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ONTARIO 3 Grow Emergency Hay And Pasture (Imps Every goodK fanmer is a strong be- liever in emergency hay and pas- ture crops. When it comes to grow- ing feed for his stock he natural‘ly believes it is better to have too much than too little. He hates to spend out good money to ‘-buy hay and rightly so. Here are some emergency hay and pasture crops recommended| by the Ontario Feed' Board of the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture: PEAS AND OATS beini Two bushels oats with one bushe1_ T1" peas per acre make a good] emergâ€" \ ensu enlcy hayv crop. This mixture, which ‘PI‘eS is sow-"n early in the spring, is ready Vice- to cut; for hay when the pea podls Vice are about half developed and' is oulje‘d V309 and handiled' like any other hay :Wait "II" I "OLHIU UIUIJO )ntar‘o Feed Board gives list of re- ocmmemlations that will save far- mer feed bills later on. Every good fanmer is a strong be- liever in emergency hay and pas- :ure crops. When it comes to grow- ing feed for his stock he naturally believes it is better to have too much than too little. He hates to spend out good money to buy hay and rightly so. Here are some emergency hay and pasture crops recommended :by the Ontario Feed' Board of the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture: PEAS AND OATS Two bushels oats with one bushel peas per acre make a good. emergâ€" enlcy hay, crop. This mixture, which is sewn early in the spring, is ready to cut for hay when the pea pods are about half developed and is cured and handled like any other hay crop. ’ SJOYCBiEANS O.A.C. No. 211, Manchu and Man- darin soybeans, if sown early in May, at flhe rate of 1% bus. of seed per acre, produce high quality, pro- tein hay, which is usually harvested in August. Soyibeans should be cut for hay when the pods are half de~ velo‘ped'. MIILtLEiT Foxtail, Barnyard and, Panicle mil- lets can all lbe grown successfully in Ontario for annual hay punposa. Millet should be sewn early in June, the Foxtail and Panicl-e types at the rate of about 30 lbs. the Rarnvard| at the rate of about of seed and (Held over from last week) Satisfactory reports of activities‘ within the organization were heard‘ at the annualnneetiiig of the local' branch of the Women‘s Institute; held at the home of Mrs. R. A. Sa‘ -: iston on Thursday afternoon last. Mrs. G. R. Whaley presided. The {splendid program included practical‘ talk on “Home Economics" ably giv-, en by Mrs. S. Bell, who demonstrat- ed a combination footstool and work Ibox, easily made by members. The inside of the handsome velvet stool revealed splendid accommodation for sewing and sewing equipment. Spe- cial music was supplied by Mrs. E. Dixon, the splendid guitar selections being highly pleasing to the ladies. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: President, Mrs. G. R. Whaley; lst, Viceâ€"President, Mrs. W. Young; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. J. Brown; 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. E. E. Braith- waite; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. A. E. Milner; District Representative, Mrs. R. L. Stiver; Pianist, Mrs. E. Dixon; Directors, Mrs. T. Burnett, Mrs. F. Pollard, Mrs. Dymond; Sick- and. Visiting Committee, Mrs. C. H. Stiver, Mrs. C. E. Stiver, Mrs. H. H. Powers, Mrs. S. Weatherill; Con- venors of standing committees: His- torical Research, Mrs. G. R. Whaley; Education, Mrs. Adamson; Canadian- ization, Mrs. M. H. Thomson; Leg- islation, Mrs. F. FTisby; Peace, Mrs. IW. Young; Health and Child Wel- fare, Mrs. H. Brooldield; Agricul- ture, Mrs. R. A. Salbiston; Home Economics, Mrs. S. Bell; Commun- ity Activities and Relief, Mrs. .Dixon. in August. Soytbeans should [be cut for hay when the pads are half de~ velo-ped. Foxtail, Barnyard and Panicle mil- lets can all be grown successfully in Ontario for annual hay puuposc. Millet should be sown early in June, the Foxtail and Panicle types at the rate of about 30 lbs. of seed and» the Barnyard‘ at the rate of about 20 lbs. of seed per acre. Millets, which have a feeding value about the same as Timothy, should be cut for hay when the plants are fully in head. OATS AN>D SWEET CLOVER One of the most widely grown emergency crops in Ontario is a mixture of 21/2 bus. of cats and» 20 lbs. of scarified sweet clover seed per acre. The mixture, which is ready to pasture six wee-ks after seeding, should .be pastured suffi- ciently heavy to keep the oats from coming into head. The combination is largely made up of oats in the late spring and early summer and sweet clover in the late summer and autumn. This sweet clover and oats ,combination has the added adsvant- age that the sweet clover can be used the following- year for pasture, hay or silage. This member of the sorghum fam- ily, which is noted for its ability to stand dry weather, is seeded in the latter part of May at the rate of 25 to 30 lbs. of seed' per acre. In addition to being a good pasture crop, it can also be grown: for an~ nual hay and for this latter pur- pose shouldl be cut when in full bloom. Two bushels of cats added! to the Sudan Grass make a good pasture mixture. This crop is grown in Western Ontario for Iboth annual pasture and as a soiling- crop. When: grown for pasture it is usually sown in. a mix- ture with oats. For soiling purposes it is sown at the rate of 6 to 10 lbs. of seed per acre in rows about 30 inches apart with the individual hills in the rows about 18 inches apart. The plants, when grown for soiling purposes, should \be about twice as thick as the plants in the average corn field. F. H. APPERLY Funeral services were held Weal- nesday, May 8 for Francis Hutton Apiperly, 88, of Cookstown, who died at the Downsview home of his son, following a short illness. Of