The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held Monday evening in the 8.8. room with Beryl LeGrice, the mission convenor, in charge. The scripture lesson was read by Mar- garet Ramsey, followed with prayer by Rev. McCrimmon. Miss Audrey MacNaughton, the missions convenor of the Presbyterian Guild, addressed ihe meeting on the subject, “Mis- sions in India.†The Y.P.U. is hold- ,ng a roller skating party in Tor- onto Tuesday evening, May 2lst. Everyone welcome to come along and. enjoy the fun. Mr. George Scott of the Bank of Commerce staff at Brooklin, Ont. spent the week-end in the village. The May meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Elmer HadWen Wednesday, May 8th. The roll call was answer- ed by suggestions for the new roll call. The annual flower and sick committee report was given by Mrs. Parnell White. The election of offâ€" icers for 1940-41 was held, followed by lunch served by the hostess and her committee. Officers elected for 1940-41 are as follows: President, Mrs. Andrew Snider; 1st Viceâ€"Pres, Mrs. Donald Allen; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. Alex Forrest; Secretary-Treas- urer, Miss Evelyn Forrest; Assist- ant Sec.â€"Treas., Miss Myrtle Keffer; District Director, Mrs. D. Smith; Di- /\ ~ \’ , ,i TICKETS GOOD IN COACHES at fares approximately 1%c. per mile TOURIST SLEIEPING CARS at fares approximately 1%c. per m1 e STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1%c. per mile COST OF ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL BA‘GGAGE CHECKED. Stopovers at all points enroute. SIMILAR EXCURSIONS FROM WESTERN TO EASTERN CANADA DURING SAME PERIOD Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and all information from any Agent. AQII wnp uANhRmT. T125 ASK FOR HANDB‘IIJL PAGE FOUR EK‘N‘Ki‘ï¬AN NATIONAL WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS MAPLE NEWSY NOTES GOING DAILY MAY 18-29, Mother’s first thought is “call the doctorâ€, and the quickest way to locate him is by tele- phone. The telephone is an instrument of protec- tion in every home. It brings V‘“ aid quickly in :fl From all Stations in Eastern Canada Return Limit: 45 days Elmer Hadwen, Mrs. Earl Palmer; Auditors, Mrs. T. Jackson, Mrs. P. White; Flower and Sick Committee, 'Mrs. H. Jennings, Mrs. A. Jones; Standing Committees, Historical Re- search, Mrs. F. S. Rumble; Educa- tion, Mrs. Gordon Watson; Health, Mrs. A. Forrest; Community Activi- ties, Mrs. M. Palmer; Home Econ- ‘omics, Mrs. Roy Keffer; Canadian Industries and Agriculture, Mrs. W. Orr; Publicity, Mrs. C. J. Robeson; Current Events, Mrs. T. Jackson; Pianist, Mrs. E. T. Wade; Asst. Pianist, Miss Margaret Rumble. We extend our sympathy to,Mrs. George Bailey in the loss of her father, Rev. Edward Currie, who died at Creemore May 13th. We are sorry that Mrs. T. Keys is seriously ill and has been removed to the Western Hospital. Miss Marion Watson returned home last week after spending sev- eral weeks in the Isolation Hospital. rectors, Mrs. Gordon Watson, Mrs The regular meeting of the Y.P.S. was held Wednesday, May 8th at Mr. B. Witty’s. Miss M. Reaman, the literary convenur, gave a very interesting program. Miss Audrey McNaughton of Maple spoke on Youth of Today. fire, accident, illness or burglary. The small cost of a telephone pays for itself many times over, giving constant protection and 0‘6 daily pleasure A; andconvenience. 2 any emergency such as CONCUR!) 1940 inclusive 'vv'vvvvvvvvâ€"V..A I plus â€"â€" that marionettes can and do pro- as adult, as Do you know properly handled, vide entertainment smart, and as satisfying as any oth- er formxof the theatre? It is true. That is a broad, and to the unini- tiated, a shocking statement, but Forsyth’s Marionettes have demon- fessional Marionette Theatre! First and foremost â€" the Pup- peteers, who must be not only pullers utmost lending their voices, their hearts, their experi- ence, their skill, to not one or two| l versatility, parts, but literally hundreds! Given all else, your puppet will not live without the warm glowing human interpretation of the puppeteer, who lives through him. Oons'der the characterization in a Marionette Theatre! The Central Casting Agency in Hollywood with all its facilities strated its truth. Consider