Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 May 1940, p. 5

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Your kind and loving ways, It helps to {bear a (bitter loss, Since you have gone away. And; when We too are ‘called dear Dad, To break life’s fnagile chain, What greater joy could we expect, Than all to meet again; God bless you dear Dad' Till we meet again. â€"Alrways lovingly remembered by Jacques, Violet, Dick, Willie and Johnnie. a kind amf devoted husband and a wonderful Dad, Dirk Schurman, who passed away very suddenly May 28, 1934. I lost a dear husband with a heart of gold, He was more to me than‘ wealth un- told, The sorrow I feel I cannot explain, The ache in my heart will always remain. â€"Too clearly loved and sadly missedl to ever lbe forgotten by his loving wife. Dear Dad we still remember, TREES PLANTED IN VILLAGE Twenty 12â€"foot trees, presented to the Richmond Hill Horticultural So- ciety by the Men of Trees Associa- tion, were planted on the village streets this week. The trees are Elm, Japanese Walnut and: Silver Maple. The greens are in good shape and the members are looking forward to another successful season. Monday evening will be featured with a mixed tournament in which all mem- bers, prospective members, and all interested in this splendid‘ game are invited to join. Play will commence sharp at 7.30 and all who want to play are asked to be on hand at that time. This is the time of year when. peo- ple are looking forward to outâ€"of- door activity, and‘ in keeping with the spirit of the season the Rich- mondI Hill Bowling Club announces its official opening for next, Mon- day evening, June 3rd. IN MEMORIAM SOHURMANâ€"In loving memory of THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1940. BOWLING NOTES LLOYD STEPHENSON announces the opening of a Modern Barber Shop at Mrs. Brathwaite’s Store. Main St., Unionville, on Monday, June 3rd, and solicits the patronage of the people of the district. Announcement Make a break! frear yourself to a carefree holiday in Ontario’: lake/and of sum-blue arid pineâ€"scented breezes. leave all your care: beâ€" hind-relax at ease as you ride in luxury over scenic lug/waysâ€" rrave/ by bus. I am doing a thing I have never done 'before, namely, using the colâ€" umns of your valuable paper to reg- ister a protest at the action of our council in letting a_ contract in this village to a firm of Italian contract- ors. Let me first state I do not doubt the loyalty of our council in this matter but I do question the wisdom of it with the state of af- fairs as they face us today. Look for a moment at the picture which confronts us. We are at war with Germany, with which Italy has ab- lied herself and who is daily threat- ening to deciare war on our Empire, (the same Empire who went to her aid in the last Great War) and then- our council take this action which I am sure has shocked} a great many of our citizens. I will likely be as- sailed: as a 'busy body who pokes his nose in other people"s business 'but I think my action is justified. As one who served] in the last war and with another member of my family who went to Italy to help defend her, I am registering a strong protest in this matter, and I would As one who served! in the last war and with another member of my family who went to Italy to help defend her, I am registering a strong protest in this matter, and I would ask the people of Richmond Hill to think this matter over very care- fully and I am sure they too will see the serious side of this: question as I do. Thank you for your coul‘t- esy in this matter. Eddtor, The Liberal Dear Sir:â€" ARTHUR C. WHITE, 26 Mill Street, Richmond Hill: N0‘TE:-â€"We understand no con- tract for the work referred to in the albove letter has ‘been Let ‘by the 'council. In this issue the council is asking tend-ers on‘ the work, which will give an opportunity to all local contractors to tender for the job. Cemetery Sunday will be observed at Headiford' United Church Sunday, June 2nd. The pasrtor will] preach at the morning service and Mr. John Oliver of Carrville will he soloisflc. At 7.30 p.m. Rev. J. Nerwham of Markham will be the speaker and there will be music by the Victoria Square Quartette. The Church Board has arranged these services to assist in the upkeep of the ceme- tery. Richvale Red Cross are holding a Book and Baking Sale on Saturday, June lst at 2.30 p.m. in Richvale School. Please come and patronize a good cause. The regular meeting will be held- next Wednesday, June 5th, in the school basement. (Ed.). Letters from 1 he People PROTESTS CONTRACT TO ITALIANS HEADFORD RICHVALE Vacation: will; all expenses paid and all arrangements made: 8 Days, Paw-Wow Pol/Ir, 528.80; 9 Days, Georg/arr Bay, New Windsor Hotel and Mus/(aka lakes, 532.85; 9 Days, Delawana lrm, 1538.05; 8 Day:, W/gwaxan lodge, 332.20. Rates include