Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 May 1940, p. 1

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The oldest actor in the world was no Greek, wrapped to the chin in flowing linens and intoning tragedylike a threshing machine grinding 'out glains of wheat. The oldest actor in the world was a tiny fig- urine of wood dressed garishly in bits of old cloth. He was a puppet. He would now, be about 4000 years old. WORLD’S OLDEST ACTORS COM- ING TO RICHMOND HILL No one has traced this No. 1 mar- ionette back to the hands that fashioned him. No one is even sure who fashioned him, or why. The only certainty is that it was conâ€" siderably more than 3000 years agO. It took centuries to perfect the little creatures and make them onbey string jerks. The first puppet probably wasn‘t a dangler, lbut wriggled and cavorted in his manipulator’s hand. Strings came later and puppets be- gan to walk. Then they spoke. Lat- er, they sang, and in the last few centuries, the mechanics of puppetry have just about stood still, their masters bending their talents to make the figures subtle. What Greeks Wanted Puppet theatres were popular in Greece as far back as 422 B.C. Be- fore that these acting mites relieved the tedium of laborers in Egypt. It was in 422, however, that flesh and blood actors began to resent the vogue of the stringed midgets. Athenaeus reproached the citizens of Athens because they had handed “The Theatre of Dionysius” to the marionettes. At the time the pop- ulace took more delight in these than in Eul‘ipides’ plays. The Greeks, apparently, knew what they wanted! and had a word for it. The word, translated, is marionettes. The Richmond Hill Agricultural Society has completed arrangements ‘for bringing the leading exponents of this ancient art to the Richmond Hill Fair on Friday, May 24th. YOu will be amazed to see what the descendants of these woodenâ€"headed actors can do nowadays. Forsyth‘s Marionettes are bringing a large cast of diminutive actors for their first local appearance. From coast to coast these little fellows have been entertaining enthusiastic audi- ences with their captivating .per- formances. The program is made up of variety acts and given Forsyth’s l1tf~arionettes a splendid opportunity to perform all the way from grand opera to circus slapstick. RICHOND HILL. FAIR, FRIDAY, MAY 24th property sh01 grour VOL. LVIV. 6‘ MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 - 14 - 15 “ DARK RAPTURE ” TEARS THE VEIL FROM SECRET LIVES â€"â€" ALSO â€" TOM BROWN - PEGGY MORAN“ Phone MO. 2172 OH JOHNNY HOW YOU CAN LOVE ” “ THE SAINT DOUBLE TROUBLE ” â€"â€" WITH â€" Thomas Mitchell, Edna Best, Freddie Bartholomew â€" AND â€" THE COMMUNITY’S CLEARING HOUSEâ€" THE LIBERAL WANT ADS TO BUILD FENCE 'event pedestrians using the at municipal hall for a [2, Village council will erect along the north side of the “ SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON ” â€" WITH â€" GEORGE SANDERS - HELENE WHITNEY FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 10 - 11 CAPITOL THEATRE Elié'iiefii‘h 300 Seats All Evening 25c. ___1N____ Several protests against the (re- ‘building of the Percy Brillinger barn recently destroyed by fire at the Futskirts of Richmond Hill Village were considered at the regular monthly meeting of the Markham Township council held! at Unionville Monday afternoon. The barn was situated close to several residences and it is claimed that it should not be rebuilt in such a locality. Coun- cil took no action in the matter but referred the protests to the Board of Health for what action is deemed best when building permit is applied1 ‘for. A deputation from Thornhill sought some compensation for Mr. C. Revill who fell‘ in the village and the Insurance company failed to recog- nize the accident claim. Council members will again take up the case with the insurance officials. Protest Rebuilding of Brillinger Barn Constable Ben Gayman reported a considerable amount of dumping of refuse on the Township roads con- trary to regulations. The Township has established an authorized dump for cans etc. at Headiford and‘ it is illegal to dump such refuse on the