The world owes a debt of gratitude to the art of printing, and as the centuries pass this debt grows in intensity. To us engaged in the industry has been flung this torch which has been carried high and shed its rays of hope and enlightenment in every corner of the civilized world. The foundation for the important place which the press has played in the history of mankind was laid by the zealous efforts of Gutenberg away back five hundred years ago, and today we pay tribute to his memory and salute his contribution to world progress. Trade Circular gives this tribute to Gutenburg the printer, “The day when, for the first time, Johann Gutenâ€" berg printed on paper, using moveable type, was freight- ed with greater consequences for the destiny of men and nations than any single act in history, and looking back through the arches of the years surrounded by all the miraculous evidence of the power of the printing press, we salute that pioneer of progress with his superb gift of craftsmanship, which stands as an immortal monument to his name.†The mechanism of modern day printing equipment is a far cry from the invention of Gutenburg but this pion- eer in printing produced a copy of the Holy Bible which was finished in 1455. Robert Ingersoll writes, “In 1440 Printing was dis- covered.†At that time the past was a vast cemetery with hardly an epitaph. The ideas of men had mostly perished in the brain that produced them. The lips of the human race had been sealed. Printing gave opinions to thought, it preserved ideas. It made it possible for man to be- queath to the future the riches of his brain and the wealth of his soul. When people read they begin to reason, and wheir they reason they progress. The motivating influence which impelled this great man to press forward in his endeavours may be summed up in his own words, “I wish to break the seal which seals up holy things; and give wings to truth, in order that truth may go out to minds and win every soul that comes into this world â€" truth that can be multiplied like wind, by an untiring machine.†It was in Germany during the fifteenth century that Johaan Gutenburg of the City of Mainz invented a new method of copying books. He discovered that individual letters of soft lead could be so placed that they formed words. Gutenburg died in poverty but the result of his genius spread like wildfire throughout the countries of Europe and thence to all parts of the world. Deep reli- geous favor inspired Gutenburg in his experiments and his guiding star was a great desire to spread the Word of God to a more vast number of souls. Nineteen Hundred and Forty ushered in the five hun- dredth anniversary of the invention of the art of print- ing from movable types. The anniversary is worthy of observance and we have chosen this issue of The Lions’ Liberal to pay a brief word- of tribute to this art which has contributed so much to the development of culture and the progress of mankind. From the author who cre- ates books or any kind of copy, to the reader who accepts them as a commonplace utility, humanity should pause in thoughtful gratitude at this great milestone of human progress and achievement. THE FIVE-HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY 0F PRINTING ' (By Lion J. E. Smith) “In the beginning was the Word . . . . . . " The spoken wordâ€"or penned by scribes for the fewâ€"often varied in its transmission or translation. Then dawned the advent of Pg‘inting. . . .the Word became released to humanity... 1440 If any of our readers feel that some of the methods or activities of Lions Clubs do not merit entire approval, they should not fail to consider the purposes to which the proceeds are wholly devoted. The “context†is irreproach- able. The ethics of a deed depend upon circumstances and occasion. For instance, one may cut across a field, saving a few steps, without lit or hindrance, and his act is colour- less, morally. But if, some day, he finds signs posted reading “No trespassing,†it then becomes his duty to take the longer way around. If, at another time, in pass- ing by, one should find the owner cruelly abusing his horse in the self-same field, it then becomes his duty, despite the prohibition posted up, to cross the field again to put a stop to it. (Men who are fond of “No trespassing†signs are capable of anything). Same owner, same field, same passer-by; but circumstances and motives make crossing the field ethically insignificant, a “must-notâ€, or a “must†on different occasions. An act removed from its context of motives and ef- fects is as unintelligible, misleading, or even vicious as a text of scripture picked here and there, at random, from the Bible. On a certain page you may read “And Judas went out and hanged himself.†Elsewhere, “Go and do thou likewise.†And again “And do it quickly.†No one would imagine that these texts were in the meaning or spirit of the Book. MEANS TO AN END (By Lion Jas. Stewart) We refuse to be pinned down to a “yes†or “no†an- swer to the question, “Does the end justify the Means ?†We have as much right to refuse as had the witness to refuse to answer “yes†or “no†to the cross-examiner’s question “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?