return fare from fora/m. "Vacation fours" describe: them and marry other arr/arrive Ila/[day fours, I day to 9 day: will: the priwlege of stop-aver arrangement: -â€"molor coac/r andsfeamer tours, lakeside lrore/ vacations, and wkir: to the big cities. Ask for your copy toâ€"day. May 29th, 1940‘ Mrs. James MacDonald, St. Mary’s visited over 24th of May with her brothers and sisters the Moodie famâ€" ily at her home here. :Mr. Dick Schurman, for the past eight years on the staff of H. J. Mills Ltd. here has resigned’ to take Mrs. C. Scarborough and Mrs. S. Anderson of Toronto visited the Misses Barker, Centre Street West, on Friday last. Mrs. J. Johnston returned this week from Leamington where she spent the past two weeks visiting friends there. ,Mr. W. D. T. Atkinson, and Miss Mary Frances 01‘ Ottawa spent Vic- toria Day holiday with Mrs. Frames Atkinson, Lorne Avenue. Word‘ has been received from Pte. Jack Daunt of the 48th Highlanders that he arrived safely in Britain with the second Canadian Division. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Herrington have retumed from a ten day trip to New York City and Philadelphia. Miss Rhoda Barker, her niece and nephew, Alice Ann and Robin Par‘k- er, of Caledonia, visited relatives in the village and at Headford‘ over the holiday. ‘Mr. and Mrs. William Myllcs Ottawa visited over the holiday Richmond Hill. a position with the Prudential Life Assurance Co. Mrs. Vandefiburgh of TOronto with her daughter Mrs. Walton and fam- ily visited over the holiday with her brothers and sisters Messrs. and Misses Moo‘die. Friday and Saturday. Over fifty from different parts of the United States are expected to attend the meeting which will: be held with 'men‘F'Jers of the Royal Astronomical 'Society of Canada. About one ‘hunâ€" dred are expected to attend a lunch- eon in Richmond Hill United- Church Saturday at 12.45 o'clock. DIED BAUER, Charlesâ€"0n Monday, May 27th, 1940, at his home, Maple, Onâ€" tario, Charles Bauer, in his 80th year, beloved husband of Emily Har- grave. lPriv'ates Ernie Goode, Bill and George Adams, Bill Trussell and George Patterson of the Royal Regi- ment left Monday With their unit for summer training at Camp Bor- den. At the Confirmation Service held at Trinity Church, ThornhilL, Trhes- d»ay last, the Rev. W. F. Wrixon pre- sented three candidates from St. Mary’s Church, Mr. Herbert Wat- ford; Miss Dorothy Watford» anid Master Raymond Watford. The Right Rev.‘ Bishop Beverley was in charge of the service. The twenty-ninth annual meeting of the American Asociation of Vari- able Star Observers, of which Dr. Helen S. Hogg of Richmond Hill is president, will be held at University of Toronto and Dunlap Observatory Funeral service was heLd: Thursh day afternoon "at 2 o’clock. Inter- ment followed in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Mr. R. E. Edmundss announces that the first get-together of the local Glee Club in preparation for the Exâ€" hibition chorus work Will be held' next Wednesday evening in the Presbyterian Church. The Richmond Hill' Tennis Club wishes to announce that June lst is the last day for playing on the courts without a membership for 1940. After this date all players must have a membership card' which can be obtained from the member- ship committee or any of the execu- tive for the sum of $3.00. Social and Personal THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HI‘LL, ONTARIO TENNIS CLUB The Richmond Hill Red Cross- So- ciety wishes to thank the many per- sons who helped in variousways to make the refreshment booth and tag day on May 25th such an outstand- ingsuccess. Prvcceeds from the tag day amounted to $115.50. At the refreshment booth, as a result of private donations and the sale of food and drinks, $138.28 was realâ€" ized; At a business meeting of the s-oci'ety on May 29th, to help in this time of national emergency, the en- tire proceeds of the tag day, $115.50g was voted, as a cash (ionation from the society, to National Headquart- On account of the uncertainty of the program on May 25th all books of tickets for the draw were not re- turned. To the present date $34.00 has been realized from the sale of tickets for this draw, which is now being held over until a garden tea planmed for early in June. ers The regular mendith business meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 5th at 3.30 p.m. in the Wofk Room. ‘ Don’t forget to save your tooth paste tubes! More than seventy registered: dele- gates to the 25th annual meeting and Silver Jubilee of Section IV, To- ronto Presbyterial W.M.S., held in Aurora Presbyterian Church, on May 16th, unanimously conceded to be the most successful in 25 years of pro- gress. Vi-ce presidents “Mrs. A. Mc- Clure of King and Mrs. J. M. Miller, Aurora, presided. The delegates were welcomed by Mrs. Duncan Mc- Donald. of Aurom. Mrs. Charles