highways. Some offenders are known to the authorities and it is likely action will be taken against them. The question of purchasing a dust layer for the roads was discussed at some length. It was felt it was 'badfl'y needed in several places and‘ some action may be taken. Markham Council Hear Protests At Regwlar Meeting â€" Increased Building Activity In The Township Report of the Building Inspector reflected an increase in building ac- tivity. Building permits since the first of the year total $48615. Among the outstanding buildings will be a number of high class residences in the Bayview district. Permits have 'been issued to K. R. Robinson for a $15,500 residence and to Dr. Tanner for a $7000 residence, both on Bay- view. I. W. Ford is contemplating a $174000 home in the Steele’s Avenue district. Buy Canadian, Buy British, Help in the War. "In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty: In All Thlngs, Charity” The final stage in the re-organy ization of Richmond Hill public ser- vice peisonrnel was enacted at Mon- day night’s council meeting when on motion of councillor Wes Middleton and; councillor R. D. Little, Mr, 11. B. Stirling was appointed as water- works engineer commencing June 1 at a salary of $1200 per year. Deâ€" tails of his duties and agreement was left in the hands of councillor Dr. J. P. Wilson, chairman of the Waterworks Commission. At special meetings last month the contracts engaging Mr. Stirling as electri‘cal engineer and H. V. McBride as watâ€" erworks engineer were terminated by council and the operation of the local electric system turned; over to the Hydro Commission on a cost plus fifteen per cent basis. In making the motion for the ap- pointment of Mr. Stirling to the wat- erworks post councillor Middleton said that he was taking- into consid- eration his long ‘years of service to the municipality. All members sup- ported the motion for the Stirling appointment except councillor Bill Neal who moved that applications be called for the position. “I think Mr. Stirling is too old to appoint to this job, and we have lots of cap- able men unemployed who could do it,” said councillor Neal. Discussing waterworks problems the members mentioned the possibil- ity of supplementing the present sup- H. B. STIRLING APPOINTED TO WATERWORKS POST BY COUNCIL ply by (-ii'illing £0; a flowing well near the present stream. Council- l‘or Middleton expressed faith in such a project and the members will make further investigation. Discus-sing police matters Council- lor R. D. Little suggested that some steps should be taken to curb speed- ing in the village. Reeve Trench and Councillor Neal will confer with provincial and county authorities as to a means of checkmg the nuisance. “Some convictions for speeding would be helpful,” said; councillor Little, “it doesn’t take long for the word to get round) if we’re enforcing the speed limit.” “As far as I know there hasn’t been anyone pinched for speeding here for five years,” said councillor Middleton. Councill‘o‘r Neal didn’t like the idea of clocking speed-oars with a stop watch. “I d-on‘t like to get caught with a stop watch," he said, “but I don’t mind if they catch me.” RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1940. Discussing safety measures it was decided to confer with officials of the various churches re crossing Yonge Street on Sunday. Councillor Middleton thought the idea of a po- liceman in the centre of the road directing- traffic looked silly. It’s all well and good to standl on the curb and help people across if necessary but this standing in the middle of the road holding up traffic is silly, he said. The clerk submitted a report on the season’s operation of the arena which showed receipts of $1624, ex- penditures of $871, leaving an oper- ating surplus of $753. This was viewed as very satisfactory by mem- bers of council. The village caretaker was instruct- ed to post the “closed-for-season” Sign on Richmond Hill lock-up, hostel for many wandering knights of the road during the winter months. “The weather is good and warm now,”. said councillor Middleton “it’s time to close it up.” The clerk was instructed to