Last week’s Lion’s Special was very gratifying to us, and from the many comments we know it was enjoyable to our readers. Apart altogether from the financial gain which accrued to the Lions treasury we feel the issue served a useful purpose. First it directed public atten- It is somewhat of a "‘let-dmvn†publishing the regu- lar issue this week after having had a large and brilliant staff of contributors such as assisted in the Lions spe- cial. However the best we can do is to assure our read- ers that we hope the service club members will repeat the venture next year. . This year resolve to give the Richmond Hill Fair your patronage and support. The directors have planned a splendid Horse Show and a large entry is assured in the light and heavy horse classes and keen competition is prom- ised in the jumping and saddle events. In addition there willbe a sports program with many features and attrac- tions for young and old including several classes for school children’s work for which many prizes are offered. The Fair offers a wonderful opportunity for renewing old ac- quaintances as hundreds of Richmond Hill old boys and girls return from widely scattered points for this annual event. The success of the Fair depends on your support and if it is to continue it» needs more loyalty from the peo- ple of the town and district than it has received in the past. This year plan to stay home for the Victoria Day holiday and boost the Home Town’s Big Day. . We do not think many municipal councils will wish to assume this responsibility and in many municipalities plans have already been made for taking a vote. It is a matter which should be decided by the people and munâ€" icipal councils throughout York County should make early preparations to let the people’s voice be heard on this im- portant question. Richmond Hill Agricultural Society will hold its 915t annual Spring Fair Friday, May 24th and this event is one which should have the whole-hearted support of the people of the district. Certain holidays of the year be- come identified with certain communities and May 24th is Richmond Hill’s one big day in the year. As such it merits more generous support from the people of the Vill- age and the people of the district round-about. An event which has been held annually for almost a century necessarily becomes part and parcel of the com« munity. It is unfortunate that the task of continuing the annual fair falls on the shoulders of so few people. A small group of officers and directors each year without thought of any remuneration only the satisfaction of doing someâ€" thing for the community spend a great deal of thought and effort in staging the annual fair. It is not Toronto exhibition or the New York World Fair but it is Rich- mond Hill Fair and it should have the support of the people here. Last year the provincial government announced its intention of making longer terms for municipal councils and we opposed the suggestion because we do not think longer terms are desirable and because we felt such a move in any event should come from the municipal councils. The new legislation is still wrong in our opinion because we think it should provide that councils will have a one year term unless the people vote for a two year term. However the legislation is passed and municipal councils now have the responsibility of placing the issue before the electors unless they want to take the responsibility of adopting the two year term. While municipal councils in this district have not yet made any more in the matter there is every likelihood that there will be votes taken next January on the advisa- bility of extending council terms to two years. Under new provincial legislation municipal councils will automatically have their council terms extended if they do not vote dis- approval of the scheme. Traffic conditions in Richmond Hill today constitute a serious hazard to life and stern measures should be adopted now before We have occasion to mourn another serious accident. The large number of serious accidents here over a period of years is a challenge to those in authority to take steps now to curb reckless driving and speeding so evident here. It is utter nonsense to hide behind a sign posted at the entrance to the village which reads “speed limit 30 miles per hour, strictly enforced†when as a municipal councillor stated Monday night there hasn’t been a con- viction for speeding in the village for five years. Speed- ing and disregard of traffic laws is evident-on the side‘ streets as well as on Yonge Street and should be curbed. There are motorists who daily disregard stop signs in Richmond Hill and if the signs are not to be obeyed they should be taken down. The speed limit in Richmond Hill is thirty miles per hour and it should be observed. In a village where there are numerous parked cars and a large number of pedes- trains including hundreds of children any higher speed is dangerous and should not be tolerated. Other munici- palities insist on the thirty mile speed limit as a protec- tion to their people and Richmond Hill citizens have every right to the same protection. Traffic hazards in the village demand that action be taken and we are satisfied that a series of convictions is the only effective means of curbing the reckless driving so evident here. Reeve T. H. Trench and members of the Richmond Hill Municipal Council meeting this week decided to con- fer with County and Provincial authorities as to means of curbing speeding and reckless driving in Richmond Hill. We hope the conference and study of conditions will re- sult in a decision to engage an enforcement officer at least part time during the summer months. RICHMOND HILL FAIR NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT J. Eachern Smith, Manager {ember Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year -â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Beet Suburban District 'Advartisin'g Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. RECKLESS DRIVING SHOULD BE CURBED TWO YEAR TERMS FOR COUNCILS PAGE TWO THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1940. AFTER THE LIONS “THE LIBERAL†On Friday, April 26th, John Cairns of King celebrated his 86th birth- day. He was born near Eversley and has spent his entire life in King township. Mr. and Mrs. Cairns cele- brated their 59th wedding anniversâ€" ary earlier this year. They have one daughter, Lena, at home, a son James, who lives nearby, and three grandchildren. Norman Jackman was elected to succeed Mrs. Leo Watson as presi- dent when the Woodbridge Tennis Club met at; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Henderson‘s home Tuesday night. Others elected were Miss Betty Wal- lace, ‘viceâ€"president; Mrs. Leo Wat- son, secretary; R. Ur. Henderson, treasurer; Miss Bertha Whitmore, social convener; J. A. Fraser, Lyness Glass and Bill Watson, grounds com- mittee; Miss Bertha Whitmore and J. A. Fraser, tournament committee; Jack Powlesland and