Cohen, Sectional secretary, gave a comprehensive report of the minutes and auxiliary secretaries gave en- couraging reports from the sectional field. Mrs. W. M. Hall, Preslbyterial pre- sident brought greetings from that body, commending the local report, all efforts of love and time. “Where there is no unison, the people perâ€" ish,” based her theme. Where there is vision there is action and: the stranger within our gates is most needful of love and understanding. As God’s trustees we mus-t surround him with christian influences in his earliest Canadian citizenship, rather than allow the strange new life to become seeds for communism. “There would be no war to-day were Christianity flourishing in every country,” the speaker pointed out. Mrs. ‘Goldrwin Smith gave an ex- position of scripture. Eleanor Bark- er of Richmond Hill, delegate to Glen Mohr Camp in 1939 gave a fascinating report of her summer at the camp. Eleanor Innis: of Willow- d’ale was chosen sectional girl diele- gate for 1940. Other secretarial reports were giv- en (by Mrs. Oliphant, Finance; Mrs. Fioxrsythé, Life Membership; Mrs. McIntyre, Glad Tidings; Mrs. Woo-d5, Supply. Miss Dorothy Adam: of Fo““‘”l‘~’ gave a graphic description of that beautiful island, and a e‘ut’" of L“ would as missionary kindergarten teacher under the W.M.S. Helen P‘lt- terson, of Aurora, recent. deaconrs‘ graduate told of her training: course She will go to Birtle. Manitoba. as a field dueaconess, for the Indian sch-001. Mrs. McIntyre advised a close check on subscription lists and an effort to raise the numbers thereby reflecting the general interest in the work. Miss Agnes McLean conductâ€" ed- a library forum. Miss Hunter two fine vocal McCreary of benediction. Miss A. Cairns, of West King ex- pressedI the convention's apprecia- tion for the hospitality of Aurora ladies as hostesses. Buy Canadian, Buy British, Help Win the War. Red Cross Notes SECTION IV TORONTO I’RESBYTERIAL \V.M.S. of Toronto rendered solos, and Rev. Mr. Aurora offered the 011/ have] hit“ will am}! you Io plan just "I! [fol/Hay you mm! to have. Enquire [ego/ding wave/rim! daily service to oil/aria '5 lake/Md resort: and to all [anal/M and (ISA. points. All 80: Travel Information at G. A. DONNELLY ‘ AFTERNOON AUXILIARY UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. The montth meeting of the Af- ternoon Auxiliary of the Women’s Missionary Society will be held in the School Room of the United Church on Thursday, June 6th at 3 p.m. The members are requested to bring in any donations for the bale as it is to be packed. A cordial in: vitation is extended to all ladies of the congregation. Sunday, June 2nd Trinity 2 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. ‘ We shall continue to respond to the call of King George VI to p’ray. Special prayers at all services for those engaged in the present struggle. Special Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 2 p.m. All invited. Rev.J. Di Cunninng, B.D., Minisbeal Sunday, June 2nd» 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"“Lonely People of the G05- pels." 7 p.m.â€"“Is Christ an Outworn Fig- ure.” The Church must become a spiritual force among the nations, and in particular warring nations. Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, June 2nd 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All Deâ€" partments. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Communivon Service. “The Sound- of the Trumpet.” 7 p.m.â€"â€"Vesper Service. “Everyday Religion.” Clhoice music at all services and a hearty welcome to members and' friends. Mr. A. Melecci, organist and choirleader. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 - 4 - Telephone 177 Lunch Provided Admission 35c. Sponsored by the Unionville Girls’ Softball Club RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHURCH TODAY, THURSDAY, MAY 30th LAWRENCE OLIVIER - JOAN FONTAINE in FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 31 - JUNE 1 SHIRLEY TEMPLE - JOHNNY RUSSELL EDDIE COLLINS in RICHMOND H" V UNITED CHURCH BARN DANCE BRIAN AHE'RN - VIADELINE CARROLL LOUIS HAYWARD in SHOWS START (Anglican) AT FRANK BRO\\W’S NEW BARN 2 Miles North of Unionville Good Music, Olde 'I‘yme and Modern “ THE NEW FRONTIER ” “ THE BLUEBIRD ” â€" AND -â€" JOHN WAYNE. RAY CORRIGAN RAYMOND HATTON in FRIDAY, JUNE 7th “MY SON! MY SON! ” “ REBECCA ” AT 8 P.M. and 10 RM. D.S.T. DIVORCE GRANTED On Thursday, May 22nd, at T0- ronto, Hazel Malloy was granted divorce absolute firom Alexander Malloy and given custody of two children. ' WOOOOOWW YOUNG’S Service Station YONGE ST‘ 6 Pathfinder is designed to give you long, trouble-free service. It has every Goodyear feature for long life. Drive in for service today! PAGE FIVE RICHMGND HILL No waiting! No delay! PRICED FROM $ 5 .95 (30 X 31/2)

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