wherâ€" tise for tenders for construction of 700 feet of watermain on Vaughan Road to serve three new houses to be built this spring. Miss Ad-a Mc- Kenzie’s new home is about completâ€" ed and contracts have been let for two other homes east of her prOp- erty. Building permits for the two new houses total $15,000 which indi- cates that the structures will be imâ€" posing residences and a real asset to the village. TO TAKE ACTION TO CURB SPEEDERSâ€"RINK HAD A PROFITABLE SEASON â€" TO BUILD WATERMAIN ON VAUGHAN ROAD Difficulty in getting rid of garb- age collected weekly in the town may lead! to the construction of a proper incinerator for its disposal. Coun- cillor Middleton thought the disposal was of no concern to. the council as it was a private undertaking and it was up to the contractor to get rid of it the best way possible. Reeve Trench and other members of coun- cil felt that it was in the town’s in- terests that it be disposed of in a proper manner and) the members will investigate the possibility of con- structing a small incinerator. John Sheardown wrote the coun- cil re costs still claimed by him from the court action with the municiâ€" pality, and issued a demand on coun- cil that they immediately albate the nuisance of the ditch through his property. He claimed that work on ditch was improperly done and that the nuisance has not been abated as ordered by the court. The communi- cation was! referred to the solicitor handling the case for the municipalâ€" ity. Council as usual will' remove ashes from private property if requests are made,,pr0mptly to the town clerk. At a recent special meeting con- tract for collection of cans for the year was awarded to Albert Chapâ€" man at a price- of $85.00. Lucy Yerex Wins Prize For Naming Local Lionesses Scores of answers were received to the Lioness Guessing Contest con- ducted by the Richmond Hill Lions Club in last week’s special edition of The Liberal. Many interesting answers were received which we would like to publish, lbut: lack of space makes it impossible in this issue. Guesses ranged all the way from famous movie stars to inhabi- tants of the Fiji Islands and one enthusiast. put the answer in verse which we will publish in a later is- sue. The correct identification fol- lows: Top rowhlleft to right: Mrs. R. D. Little, Mrs. L. A. Hill. ICentre, left to right: Mrs. J. F. Heard, Mrs. James Stewart. LoWer, left to right: Mrs. W. W. Trench, Mrs. J. E. Smith, Mrs. I. D. Ramer. Two correct answers were receiv- ed and a. draw conducted by the Lions Editor resulted in first prize going to Miss Lucy Yerex, and a second prize of $3.00 was added which goes to Mrs. Clifford Burl; GIRL GUIDES DOUGHNUT DRIVE The “Girl Guides" all oVer the 'British Empire are undertaking to give a million dollars to build for the Royal Air Force 2 ambulances which are now being built specially constructed Air Craft, also 3 Motor Life Boat on the Sea. A week, from May 19th to 25th, is to be set aside as Guide Gift Week in which even the smallest “Brownie” is asked to sacrifice to buy theSe gifts. From Roche’s Point to Thornhill the Guides, sponsored by Canada Bread Company, are selling Doughnuts and are out now taking orders. The day of delivery will be Saturday, May 18th. All former Guides or Rangers of this district will kindly get in touch with Miss Mary H. Connor, President local association of the Girl Guides to help in this underâ€" taking with money or interest. The Guides and old-er Brownies are getting orders for Doughnuts and on Saturday, the 18th, will follow up the orders, deliver the goods and receive the money. The 25th annual meeting of Sec 4 Toronto Presbyterial W.M.S. wil‘ be held in Aurora Presbyteriar Church Thursday, May 16th at 1( a.m. D.S.T. PRESBYTERIAL MEETING AT AI'RORA .009“ Relief Recipients Must Have Garden New Regulation Being Strictly En- forcedâ€"Relief Costs Are Down Compared to Last Year Every relief recipient in Vaughan Township will have a substantial gar- den this year, it was reported to Vaughan Township municipal council meeting in regular session Monday afternoon at Vellore. This is in- line with government policy which has stipulated