Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 May 1940, p. 7

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I Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy. Service and a Fair Deal to All 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 feet lengths, at reasocable price BLOCKS, each BLOCKS, IODIZED, each â€" Also â€"- CAR MILL FEED Prices as follows: FINE SALT, 100 lbs. COARSE SALT, 100 Lbs. . IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. . FIRST CLASS BREAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, 0.A.C. Formula MILKMAKER O.A.C. Formula At Maple Freight Sheds Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25-30 cents each Johnston & Cranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments Phone HYland 2081 Open Evening~ Res. Phone 9788 :OOOOOOOOOOOOQO90000000909 §Dependab1e Milk & Dairy 9 Produce GLENN'S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 RM. r >VrvvvvvvvaV'V BALING Hay & Straw Phone 42 Richmond Hill 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan & Balliol Sts Having taken over Moore Bros. baling business I am pre- pared to bale hay and straw on short notice. Price rea- sonable. Latest facility for moving outfit. THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1940. NUT AND STOVE COAL No. 1 ANTHRACITE And Be Assured of a Safe, Wholesome Supply by Securing it from MILK Builds Muscles. MILK is Energy Food. MILK Supplies Essential Elements. Is a Perfect Food for Fath- er, Mother and especially the Children. . E. SMITH Successor to Moore Bros. COAL ORDERS PHONE MARLE 19W G. S. WALWIN, Prop. PERCY COBER Richmond Hill Dairy EYES EXAMINED â€"â€" AND â€"â€" GLASSES FITTED Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley RR. 1 Priced as follows: USE MORE MILK DR. P. P. SMYTH SALT $1.35 per cwt. $1.20 per cwt. $1.35 per cwt. 85c. 40c. 65c. ‘ r- By order, J. M. SOMERVTIILE, Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 30, 1940. The Department also reserves the right to demand from any success- ful tenderer a security deposit, in the form of a certified cheque 01' bond as above, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of his bid, to guar- antee the proper fulfilment of the contract. I When the amount of a tender ex- lceeds the sum of $5,000.00â€"whether it be for one building only or more â€"the tenderers must attach to their tender a certified cheque on a chart- ered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Do- minion of Canada or of the Canad- ian National Railway Company and its constituent companies, uncondi- tionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions attach- ed thereto. Forms of tender with specificaâ€" tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ott- awa; and the Supervising Architect, 36mAdfelaiu‘e ‘St._ East, Toronto, Ont. TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE SEALED Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender for Coal,” will be received until 12 o’clock noon (daylight saving), Wed- nesday, May 29, 1940, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Goods shipped from Oak Ridges Red Cross branch dating from Oc- tober 11, 1939 inclusive to May 8th, are as follows: 175 pairs socks, 38 sweatelxs, 45 pairs pyjamas, 14 scarves, 10 helmets, 4'3 pillow cases, 15 bed pads, 12 sling bandages, 21 pairs wristlets, 1 dozen pneumonia jackets. King, Gormley and Tempâ€" eranceville Women’s Institutes have contributed goods in part. Kinlg Women’s Institute announce motion pictures, “The Cavalcade of Europe”, shown and commented upon 'by Rex Frost, of radio fame, on Thursday, May 16th, in McDonald' & Wells’ Hall; proceeds for war wonk and soldiers’ comforts. Schomberg‘ Hall was well‘ filled last week for two sessions of Royal Visit motion pictures, sponsored by Red 'Cross branch. A meeting of Peel, Simcoe and York Baseball League was held at Schomjberg last week. Mr. E. Smith of Schomiberg was named president; Mr. Blackmore of Beeton as Secre- tary-Treasurer. Five teams entered the league, Bolton, Kin-g, Schomlberg, Beeton, Colgan. Schomlberg won the 1939 championship m Intermediate B, Rural Softball. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Berger and‘ family of Barrie visited the former’s mother, Mrs. Wellesley on Mother’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Parker, Miss Louise Folliott of Toronto, Miss Flor- ence Folliott and Mr. J. Kellam of Weston spent Sunday at Mr. Harvey Folllott‘s, attending church. services at King United. Miss Gladys Egan of Toronto calrl- ed on Miss E. McClure on Sunday. Maurice Heyward, Township Con- stable, is- wearing- a new uniform, fitted becomingly by our Township Council. Temperancevil-le W1. officers for the ensuing year are as foll0ws: Hon. Pres., Alice A. Ferguson; Preâ€" sident, Mrs. C. Henshaw; Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. W. Jennings; 2nd Vice- President, Mrs. M. Beynon; Sec.