WOONMOOWNWONONOO PAGE EIGHT Quality Fruits, Syrups and Beverages Everything for the Soda Fountain Bowes Co. TORONTO, ONTARIO Compliments of Limited Makers of The April meeting of Central United W.A. was held in the Church Hall on Thursday afternoon, twentyâ€" seven members and several visitors in attendance. Mrs. Bewell, the president, had charge of the meet- ing. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. A Brown, Mrs. A. Coulson giving the Bible talk on “Faithâ€, which was found also in answer to the roll cal}. Reports of the various committees were heard, including the Red Cross, 33 pairs of socks and 6 pairs of wristlets having been con- tributed. , The program was of special in- terest and included a piano solo by Mrs. W. Hiltz and readings by Mrs. R. J. Duffield and Mrs. Brookfield. After the program a delicious tea was served the ladies and a delight- ful social hour enjoyed. Hostesses for the afternoon included Mrs. A. Coulson, ers. A. E. Milner, Mrs. S. Weatherill, Mrs. F. Boadway and Mrs. Cowie-Madon. Unionville Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. OWen (Daylight Saving Time) 10.30 a.m.â€"Church School. 11.30 a.m.â€"Rev. F. A. Lawson, Re- presentative of Lord‘s Day Alli- ance. 8 p.m.â€"-The Pastorâ€"“A Bride and (Standard Time) 1.30 p.m.â€"â€"â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Rev. F. A. Lawson, Re- presentative of Lord’s Day Alli- ance. (Daylight Saving Time) 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH (Standard Time) 9.30 a.c. and 7 p.m. The annual oratory contest took place in Carrville school last Friday evening. Mr. Ernie Bone was in the chair. The judges were Miss Mc- Hugh, Rev. Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Cyril Baker. The prizes were award- ed as follows: Seniors, 1st, Francis Perring; 2nd, Beth Barton; 3rd, Bon- nie Burton. Intermediates, 1st, Ida Phillips; 2nd, Ruth Durie. Juniors, 1st, Hunter Delahaye. The monthly meeting of the WA. was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Cook and ers. Chas. Graham at Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bone spent Sun- day with friends at Victoria Square. Mr. and Mrs. Armitage and little daughter Lorraine and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Walker visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Middleton on Sunday. Margaret Allison and Marjorie Pattenden of Richmond Hill visited Marjorie Norris on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Godd‘all of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Wark on Sunday. Mr. Bruce Wank, St. Catharines, spent a week ago Sunday with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor and family of Weston spent Sunday with :Mr. and Mrs. D. Middleton. Master Kenneth Baker returned home after spending a week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ness at Patterson. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Her Dowry.†CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH ST. PHILLIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Unionville THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO CARRVILLE LATE JAMES WRIGHT HALL The funeral of the late James Wright Hall of the Acme Service Station just south of RichmOnd Hill and a resident of this district for the past twa years was held Tuesâ€" day afternoon and was largely atâ€" tended l:y friends and relatives. He died in Toronto General Hospital Sunday, April 28th after a few day’s illness. Born in Scotland he was forty-two years of age and was a resident of Toronto for many years before moving to Richmond Hill. For over twenty years he operated the Acme Garage in the Yonge-Bloor district. He is survived by his widow and three children who have the sin- cere sympathy of the community in their bereavement. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. J. D. Cunningham of Rich- ‘mond Hill Presbyterian Church and interment followed in Richmond Hill cemetery. Pall bearers were: Jack, Francis and Robert Hall, and Robert Goldie of Toronto, and E. Harding and W. Adams of Richmond Hill. RADIO DELINQUENTS TO BE REPORTED Radio licenses were due April lst and James Butler, local radio in- spector, reports the majority of cit- izens here have secured them. In a few days delinquents will be report- ed and there will be additional ex- pense for those who wait for a court summons. There has been a general tightening up in enforcement this year and penalties are provided for those who fail to secure the necessâ€" ary license. SATURDAY, MAY 4â€"Auction sale of six acres of land, also Horse, Pigs, Oats, Furniture, Garden Tools, Hot 'Bed Sash, etc., the property of L. F. Bagg, Lot 15, Con. 2, Markham Township. Terms cash. Terms. for land made known on day of sale. Sate at 2 pm. D.S.T. R. H. Kane, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY 4â€"Auction Sale of 4 acres of land, frame cottage, good cellar, furnace, etc., stable, chicken house, household furniture, etc. \No reserve on chattels. Propâ€" erty sold subject to reserve bid. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms ca-sh. Property of Asa Kettlewell. Prentice & Pren- tic-e, Auctioneers. TUESDAY, MAY 7 â€" Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Furni- ture, Hay, etc, the property of Mary M. Feeney, Lot 19, Con. 3, North York, Duff-erin St, 1 mile south of Fisherville. Terms cash. No reserve whatever as farm is rented. Sale at 1 o’clock Standard Time. J. H. and Ken. Prentice, Auctioneers. THURSDAY, MAY 9â€"Public Auc- tion Sale of Bee Equipment, Tools and Furniture, the property of Mrs. John McGillivray, Lot 54, Con. 1, Markham Township, first house north of Orange Home on Yonge Street, 2 miles north of Richmond Hill. Sale at 1 pm. D.S.T. Terms cash. J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY 11th â€" Auction sale of Public Garage with frame Workshop in rear and Dwelling at 2.30 p.m., on the property, corner Weston Road and Ray Avenue, No. 1263 Weston Road, the property of James Rames‘bottom. Terms 10- per cent on day of sale, balance 40 per cent in 30 days, and vendor if ne- cessary is willing to accept mortgage for balance for term of five years at 6 per cent half yearly. For fur- ther particulars apply to James Ramesbottom, phone Maple 6123 or J. Carl Saigeon, Auctioneer, Maple, phone 11. WEDNESDAY, MAY 15thâ€"Auction sale of Valuable Residential prep- erty situated at 19 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, also the Furniture, Household Goods, etc. belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Agnes Coulter Campbell. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. OBIT UARY Sale Register §NMWOWW Qu°=0=0=10=0 g=0=°=0=0=0=0=0=0=0 " WELL BEGUN IS HALF DONE†Little pigs, calves -or baby chicks â€" the way they live and grow during their first few weeks goes a long way toward determining- just how well they do later and how much money they make for you. Get them off to a good start and they will pay you both pride and profit â€"â€" let them run into a setback and a slow start, and they will be a constant trouble and expense. For the right kind of start, give them the right kind of starting feed â€" the particular Purina Startena built especially for thelr special needs at this critical time. PURIN‘A PIG STARTENA â€" Fills in the weak places in the sow’s milk...gets your little pigs away to a “flying start". Gets them used to eating solid food before they are weanedâ€"car- ries them through the weaning period and the first month after weaning without upsets or set- backs. Feed it dry, in a creep. If the little fellows don’t take to it readily at first moisten the checkers with skim milk for a day or two, until they get the taste. l. D. RAMER & SON, Richmond Hill I. ULULL‘lx u;.w.v.n. ..,---..._ balanced chick feed, the result of more than 20 years of experiment and experience with baby chicks. Famous in the past for greater livabil- ity, extra growth. heavier bone development, added strength and vigor â€" and tests on the “1940 Model†show 10% faster growth than ever before. Remember â€" there are many starting feeds, but ONLY ONE STARTENA! PURINA CHICK STARTENA â€"â€"_â€" A completely RICHMOND HILL PHONE 8 The F. P. WEAVER COAL COMPANY LIMITED IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALERS GROCERIES and PROVISIONS A. A. EDEN TORONTO DRS. WILSON Domestic and Industrial Coals 347 BAY STREET With the Compliments of COMPLIMENTS OF PURINA CALF STARTE‘NA â€"â€" The complete calf feed. Saves milk, saves work, saves time, trouble and temper. Helps cut down scours and other digestive troubles. Very little milk at any time â€"â€" none at all (and no pails to wash) after the first 4 weeks. No mixing, no heating, n0 sloppy gruels. And it raises surprisingly good calves at sur- prisingly low cost. . .cheaper than you can raise them on milk, at present prices. COMPLIMENTS OF THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1940. of RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO ONTARIO