Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 May 1940, p. 4

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61:10: DAVID HILL & C81 Now on Display in Our Showroom G reenbough Bungalows Apply G. H. PRICE 110 Richmond St. Richmond Hill NATIONAL HOUSING ACT We build your home com- plete solid brick $2,500 $250.00 down $14.71 per month Buy your home before prices advance These houses have no conâ€" nection with any others building in the village RICHMOND HILL W. P. MULOCK M.P. PAGE FOUR PRICED FROM $189.95 TO $329.95 Weekly payments may be arranged BUY NOW â€"â€" Additional luxury taxes under the new budget may increase prices considerably. BEST WISHES TO RICHMOND Kelvinator HILL LIONS CLUB IN THEIR The New 1940 [0:0] 10:0] WELFARE WORK NORTH YORK 10:0] 10:0) On Friday, May 3rd, the Young People’s Guild are holding their clos- ing meeting of the season in St. An- drew’s Presbyterian Church, Maple. The speaker of the evening will be a minister from Spain who was there during the Spanish Revolution. He will give a talk on Spain and the conditions of the country today. The Guild have also arranged to have 3 Czecho-Slovakian children, one a boy who is a noted violinist and the other two are his sisters Who will sing. A silver collection will be tak- en and lunch served at the close of the meeting. The Guild wish to ex- tend to all a cordial invitation to be with them. Everybody welcome. 3 :o=o===o=o MAPLE ONTARIO LIMITED 0:0 for the current year. Please be ready for him when he calls. The tax for 1940 is as follows. One male dog, $2.00; each ad- ditional male dog, $4.00. One female dog, $5.00; and each addition female dog, $8.00. Richmond Hill, April 25, 1940. A. J. HUME, Clerk. The Village Caretaker will make the rounds of the Village dur- ing the early part of May for the purpose of collecting the DOG TAX Richmond Hill Public School Board Applications for the position of Secâ€" retary-Treasurer of Richmond Hill Public School Board will be received by the undersigned up until 6 o’clock Thursday, May 9th. For full parti- culars apply to the chairman of the Board, L. A. Hill, 97 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Persons disposing of their mares be- fore foaling' time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether in foal or not. All accidents at owner’s risk. DEESIDE HOPEFULL imported (292) 670-0, formerly owned by Will- iam Glass, Maple, sold to Mrs. L. Hamilton, Aurora, will stand in their stable for service for the season. The regular May meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore MONDAY, MAY 6th 11 A.M. for the transaction of General Business Dated at Maple this 2nd day of May, 1940. Purebred Percheron Stallion ROBB DALE CARBERT (15592) The property of William Glass, Lot 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 7913 Maple. This horse is black and weighs about 1950 lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable fOr serâ€" vice for the season. Terms to inâ€" sure foal 81.00, service $11.00, pay- able on or before lst March 1940. SAFETY TRUISM Councillor Wes Middleton while discussing safety measures with the Lion- Editor this week is responsible for this bit of wisdom. Said coun- cillor of speeders?“If people are in such a darn hurry to get home they never should have left home in the first place.” RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, May 5th 11 a.m.â€"“The Inevitable Mercy.” 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"“G'od Ble§s You.” The test of life 1ie§ not in What we possess but in what we can do without. RICHMOND HIIJ. UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, May 5th 9.45 a.m.â€"-Sunday School. All De< partments. 11 Sunday, May 5 After Ascension 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- man. All cordially invited to these ser- RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th 4 Markham Road Vaughan Council . a.m.â€"Divine Worship. Guest preacher, Rev. E. B. Cooke of Thornhill. p.m.â€"Vesper Service. One hour. The pastor in charge. Brief ad- dress: “The Saddest Word in the World." Mr. A. Melecci and his choir will render choice and inspir- ing musical numbers and you are assured of a hearty welcome at all services. STOCK REGISTER vices SECRETARY-TREASURER TRIOLET Daffodils are blooming! Spring has come to stay, Velvet bonnets dooming, Daffodils are blooming! Winter coal bill’s loomingâ€" New hats, did yOu say? Daffodils are blooming, Spring has come to stay! â€"Bavbara Langstaff‘ ST. MARY’S CHURCH DOGS WANTED (Anglican) THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO $16.95. Terms only 50c. a week. All leading makes. 