Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 May 1940, p. 14

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' Try the NE roan TRACH with FERGUSON SYSTE Think of attaching or detaching unit implements, including cultivators, in less than a minute! Of plowing easily and quickly in tight places, close to fences. Think of being able to plow with 2-10”, 2-12” or 2-14” bottoms with a tractor so light it practically does away with soil packing! With its finger-tip control of hydrauli- ' Cally controlled wheel-less implements the z. m _- ‘ ' 1 ~ «v-L, _~ H " T; : ‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWOOW l 0" YONGE ST. MMONO”MO”00W§O Mercury and Lincoln-Zephyr Cars as an evice new Ford tractor is amazingly easy to operate. In plowing you set your plow depth (it is automatically maintained in average soils), lower your plows by the touch of a finger, raise them the same way at the end of the furrow. The Ford Dealer invites you to do just these things! Arrange with him to try this new F ord-built tractor with Ferguson system right on your own farm. ,FTORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, lIMITED ~U'.F0rd V-"8 ' ' Ford V-8 Trucks and Commercial Units RICHMOND HILL 0099000009009000000000’006 OOQ‘NV044MFOOO‘{FOOOiiinOONNFOGMVOOOONNFOOOCnMrOOOO‘NN9000NNVOOOONNDOOOflNflO. LITTLE BROTHERS 09000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO l l l A is for Austinâ€"“The Druggist Who Knows”, Also for Angle, who groweth the Rose; B is for Bales, his chickens are ten- der; Also for Baker, the real estate vendor; C is for Craigieâ€"shirts, collars and hoseâ€" Clement, the drover, and Cotton. the Rose E is for Edmunds, who leads us in song, G is for Greene, who was Reeve for so long; H is for Heard, who studies the stars, Also for Hogg, who telescopes Mars; Hoover, the banker, comes into this tale, Also Lloyd Hill, who selleth whole- sale; K is for Kerr, who baketh the bread: Lâ€"Little and Lang'staffâ€"a Ford and :1 Med. M is for Mason, who stops the tooth- ache, Also for )Iansbridg‘e who cuts you a steak: P is for Paris â€" his hardware is goodâ€" R is for Rmner who sells coal and wood; S is for Stewartâ€"a teacher we greetâ€" Also for Smith. Ye Ed of this sheet; T is for Tracy who knows C. N. rules, Also for Trench. the inspector 0f schools: W for Wrixon â€"â€" The Rev. of St. Mary’sâ€" VVilson the “Doe” and 'Walwinâ€" the “dairies”; Y is for Youngâ€"his limit’s the skyâ€" There isn’t a “Z"â€"so we’ll now say “Goodbye”. DELICIOUS CHEWING GUM IIENTYIIE HELPS KEEP TEETH SOUNDER, WINTER. You find yourself chewing more vig- orously because of Dentyne's specially firm consistency. M0uth and teeth get whole- some exercise, salivary glands are stimulated, pra- motinghatural self-cleansing. Dentyne's 0 proved aid to stronger, whiter teeth! THE FLAVUR'S A JOY! Spicy, smooth-tasting, delicious! You'll welcome Dentyne for its flavor aloneâ€"and you'll find the Dentyne package specially convenient to carry in pocket or purse (its smartly flat shape is an exclusive Dentynefea- ture.) HELPS KEEP TEETH WHITE MADE IN CANADA BY Canadian Chewing Gum Companglimited Think of attaching or detaching unit implements, including cultivators, in less than a minute! Of plowing easily and quickly in tight places, close to fences. Think of being able to plow with 2-10", 2-12” or 2-14” bottoms with a tractor so light it practically does away with soil packing! smooth-tasting, delicious! You'll welcome Denlyne for its flavor aloneâ€"and you'll find the Denlyne package specially convenient to carry in pocket or purse (its smartly flat shape is an exclusive Dentynefea- lure.) MOUTH H EALTNY new Ford tractor is anlazingly easy “ to operate. In plowing you set your plow depth (it is automaticain maintained in average soils), lower your plows by the touch of a finger, raise thenl the same way at the end of the furrow. The Ford Dealer invites you to do just these things! Arrange with hinl to try this We have heard that Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mowat who have resided at Elgin Mills for some time. have pur- chased Lambert Atkinson’s attractive house at the corner of Elizabeth and Centre Sts. Welcome to our village. Everyone driving around the curve from Lorne Ave. on-to Church St. has noticed an artistic collection of rocks edging Duncan Ohamney’s lot. Is be starting a rock garden in order to use the garden tools he won at bridge last winter? A certain lady on Richmond St. was observed one bright morning thTs week cleaning the same windows twice on the east side of the heuse, while the west windows were noticed to be still on good terms with the winter‘s