- Treas., Mrs. F. Watson; Directors, Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Mrs. Ed. Pax- ton, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. W. Lloyd; District Director, Mrs. N. Thomp- son; Visiting Cenveners, Mrs. J. Lloyd, Mrs. Ed. Paxton; Auditors, the Executive. The Richmond Hilfl Lions Extra \proved' a very interesting issue on May 2nd. Many local readers found' it good reading and; congratulate the club. On Thursday, May 16th, Nmbleton Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Russell, Miss Kay Clark of Toronto, visited at W. Rollinrg‘s this week. King City District News was refused and wisely enough for today the congregation is proud to Fifteen years ago, accordjng' to church records, the two acres of land, western part of property of St. John’s the Baptist, Oak Ridges, was under discussion for disposal. Approaching the Synod, St. .John’s “Getting Ira Married” by Donlands group on Monday evening was a good.- play, report a large audience. } Miss S. Groombri-dge led in a topic 'cn Our Biible before Pottageville Baptist Y.P.U. last week. We are Jfortunate in having the Bible as a {reliable book since before our eyes ‘is the graphic portrayal of influ- gences in the world of other notable books: Confuciu's, Carl Marx, Mien Kampf etc. The morning speaker, Rev. Captain Norman Rawson of Hamilton was a powerful speaker, giving a stirring message. The local choir merited praise for their anthems and solo work. Alfred Barker and Helen Campbell, in a duet, were well re- ceived. Rev. W. Burbridge of Forâ€" mosa, a distinctly different type of preacher, was appreciated while Mr. Harris’ Junior Double Trio rendered excellent vocal music in the Harris style of accomplishment and! clarity. Following the worship service the Trio gave a musicale to the delight of a large audience. They have just come fresh from Musical Festival honours and these numbers were dis- tinctly lovely. ‘ Rev. J. and Mrs. Galloway attendr- ed the Leaders’ Conference held‘ at Aurora last week. Rev. Leland Greg- ory, noted Baptist preacher, was speaker. One of the most successful of ser- vices was observed at King United Church on Sunday, the 69th anniver- sary. The church was beautiful with colorful snapd‘ragons, a memorial gift of Mrs. Ethel Carson Smart of Edmonton, Alta, in honour of her late mother, Mrs. Samuel Carson, whose demise took place 10 years ago this month. Mrs. Carson was a former member of the church. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Strange, has set June 28th as the (Late for the annual strawberry fest- ival. Miss Helen Hunter. Seweral guests from Toronto, Aurora and Unionvilrle were present. Mother’s Day services were ob- served at 11 a.m., Eversley Church, the scholars taking part. Nobleton' United Church enjoyed 21 Mother’s .-hoir and Schomberg United Sunday 5211-01 joined in special service. ing' were Miss Edith Glass and Miss Margaret McDonald of Aurora, MiSS Anah Baldwin and Miss Beth Baldâ€" win. The trousseau rooms resplendh ent with “nice things", were presid- ed over by Miss Vera Hunter, Mrs. Isobel Forrester, Miss Marjorie Mc- Mur-chy, Miss Irene Marshall and‘ In honour of her daughter, Miss Ruth Baldwin; Mrs. William Bald“- win entertained at a trousseau tea on Saturday afternoon, May 11th. Mrs. Baldwin and the bride-elect re- ceived amid spring flowem. The ltea table was centred! with lovely snap- dragons, tulips, and carnations, white tapers and silver appointments. Preâ€" siding at the table Were Mrs. Stev- enson of Unionville and Mrs. (D12) W. W. Baldwin of Brooklin. Assist- Schomlberg W.I. report an excell- ent year, very hard working- but satisfactory. Assisting the towns- men in Community Christmas Tree; assisting in sponsoring Course; mothering the newly formed‘ Junior Institute; $40 raised for war work; contribution to the library board, and‘other worthy causes. The Red Cross branch, West King Town- ship, had its beginning from the early efforts of the W.I. Money raised' $226; balance $15. Officers in part: President, Mrs. B. Skinner; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. A. F. Kay, Mrs. Geo. Shoults, Mrs. E. Smithf