PAGE EIGHT â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" The moat. around the Tower 0ft London has been divided into allot- ments for the wardens, and is beingl dug up to provide more food as part, PURPLEVILLE The annual Purplevillc School Reâ€" union P1L’Ii.c is to be held at Cedar of a “Dig for Victory" earnpaimi- lBL‘LH'lI Park. Musselman's Lake, on ‘ lJune nth. All former teachers, ex- lpupi s and their families are cordial- ly invited to attend. Dinner is at -__'I 12 o‘cleLk stanziai‘d time, Basket ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . 4L ‘ . VILLAGE OI‘ RICHMOND HII ’Iunch‘ A gU‘d Fromm“ of spurts 1S TENDERS FOR DIGGING p'.;‘.r,.td for the afternoon. R 'CH . . . . . T EN medical men claim that . Slut-evle men often make the in .\‘i 11 be received by the . ‘. . . . unggglfedwflr (Purim: 'md _u_k_ 2111' fighter-pilots (blue eye< Irr â€" T ‘ ' ( l“ ..V l. , ll... ‘7 ~ 1 I I. I i.“ filling trench for waterinain, 6 ft. ‘lL‘il,"i“\_ ‘I"‘“ “t†*3 ‘3†W“ pl “7‘11 zomoative t_\ ï¬e (‘l IWI‘I'SHIllilll)‘l. deep and 2 ft. wide, about 8120 feelt mu“. Chum m M, Uh, tr. Spot 3 p,“ Va han Roar. ‘ “ _ . tat -. er “neqlifoot (glanceâ€"the way he moves, the S Tenjzge t: be in‘ b3 1‘.) 0.dwkiquickness of his eye and readiness e i' _, » . . ‘ smile. Monday, June 3rd. Lowest or ‘ tender not: necessarily accepted. A. J. HUME. Clerk. tential of his 1 . - luy War Savings Certificates. Help Win the War. ._.___â€"_ WOWWOONOOWNOWWâ€MC FREE with every pair of women’s white shoes sold a small bottle of white shoe polish. R. J. CRAIGIE Temporarily located in Masonic Hall WMONOOO MNOWWWWW OOOOOOOOWM OOOOOWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO CARRVILLE Mr. and Mr‘s. W. Edwards and children of Brampton visited Miss .\. Bone on Sunday. Mr. Sidney Baker of lIazenmore, and is training“ at Exhibition Camp .1 Toronto. (:iinlei'wre‘ left by train to vi<it her her a pleasant and sale trip. married to Mr. Chas. Hardwiek this week. Miss Alexander spent the week- iend at lter home at Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. George Reid litt‘e son of Oriole visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Wark on Saturday. and Mr. Bill Stevens has returned to his home lnre after spending ovar a year at Kearney. Mrs. Mark Dir-1y, Duery and Mr. Doug. Attwell spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Black at. Seugog. Marjorie Nmris and Betty Burton spent the 24th with Margaret Alli- at Richmond Hill. son Out of [115 itteni‘iers in the Brit- ish House of Commons. about 1010 are alreadj' s rving with the Col- ours. is the [ONGEST of All lowest-Priced Cars Want truly luxurious motoring at the very lowest cost? Then eye, try and buy‘the new Chevrolet! Here’s size and style beyond your expectations at such low prices . . . in the longest of all lowest-priced cars, measuring 181 inches from front of grille to rear of bodyâ€"a car that combines Body by Fisher and new “Royal Clipper†Styling to set the fashion for ’40! You‘ll be proud to own this big beauty . . . and your sat- isfaction will be doubled by the savings on gas, oil and upkeep that traditionally go with Chevrolet ownership. Come in . . . eye it, try it and buy it â€" today! tem . THE *“RIDE ROYAL"â€"Chevrolel's Perfected Knee-Action Riding Sys- . . IMPROVED VACUUM POWER SHIFT . . . NEW "ROYAL CLIPPER" STYLING . . . NEW BODIES BY FISHER...SUPER-SILENT VALVE- IN-HEAD ENGINE HYDRAULIC BRAKES . . . LARGER TIPTOE~MATIC CLUTCH . . . SEALED BEAM HEADLIGHTS WITH SEPARATE PARKING LIGHTS. . . . PERFECTED NEW ‘On Special De Luxe Models. THORNHILL MOTORS, Thornhill, Ont, Mr. and \Iis. A. Ridley of New-i .nai'ket spin: Sunday with Mr. andqylf, Buggg‘ 1.3153010“ gml' “e um“ lrs. L. Burton. The Key. Fulton and Mrs. \'andâ€"‘ l“)(‘1L" of ()akwood visited Mr. and It's. .l. Vannitrlwre‘ on \Vevlnesday inl on Wednesday evening Mrs. iMiss Ethel Coveyduek who is to be} Miss Enid. :lask. has enlisted in the R.(.‘.A.F.l15t‘ Clark Ymmg' Mimkon; 2m], “3 author in Western Canada. We wish , 1st. “'7 Coru'i‘atulations to Mr. and Mrs. i Stewart. Wark of Oakville on the mn; gmi‘ “j “mom†MHMHH; .ml. birth of a son last week. 11‘. B_ \yoidrick' i Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker and soul Best “mm-(,1 in 012,857,“: “rwmn‘ Kenneth attended a shower last - Monday evening at the home of r Prize Winners at Richmond Hill Fair (Continued from Pa ge Hewson, Malton; .