Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 May 1940, p. 4

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Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lloyd and Miss Edna Hatwood of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowes. Miss Ivy Hatwood of 'I‘ilsonburg visited a few days reâ€" cently at the home of Mrs. G. Lloyd in Toronto. Miss Nixie Fisher of Richmond Hill was guest soloist at the evenâ€" ‘ng‘ service in Maple United Church Sunday, May 5th. ’Dwo beautiful solos “Open the Gates of the Tem- ple” and “Hear My Cry, 0 Lord,” were sung by Miss Fisher and were greatly appreciated by the congre- gation. On Sunday, May 12, services will be held at 9 am. and 7 pm. Stand- ard Time in St. Stephen’s Anglican Church. Holy communion will be observed in the morning and inn the evening the choir will be assist- ed'by the choir of All Saints Church. Rev. Worrall will -be in change of both services. Everyone welcome. WE Misses Grace White, Frances Rumble, Elsie Keffer, Helen Bowes, Marion Robson and Margaret Oliver are attending- the Girls’ Conference held at O.A.C. Guelph this week as delegates of Maple Institute and Vellore Junior and Senior Women’s Institutes. The monthly meeting of Hope Wo- men’s Association was held in the 8.8. room May 2 with group 4, Mrs. Keith Thomas, Mrs. Wm. Watson and Mrs. Noah Hoiles, in charge. Table collection amounted to $5.70. A euchre and dance under the auspices of Maple Women's Insti- tute will be held in Vellore Town- ship hall Friday, May 10th. Good prizes will be given for the euchre and Catania’s orchestra will play for dancing. Proceeds in aid of Athletic Club. Messrs of Perth and Mrs Miss ll a surpri: in honou Hiram I were his Toronto, Mr. Reut son and en‘fng a n ed and 1 sented to PAGE FOUR MAPLE NEWSY NOTES The United SS. is having a spe- ‘cial Mother’s Day service Sunday, May 12th at 10.30 a.m. S.T. when Mr. George of Toronto will be the guest speaker and Mrs. McCullough will sing. Everyone welcome. Mr. Randolph Hoiles of Kingston‘ returned) home [Monday evening, April 29. On Friday, May 3 St. Andrew’s and St. Paul’s Young- People's Guild held their closing meeting of ?‘the season in St. Andrew’s’Presbyterian Church. Bruce McDonald, the presi- dent of the Guild, presided over the meeting and welcomed those who joined with the Guild. Joe Pack, a talean violinist with his two sis- ters, provided the musical enterâ€" tainment which was greatly enjoy- ed. The speaker, Mr. Carle‘s, an The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held in the 5.8. room Monday evening with Mrs. R. F. Marritt presiding. The scripture lesson was read by Hugh Todd and explained by Margaret Gale. The meditation was taken by Dorothy Keffer and Evelyn Forrest led in prayer. Ar- thur Shaw spoke on the topic, “Forâ€" ward With Canadian» Youth." The meeting (If May 13 will be under the leadership of Beryl Le Grice and 'a good attendance is requested at this meeting. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Keffer Mr. Reuben Keffer, MiSS S. Robin son and Mrs. Bone. During the ev entrng a number of his relatives cal] ed and many nice gifts were pre sented to Mr. Keffer. Messrs. Ken and Brand Castleman of Perth visited last Week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas. Miss Muriel Gould entertained; at a surprise dinner party April 30th in honour of the birthday of Mr. Hiram E. Keffer. Those present were his sister,. Mrs. Campbell of YONGE ST. The property of William Glass, Lot 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 79r3 Maple. This h0rse