grime. Could she be a sun- worshipper? Many belated happy returns to a certain young matron whose birth- day was yesterday (May 1). We hear she planned a party for her- self, but after trying Hall’s and Glenn’s found she stfll didn’t have sufficient candles. Congrats to Mr. W. Pocknell of Centre West on the perfection of his embryo 1mm. We learned frsm good authority that'the “under twelves" of that district have already made arrangements (among themselves) to use it as a baseball diamond, pro- Not even in Afpl'il does the Rich- mond Hill Red Cross allow grass to grow under its feet, for scarcely had Mrs. Gecrge Chadwick of Church St. unlocked her door, after returning from Florida, when she was asked by telephone to bake two pies for the booth on the 24th Over the Back Fence (By Chinwagger) THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO On the village signs at the north and south entrances to Richmond Hill is a crest on which appears the motto: “En La Rose Je Fleure”, the English translation of which appears at the heading of this article. The crest is the official crest of the Duke of Richmond whose name Richmond Hill bears and the motto was apparently adopted during the notorious “Wars of the Roses". Whatever its origin this motto is certainly a most appropriate one for Richmond Hill. Literally Richmond Hill flourishes with, the rose since rose growing is its largest industry. The industry began in Richmondi Hill in 1913 when W. J. Lawrence built his first greenhouse at the loca- tion now owned by Richmond Roses Limited. The followmg year the late Harold J. Mill‘s erected his first greenhouse, and it was soon foll- owed by others built by the late John Dunlop and Bedford Park Floral Co. Limited. After the death of Mr. Dunlop his plant was pur- chased by and is now owned and operated by H. J. Mills Ltd. The three firms now operating have a combined area under glass of over eight acres, and produce over four million roses per year which are shipped to every locality in the Do- minion from Vancouver to Halifax. They employ continuously eighty- fiv’e men and- for short periods over one hundred with an anmual pay roll of over one hundred and five thousand dollars. It is worthy of note in this respect that'miore men are employed at the greenhouses to- day than when the great depression begar. I think few industries have maintained as full employment dur- ing the depression as have the rose growers of Richmond Hill. Over In the Rose 1 Flourish (By Lion Paul E. Angle) Like other business-es, rose grow- ing' has felt the impact of changing times and has adjusted itself to these conditions. Of the varieties grown in 1913 not one is produced com- mercially today, and in the search for disease, insect, and nutrient con- trol, several new methods have been adopted. The sterilization of soil by the use of steam is now becoming a common practice, and the discov- ery of a simple and relatively ac- curate method of testing soil for nutrients has made systematic soil testing as a guide to fertilizer needs, also a common practice. nine thousand tons of cm] are con- sumed yearly and over forty mlles of heating piping and fifteen hun- dred horse power of boiler capacity are used to heat these plants. Chemical or soilless culture of roses is the most recent development which has been undertaken experiâ€" mentally in Richmond Hill during the past year. In this method, no soil is used. Instead of soil some material like cinders or gravel is used to hold the plant roots, and the nutrients or food for the plant is supplied in a solution that is pump- ed through the bed from two to four times per day, depending- on the sea- son of the year, the number of pumpings being increased as the days lengthen. The roses are grown in the same type of benches used for soil, except that they must be made watertight like a large vat or pan, and they must‘ be practically level. Also, some sort of cistern or tank must be provided to hold the nutrient solution. An electrically operated pump automatically con- trolled by a time‘switch does the pumping at whatever periods de- sired. The solution used is a scien- tifically developed formula made up of comparatively cheap commercial chemicals obtainable at any manu- facturing chemists, and dissolved in ordinary tap water. A complete change of solution is made rOughly once per month, and frequent tests must be made to maintain the pro- per acidity and» concentration of the solution as this changes from day to 'day. This system eliminates watering, changing of soil and application of fertilizer and manure. As with all new developments there are difficul- ties to overcome, but