s fav- ourite foods might well be the means of contenting mine, and so to Rob- ert’s brother Lion, Lloyd A. Hill, found straightaway in Dinty Moore’s, and willing quite to give me a full two hours of time, being the sort of man Who never finds his days long- enough to leisure'in. Foll-0wed Betook me next to Dr. Wilson, as garrulous a man as ever I knew, and one from whom I could expect a reply in quantity. APRIL 15 Mrs. Pepys’ Diary THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO (By Dorothy Little) for his meagre appearance. From him cheese and more cheese, even lLimburger," a suggestion to me of- litti-e use, never daring to put so plebeian a food on the famin menu, abbext I cherish a secret craving for it myself, in spobe of the stench thereof. APRIL 16 Awake betimes to a beautiful morningâ€"and an early call on Lion Ralph Paris who gave me in actual fact, a brand new receipt, and one which fits my purse, which calls to mind the bill I owe the haberdashers. Receipt duly recorded in my bookâ€"- sausages wrapped in pastry, and to- mato soup, and said by Ralph to be vastly improved with the addition of creamed onions. Communicate with Nellie W. regarding same. Over to our local banker, one Fred Hnover, a gentle soul and chivalâ€" rous, from whom I gleaned news of as strange a combination of foods as ever I heardeâ€"co‘d sliced pork and sauerkraut, together with a goodly serving of hot porridge. In great content at having two new reâ€" ceipts to serve my family. Forthwlth to Lion Frank Hogg, an earth-bound mortal, but a kindly one withal, to whom star-gazing has become as second nature, and from whom I obtained as helpful an an- swer as my inquiries ever brought, “It matters not, so long ’tis food.†APRIL 17 Off to a bad start this day with a conversation with one school in- spector, whose untimely levity was such that in desperation I called his wife, a woman of sound judgment in very truth, and from whom I learned that tuna fish was especially dear to her husband's palate â€" must try again to overcome the aversion of my family. Gne more visit did I pay and that to Rev. Wrixon. A man of charm, the Reverend William, given some- what'to obesity, but a connoisseur withal of tasteful food. Taken aiback to have him suggest a full course meal consisting therein, of roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, new pota- toes, green peas, plum pudding, and a cup of tea; which menu causing my saliva to flow so freely that I hasted home forthwith and produced for dinner the self-same meal, leav~ ing my family for once in great content. Ruminating‘ on my three days’ work, I doubt my efforts have been worth the walking, albeit my bath- room scales showed tonight a slight decrease, and so to bed. A truly spiritual uplift on the con- clusion of my visit with Paul Angle. V-erily, thought I, if the family saw more of nature in all her beauty, to witâ€"a bowl of roses kept renew- ed, mayhap their minds would soar above my culinary efforts on their belg'llf. W.C.T.U. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting and election of officers of the W.C.T.U. will be held in the United Church Sunday School Room on Tuesday, May 7th at 3 p.m. Reports of the last year’s work will be given by officers and superintendents. Then traced my steps to Allan Bales, a goodish walk, albeit a plea- sant view, and hoping all the way his wife would serve me with a pot of tea. No tea, and little help along the quest I’d set myself. “Chicken is my favourite food, said J.A.B.', and a goodly number of eggs, in especial when the price is high, be- ing a sore reminder of my eggs in water glass, for which I paid said Bales a greater price than for fresh ones at the time of writing. Prizes will be presented to the pupils in Richvale and Richmond Hill Public Schools in the Scientific Temperance Contest held recently. A special invitation is extended to par- ents of the Prize Winners to be pre- In great glee, methought me next of Walter Mason whose better half, I felt assured would, being lately wed, give me helpful information. My faith unfounded. “Canned soup and crackers,†answered Walter. And when I spoke in highest dudgeon “But doth she never bake withalr in the kitchen oven?†“Of->3 surety,†replied my friend, “she makes deli- cious scones with a concoction she calls tea-bisk!†Of dauntless spirit still, I sped. forthwith to Len Clement's, an acâ€" quaintance given not to hurry, and. one who, on his time, places no value whatsoever. “Tell me, Len," I said, “With what do you break your fast at nine a.m.?†“Mrs. Pepys", saith he, “If I had need to live one hun- dred summers, my breakfast would consist always of grapefruit.†The honeymoon is over when she suggests that he needs a hair cut very badly. «060606000WWOWWOM OEOI 0:10] H. J. MILLS LIMITED Richmond Hill Rose Growers 0:0] 10:0] A. C. Allman & Company Toronto Success to the Lions in Their Effort to Raise Funds for Community Welfare Work. Metropolitan Bldg. Certified General Accountants Compliments of OED [0:0] THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1940. Ontario Ontario 0:0! to=o=o=6 0:0