the ele- ments that make up the modern prO- I of strings, but protean actors of the ml'nâ€"t 5â€"4 Hiyaâ€"phi cannot exceed the puppet possibili- . ties, for all the creatures of the earthâ€"current, historic or sheerly‘ imaginative â€"â€" can and do live oni the puppet stage. Consider the pre-i sentation! The stage of Florsyth’sl Marionettes is as complete as thatl of any professional theatre, scenery as lavish and" artistic as any firstâ€" class road company, and properties executed by the same careful hands that create these bits of animated sculpture called the Forsyth‘s Mar-ll l ionettes. Writing the plays for these people is a special art, utiliz- ling all the normal drama technique for one must write with an eye to their more than human abil- ity to caricature, to defy gravity, to be more beautiful, more hideous, more ludicrOus, more awe inspiring than the humans they emulate. Be sure to see this famous com- pany at Richmond Hill Fair, May 24 Forsyth’s Marionettes have delight- ed. thousand-s for the last five years at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion, and have been featured at the Nova Sootia Provincial Exhibition in Halifax, London’s Western Fair, and are known and remembered in many cities from coast to coast for their entertaining and delightfully amus- ing performances. “The Y.P.U. fare presenting their play “Aunt Minnie from Minnesota.†next Wednesday and Thursday ev- enings in the Carrville Church. - u The Rev. Mr. McKay of Leaside will preach in Carrville Church next Sunday evening, service at 7.30 .p.m. Mr. and! Mrs. Clarence Vandenb‘urg and family and Mrs. Adkins and: children of Toronto visited ‘Mr. and) Mrs. J. Vanderberg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Trimm and Mr. and Mrs. Drum of Toronto vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton on Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ness of Patter- son, Mr. W. Ness and Mrs. Luesby of Thornhllvl were guests at a birth- day party at Mr. and Mrs. J. Bak- er‘s on Sunday. 'The party was in honor of Mrs. Baker’s and little Kenmeth’s birthdays. Miss Marion Alexander of Toron- to spent the week-end with! Miss 1. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Kenney 21an Miss Kenney of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton on‘ Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson of Edlgeley spent one evening last week witâ€"h Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker LaGROVE BEAUTY PARLOR PERMANENT WAV ING OUR SPECIALTY Famous FORSYTH'S MARIONETTES COMING TO RICHMOND ' HILL FAIR Guaranteed Castro and Radiant Steam Oil Waves with curly ends. Try our Machineless. Prices $2.00 to $10.00 Open 8.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. except Wednesdays Thornhill Purebred Percheron Stallion ROBB DALE CARBERT (15692) The property of William Glass, Lot 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 7913 Maple. This horse is black and weighs about 1950 lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season. Terms to iriâ€" sure foal $1.00, service $11.00, payâ€" able on or before lst March 1940. Persons disposing of their mares be- fore foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether in foal or not. All accidents at owner’s risk. STOCK REGISTER CARRVILLE Company is Challenge To Hollywood THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Phone 102 ELEVEN PIGS eight weeks old. A. V. Rodgers, Rumble Ave., Richmond Hill. EDeSOTO COACH in good running ’order. Price 1fgasonab1e. Jones Coal Company, Richmond Hill, pï¬â€™one 188. FRESH JERSEY COW and Calf. Percy Cober, Gormley, phone Stouffâ€" ville 7313. PLANET BICYCLE in good condi- tion, cheap. Apply J. Smith, Mount St. Joseph. 3 BROrO'D SOWS, due to farrow early in June. Phone Zone 8-184. Mr. Ebwell, R.R. 1 York Mills. FRESH GOATS, reasonable price. A‘pply Mike Bodnar, 2nd Concession Markham, Richmond Hill. USED Eliâ€"AEO, good, cheap; also outdoor iron pump, in good order. Apply G. Yerex, Richmond Hill. PUREBRED WHITE PEKIN DUCK EGGS for hatching. L. C. Burton, Carrvi‘lle Road. Phone Maple 764. CHILD’S CRIB, also Crib Blankets, in good condition. Apply Mrs. W. Hill McKay, YORKSHIRE PIGS 7 weeks up; Muscovy Duck Eggs; Millet seed. Apply 1. K. Kennedy, Stop 13 Yonge Street. 