3ao=o=ox waï¬mï¬mm nmrmmr'r‘mmmmm Robin Hood FLOUR You may win $150.00 just by sending in the GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE MYS TER Y TUNE Contest “ ON PARADE †Thursday Evening 10:0! Robin Hood FLOUR. Coast to Coast 8.30 P.M. E.S.T. from a bag of CBC NETWORK Enter the 0=°=0=0=0=9 105°] 10:01 :onb One Saturday night Papa Lion yawned a mighty yawn and mumbl- ed: “Nothing in the house to read.†“I am going to the library," said Mama Lion. “What would y0u like, dear? Another mystery story?" Or perhaps it did not happen like that at all. Perhaps they both call- ed to the Lion Cub as he dashed lorth to see if ‘by any lucky chance that new aeroplane book was in: “Ask the librariarn to choose some- thing for usJ’ It is possible, of course, or ought we to say probable, that no such It is possible, of course, or ought we to say probable, that no such scenes were ever enacted in the homes of our literary Lions. Doubt- less Papa Lion said: “I think, my dear, I shall go to the library to see if anything new on Philosophy, SO- ciology, or Economics has been pur- chased; and not-so-high-brow Mama Lion replied: “If Rebecca or Kitty Foyle is in bring it to me.†This, or something very like it, is the way the library of 1940 is used by the Lions, their friends and relatives; but it was not so in the good old days. If you would like a glimpse into the past, ask the Vill- age Clerk to loan you the records of the first years of our library. There, in faded copper-plate script, we read: Three pounds does not sound a princely remuneration but it seems very little was expected of the Lib- rarian in those days. On Sept. 19, 1854, it is recorded: “No. of volumes in hands of Libâ€" rarian this date 357; No. of volumes in hands of Shareholders 10; Total No. of volumes accounted for 367.†“A General Meeting of the Share- holders of the Richmond Hill Lib- rary was held in the Brick School- house on Thursday, the 23rd Dec. 1852 at 7 o'clook p.m.†Further: “On motion seconded it was Re- solved: That the Librarian be paid 3 Cy. per annum, for his services. It was definitely the head of the house who was the high-br0w in 1852. He paid one pound for the privilege of being a shareholder, and an additional sum of one shilling and. three pence toward defraying the incidental expenses of the lib- rary. This entitl-ed' him to draw Even the weather is on our side! Because modern weather forecasting demands a knowledge of weather conditions to the westward, the A1- lies are able, in large measure, to prevent the Nazis from making the accurate forecasts so essential to present day aerial warfare. In temperate latitudes the day-to- day changes in weather are controll- ed almost entirely by the passage of what the meteorologist calls ex- tratropical cyclones. These great whirling formations, hundreds of miles across, travel with velocities in the neighbourhood of 500 to 1000 miles per day, always in an easterly direction, and carry the weather with them. Passing a given point, they produce, as a rule, first east- erly winds with snow, sleet or rain, depending on the seas-on, then often a change to southerly winds with a thaw or a sultry spell, and finally, often very abruptly, north-west winds with a bitter cold wave in winter or a welcome relief from the heat in summer. The weather :bureaus of the vari- ous countries normally receive, twice daily, reports on weather conditions from hundreds of stations scattered all over the continent and from ships at sea. From these data they draw up their weather maps, charting the pesitions and structures of the cy- clones which are chasing one anoth- er across the continent or over the sea. On these maps the forecaster watches to the west, decides with a skill born of knowledge and experi- ence whether a seemingly approach- ing cyclone is growing in strength or petering out, slowing down or speeding up, coming straight ahead or due to veer to the north or south. Then for the various localities he makes his forecastsâ€"easterly winds and rain here, northerly winds and colder there. For general purposes “partly cloudyâ€, “rain in some sectionsâ€, “colder with snow†are sufficient, but for aeronautical purposes. the forecaster must be much more spe- cific. He must predict not only gen- eral surface conditions, but also spe- cific conditions and [particularly wind directions and velocities for various heights above the surface. An aeroplane’s “speedometer†works, of course, not against the road but against the air; it will measure the The Weather is Against the Nazi's THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Literature for Lions (By Lion Jack Heard) (By Jean Hill) books, recommend “Subscribers†who were charged seven and a half pence per month, and indicate any book he would care to have purchased. “A blank book shall .be placed in the Library in which any Sharehol- der may recommend to the Commit- tee the purchase of any book, sub- scribing his own name thereto; which shall be placed» in the Library should the funds of the afsociation allow it; and the committee approve the same.