†An act removed from its context of motives and ef- fects is as unintelligible, misleading, or even vicious as a text of scripture picked here and there, at random, from J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year H To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates_ on Application. TELEPHONE 9 WALTER BONE & SON Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HEL THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0., LTD. WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Frost Steel & Wire Co. Products We Gladly Quote Prices Phone Maple 864 PAGE TWO THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1940. “THE LIBERAL†1940 Approximately seventy- five per- sons attendedJ another in a series of Woodvbridge Red Cross Euchre Part- ies, held at the home of Mrs. Lulu Willis last Friday evening. Prizes, donated by Mrs. G. D. McLean, Wil- fred R. Scott, Mrs. Leo Watson, Mrs. H. N. Smith and Mrs. G. W. Bagg, were awarded as follows: Ladies, lst, Mrs. William Clark: 2nd. Mrs. Ted Leece; consolation. Mrs. Thomas McLean. Gents. lst, Mrs. Margaret Glass (playing; as a substitute); 2nd, Les. Livingston; consolation, Tom Kersey. Miss Dorothy Hurd‘ has entered the Sick Children’s Hospital in To- i‘onto and is in training. We wish hepevery success in her new venâ€" ture. Grass fires have been very num- erous in the community and the fire reels have had a number of hurried calls to put out fires. Through their efforts Dempsey Bros. storehouse was saved last week. Among those who attended the Spring Rally of the Toronto Centre Presbyterial W.M.S. at King City last Tuesday were Miss Jean Doug'- las, Mrs. A. W. Stephenson, Mrs. A. H. Halbert, Miss Mari-on Case and Miss Lever. The North York Red Cross Society will hold their regular meeting- next Friday, May 3rd in St. John’s Par- ish Hall at York Mills. The Golden Rule Mission Band will meet next Saturday, May 4th at 2.30 p.m. in the SS. hall of the United Church. The boys will be in charge of the program. All the members are asked to be present. Lantern slides will be shown. ‘Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lfamily have moved b home on Yonge St. a: the winter in Toronto. The people in this community were shocked to hear the sad news last week of the death of Mr. Bert Schmidt, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schmidt who sudden- ly passed away at his home at Claresh‘olm, Alberta, last Wednesday after a heart attack. Hli§ sister, Mrs. J. C. Bales, left on Friday at 10 am. by aeroplane from Malton Airport and arrived in Alberta Friâ€" day evening in time for the funeral on- Saturday. We extend to Mrs. B. Schmidt and daughter Doris and the immediate relatives our sincere sym- pathy in their hour of sorrow. In his younger years Mr. Bert Schmidt attended Newtonbrook Methodist Church and Sunday School and was highly respected by all who knew him. Mrs. Alfred Brown is in Midland. convalescing after a major opera- tion. We hope she will soon be able to return to her home. The Woman’s Association will meet on Thursday at 1 p.m. for a sewing meeting in the SS. Hall. Rev. and Mrs. Clifford Torrance of Toronto were guests of Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbert last Monday. evening. {3] Miss R. Stevenson of Toronto spent SC last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W.’p M T. Wells. The Young People’s Union of New- tonrbrook United Church will present a play entitled “Look Who’s Here†in the 8.8. Hall of the United Chmch on Thursday and Friday evenings, May 2nd and 3rd commencing at 8.30 D.S.T. Come and enjoy a happy NEWTON BROOK THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO In Richmond Hill, once on a time, There flowed a stream all full of slime. A slimier stream you ne’er did spy. (It’s a wonder the residents didn’t die). The stench was wafted up and around, And- they smelled it as far as Parry Sound. But those were the days before we had A garbage collection. (Bless’d be the lad Who wrote the letter that got one started, And made the villagers so lightâ€"hearted.) And so the residents didn’t note a Smell they could smell in Minnesota. But when the garbage was taken away Some said the smell was as plain as day, Especially one who said that he Wouldn’t have such a stream on his property. He’d sue the village, he’d raise such hell That they’d have to get rid of that awful smell. So he took the case to a court of law And he buttonholed everyone he saw To come and swear that the terrible stream Could be smelled from here to Aberdeen. The judge he sat upon the bench And said there certainly was a stench; And the smell, he ruled, would have to go For the sake of the people in Idaho. “Dig the ditch deeper. Put in tile. “Somehow get rid of that od0ur vile.