is black and weighs about 1950 lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season. Terms to in- sure foal $1.00, service $11.00, pay- able on or before lst March 1940. Persons disposing of their mares beâ€" fore foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether in foal or not. All accidents at owner’s risk. LaGRLlVE EEAUTY PARLDR PERMANENT WAVING OUR SPECIALTY Guaranteed Castro and Radiant Steam Oil Waves with curly ends. Try our Machineless. Prices $2.00 to $10.00 Open 8.30 am. to 10 p.m. except Wednesdays VOOOOOOMONOQONWOOOO. OOOQQOOOOOMOOWOOMWOQ Thomhill .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service Purebred Percheron Stallion ROBE DALE CARBERT‘ (15592) TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St... Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios at 12 o’clock noon. STOCK REGISTER Commencing May 15, 1940. the Maple Barber Shops will close every Wednesday NOTICE RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Phone 102 A‘SPARA'GUS ROOTS. Mary Wash- ington, (rustproof), strong, healthy roots. One year old, $1.00 per 100. Two year old, $1.25 per 100. Henry Kanis, 103 Richmr‘nd Street, Rich- mond Hill. ton, family size, 5 year guarantee, reg. $179.95, special $149.95 â€" $1.50 per week. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St.; 1173 St. Clair Ave. W. PIT RUN GRAVEKL, Concrete Gra- vel, Sand, etc. Prompt deliveries. Charges reasonable. Also general trucking, road materials, P.C.V. Li- cense. W. J. Hodge, Maple, phone Maple 19W. IBlEE SU‘PP‘LIE‘Sâ€"Supel's or hive bodies, frames, excluders; kitchen hot water boiler; gas water heater; hot vbed sash; glass; greenhouse raf- ters. J. H. Young Greenhouses, Steele’s and Bayview. $16.95. Terms only 50C. 3. week. All leading makes. 150 other models. Toronto Radio & Sports, Ltd., Can- ada’s largest radio and sports firm, 24:1 Yonge St, 1173 St. Clair W. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, Spar- stered; 1 Walnut rocker; odd chairs; 1 Chesterfield chair; 2 carved Wal- nut tip-top tables; 1 round Walnut table; 1 Walnut living room table; carved Walnut lamps. 33 Hunt Ave. RADIOS, 1940, WESTINGHOUSE, GARDEN PROPERTY, We and a half acres, attractive cottage, elec- tric light, lots of small fruit, in Bar- rie. A rbargain to close an estate. Apply Box 62 The Liberal Office. 2 OAK HBRAJRY CHAIRS, uphol- 5 ROOM FRAME HIOUSE, with hydro and water, 1% acres rich soil, fruit trees and lots of small fruit. Excellent buy at $1700, easy terms. Located in Richmond Hill. No en- cumbrance. Apply by letter to Box 440, Liberal Office. “Our 4th year with Big-4 Chicksâ€" wonderful layers,” writes T. Jones. Big 4 Chicks are from GOvernment Inspected, Blood-tested Breeders. A11 popular breeds. Chicks $8.95 and up. Pullets, Cockerels, Day-old, Started Chicks and Pulle’os, all ages. Write for catalogue with prices. Wesley Clark, Gormley, Ont., RR. ORDER BIGâ€"4 MAY CHICKS NOW 1 REGISTERED AY‘R‘SlHflRJE BUDL T.B. tested, .blood tested, fully ac- credited, bargaim for quick sale. Must be sold before Monday. L. H. Clement, Richmond; Hill. SOME GOOD USED DOORS, also casement windows, pulley sash com- plete with glass, good! as new. '0. Bowerbank, Stop 17A Yonge Street, Thornhill. BAXTER’S SEEDS, PLANTS and Fertilizer. It will pay you to buy garden supplies from us. See our display at 3372 Yonge St, at Mel- rose Avenue. HJO'RSEIS, several Belgian and Clydesdale wor'k horses, 3 to 8 years 016. All broken and sound. Mrs. Oscar Cox, Unionville. LATHAM RASPBERRY BUSHES, long season, drought resistant strain $2.50 per hundred. Bill Campbell, telephone Richmond Hill 4533. $1.25 per hundred. No delivery. Every Friday. Apply Wm. Vander- bent, Gormley, phone Thornhil] 1821. 