Lorne Carr, auditors. Special provisions were made to allow tourists and non-residents to use the courts. The club also an- nounced a drive to secure new mem- bers and an estimated sum of ap- proximately $200 for installation of modern flood lighting at the courts. The new part season fees will be 2 months for $2, 1 month for $1.50, 50¢. per week, or 25c. per day. Adult season fees were set at $3.50 with a Junior rate (under 16) of $2.00. The latter will apply for use of the courts until 6 pm. daily except Saturdays and holidays. NORMAN JACKMAN HEADS TENNIS CLUB FOR 1940 I consider the Lions’ issue of The Liberal a splendid achieve- ment, worthy of sincere congratulations. In particular The Ballad of Stinking Still afforded me so much enjoyment that I thought some others of your readers might enjoy the enclosed ballad. I found it this morning on my doorstep (either outside or inside, I have forgotten which). To the Editor of The Liberal Dear Sir: tion to the fine work carried on in this community by the Lions Club, and secondly it demonstrated how interesting the Home Paper can be made if more people take a hand in contributing to it. We are hopeful the Lions special will inspire many more of our readers to contribute to our columns. We have long since abandoned the idea of making a million dollars as a weekly newspaper publisher, but we do cling tenaci‘ously to the belief that the Home Paper is an important factor in community welfare. And while certain responsibilities rest with the publisher, a newspaper’s usefulness to a community is in part deter- mined by the support it receives from citizens and busi« ness people and by the use that is made of it. The columns of The Liberal are open to our readers to discuss topics of local and general interest and we are hopeful that in future more and more of our readers will avail themselves of this opportunity in the community’s interest. BALLAD OF THE NAMING OF A VILLAGE (about the year 2000 AD.) Listen, my townsfolk, and you shall hear Of the deep distress of a village dear, A healthful hamlet, of altitude great, Quite unsuspecting its final fate. A drainage ditch was turning to mud A piece of land both sound and good. Do fix this ditch, the owner pled, (A while in vain, it must be said). To a court of law the case he took When peaceful means were all forsook. The ditch must be, the Judge laid down, Removed to purify the town. The Council tried the job to do But the owner refused to let them through Till the Council would agree to sign Right here and here on the dotted line. What do you think, the Council cried, We are magicians or Pipers Pied That we can whistle away your Mud? Holy Moses, we wish we could! ! They hired lawyers, more and moreâ€" Lawsuits were started by the score. Year by year the battle grew And reached proportions quite undue. The class each year could hardly wait From Osgoode Hall to graduate To rush to the suburbs, one and all, And enter this glorious free-for-all. (“Free-for-all†was a slip of the pen. ’Twas the fee-for-all that drew these men.) The tax rate soared as the years sped by, Time was when fifty mills seemed high. When it reached one hundred, people started To leave the village, broken-hearted. They hated to go, but they 'could not stay With their tax debts mounting day by day. When it hit FIVE hundred, every one Of the early settlers away had gone, Leaving the town to the lawyers many, ‘Houses, and lots, and gardens a-plenty. To rename the\t0Wn the lawyers did crave ‘And met one day in close conclave. Spoke‘one, “What brought us to this town Was that oozy mud of color brown, The mud from which we were deriving (Before folks left) our right g‘ood livmg. The mud around that drainage ditch On this fair hill has made us rich. For Services Rendered then We will Christen this village RICH MUD HILL.†THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Another Balladeer Heard From Faithfully yours, Dullas Ditchwate-r May 4th, 1940 William Dale, 66, assistant super- intendent of the Dale Estate until his retirement three years ago, died in Brampton on Monday. He was a brother of the founder of the flower firm, Harry Dale,. who died in 1900. Take notice that on and after the first of June, 1940, the assets of the Estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received, and that the Executor will not be liable for the assets to any person whose claim has not been received. Dated at Aurora the 6th day of May, 1940. J. M. WALTON, Box 476, Aurora, Agent for the Executor, Harriett I. Gamble. Notice is hereby given that all persons having ciaims against the Estate of the above named decedent, who died on 01' about the 6th day of May 1938 at the Township of Markham, are requested to send on or before the first day of June 1940 to the undersigned, agent for the Executor, their names, addresses and full particulars of their claims, duly verified. Peelar’s R.O.P. Sired Rocks Notice to Creditors A Fast Start on Master Pig Starter means Extra Profits, More Pigs Saved, Labor and Money Saved I ! HEN RY DANIEL GAMBLE ESTATE PHONE 57r11 A real start on Master Pig Starter means weeks saved in getting pigs to market. That means less labor, less feed required and hence money saved. Every copper saved means more profits for you and from your hogs. Put your next litter on Master Pig Starter. We al- ways keep it in stock and can arrange your supplies quickly. One half a bag to each pig will supply all they need’ for 10 weeks. â€"just the right qualityâ€"just the right blendâ€"to get little pigs away to a real start in every bag of Master Pig Starter. To you, that means extra profit from every litter. Better health. Better health means more pigs carried through. ' You’ll find just the right combination of ingredients Order Your May Chicks Now at reduced prices ALL BREEDERS BLOOD TESTED NO OUTSIDE FLOCKS C. A. PEELAR THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1940. EN that after said date, the under-- signed executors will proceed to dis- tribute the estate amongst those en- titledi thereto, having regard only to the claims of which said executors shall then have notice. DATED this 3rd day or May, 1940. Alexander MacGregor, K.C., 614 Confederation Life Bldg, Toronto, Solicitor for Henry James Elliot, and Ira Worts Gooderham, Exe- cutors of last will of said: Susan Henrietta Gooderham, 30 Shepâ€" pard Ave., East, Lansing, Ont. Bible instruction in several schools in Peel and Dufferin presbytery has been progressing successfully, it was reported at a presbytery meeting in Shelburne on Tuesday. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Susan Henrietta Gooder- ham, late of Lansing, Township of North York, Widow. deceased, Who died on or about 231'd'December, 1939, are required to forward their claims, (luly proven. to the underâ€" signetl Henry James Elliot and Ira Worts Gooderham, executors, on or before 20th May 1940. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- Notice to Creditors MAPLE, ONT.