†So the village dug till it hit bed rock, And expenses came as an awful shock To a village already sorely hit By legal expenses, bit by bit. So they kicked out Greene and put in Trench To see if he could. .quench the stench. The new reeve and his councillors too Have been doing all that men could do To placate one man who says it‘s so bad That the natives can smell it in Hyderabad. The case may last a hundred years And cause all manner of groans and tears; And all to convince a single man That it can't be smelled in Afghanistan. THE BALLAD 0F STINKING STILL S. Moore and back to their after spending The task of the Chamber of Agri- culture is not to dictate to the farm- er, but to represent him in matters of policy, the speaker explained. When trade agreements are being formulated, tariffs and quotas set, the manufacturers are always repre- sented as consultants, and the far- mers should have that same privi- lege, Mr. Hannam believed. There are 2,850 farms in Water- loo County and Mr. Hannam sug- gested selection of a dozen or so able and experienced farmers to form an executive, which will ac~ quaint the others with the aims and workings of an agricultural chamâ€" ber.â€"Telegram. By a vote close to unanimous the gathering favored establishment of a Waterloo County chamber, and elected a board of provisional direc- tors, headed by Eldon Hallman as chairman. Mr. Hannam said he blamed big business for the depression, but also blamed the farmers because they have failed to stand tOgether. He warned them that they have not much chance of getting fair value for the money they spend unless they organize. 7 Kitchener, April 29thâ€"Unless the farmers of Canada become well en- ough organized to have a voice in policies of governments, they will continue to be an “easy mark" for any one who wishes to take advant- age of them, a large group of Wat- erloo County farmers were told here Saturday by H. H. Han‘nam, Toron- to, president of the Canadian Chamâ€" ber of Agriculture. Pgovisional Board of Directors Elect- ed at Kitchenerâ€"Eldon thlman is Chairman Mr. and Mrs. R. Hendry, who will shortly leave the community to take up farming near Uxbridge, were reâ€" cipients of a handsome mantel clock as a farewell gift from the Pine Grove Euchre Club and friends last Saturday night. The gift was pre- sented on behalf of the club, by Mr. ‘W. Blanchard, at whose home the arty was held, Mr. and Mrs. “Bud†arrick lbeing' host and hostess for the evening. Euchre was played and winners were as follows: Ladies, 1st, Mrs. H. Robinson; 2nd, Mrs. R. ’Wakelyn: consolation, Mrs. ‘0. Long- more. Gents, 1st, B. Wakelyn Sr.; 2nd, R. Wakelyn; consolation, R. Hendry. FARMERS PLAN NEW CHAMBER IN WATERLOO Program Committee, Mrs. L. Miller, Mrs. E. Foster, Mrs. O. Devins, Mrs. Benstead, Mrs. MacDonald; Audi- tors, Mrs. A. Agar, Mrs. H. Ward- law; pianist, Miss M. \Natson; assistâ€" ant pianist, Miss O. Devins; press reporter, Mrs. R. Card; flower com- mittee, Mrs. E. Miller, Miss M. Ham- bly; hall renting, Mrs. J. Kellam; convenors of standing committees. Mrs. J. Coward, Mrs. L. Card. Recognizing past services of a former executive member, the group presented a beautiful covered pyrex casserole in a silver stand to Mrs. D. Jeffrey, a former resident who has moved to Todmorden. A writ- ten presentation address was read by Mrs. R. Card and the gift was pre- sented by Mrs. Agar. The meeting was addressed briefly by the district officials, Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Agnew who were visiting the branch. Lunch was served and enjoyed by all. Mrs. L. Miller, Miss Mafgaret Wat-l son; District Director, Mrs. R. Card; When the Kleinburg and Nashville Women’s Institute held their annual meeting in the Institute Hall last week the following officers were elected for the year 1940-41: Hon- orary president, Mrs. D. MacDonald; president, Mrs. G. Taylor; vice-presi- dent, Miss Merle Hambly; Secretary- treasurer, Mrs. R. Card; Directors, KLEIN BURG PINE GROVE 'YONGE STREET CANADIAN 01L SERVICE STATION SAVES YOUR FOOD . . . SAVES YOUR MONEY The greater Norge is a greater money-saver . . . it combines the economies of Royal Rollator cold-making with the food-savmg economies of a refrrgerator Lhats almost Model Show†is SR8 all storage space. Come In . . . see what . . ' Other models as low as thrs means to you m dollars and cents. See also the many other time-saving, food- saving, money-saving features your refrig- ° eration dollar buys In a Norge. AND UP in 1940 . . . and through #949 years to come Peelar’s R.O.P. Sired Rocks M N ORGE Yerex’s Electric Store NOW IS THE TIME FOR THAT SPRING CHECK-UP OF YOUR CAR PHONE 57r11 Telephone 156W General Repair Work â€" Greasing â€" Washing, Simonizing and Polishing Prompt Service and Careful, Efficient Workmanship We invite you to bring your motor troubles to us TO ORILLIA 1U UKJLLIA TO NORTH BAY TO VMIDLAND 8.18 am. 8.18 am. 8.18 am. 1.43 pm. c 1.43 p.m. d 5.48 p.m. d 5.48 pm. e 6.48 pm. e 6.48 pm. c4at. only; dâ€"Daily except Sat., Sun. and H01.; eâ€"Sat., Sun. and H01. only Copies of the new time tables are‘available at all offices and agencies 388 R444 omL5.Gw CECIL MABLEY, Prop. WHITE ROSE GAS and"ENAROO‘ MOTOR OIL m @m WWW CHANGE OF TIME TABLES Effective Sunday, April 28th LEAVE RICHMOND HILL (Standard Time) BJLLIA TO NORTH BAY TO MIDI Order Your May Chicks Now at reduced prices ALL BREEDERS BLOOD TESTED NO OUTSIDE FLOCKS RAY COACH LINES SEE NORGE BEFORE YOU BUY! . A. DONNELLY, Telephone 177 All coach travel‘ information at C. A. PEELAR North Yonge St., Richmond Hill THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1940. RICHMOND HILL MAPLE, ONT.