5'0 BAGS SEED POTATOES, Dooley variety, 60c. per‘bag. Apply to 0. LEGHORN COOKEREL CHICKS TWO GOATS, Nanny now milking, Billy 3 years, whitc. $7.00 both. C. Cody, Stop 224 Y-onge St., Yongehurs’c Avenue. 5‘00 BUS. BANNER OAT‘S; 400 bus. Feed Barley; 15 Bags Spencer Po- tatoes; 10 bags Katahdin Potatoes. A‘p‘ply C. E. Walkington, King. Phone King 4213. vL. Heise, Victoria Square, tel‘ephon'e Stouffville 6'120. POTATOES. Apply ‘Thos. Moore, Stop 22A Yonge St., phone Richmond Stop 22A Hill 2481‘ ELECTRIC STOVE, Ice Box, Break- fast Suite, Veranda Awning. Apply 24 Arnold St., Richmond Hi”. ‘DeSOTO 1929 COAICH in good run- ning order. Price reasonable. Applvy ‘Box 40, Liberal Olfice. PUREBRED WHITE PEKIN DUCK EGGS for hatching. L. C. Burton, Carrville Road. Phone Maple 764. THIS IS THE DAY OF‘ ADVERTlSiNGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF [T RATESâ€" Fivn lines or less. '15 cents for first insertion and 15 cents 101- each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line exn-a each insertion. 11" CHARGED '7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. Phone Richmond Hill 4704 FOR SALE HOUSE, 6 rooms, all conveniences. :Possession immediately. Apply Li'b- leral Office. SIX RO‘O‘M BIRI‘CK HOUSE, 2 acres, double garage, near Provincial Farm, Langstaff. Phone Thomhill 102. SIX ROOM HOUSE, water and elec- tric. Apply 1. D. Rayner, Richmond Hill. 6 ROOMED HOUSE on Elizabeth SEPTIC TANKS installed, cleaned and repaired, drains renewed, wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles, Jefi- erson. ' DUPLEX, five rooms, all conveni- ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. TMPLEIMENTS, 15-30 McCormick- Deering Tractor, completely over- hauled; 10-20 McCormick-Deering Tractor; Fordson Tractor complete- ly overhauled; number of recondi- tioned“ mowers as good; as new; drill plow, nearly new; Oliver trac- ‘tor plow; Cockshutt tractor plow; milk strainer and plunger, new; 5 'bus. Durum Spring Wheat. Flayd 'R. Perkins, 14 Church Street, Rich- mon-dI Hill, phone 73. "Street. Apply W. Bone, 15 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. ences, electric stove, possession at once. W. C. Savage, Yonge St., phone 106, Richmond Hill. 'MIODERN APARTMENT for rent, ‘4 rooms and ‘bath, heat and water included, continuous hot water. Ap- 'ply Mrs. A. L. Phipps, 68 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. tf PAINTING & DECORATING done by experienced workmen. Prices rea- sonable. P. Ingles & Sons, Jefferâ€" son, Ont. Stripping done by machine. the best possible results in hatching, either turkey, duck, bantam, pheasant or hen eggs, bring your eggs to an expert. A11 eggs incubated and hatched in individual compartments. Any number of eggs accepted at any time. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. IT’S RESULTS THAT COUNT. For '1/2 H.P. Gasoline Engine, small elec- tric motor, battery radio both waves. ‘Apply T. Bainbridge, Goulddng Ave., Stop 12, Yonge Street. 'ASPARAGUS ROOTS, Washington, $1200'per'1'00; Perennials â€"â€" Del- phiniums, Blackmore and Langdon; ‘Russefl Lupins, Pyrethrum, Pansies, 'etc.; also 6 two inch val‘ves. Chas. 