Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 May 1940, p. 7

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I Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and a Fair Deal to All 1 Car load fence posts 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 foet lengths, at reasmable price BRAN . , . . . SHIORTS . . . MIDDLIN GS Prices as follows FINE SALT, 100 lbs. .. COARSE SALT, 100 lbs. IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS, IODIZED, each FIRST CLASS BREAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, Freight Sheds Johnston & Cranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments At Maple Phone HYland 2081 Open Evening) Res. Phone 9788 meonmo § Is a Perfect Food for Fath- : er, Mother and especially . the Children. MOOWOOOWW GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 RM. BALING Hay & Straw C. E. SMITH O.A.C. Formula MILKM'AKE‘R O.A.C. Formula Having taken over Moore Bros. baling business I am pre pared to bale hay and straw on short notice. Price rea- sonable. Latest facility for moving outfit. THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1940. Phone 42 Richmond Hill Dependable Milk & Dairy. Produce % 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan & Balliol Sts And Be Assured of a Safe, Wholesome Supply by Securing it from MILK Builds Muscles. MILK is Energy Food. MILK Supplie‘ Essential Elements. NUT AND STOVE COAL No. 1 ANTHRACITE Successor to. Moore Bros. G. S. W'ALWIN, Prop. PERCY COBER COAL ORDERS PHONE MARLE 19\V Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley R.R. 1 Richmond Hill Dairy EYES EXAMINED â€"- AND ~â€" GLASSES FITTED .5, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S, IODIZED, each .. â€" Also â€" CAR MILL FEED USE MORE MILK Priced as follows DR. P. P. S‘MYTH SALT of Peeled Cedar at 20-25-30 cents each at $1.35 $1.20 $1.35 per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. 65c 80c 85c 40c 40c BO'HlEMIAN WAXWING â€"â€" A beautiful winter bird. Supposedly [very rare although many have been lseen during the last winter. They ldo not breed locally. STARLINGâ€"Unfortunately a com- mon breeding bird. Large flocks mi- grate a few hundred miles South during the Winter. BLUE-HEADED VIREO â€"â€" The Vireos are a family of inconspicuous tree dwellers. They are seldom seEn REDPOLlrâ€"A small winter spar- but often heard. The Blue-headed is row, fairly common during the cold a fairly common migrant. weather. RED-EYED VIREOâ€"The commonl PINE SISKINâ€"Fairly common ing largely on pine cones. NORTHERN SHRIKE â€" This is the winter Shrike, wandering through this district during cold weather only. MIGRAN'I‘ SHleKE â€" The comâ€" mon Shrike of the county. Breeding in thorn or hawthorn trees. CEDAR WAXWING â€"â€" A cOmmon summer breeding bird. are arctic birds that occasionally ocâ€" cur in large flock: during migra- tion. bell-like tones of this rare thrush are sometimes heard during the sum- mer nights. Probably breeds whers it is found. dent VEERYâ€"The common thrush nf Sruthern Ontario BLUEBIRDâ€"A very cam: A common migrant. AmIERICAN PIPIT â€" The pipits WINTER WRE‘N â€" Uncommon during migrations. fairly common wren, building a round, ball like nest amongst the cat tails of swamp land. BROWN THIRASHER â€" A rare breeding bird. Closely related to the Mockinbird its song is a procession of mimicries. HERMIT THRUSH â€" A migrant thrush. Breeding Northern Coniferous forests HJOU SE WRENâ€"Almost every yard or farm has several pairs of these little birds nesting in every- thing from discarded trousers to threshing machines. ROBINâ€"The one bird that every- body knows. GREY-CHEEKED- THJRUS‘Hâ€"An- other difficult bird to identify. this specks breed": in the svr‘J-z‘rctic. BROWN CREEPERâ€"Fairly com- mon during migrations. OILIV'E-BACKED THRUSH â€" A rare thrushtvery hard to identify. Breeding sparsely in. the district. RED-BREAS’I‘ED NUTHATCH â€" Uncommon in winter but commox} during migrations. CA‘TBIRD â€" Common breeding resident, advertising its presence with prolonged and ‘feline-like’ squalling. WHITE-BREASTED NUTH‘AT‘CH â€"The Nuthatches are winter resi- dents. Coming to within a. few yards of houses when suet is hung up for their use. ' ELLACKâ€"‘CAPIPED CHvICKADEEâ€" The hardy little Chickadee is with us all winter but in spring only a few remain to nest. with us. HUIDS‘ONIAN CHECKAD‘EEâ€"The ‘Brown-headed Chickadee’ is another rare visitor from the North and only shows up during unusually cold win- ters. of the swallow family, this bird nests almost entirely in man made bird houses. CANADA JAYâ€"A rare visitor from the North. Two birds were seen last winter. BLUE JAYâ€"The noisy, thieving Blue Jay is much too common, nestâ€" ing in every strip of bush. URJOWâ€"Less said the better. Com- mon breeding. BARN SWAlLLOWâ€"Well known residvent amongst barns and farm buildings. ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW â€" Very rare, it may sometimes nest in company with Bank Swallows. CLIFF SWALLOW â€" Another rare swallow that is seen only in migration. TREE SWALLOWâ€"â€"-'I'hls swallow is common in migration but rare as a breeding species. Unlike the rest of its family it nests in bird houses. BANK SWALLOWâ€"Large breedâ€" ing colonies are found wherever there is a suitable sand bank for their riest burrows. The following list, completes the 174 birds so far recorded in the Rich- mond Hill district. The first part of the list appeared in our issue of of the list April 25th RUBYâ€"CRO WNED KING‘LET â€"â€" PRAIRIES MJAlRS-H WREN â€" A WOOD THRUSH â€" The "iâ€"qr PURPLE MARTINâ€"The largest BIRDS OF THE SEASON common resi common in the (By Farley Mowat) ‘eeding PINE GRO‘SB-EAK â€"â€" This Gros- beak is also a winter species, feedâ€" ing largely on pine cones. REDPOLLâ€"-A small winter spar- row. fairly common during the cold INDIGO BUNTLNGâ€"This startâ€" lingly indigo .bird is ra’oher rare but probably breeds where it is found. EVENING GROSBEA‘Kâ€"Yellow and black are the colours of this big sparrow which is found only in the winter. PURPLE FINCH â€" A common Winter sparrow. Fairly common, breeding where found. CARDINALâ€"This is the first of the true sparrows. The rest of the birds in this list despite their amaz- ing range of colours and sizes are actually sparrows. The Cardinal is becoming fairly common and breeds where it is found. rare bird is included in this list on the basis of one record. One bird was observed by Dr. Lanugstaff and" positively identified. ish hosts raise the young cowbird‘ with as nzuzh care as their own. SCARLET TANAGER â€"â€" One of the most striking of all' our native :birds. The Tanager is rather a rare resident but nests where it is found. SUMMER TANAIG-ERâ€"This very rare bird is included in this list on NORTHERN YELLOW-THROAT â€"â€"A fairly common breeding bird. This species is found in swamps and marshes. WILSON‘S WARBLER â€"- Fairly common migrant. ENGLISH SPARROW â€" The ubiquitous English Sparrow is not a true sparrow at all. It has spread over the whole of North America since its introduction in 1850‘ at Lelena. Montana. BOBO‘LIN‘Kâ€"A familiar bird that nests on pastures throughout the country. MEADOWLAREK â€"- A commOn breeding resident. hanging nests of the Orioles are amongst the wonders of bird study, the nests are built so well they often last 5 or 6 years although they are never used twice by the builder. 111 other ‘blrds ish hosts rai AMERICAN RED-STARTâ€"A fairâ€" ly rare resident, breeding in heavy bush. RED-WINGED BZLA‘C‘KBIRD â€" Common breeding bird‘ on all swamps and marshes. GIRACKLE â€"â€" The ‘Crow Black- bird’ is a common resident nesting in any stand of coniferous trees. This bird grant. OVEN-BIRD â€" This is the ‘Teach er Bird’. An unusual breeding bird A rare migrant. migrant. RUSTY BLACKB‘IRD â€" A rare migrant, breeding far to the north. Common migrant BLACK-POLL WARBLERâ€"Fair- 1y common migrant. . PINE WARBLEwRâ€"Uncommon mi- grant. PALM WARBLER â€" Rare mig- ran-t. Uncommon migrant. Fairly common migrant. WARBLERâ€"Another common mig- rant. ‘ MTYR'TLE WARBLERâ€"The earli- es't Warbler. Warbler migrations are usually quite late, the peak com- ing around May 20. mg common breeding warbler, sometimes called ‘Canal'y’. mon migrant BLACK - THROATED BLUE WARBLER â€" Very common mig- ran-t. mon migrant. common migrant NASHVILLE WAIRBLER â€"Fair- 1y common migrant. PARULA WARBLE‘R â€" A rare migrant. â€"Most of the wanblers such as this species are seen only in migration, their lureeding grounds are much farther north. vireo, breeding- wherever found. PHILADELPHIA VIREOâ€"A rare migrant vireo WARBLING VIREOâ€"â€"Also a com- mon local breeding bird. ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAKâ€" CANADA WARBLER â€" Rare mi- COWPIRD NORTHERN WATER THRUSHâ€" BALTIMORE ORIOLE â€"- The MOURNING WARBLERâ€"A rare CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLE‘Râ€" BAY-BREASTED WARBLER â€"â€" BLACKBU RNIAN WARBLER -â€"â€" BsLA CK - THROATED GREEN YELLOW WARABLERâ€"The only MA'GN‘O-LIA WARBLER â€" Com- CAPE MAY WARBLER â€" A comâ€" TE-NNESEE WARBLER â€" Fairly BLACK AND WHITE WARBLER ts 0v birds â€" A common Species. a parasite, building no wn but laying its eggs ; nests where the fool- se the young cowlbird‘ THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ’70 When the amount of a tender ex- ceeds the sum of $5,000.03â€"whether *it be for one building only or more â€"the tenderers must attach to their tender 3. certified cheque on a chart- ered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Do- minion of Canada or of the Canad- ian National Railway Company and its constituent companies, uncendi- tionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount. The Department also reserves the right to demand from any success- ful tenderer a security deposit, in the form of a certified cheque or bond as above, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of his bid, to guar- antee the proper fulfilment of the contract. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 30, 1940. Tenders should be forms supplied by th and in accordance with specifications and com ed thereto. Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ott- awa; and the Supervising Architect.) 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the A field trip to High Park, Tor- onto, will be held‘ Sunday, May 12. 'All interested in caming please phone ‘Farley Mowat )before Saturday night. The group will meet at the Post Office at 8. 0 Sunday morning and will return about 12.30 am. Bring your field glasses. Everybody interested in birds is welcome. TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE SEALLED Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender for Coal,” will be received until 12 o’clock noon (daylight saving), Wed- nesday, May 29, 1940, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. WOOOMOON”O¢60W €19“ INSURANCE “40$ Buy Canadian, Buy British, Help Win the War. SONG SPARROWâ€"A well known bird, breeding in almost every type of habitat. LAKPLAND LON‘GSP'U‘R â€" A mi- grant species breeding in the Arctic. SNOW BUNTINGâ€"This is one of the most northerly land birds, breed- ing right up to the ice belt in the Arctic. FOX SPARROWâ€"This species is very large and spotted with rust colour. Breeding farther north. â€"A Common migrant breeding as: far south as Lake Simcoe. migrant SWAMP SPARROWâ€"Fairly com- mon breeding in marshes and swamps. WH‘ITE-‘CROWNED SPARROWâ€" A fairly common migrant sparrow inconspicuous little sparrow breeding in open fields. TREE SPAR-ROW â€" A common winter sparrow, breeding in the Arctic. mon summer resident {breeding in cedar hedges. NELSONS SPARROWâ€"A very rare little grass sparrow that sel- dom flies during the breeding sea- son: This species does not breed locally. \T-SPER SPARROW â€"â€" Common breeding resident. Its lilting song and flashing white tail feathers are characteristics of this well known bird. SLATE-‘COLOURED J UNCOâ€"A fall‘ and winter species that does not breed locally. I WMWNM during the winner GOLDFINCHâ€"Also called Canary’ uncommon in winter fairly common breeding bird rarest of the winter sparrows A rare winter resident. TOWHEE â€" Commonly called ‘Ground Robin’ or ‘Chewink’. This species is a fairly common summer breeding bird. common breeding bird of swampy areas. Georgetown's current net tax rate 46 mills, the same as last year. Policies issued through this office covering Farm Property â€"Private Dwellings and their contentsâ€"Automobile â€" Plate Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, etc. ,Glaims Settled Promptly General Insurance Richmond Hill Telephone 87 WHITE-‘T‘HRJOATED SPARROW LINCOLN S SPARROWâ€"A rare CHJIPPIN‘G SPARROW â€" A com- FIELD SPARROWâ€"A rare and RED OROSSBILIIâ€"One of the WHITE-WINtGED CRO‘SSBILL â€" SAVANNAH SPARROW â€" A J. R. HERRINGTON By order, J. M. ' SOMERVILLE, Secretary th In ndlt ons att on the artmcnt Arctic. one of ‘Wildl 'but a WWWOO OONOOOQOOWOMOMOOM Phone 12 R. H. KANE DOUBLE COUPONS DURING MONTH OF APRIL ON CHASSIS LUBRICATION, OIL CHANGES, TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL CHANGES, WASHING AND TIRES AND TUBES. Cities Service Garage Dum Water Supply System It‘s dangerous to drive on weak, contaminated, winter-worn oil. It may lead to costly repairs. Let us “spring condition” your car. This 7-point service won’t take long and it won’t cost you much. . .and it will put your car in tip-top shape for spring and summer driving. Come in today Phone 92-R Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL The Snow-white 20"x42” Enamelled Sink, illustrated above, including faucet ready for installation, costs ...................................................... Sink and Cabinet with faucet ................................ (Trap, iron pipe and fittings extra) The Duro Special Pump has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour; is supplied with a 25 gal. tank and 25 or 60 cycle motor. It costs only .............. Small Monthly Payments Afi For the health of your family a modern bathroom is necessary. One fitted entirely with Emco Fittings and Fixtures will give you most pleasure, service and value. To allow installation of these improvements a . will pump, under pressure, all the water needed. In addition, it can be piped to barns and any other needed outlet. i RUNNING water under pressure to all parts of your house will make possible the installation of those modern conveniences so necessary to the health and enjoyment of your family and increase their pride in their home. A woman spends a good part of each day in the kitchen. It should he Emco equipped throughout to lessen her work and make it a pleasure instead of drudgery. Enquiries given prompt attention and estimates supplied without charge. The Government Home Improvement Loan Act or Duro Finance Plan enables you to purchase Emco fixtures. fittings and Duro Pumps on the monthly pay- lllCnt plan over a period of three years. Home Improvements Please Your Family EMCO products are very reasonably priced 29 Yo r- ge Street 1‘ London DURO-SPECIAL EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.. LTD. Richmond Hill PAGE SEVEN $32.90 $61.30 $86.00 Sudbury

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