†' Imagine a List of Shareholders to a library to-day. It would run: (In addition to all the Lions), Dorothy Little, Violet Paris, Barbara Lang- staff, etc. etc. But it was not so in 1852. Then the list ran: Robert McNair, Parker Crosby, Robert Hew- ison, William Trench, James New- ton, Amos Wright, Dr. James Lang- staff, Abraham Law, Matthew Teefy, William Harrison, David Bridgeâ€" ford. Not a Mary or Jane or Martha in the lot (with one exception). One wonders: What did Mama do for her reading material in those days? Probably she swiped Papa’s book. But what about Little Willie? In the recorded titles there is nothing to suggest suitable reading for him, unless he liked Macaulay’s History of England; C-hamlber’s Cyclopedia of English Literature; or Lives of the Signers of American Independ- ence. How different the picture is to- day! Now little Willie, Mary, Jane, and Sam have taken the library by storm. So much so in fact that even those of us who love them most sometimes wish they hadn’t. When one considers that of one thousand readers four hundred are children, and that one half the circulation of books is juvenile; one realizes with a sense of satisfaction that the Lions of the future will be well-read men. Yes, our Public Library is very different from the old “Afsociationâ€. Six thousand volumes instead of three hundred. Approximately three hundred dollars yearly spent on books and periodicals. A "bright at- tractive room in which to house it. And an accommodating Librarian to keep it in orderâ€"one who is paid in this good new age much more than “£3 Cy. per annum.†distance travelled only if the pilot knows how fla‘Sut the air itself is moving. For reconnaisance and bombing flights weather forecasts are doubly important. Not only must the pilots know what heights will best suit their journey, how long it will take them to get there, but the observ- ers or bombers must be assured of favourable visibility when they ar- rive Normally German meteorologists depend largely on France and the British Isles for the all-important westward weather data. Naturally in wartime the Allied censhorship guards the weather as a strict mili- tary secret. Just how jealously it is guarded is illustrated by the fact that not until spring did we know that Britain had had the severest winter in decades. Even our fore- casting service in Oanadla {is cen- sored to some extent f0r fear the Germans could use the information. The reader will recall that we no longer get detailed forecasts for Eastern Canada from the C.B.C. as we did before the war. The hush-hush on the weather is putting the enemy to no end of trouble and annoyance. For weath- er data to the west of him he has to depend upon bootlegged informaâ€" tion wirelessed out by his spies and upon whatever odds and ends he can pick up by listening in on ships at seaâ€"uncertain and unreliable at the best. The Allies, on the other hand, have all their normal facilities. That they are using them to the full is indicated by the fact that the met- eorological service of Britain has more than doubled its personnel since the beginning of the war. Not only are the Allies, by virtue of westerly position, able to withhold data from the enemy, but they are, for the same reason, able to pick their weather as it goes by and to time their flights and raids so that. their aircraft will arrive at the right place at the right time in the right weather. I None are too wise to be mistaken. but few are so wisely just as to ac- knowledge and correct their mis- takes, and especially the mistakes of prejudice.â€"Burrow. | 6 3 i 0=0=°=0=0=Ol 0:0] For Good Housekeeping 590. lb. 590. pint JOHNSON Wax Products -FOR COMMUNITY WELFARE WORK RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB Every Success To The Club Work 10:0] 10:0] THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1940. IOEOI :o=o=ou6 Long