Eng- ‘lish pioneer parentage, Mr. Apperly was born near Maple, Vaughan township. In later life he moved to Allisgon, where he carried on a livâ€" ery business. He married Mary Elizaâ€" beth Bowerman some 6-0 years ago. Mrs. Apperly predeceased him two years ago. He is survived .by three sons and three daughters: Gordon 8., Downsâ€" view; Harry, Toronto; William A., Cookstown; Mrs. Wallace Easson, Saskatoon; Mabe1_ and Cora, Cooks- town. Rev. John Kell, Faivbanks, a life- long friend, and Rev. G. W. Lynd conducted services at the Downsview h-ome. Interment was in Cookstown cemetery. Woodbridge Fire Brigade have just experienced one of their busiest periods in history. Several alarms were answered last week and these were followed by 4 more during the week-end, 2 on Saturday, one on Sunday and another Monday. All were dangerous brush and graSS fires in the village that had got out of control. Their locations were at the hill side, near the Waterworks re- servoir; at Mr. D. Longhouse’s prop- erty, 8th Ave.; at the old Methodist cemetery, and in vacant land near Abel Ave. EARLY AMBER SUGAR SORG'HUIM SU DAN GRASS WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT Lunch was served following the program by the hostesses for the af- ternoon, Mrs. H. H. Powers, Mrs. T. Burnett, Mrs. A. E. Milner. The current project sponsored- by the Department for Girls’ training got away to a good start at the May meeting of the Homemakers Club of the Junior Farmers organ- ization held on Monday evening last. Marjory Thomson and Phyllis Tapâ€" scott supplied the highlights on “Party Planning†which was inter- spersed with demonstrations of dec- orative table centres for special oc- casions giver» by Margaret Hood, “Easterâ€; Ruby R‘eesor, “Thanksâ€" givingâ€; Eva Hunter, patriotic cen- tre for May 24th party; Ruth Yea- mans, birthday party; Mildred. Pool- er, St. Patrick Day. For the suc- cess of the party be sincere, be friendly, be cheerful, enjoy enter- tainment provided, willing to enter in all party activities, assist hostess by pleasing conversation with part- ner, 'cultivate new comer or shy girl, be considerate of others, leave worries at home, be a good sport. sincere to hostess. Be attractively and suitalbly dressed, better too simply than too elaborately. Simple party menus easily prepared and good to eat were given for various occasions. Unwis-e to spend too much time on preparation of food'. Be ready when the guests arrive. At the joint meeting thrills were a-pl-enty, when four yOung stalwarts from 0.A.C. staged‘ a wrestling match. Judging from the applause from the boys and the squeels from the girls, the bouts were fast and furious, creating popular entertain- ment. The boys Were given a hearty vote of appreciation along with the good' wishes for satisfactory exam ‘results, which are the order of the present day. A short but spicy edi- ‘tion of “The Newscaster", edited by Clarence Wallace and read by Elliot lHarrington, the announcement of the May dance and June picnic, brought the meeting to a close. Refresh- ments and dancing concluded this very enjoyable and profitable even- A display of place cards and party favors was also given. The Junior Farmers were honored by a visit from Don Faiflbum of the C.B.C. who spoke on the splendid co-operation between agriculturists and the broadcasting system and spoke generally on the Farmers’ Market, Ibutter, eggs, etc. Also told of the \Craig Family, a favorlte radio feature following the farm broadcast. near Milliken. Although a semiâ€"in- valid for many years, Mrs. Gibson has retained her interest in all worthwhile things and| always had a hearty welcome for the host of friends who came often to her home. A daughter, Margaret and a son, John join. with their mother in- this celebration. During the afternoon and evening many callers brought greetings to this estimable lady and numerous letters, cards and gifts signified remembrance by far away friends. The tea table was lovely, centred with the gorgeous birthday ing bongratulations to Mrs. Susan Gibson who on Wednesday celebratâ€" ed her. 92nd birthday at her home THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1940. cake made under Mrs. Gibson’s» di~ rection and resplendent with its de- coration including_ the 92 candles. The Liberal joins in expressing- gooti wishes to this splendid lady on this happy event. All persons having claims against the estate of Matilda Jane Cain, late of the Village of Schombel‘g, Spin- ster, who died on or about the 18th day of March 1940, are required to send notice of their claims together with due proof thereof to the under- signed' on or before the 18th day of June 1940, after which ' date the estate will be divided among those entitled thereto having regard only to such claims of which she shall then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 16th day of May, 1940. Richmond Hill INSURANCE LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY. GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS Bowden Lumber & Coal CO.LTD. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Insulex, DonnaconngBoard, etc. JONES COAL Co. LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0284 Lehigh VEHBY Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF &. NONTARIFF 00’s A. G. Savage TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATENG Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge btreet ANTHRACITE “The Coal That SatisfieS†MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repaâ€"irs Telephone Richmond Hi“ 39 Beatty Farm Equipment SHEPPARMGILL L U M B E R Charles Graham COMPANY R. H. KANE Telephone 188 Old Post Office Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL Mrs. Minnie Lloyd, Administratrix, Richmond Hill, Ontario C/o J. R. Herrington. Phone 92-3