'Harris, 2 Mill Road, Richvale. BY PRIVATE SALE, kitchen, dining room, bedroom furniture, house ten't. Camp tent. Crown Dominion Sta- tion, Elgin Mills. YORKSHIRE PIGS all ages, also Ayrshire Cattle and Belgian Giant rabbits. George J. Spring, StoP» 14A Yonge St., phone 149 Thomvhlll. INGH’OUSE Automatic Control Reg. $115.00, special $89.00. Terms $1.00 weekly. $20.00 rebate from Hydro. Toronto Radio & Sports, Ltd., 241 Yonge St., 1173 St. Clair W. \1000 MAERY WASHINGTON 2 year old asparagus roots. Apply after 5 p.m. at 74 Richmond Street, Rich- mond Hill. 10 BAGS of 75c. a bag; 1 and wringer rural‘ route 1 Baker, Lot 3 BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms, at Maple, good garden, fruit trees, garage. Ap- ply A. Rumble, Maple, or G. Rumble, King. ELECTRIC 'SEE'D OATS, Early Cartier, g6}: stock. Phone Stouffville 61-03, J. M. Farquharson‘, Victoria Square. LAYING HEN‘S; wheelbarrow; Ford truck; 3 dual wheels for Chevrolet tzuck. 4 Edgar Ave.,.Stop 22 Yon-ge also seven small pigs ‘house, Lot 8, Con. 5 ‘C‘O‘BBLE‘R & DO‘OLEY POTATOES JUNIOR GIRL’S BICYCLE, cheap Apply Liberal Office. MISCELLANEOUS reet T0 RENT ' Dooley ‘seed- potatoes, l hand washing machine in good conidtion; 1 mail box. Apply Wm. 29, Com 2, Markham. RANGE NEW WEST- Robt. Stone- Markham. THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1940 1931 DURANT SEDANâ€"Good value 1937 FORD V-B DeLEXE COUPEâ€" Very nice. " Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE l74-W Little Brothers (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1938 FORD V-S COUPEâ€"A G001! WANTEDâ€"HORSES, CATTLE, HAY Grain and Straw in exchange for Elec. Refrigerators, Elec. Milk Cool- ers, Elec. and Combination Ranges, Washers, and Radios, all leading makes, over 150 models to choose from, Canada’s largest,radio and sport firm. Write or call B. R. Leech, WA. 4501. Toronto Radio & Sports, Ltd., 241 Yonge St., Toronto. FEMALE FOX TERRIER, age about 1 year. Pet. Owner may have same by identifying and paying expenses. Apply Liberal Office. 1931 DODGE PANEL DELIVERY TRUCK. In excellent condition. 1939 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€" Small 1937 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€"â€" Small PASTURE for 10 to 15 head of heif- ers and yearling-s. Phone Thornhill 18-22 01' write B. R. Leech, 241 Yonge St., Toronto. wanted, single. Apply Thompson, Nonrekiln Farms, SE. corner of Maple sideroad' and Dufferin. TOWN and RURAEL Representatives wanted. Increase your earnings handling one of the finest lines, of Oils, Greases, Tires, Batteries, Spark Plugs, Insecticides, Electric Fence Controllers, House Paints and Roof Coating materials. Write Warco Grease & Oil .Limited, Toronto. MAN WANTS WORK, day labor of any kind, or with truck. Frank York, Maple R.R. 2. HAND MADE BRICKS of reddish texture, about 50 ycars 'old. Apply All Saints' Rectory, King, Ont. PARTY wants to rent 2 room cott- age or two rooms in house. Elec- tric. Reasonable. Pensioner. In Richmond Hill or vicinity. Phone L. Burton, Camille Road. COOK-GENERAL wanted for coun~ ‘tl'y home. Apply Mrs. W. J. Hall, ‘Richmond Hill, phone 4511. GIRL for general housework, sleefi out. Apply to Mrs. L. H. Clem'ent, 15 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. GIRL for general housework. One willing to learn. Two in family. Mrs. Riordan, John St., Thornhill. EXPERIENCED FARM CAPABLE cc ferences. $25 'I‘hornhill 156 PAPER-HANGER and decorator at once. Apply H. P. Ingles & Son, Maple Ave., Jefferson. vYOUNG MARRIED WOMAN de- ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE 1940 LICENSES sires housework Office. mileage. Like new. mileage. 1929 FORD TUDOR $125.00 $675.00 $550.00 $495.00 $175.00 $495.00 $175.00 WA N TE'D FOUND oak-general wanted, re- 5.00 monthly. Telephone Apply Liberal. HAND

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