Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 May 1940, p. 3

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Wm. Cook, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. film-onto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple. Thursday afternoon Money to loan. at Current Rate Alexander MacGregor K. C. formgrlg 91:“{111 Cook, Cook &7Delany Office 229 Barnster, Sollc1t0r, Etc. UNIONVILLE Wednesday 3-6 p.m. THORNHILL Wednesday 7-9 p.m. T'oromzo Office â€"- 45 Richmond St. W. WA. 5923 Bun-ism. SoIir'itors. etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, unthwest corner of King and Yongv Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. H. A. Clark, K.C. H. E. Redman, K.C. W. P. Mulock,K.C. Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Bolts. B.A. Percy Big 3 All). 0177 Toronto AD. 01%8 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€"â€" Toronto A. Cameron MacNaughtOn, K.C. BARRISTER McKinnOn Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ont. BARBISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 014 Confederation Life Bl . Toronto Phone: Office EL. 029 Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone WAverley 2321 Thirty Years lflxpellence Formerly withl Hel'ntzman Company [dive Orders at Amtin's Drug Store RMhmonA Hill ' "Piino, Orga}: and Theory. 7 Blond Hillâ€"Tpesdav and Friday MRS. MYLJLS flan-15kt, Solicitor, Notary Public Room as. 18 Toromto St., Toronto Phone WAvel‘ley 2821 Residenceâ€"21 Hollywood Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdnln 308 Fgom the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils B. Bloomfield Jordan BARRISTER, SO LICITOR, Etc. THQRN HILL AND UNIONVILLE McGuire, Boles & Co. VOL. LVIV. Campbell Lme BARRLS‘TER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 42 Yonlge Street RICHMOND HILL Telephone 186 1008 Federal Building ‘5 Richmond St. West. Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON Morgan L. Piper Mulock, Milliken, 'Clark & Redman Richard Edmunds_ 21 CENTRE ST. WEST BA’RRISTER . SOLICITOR NOTARY Walter S. Jenkins Wright & Taylor OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€" z to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephone; Ban: ‘pen, ASorlicjtlorg, etc. George W. Cross Piano Tuner FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULA NCE SERVICE Thomas Delany Cook & Gibson Adelmo Melecci BUSINESS ’. C. Newman 84 Ybnge Street Richmond HHI MUSICAL VOICE WANT ADS 00‘ AND DISCOVER MULTITUDE OF NEEDS Phone 264 Rec. M0. 2866 Residence 148 COVER 'ER A DE )8 The brick residence of Mr. George Baker, near Victoria Square, was burned on Saturday morning between ‘three and four o'clock. Part; of the furniture was saved, though the loss will be quite heavy. The proprietor does not think of lbuilding again, but with his Wife will probably remove to this village. A gentleman was in the Village a few days ago looking at the F81- conbridge property, with the object of opening out a general store. DR. J. P; WILSON OFFICE HOURS _ 1-4 p.m. daily Mon., Wed. & Fri. Evenings 6 - 8 1m w. J. WILSON OEFICE HOURS â€" 9- 12 a.m. daily Tues., Thurs. & Sat. Evenipgs 6 - 8 Telephone 24 nghts 147 From our Issue of May 1'2th, 1910 Office Hours 10 â€"â€" 12 2,.m. DR. JAMES R. LANGSTAFF Office Hours 9 - 11 a.m.; 6 - 8 pm. )R. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF ‘ A. S. Farmer 5 LICENSED AUCHONEER L 1'] YEARS EXPERIENCE » Gomley RE. No. 1 ' Tdephone Stcuffville 6812 The plant of the \Velland Vale Company’s works, and the Canada ‘Cycle and Motor Company’s work at St. Catherines, were destroyed by fire early Wednesday morning. Loss nearly half a million. AUC’I‘IONEER Licensed Auctioneer County of York Auction Sales conducted on short The Board of Education are erect- ing a flag-staff over the Public School Ibuilding, and Union Jacks will on Empire Day” float over both High and Public Schools. A fire was started in Oliver’s bus-h north of Maple the latter part, of the week and before long it had[ spread rapidly to surrounding woods, doing considerable damage. It is said that on Sunday last the fire covered about 10 acres. Centre St. E. notice and at reasonable rates Richmond Hill Phone 92R DR. M. C. MaaLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodbridge Phone 77 From our Issue of May 17th, 1900 VIAPLE J‘ H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St. E. C. Prentice. Markham Toronto. HYIand 0834 We gre prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm xtock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice and con- iucted by the most approved method: Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates (Womcn and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 pm ‘ppointments