that persons not having a garden this summer need not apply for municipal assistance next win-ter. Anticipating a rise in living costs the government has taken this step to make provision for it without increasing the relief allowance. A survey of all relief recipients in Vaughan township revealed that all were planning garden plots for the production of vegetables this year. Relief costs for the first four months of the year showed a sub- stantial decrease compared- to last year. The direct cost to the townâ€" ship for the first four months this year was $1057.58 as compared with $2809.76 for the first four months of 1-939. Council members plan an inspec- tion of the township roads- in the near future when road work for the year will .be planned). The members are not rinticipating‘ any extensive construction work. A letter received from King Town- ship council expressed thanks to Vaughan for co-operating with King in renting the Vaughan plow during the snow tie up this spring. Report of Hospitalization showed a slight increase in- this type of ex- penditure. Vellore Jr. Institute and Jr. Farm- ers are holding a dance in the Vel- lore Hall Thursday, May 23rd. Max Boag’s Orchestra, Ernie Evans, floor manager. Admission 25c. Refresh- ments. Presidents, Catherine Br0wn- lee, Bruce Watson; Secretaries, Edna Keffer, Gordon Orr. Treasurer J. M. McDonald report- ed receiving a cheque from the Pro- vince of Ontario this week for $10,- 844.07, subsidy on road expenditures of 1939. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 - 14 - 15, “ ELIZABETH AND ESSEX ” Yonée St. at Glenforest Bd. "SALAIIA" TEA Motlon Pictures Are Your Best Entertafiffiéfi FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 10 - 11 “ AMAZING MR. WILLIAMS ” With JOAN BLONDELL - MELVYN DOUGLAS â€"â€" AND â€" DANCE AT VELLORE With BETTY DAVIS - ERROL FLYNN BUY THRIFT TICKETS AND SAVE “ MOUNTAIN RHYTHM ” With JEAN AUTRY Novelty â€" JITTER BUG KNIGHTS With J. PAYNE - JANE WYMAN PORKY FILM FAN “ KID NIGHTINGALE ” r%ality guaranteed â€"ALSOâ€" The first item on our news list this week is a hearty Thank You from the members of our choir to the friends both in this and neigh- bouring communities who turned; out in such large numbers as they ddd on Tuesday evening to hear the Toll Brothers and thereby making- our evening a. huge success. People in 'the country are all busy with seed/- ing and house cleanlng and we cer- tainly appreciated. their co-operation. 'Again thank you. On Sunday the W.M.S. had two well attended services, the evening service being the larger, there being '115 present. Mr. and: Mrs. Burbrid'ge and: family, returned! missionaries 'from Korea, were very interesting, and anyone wishing a miseionary ad- dress would do well to get in touch 'with them. Vocal numlbers ‘by Mrs. Harrington of Unionville and Mrs. ‘and Miss McClure of Cashel were ‘enjoyed by those present. I Don’t forget J.F.A. and J.W.I. meetings on Tuesday, May 14th. Ev- eryone who has 'books in connection with either of these clubs will be expected to give full reports of the year’s work as this is the last month 'of the old year. Will those who have any articles of knitting done please hand them in so that it can also go on our books as this year’s work. Mr. Williams Manitt of Kesmridk is spending a few days with his lbrother-in-law, Mr. Bert: Sanderson and: family. Next Sunday, May 12 is Mother’s Sunday and there will ‘be a special service ‘both in our Sunday School and church hour. Plan to attend. The children both ofi Number 4 and 6 Public Schools were delighted with the visit from Mr. Ellsworth Toll on Tuesday and he in turn thought we had some very well in- formed children. They were able to answer questions and then in turn ask them as only children can. VICTORIA SQUARE Mr. Ernie Jackson of Toronto spent the week-end with the Sandâ€" ‘erson family. EUCHRE The Ladies Veterans’ Auxiliary will hold a Euchre at the home of Mrs. _W. Deadman, 41 Richmond St, Richmond Hill on Monday, May 13 at 2 o'clock. SINGLE CGPIES 51:. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE IlUdson 5437 N0. 45.

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