the past year has proven that this method is at least equal to soil in both quantity and quality of roses producer Whe- ther it can be perfected so as to re- place soil culture has yet to be prov- As a modern rose productién cen- tre, Richmond Hill stands unique. The only community which equals it is Brampton, the home of the fam- ous Dale Estate. Well may our village advertise: “In the Rose I Flourish". en, but science marches on, and stranger things have happened. LIONS IN THEIR LAIRS (By R. D. L.) °f St ‘ Lehigh Valley All persons having claims against the estate of Agnes Coulter Camp- bell, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, Widow, who died on or about the 22nd day of March, 1940, are required to send notice of their claims together with due proof thereof to the undersigned on or be- fore the 4th day of May 1940, after which date the estate will be divided among those entitled thereto having regard only to such claims oi which he shall then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 18th day of April, 1940. Clarence A. Skeele, Executor, C/O Campbell Line, Richmond Hill, 0nt., (his solicitor). All persons having claims against the estateofMargaret Jane Noble, late of the Township of Vaughan. Widow, who died on or abOut the 25th day of January, 1939, are re- quired to send notice of their claims together with due proof thereof to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of May, 1940, after which date the estate will be divided among those entitled thereto having re- gard only to such claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 18th day of April, 1940. VVilllam Henry Ndble, Administrator, C/O Campbell Line, Richfiiond Hill, Ont, ( is solicitor). All persons having claims against the estate of Ira Myles Noble, late of the Township of Vaughan, Farmer, who died on or about the 13th day of January,,1940, are re- quired to send notice of their claims together with due proof thereof to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of May, 1940, after which date the estate will be divided among those entitled thereto having re- gard only to such claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 18th day of April, 194-0. William Henry Noble, and He'nry Harper. Executors, C/O Campbell Line. Richmond Hill, Qnt., (their solicitor). Farmer, who died on or about the 29th day of July, 1939, are re- quired to send notice of together with due proof thereof to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of May, 1940, after which date the estate will be divided among those entitled thereto having re- gard only to such claims Of which she shall then have notice. THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1940. All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Carlisle, late of the prnship of Wh‘itchurc‘h, Dated at Richmond Hill, this 18th day of April, 1940. Lucinda V. Carlisle, Administratrix, C/O Campbell Line, Richmond Hill, Ont, (her solicitor). All persons having claims against the estate of James Ash, late of the Township of Whitchurch, Far- mer, who died on or about the 28th day of September, 1937, are re- quired to send notice of their claims together with due proof thereof to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of May, 1940, after which date the estate will be divided among those entitled thereto having re- gard only to such 'claims of which she shall then have notice. All persons having claims against the estate of Frances Davies, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, Married Woman, who died on or about the 22nd day of September, 1939, are _re- quired to send notice of their claims together with due proof thereof to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of May, 1940, after which date the estate will be divided among those entitled thereto having re- gard only to such claims of which she shall then have notice. Bowden Lumber & Coal CO.LTD. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS JONES COAL Co. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 18th day of April, 194-0. Ella M. Ash. Administratrix, C/O’ Camplbell Line, Richmond Hill, Ont, (her solicitor). ' Dated at Richmond Hill, this 18th day of April, 1940. Eleanor D. E. Orme, Executrix, C/O Campbell Line. Richmond Hill, Ont., (her solic'rtor). LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0284 Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. muuce to Credltors AND OTHERS Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies” Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS N btice to Creditors AND .OTHERS Telephone 188

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