500 BUS. BANNER OATS; 400 bus. Feed Barley; 15 Bags Spencer Po- tatoes; 10 bags Katahdin Potatoes. Avp‘ply C. E. Walkington, King. Phone King 4213. long season, drought resistant strain $2.50 per hundred. Bill Campbell, telephone Richmond Hill 4533. LATHAM RASPBERRY BU SHES, LEGHORN COVCKEREL CHICKS $1.25 per hundred. No delivery. Every Friday. Apply Wm. Vander- bent, Gormley, phone Thornhjll 1821. 2 YOUNG COWS calf by side, 1 freshen June 5th, 1 yearling Jersey, 1 Heifer Calif 1 year old. J. Noakes, 3rd Con. East of Yonge Street south of York Mills Road. GAIRDEN PROPERTY, two and a half acres, attractive cottage, elec- tric light, lots of small fruit, in Bar- rie. A Ibargain to close an estate. Annlv Box 62 The Liberal Office. Apply Box ton, family size, 5 reg. $179.95, special per week. Toronto Ltd., 241 Yonge St Ave. W. YIOUNG HOG PIGS (service age) and slows. rBy imported sire “Galt’s Lad†out of Gogar May sixth. Con- sidered :best breeding blood lines in Canada. Annandale Farms, Tod- ELECI'fRIC REFRIGERATOR, Spar- mord‘en THIS IS THE DAY OF_ADV§RT1§XNG-â€"MAKE THE MOST OF [T 1., ::,_A :__-_A.:___ __.\ 1r -A_5- ASIPARAGUS ROOTS. Mary Wash- ington, (rustproof), strong, healthy roots. One year old, $1.00 per 100. Two year old, $1.25 per 100. Henry Kanis, 103 Richmond Street, Rich- lljlu IL) ‘1Ԡv... v RATESâ€"-Fwa lines o_{ cents for first insertion and 15 cents tor each subsequent msertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. 1F CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. monvd Hill Classified Advs. PIT RUN GRAVEIL, Concrete Gra- vel, Sand, etc. Prompt deliveries. Charges reasonable. Also general truéking, road materials, P.C.V. Li- cense. w. Maple 19W ELECTRIC RANGE NEW WEST- INGHOUSE Automatic Control Reg. $115.00, special $89.00. Terms $1.00 weekly. $20.00 rebate from Hydro. Toronto Radio & Sports, Ltd., 241 Yonge St., 1173 St. Clair W. RADIOS, 1940, WESTINGHOUSE, $16.95. Terms only 50c. a week. All leading makes. 150 other models. Toronto Radio & Sports, Ltd, Can- ada’s largest radio and sports firm, 241 Yonge St., 1173 St. Clair W. 5 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, with hydro and water, 11%.» acres rich soil, fruit trees and lots of small fruit. Excellent buy at $1700, easy terms. Located in Richmond Hill. No en- cumbrance. Apply by letter to Box 440, Liberal Office. BIGâ€"4 CHICKS will make you extra Profits because they have Outstandh ing Vigour, Fast Growth, Market Type, Heavy Egg Production and Large Eggs. Breeders Government Inspected and Bloodctested. All Pop- ular Breeds $8.60 and up. Pullets, Cookerels, Day-old, Started Chicks, Pullets, all ages. Write for cata- logue with prices. Wesley Clark, Gnnmlev. RR. 2, Ont. Phone Richâ€" Large Eggs. bree Inspected and B100 ular Breeds $8.60 Cockerels, Day-old: Pullets, all ages. logue with prices Gonmley, RR. 2, ( mond Hill 4704. FOR SALE 12 Lucas Street, Richmond' J. Hodge, Maple, phone year guarantee, $149.95 â€" $1.50 Radio & Sports good running 1173 St. Clair 10 CHOICE SUCKLING PLGS. No dealers. Apply Liberal Office. GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO, cab- inet, 8 tube, $25.00. Phone Thorn- hill 119. REGISTERED SHORTH'ORN BULL one year old. Apply 0. D. Robinâ€" son, 8733 5 PIGS for sale, about 85 lbs. each. P;.u1 Kunce, Greenlane, 1% miles east of Th‘ornhill, second house from corner. YORKSHIRE PIGS all-ages, also Ayrshire Cattle and Belgian Giant rabbits. George J. Spring, Stop 14A Yonge St., phone 149 Thornhlll. 2 YOUNG SOWS, also sow with 7 pigs. Apply A. Hensen, Bathurst Street, half mile south of Wilson Avenue, phone Hudson 0031. MoOO‘RiMICK D‘EERINvG POTATO PLANTER, nearly new; 6 ft. Disc Harrow, outthww; 2 Fleury Gang Flows. M. A. Wilson, King. Phone King 4800. PRIVATE SALE Household) Furni- ture, 2 ranges, dining suite, buffet, piano, library table, bedroom suite, house tent, camp tent, electric soft drink cooler. Crown Dominion Sta- tion, Elgin Mills. 