Secretary, Mrs. Clarence Marchant; Asst. Sec., Mrs. A. Forth; Treasurer, Mrs. E. Smith; District Director, Mrs. Geo. Shoults; Chairman of Diâ€" rectors, Mrs. H. Carr. of Short . King Township has the distinction, according to Reeve MdMurchy, of serving in this capacity due to its size, its financial position, and the types of problems within its preâ€" cincts, namely, rural, police villages, the Holland. Marsh management. Noibleton W.I. will cater the“luncheon. Community Hall will see the first of the Auditors school to be held in ~the province directed by E. G. Jermaine. Municipal Department of the Prov- ince. Invitations have been issued to councillors, clerks, treasurers, ofâ€" ficials of the municipalities of King, Adjala, Albion, Georgina, Gwillimâ€" burys East, North and. West, Mark- ham, Tecumseth, Toronrto Gore, Vaughan, Whitchurch; the villages of Bolton, Markham, Richmond Hill, Stouffville, Sutton, Woodubrid‘ge; towns of Newmarket and Aurora. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO “To supplement your daily dozen, today try lifting both arms and legs off and giving a long pull on the muscles.” WE AIN’T INTERESTED From Ohio Paper: Jos. Darlingt-on of Todmorden, Club salesman, Last week sold’ a very fine lot of Holsteins to go to New Bruns- wick at prices the owners had thought would hold these outstandh ing individuals in their hends. a screened-inI pavilion for lunch, huge shade trees, Iball diamonds, barnyard gold and safe swimming facilities, everything is all set for a big time for the young and those who used to be young. The comâ€" mittee is also arranging for a couple of judging classes to keep everyone in training for the Black and‘ White Show in the fall. President Geo. W. Henry is being any supported by the Club Field‘man, J‘os. Darlington, Past Pres. S. B. Watson and Secre- tary E. F. Ramsay and several sub- committees. ' Park, Markham, where the members and. their families enjoyed them- selves so [much two years ago. With With June fast approaching, the York County Holstein Club direct- ors are completing plans for their annual Picnic which will the lheld‘ on Saturday, June lst, at Glenwood Holstein Club Picnic Saturday, June lst a great number of friends, former members and associates, clergy of St. John’s, when ‘Mrs. Mussen, aged lady of Toronto whose late husband was the Parish rector in 1882, will declare the Hall open. Captain S. C. Snively is chairman of the build- ing- committee, ably assisted by Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, ex-officio Messrs. W. J. Whitten, John ‘Chatterly, Roy Dibbs (canpenter in charge), Dom Frisby, Maurice Beynon, Nelson» Thompson, Giles Kerswill. Rev. A. R. Beverley. Suffragan Bishop, will act as chairman. possess a Parish Hafl and to form- ally open it on May let at 8.3-0 p.m. D.S.T. Invitations have gone out to JOHNNY RASL'LOS Richond Hill Arena F AIR NIGHT WRESTLING - Thrilling Bouts - “JlU-JITSU” “GRAECO-ROMAN” “CATCH-‘AS-CATCH CAN” “Red” Garner vs. Johnny Rasulos GENERAL ADMISSION 25c. RINGSIDE SEATS 35c. way match, 20 minutes or 1 fall at each of the following styles of wrestling REN GAZLEY, vs. JACK JEFFRIES Bert Maxwell West Hill, 212 lbs. of Cobourg, 186 lbs. script Have shared their secrets, told their cares, Their curious and quaint affairs! Your pool of ink, your scratchy pen, Have moved the lives of unborn men, And watched young- people, breath- How many humble hearts have dipped In you, and scrawled their manu- ing hard, Put Heaven on a postal card. â€"Christopher Morley Toronto, 149 lbs. EXTRA SPECIAL ATTRACTION TO A POSTOFFICE INKWELL MAIN BOUT, HEAVYWEIGHT Phone 12 DOUBLE COUPONS DURING MONTH OF APRIL ON CHASSIS LUBRICATION, OIL CHANGES, TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL CHANGES, WASHING AND TIRES AND TUBES. Cities Service Garage WALTER BONE & SON It’s dangerous to drive on weak, contaminated, winter-worn oil. It may lead to costly repairs. Let us “spring condition” your car. This 7-point service won’t take long and it won’t cost you much. . .and it will put your car in tip-top shape for spring and summer driving. Come in today WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE COMMENCING AT 9 RM. D.S.T‘ CONSTRUCTION Frost Steel & Wire Co. Products We Gladly Quote Prices Phone Maple 864 29 Yonge Street vs. Jack Sibthorpe Gananoque, 146 lbs. of Toronto, 179 lbs. Toronto, 198 lbs ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 Helen Simpson Lynett Richmond Hill PAGE SEVEN

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