made Phc Drs. Wilson & Wilson {YRS 'I'i'fiL‘PH L. LANGSTAFF '22,, “112181 DENTIST YONGE Aâ€"ND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE ~ LIFE Dr. C. A. MacDonald DENTIST Prentice & Prentice Office Heurs - 9â€"10 a.m., 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 p.m. and by appomtment__ Bank of Commerce Building Dr. M. J. Quigley Dr, R. A. Bigford Dr. W. J. Mason J. Carl Saigeon Drs. Langstaf f THIRTY YEARS AGO J. T. SAIGEON & SON R. H. KANE FORTY YEARS AGO WAY BACK IN MEDICAL AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER MAPLE THORNHILL Telephone 80 Successor to DENTIST Insurance Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Phone 100 Phone 3 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1940 The re-opening of the Riichmonti Hill Lawn Bowling Club for 1915 wilI be held on Wednesday, May-27, ~"by a mixed tournament in) the af- ternoon. Our greens are in perfect condition this spring, and therefore we Wish to get away to an early start for the longest and we hope the best season we have ever had. We are looking for a very large membership, so get your tickets and’ get away at the start. N. J. GIas-s, President, W. H. Pugsley, Secretary. When the sad news reached this place Friday evening about 8 o’clock that King Edward was dead the ‘bell in the Methodist Church was tolled for albout 15 minutes, and everybody understood that the Peacemaker was no more. Next morning the flags on the High and Public Schools were run up at half mast. Prizes to the amount of $1266.38 will {be awarded to successful com- petitors in classes for horses, cattle, sheep, swine, fine arts and ladies’ work, dairy produce, roots, racing, etc. There will - e a speeding con- test for farmers, purse $60, and a Gentlemen’s speefling contest, also for a purse of $60. The football competition for a prize of $25 will commence‘at 11 o’clock. Music will be furnished during the day by the Richmond Hill band. Last Friday was a busy morning at the waterworks pond. The 1500 trees comprising Pines, Scotch and? Jack, Willows, Elms, Larches, had arrived from the Forestry Departa ment of the Province and were be- ing- planted. In response to the can of the Horticultural president, Mr. Gee, twelve or more of our worthy citizens, volunteers in this service, were on the ground' to help in the planting under the supervision of the department of forestry. And they filled the waste land lying east con- tiguous to the pond, also planted trees south of fihe dump on the wat~ enworks lot, and! had' fifty left for the end of the .park. Our village is to be congratulated upon obtain- ing these trees. As well as to Mr. Gee and' the helpers, thanks are due to Mr. Henry Davis for having pre- pared the ground for the trees. ‘Tlhe Hamilton property at Elgin Mills has changeti hands and Mr. George Hamilton, who has lived in the old home for a number of years, is leaving- to make his home in Delhi, Ontario. with his daughter, Mrs. Manthe. President, Mrs. C. Agnew; Secre- taryâ€"Treasurer, Gladys Smith; Asst. 'Sec.-Trea.s., Mrs. C. Thompson; Dis- ‘trict Director, Mrs. W. J. Dalziel; Directors, Mrs. H. W. Smith, Mrs. ‘N. Lewis, Mrs. F. Locke; Standing Committees, Education, Mrs. C. Stong; Agriculture, Mrs. L. Espey; Health, Mrs. A. Aitcheson; Relief, Mrs. A. Bagg; Legislation, Ella 'Whitmore; Peace, Mrs. J. Keffel'; ‘Home Economics, Helen Newton; Programme Committee, Ruth Smith, 'Helen Newton, Bertha Thompson, 'Edith Jackson, Ann Edwards, Evelyn ‘Espey, Sadie Bishop; Sewing Com- mittee, Mrs. E. Stong, Mrs. W. An~ denson, Mrs. J. Hoover, Mrs. A. Ai’acheson, Mrs. C. Agnew, Mrs. C. ,Peelar, Miss B. Hoover, Mrs. H. lW'hitmore, Mrs. J. Lockhurst, Mrs. F. Locke, Mrs. W. J. Dalziel; Visit- ing Committee, Mrs. C. Thompson, Bertha Stong. Mrs. A. Aitcheson; Pianists, Bertha Stong, Helen New- lton; Auditors, Mrs. N. Lewis, Mrs. .C. Stong. The proprietors of the Bales prop- erty, Lansing, comprising 300 acres, recently had' an offer of $300 an acre for the farm, but they do not feel inclined to part wiflh the home- steads. From our Issue of May 14th, 1925 Officers of the Edgeley Women’s Institute for 1940.41 are as follow: Hon. Pres., Mrs. J. Hoover; Presiâ€" dent, Mrs. E. Phillips; lst Vice- President, Mrs. E. Stong; 2nd Vice- LIBERAL FILES Richmond Hill Fair 1910 The annual Spring Exhibition of the Richmond Hill Agricultural So- ciety will .be held in the Driving Park on Victoria Day, May 24th. When kicked by a horse last week, William Hillock, Caledon, had two bones in his hand fractured. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO EDGELEY Wlay 24th in - 1 the Old Days Then there was the patent medi- ‘cine man, selling many preparatiOns 'of marvellous curative, powers. The ‘dritty he sang, “Beeswax and taller, lAunt Jemima plaster, the more you 'try to pull it off, the faster sticks ‘the_ plaster,” reminds me of one of his best sellers. I remember his “song but forget the virtues of the preparation. ‘ ‘Then there was the Lifting ma- ‘chine, 2c. 3. lifit or 3 lifts for a hickle. ‘The scale was set to please, for with difficulty I could lift 30 ‘i'bs. of clover seed‘, Ibut on the ma- ‘chine I lifted: 325 lbs. I was pleased I remember of attending Rich- monldl Hill Fair on May 24 many years ago. Along with a number of other school children, we arcs‘e early and walked the seven miles to see the “Great Fair”. We were equipped with dinners in pockets and 500. for expenses. The exhibits Were horses and some other stock, togeth- er with implements from the nearby foundries of Patterson’s and others and the Wilson Fanning- Mill. ed? in the present d‘ay,’ as well as carriage horses. In a small field! on the Vaughan side the speeding of carriage horses and' drivers» took place, where an amusing event occurred, and nobody hurt. Among- the competitors was a handsome pair of carriage horses driven by a. city man who had tar- ried' too long at the hotels on the ‘way. As he s<pEdl around the ring, 'he sad: upright, with the result that 'hi's outfit was upturned; he alighted! 'on his head'. The only injury was a flattened) :beaver hat. He had the intoxicated man’s good; luck. There mate the usual number of ‘fa-kers present, one of whOm soki a $5.00 bill for 25¢. He put it in an- ‘envelope which the purchaser near- 1y always found empty. He did‘ a flourishing business for a time. with my m and had‘ dreams of being a future Sampson. His pro- fits for the day were cut short when ‘Mr. Solomon Oster, Vaughan’s strong- man, came that way. Mr. Oster did not wish to lift, as he was quite modest in his way of exhibiting his strength. The owner of the lifting machine 'bantered Mr. Oster too much. At last being annoyed, he took hold of the handles of the con- trivance, and with a powerful lift, squarely given, he literally tore the machine to pieces, to the great amusement of the crowd. The day wore on and evening came at last, and we wended our way homewards, and for days we could hardly think of anything but the 24th of May and! wishing the time and the fair would) come round again. There were no binders or self rake reapers in those days, probably they were not thought of. The only inâ€" dication of a change was to be found in the form of a. velocipede, the fore- runner of the bicycle. There was an. exhibit of horses which Would: please all horse admirers, ClydeSdale of fine fiormation, perhaps unequall~ Day 139 Licensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simcoe Sale: of all delcriptlons conducted upon shortest notice and at. reasonable rams No sale too large and non}; too small King. On-t In stock â€" Improved Leamâ€" ing, Golden Glow, Wisconsin No. 7, Eureka, Hybrid Sorghum Priced right for quick sale Mangel and Turnip Seed Phones: (Graduate of the Owen A. Smily Studio) ELOCUTION and DRAMATIC ART “Homewood Hall" THE MILL AN OLD C. E. Walkington MARGUERITE BOYLE Thos. F. Veteran SEED CORN TLMEIR, Burrows, Stayner, Clerk of Sunnidale 15hde King 42+; Evenings 82w ThornhiH Township 0:0 Grow 0 Flock That Can Really Make Money for You This Year Only the well-grown, rugged pullets in any flock prove to be the egg producers and money-makers. Raise your pullets on Ful-O-Pep Developerâ€"fed with plenty of oats and grainâ€"and grow a flock of big, husky capable birds that can produce plenty of eggsâ€"big, premium eggsâ€"this fall and winter, and pay you well in egg profits. PHONE 10, THE ELEVA'HDR ORDER A NEW Spring Suit or Top Coat NOW Phone 49.] Let us take care of your Cleaning and Pressing Requirements. Our driver will call or you may take advantage of our low cash and carry prices. ‘ RICHMOND TAILORS Tailored clothes have a quality of distinction which is a definite asset to your personal appear- ance. It is possible to attain this dress distinc- tion without any increased drain on your budget by letting us take care of your clothing needs. Quality clothes, hand tailored to your measure from the choicest materials are now available at a very reasonable cost. Make sure you See us before you make the choice of your next suit or overcoat. 10:0] This is a low-protein, high fibre feed that does a remarkable job in growing big framed, sound, well-feathered pullets on rangeâ€"and at a lower feeding cost. In- vestigate the Ful-O-Pep Way. Come in and see me today. :‘EI I. n. RAMER & son J. A. Greene 0:0 SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Richmond Hill 20:0] 0:0! RICHMOND HILL No. 46. 10:0

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