'ASPARAGUS ROOTS, Washington, $1.00 per 100; Perennials â€"â€" Del- phiniums, Blackmore ' and Langdon; ‘Russell Lupin-s, Pyrethrum, Pansies, 'etc.; also 6 two inch valves. Chas. Harris, 2 Mill Road, Riehvale. ‘IMP‘LE4MENTS, 15-30 McCormick- Deering Tractor, completely overâ€" hauled; 10-20 McCormickâ€"Deering Tractor; Fordson Tractor complete- ly overhauled; number of recondi- tioned mowers as good; as new; drill] plow, nearly new; Oliver trac- tor plow; Cockshutt tractor plow; milk strainer and plunger, new; 5 'bus. Durum Spring Wheat. Floyd ‘R. Perkins, 14 Church Street, Rich- mond) Hill, phone 73. SIX ROOM HOUSE, water and elec- ‘G‘OOID PASTURE, immediate p05â€" session, good fences, stables’ and water. East of York County Hos- pital. Apply Mrs. A. Ross Evans, ‘Lundy Lane, Phone 183 Newmal‘ket. trio. Apply Hill. DUPLEX, five rooms, all conveni- 6 ROOMED HOUSE on E Street. Apply W. Bone, 15 Street East, Richmond Hill. ences, electric stove, possession at once. W. C. Savage, Yonge 813., phone 106, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOM DWELLING with furn- ace, three piece ‘bath, hydro and gar- den with small fruit. Twel’ve dol- lars per month. R. E. Sanderson, 'Lot 24, Con. 4 east, Markham. ace, den Iars COURT OF REVISION Township of MARKHAM COUNTY OF YORK PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the TOWnIShip of Markham will be held in Township Hall, Unionville on - MONDAY, MAY 27th, 1940 at 1 o’clock p.m., S.T. to hear and adjudicate upon all com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham for the said year 1940. All parties interested are requested to take not accordingly DANCE AT VELLORE Vellore Jr. Institute and Jr. Farm- ers are holding a dance in the Vel- lore Hall Thursday, May 23rd. Max Boag’s Orchestra, Ernie Evans, floor manager. Admission 25c. Refresh- ments, Presidents, Catherine Brown- lee, Bruce Watson; Secretaries, Edna Keffer, Gordon Orr. You will find it less easy to up- root faults than to choke them by gaining virtues.â€"â€"Anon. Clenk of the said Municipality: Jnionville, May 16th, 1940. . Oriole, telephone Agincourt take notice and govern themselves TO RENT M unicipality of the CHARLES HOOVER, Rayner, Richmond Elizabeth .5 Centre THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1940. .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service PAPER-HANGER and decorator at once. Apply H. P. Ingles & Son, Maple Ave., Jefferson. BRICKLAYERS, Carpenters, Labor ers. Apply to C. Baker on the job, Roseview Avenue, Friday morning. GIRL for general housework. One willing to learn. Two in family. Mrs. Riordan, John St., Thornhill. YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN, 24, desires housework, experienced, willing to sleep in or out. Apply Lib- eral Office. TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge SL. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and UM Radios PASTUFE for 10 to 15 head of heif- ers and yearlings. Phone Thornhill 18-22 or write B. R. Leech, 2411 Yonge St., Toronto. 4 WANTEDâ€"HORSES, CATTLE, HAY Grain and Straw in exchange for Elec. Refrigerators, Elec. Milk Cool- ers, Elec. and Combination Ranges, Washers, and Radios, all leading makes, over 150 models to choose from, Carfada’s largest radio and sport firm. Write or call B. R. Leech, WA. 4501. Toronto Radio 8; Sports, Ltd., 241 Yonge St., Toronto. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill ’73. tf ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. FARMERS, you can make consider- able in your spare time handling one of the finest lines of Oils, Greases, Tires, Batteries, Spark Plugs, Insec- ticides, Electric Fence Controllem, House Paints and Roof Coating ma- terials. Write Warco Grease & Oil Limited, Toronto. [T’S RESULTS THAT COUNT. For the best possible results in hatching, either turkey, duck, bantam, pheasant or hen eggs, bring your eggs to an expert. All eggs incubated and batched in individual compartments. Any number of eggs accepted at any time. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1939 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€"- Small 1938 FORD V-8 TUDOR -â€"- Good Value. 1938 FORD V-S COUPEâ€"A Good Car. 1937 FORIS v-s DeLEXE COUPEâ€" Very nice. _ 1937 FORD MISCELLANEOUS 1931 DODGE P'ANEL DELIVERY TRUCK. In excellent condition. Little Brothers RICHMOND HILL PHONE 1744 ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE 1940 LICENSES mileage. Like new. mileage. Ford Sales & Service W A N TE’D $675.00 $550.00 $575.00 $495.00 $495.00 $175.00 V-8 TUDOR â€" Small O NTARIO