150 other models. Toronto Radio & Sports, Ltd., Can- ada's largest radio and sports firm, 241 Yonge St., 1173 St. Clair W. 5 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, with hydro and water, 1% acres rich soil, fruit trees and lots of small fruit. Excellent buy at $1700, easy terms. Located in Richmond Hill. No en- cumbrance. Apply by letter to Box 440, Liberal Office. ORDER BIGâ€"4 MAY CHICKS NOW “Our 4th year with Big-4 Chicksâ€" wonderful layers,” writes T. Jones. Big 4 Chicks are from Government Inspected, Blood-tested Breeders. All popular breeds. Chicks $8.95 and‘ up. Pullets, Cockerels, Day-old, Started Chicks and Pullets, all ages. Write for catalogue with prices. Wesley Clark, Gormley. Ont., RR. 2. Phone Richmond Hill 4704. ELECTRIC REJER‘IG‘E‘RATO'R, Spar- ton, family size, 5 year guarantee, reg. 8179.95, special $149.95 â€"â€" $1.50 per week. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St.; 1173 St. Clair Ave. \V. 2 OAK LIBRAJRY CHAIRS, uphol- stered; 1 Walnut rocker; odd chairs; 1 Chesterfield chair; 2 carved Wal- nut tip-top tables; 1 round Walnut table; 1 Walnut living room table; carved Walnut Pamps. 33 Hunt Ave. RADIO S, 1940, WESTINGHOUSE , GAJRDEN PROPERTY, 'two and a half acres, attractive cottage, elec- tric light, lots of small fruit, in Bar- rie. A bargain to close an estate. Apply Box 62 The Liberal Office. 265 ington, (rustproof), strong, healthy roots. One year old, $1.00 per 100. Two year old, $1.25 per 100. Henry Kanis, 103 Richmond Street, Rich- mond Hill. BABY CARRIAGE, $5.00; Roller Skates, $2.00; Used Lumber, 2x4 at 20. foot, 2x2 at 1c. foot, 1200 ft. 1/2 inch, $10.00. Ivan Marks, 24 PIT RUN GRAVEL, Concrete Gra- vel, Sand, etc. Prompt deliveries. Charges reasonable. Also general trucking, road materials, P.C.V. Li- cense. W. J. Hodge, Maple, phone Maple 19W. Mill Street, Richmond Hill, phone LAJRGE USED MOF‘FAT ELECTRIC RANGE, 4 burners, side oven and warming oven, good condition, $35. Apply 122 Yonge St., phone Rich- mond Hill 100. LEGHORN COCKEREL CHICKS $1.26 per hundred. No delivery. Every Friday. Apply Wm. Vander- bent, Gormley, phone Thornhill 1821. long season, drought resistant strain $2.50 per hundred. Bill Campbell, telephone Richmond Hill 4533. BAXTER’S SEEDS, PLANTS and Fertilizer. It will pay you to buy garden supplies from us. See our display at 3372 Yonge St., at Mel- rose Avenue. ASPARAGUS ROOTS. Mary Wash- 15 or 20 bags. Apply Samuel Wing- er, Maple R.R. 2, phone 1062 Maple. 6-00 B‘US. BANNER OATS; 500 bus. Feed Barley. Apply C. E. Walking- ton, King, telephone King 4213. LATHAM RASPBERRY BUSHES, D’OOwLEY SEED POTATOES, about 2 YEAR OLD ASPARA‘GUS Roots, $10.00 per thousand or $1.50 per hundred. A‘pply W. L. Gal], Oak Ave., Richvale. with oven, in perfect condition. Ap- ply R. Lynett, 8 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. PU‘REBR‘ED WHITE PEKIN DUCK SMAJLL 2-PLATE ELECTRIC Stove EGGS for hatching. L. C. Burton, Carrvi‘lle Road. Phone Maple 764. DRILL FOR SALE, 15 disc, Massey- H‘arris; Harrows, etc. Langstaff Supply, Langstaff. Dooley. Apply R. McLelland, phone Maple 20. 12 SMALL PIGS, feeders; Sow with 7 pigs. Apply George Kozak, Richâ€" mond Hill. BABY PRAM and Car ply Liberal Office. GOOD WORK HORSE. Apply Kerr Brothers, Richmond Hill, phone 77. 3 SOWS due to farrow about end of May. Telephone Zone 8-184. SEED POTATOES, Katahdin and THIS IS PAY OF‘ADVERTlSiNG-iMAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first inseri§;n_;n<;_15v€er;t; tor each subsequent Insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE umber, 2x4 at PAINTING & DECORATING done foot, 12,00 ft_!by experienced workmen. Prices rea- m Marks, 24%sonaable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jeffer- J Hill. phone gson, 0m. Stripping done by machine. Radio. Ap- A penalty of three per cent is imposed on all taxes remaining unpaid after May 20th. Pay promptly and save expense Discount of two per cent is al- lowed when payment of the whole amount of the year’s taxes is made on or before May 15th. Richmond Hill, April 25, 1940. The First Instalment of the cur- rent year’s ta'xes is due SEPTIC TANKS installed. cleaned and repaired, drains renewed, wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jeff- erson. IT’S RESULTS THAT COUNT. For the best possible results: in hatching, either turkey, duck, bantam, pheasant or hen eggs, bring your eggs to an expert. A11 eggs incubated and hatched in individual compartments. Any number of eggs accepted at any time. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. FEMALE FOX TERRIER, age about 1 year. Pet. Owner may have same by identifying and paying expenses. Apply Liberal Office. HOUSES_Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 7‘3. tf WANTED TO RENT 50 ACRES OR MORE pasture land. J. W. Stephenson, RR. 2 Gormley, phone Richmond Hill 4502. WANTEDâ€"HORSES, CATTLE, HAY ELECTRIC RANGE NEW WEST- INGH‘O‘USE Automatic Control Reg. $115.00, special $89.00. Terms $1.00 weekly. $20.00 rebate from Hydro. Toronto Radio & Sports, Ltd., 241 Yonge St, 1173 St. Clair W. Grain and Straw in exchange for Elec. Refrigerators, Elec. Milk Cool- ers, Elec. and Combination Rang-es, Washers, and Radios, all leading makes, over 150 models to choose from, Canada’s largest radio and sport firm. Write or call B. R‘. Leech, WA. 4501. Toronto Radio & Sports, Ltd., 241 Yonge St., Toronto. with general housework. All city conveniences. Apply Liberal Office. PAKSTURE for 10 to 15 head of heif- ers and yearlings. Phone Thornhill 18422 or write B. R. Leech, 241 Yonge St., Toronto. MAN accustomed to market garden work. Apply to T. C. MJcKay, Lot 8, Con. 4, Markham. Y‘OU1NG WOMAN wanted to help GUIRNEY STEELYARD SCALES (100 lbs.); Stanley 55 Plane; Car- penter’s Clamps; Pulley Blocks; Logging Chain. J. H. Young, Steel’s and Bayview Ave. SUMMER COTTA’GE on Lake Simâ€" coe to exchange for small house in Richmond Hill or Elgin Mills vicin- ity. 53 Bedford Park Ave., Toronto. 3 CHOICE YOUNG BROOD SO‘WIS due May 10th. Cheap for quick sale We will deliver. De La Salle Farm phone Aurora 90. USED BEATTY WAS HER USED BEATTY WASHER} outside force pump. Apply G. Yerex, Rich- mond Hill. BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms, at Maple, good garden, fruit trees, garage. Ap- ply A. Rumble, Maple, or G. Rumble, King. TAXES (Graduate of the Owen A. Smily Studio) ELOCUTIONAalgd DRAMATIC T “Homewood Hall" MISCELLANEOUS MARGUERITE BOYLE A. J. HUME, MAY IST WA N TE'D FOUND Village Treasurer. Thornhifl THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1940 ,April 30th, to Mr. and Craig of .Buttonville, a 1931 DURANT SEDANâ€"Good valle RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174-W 1937 FORD V-8 DeL'SXE COUPEâ€"- Little Brothers (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1933 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN â€"Th0roughly reconditioned. Used Cars 1938 FORD V-8 COUPEâ€"A GOOd 1931 DODGE PANEL DELIVERY Dr. L. R. Bell who formerly prac- ticed! Dentistry here for several years has resumed. practice in the village and his office is located in the Hotel Richmond. Telephone 111. DANCE AT VELLORE Vellore Jr. Institute and Jr. Farm- ers are holding a dance in the V81. lore Hall Thursday, May 23rd. Max Boag’s Orchestra, Ernie Evans, floor manager. Admission 25c. Refresh- ments. Presidents, Catherine Brown- lee, Bruce Watson; Secretaries, Edna Keffer, Gordon Orr. 1937 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€" Small mileage. 7 ROOMED HOUSE, 163 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, lot 50x250, garage, fruit. Apply 86-Ilford Road, Tor- onto. We are not here just to play and dream; We have hard work to do and loads to lift; So when you help the children through the Lions, ’Twil} prove a handsome gift. BIRTH CRAIGâ€"At Markham, tric. Apply 1. D. Rayner, Richmoxld; Hill. DUPLEX, five rooms, all conveni- ences, electric stove, po‘svseSSion at once. W. C. Savage, Yonge 515., phone 106, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOM HOUSE, water and elec- Possession immediately. Apply Lib- eral Office. 6 ROOMED HOUSE on Elizabeth Street. Apply W. Bone, 15 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. HOUSE, 6 rooms, all conveniences ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE 1940 LICENSES .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service ' Large Flowering Varieties 6 for $2.00 108 Marchmount Rd., Toronto Price List on request Ford Sales & Service TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios Very nice. TRUCK. In excellent condition. ,ar. 1929 FORD TUDOR NOTICE $125.00 $325.00 $550.00 $175.00 $495.00 $175.00 $495.00 T0 RENT DAHLIAS on Tuesday, Mrs. Walter son. ONTARIO

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