‘li'd. Wm. Lindsay 6'; Son, Bolton. I’illy or Gelding 1 year oldâ€"1st. Son. Malton; 23rd. T. Ii. “'eldrick, Maple. Filly or Colt. fouled in l‘MIr-lst. Dalton Romney, (iormley; 2nd, T. B. \Vehlriek. Maple. Best team of Geldings or Maresrr- llewson. Malton; 2nd. Alf. Baggs, l‘lrlu'eley: Zird, Nile Shanlz. Brood Mareilst, George II. Jack- Malton. PERCIIERON Class _ Stallion years and \Y. Palmer. Richmond Hill. Filly or Gelding 2 years oldÂ¥lst, Chas. Teasdale; 2nd, N. Livingston. Bolton; Filly or Colt 1 year oldâ€"â€"1st. \I'. E. Haycook; 2nd. N. Livingston. Filly or Colt foaled in 1040â€"15t, N. Livingston. Best Team of Geldings or Maresâ€"- 1st. E. T. Stephens, Richmond Hill; 2nd, E. Brownridge, Brampton. Brood Mare in foal or foal by side â€"1ist. Bobmar Farms. Best animalâ€"151:, Bobmar Farms. JAiMES MCLEAN MEMORIAL TROPHY Best team in classes 1 and 2â€" W. Hewson, Malton. WAGON CLASS - Class 3 Brood Mare with foal by sideâ€" 1st, Wm. Lindsay, Bolton; 2nd, Bed- ford Park Floral C0., Richmond Hill; 3rd, E. Brownridge, Brampton. Foal 194%1st, Bedford Park Floral Co., Richmond Hill; 2nd, N. Livingston; 3rd, Wm. Lindsay. OR BELGIAN -) ‘) uiider_]st, J. ( Model Aireraft. non-flying: David ‘ Merrick. | Hobby Collection. John Curzon. Lester \Veatherall. _One year old Gelding or Fillyâ€" 1~t. T. B. Weldrick; 2nd, E. Brownâ€" ridge. Brampton; 3rd, Bobmar Farms, King. Two year old Gelding or Fillyâ€" 1st. Wm. Lindsay; 2nd, N. Living- ston; 3rd. E. Brownridgc, Brampton. Three year Old Gelding 0r Fillyâ€"â€" Ist. Roy Livingston. Yeld Mare or Gelding 4 years or cverâ€"â€"lst, Roy Livingston. , Ttam in Harness to Wagonâ€"lst. E. T. Stephens, Richmond Hill; 2nd.) Cosgraves Brewery, Toronto. l Single to Wagonâ€"lst, E. T. Ste- phens. Richmond Hill. i Best Animalâ€"lst, Roy. Livingâ€" ston. AGRICULTURAL Class 3A Team in Harness to Wagonâ€"1st. Nile Shantz; 2nd, T. R. Hall; 3rd, W. Hewson, Malton. SHOW‘MANSIâ€"I‘IP ClOMPETLTION For boys and girls showing-~Draft competition under 16 yearsâ€"1st, L. E. Elmer; 2nd, G. M. McGowan; 3rd. Donald Herdman, Newton‘brook. Fof boys and girls showing Draftil Horses, competitors under 16 yearsâ€" lst, Donald Baggs, Edgcley; 2nd, T. R. Hall. THO‘ROUGHBREDS and HUNTERS Class 4 Stallion agedâ€"lst, A. McDermid. Brood Mare in foal or foal by sideâ€"lst, Bolbmar Farms, King. Filly or Colt 2 years or underâ€" lst, D. G. McAllister, Richmond Hill; 2nd, D. G. McAllister; 3rd, Bobmar Farms. Best Mare suitable for breeding Hunters and Saddle Horses â€" lst, Mrs. V. Bladcn; 2nd, Bobmar Farms; 3rd, 0. D. Robinson, Todmordcn; 4th, Miss Jillian Watson. HARNESS HORSES Class 5 Span of Roadster Horses in Har- nessâ€"Ist, W. Hussey. Single Roadster Horse in Hamess â€"lst, W. Hussey; Cattee; 3rd, J. E. Cameron. Special, Best Turnout, consisting, of single horse in harness to buggy â€"â€"Ist. W. Hussey; 2nd. Dave MC- Hattee; 3rd, J. E. Cameron. SWEEPSTAKES Best Stallion Class 4â€"aMr. McDer- mid. Best Mare or Gelding in class 4 or 5~â€"1st. W. Hussey. PONIES Class 6 Single Driving Pony in Harness over 1'3 handsâ€"1st. Sam Herdman. Newtonlirook; 2nd. Sam Herdman. Newtonlirook. Best Pony on Groundsilst, T. E. Elmer. PRIZE WINNERS IN JUNIOR DEPARTMENT HOBBY CLASS. BOYS Model Aircraft. flyin;r model: David Merrick. Kenneth Sheardown. 2nd, Dave Mc-, THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1940. You'll find that Master puts weight on fast: keep them solidiy and quickly. THIRI) week. shallow hopper. It starts sound start. Feed Master Pig.r Starter W. R. Phone Thornhill 54 You can start feeding Master Build a creep and put Master It Has ‘What It Takes", Master Pig Starter Gives little pigs a flying start toward YOUR profit goal ! You‘ll never put weight on a hog at lower cost than you Will in the first 10-12 weeks. Pig Starter is appetizing; s little pigs healthy; grows the I in 3 them eating quickly; supâ€" Pig Starter in plements the sow‘s milk supply and ensures a quick, to YOUR next litter. We will be glad to arrange your supplies. DEAN ‘ We Deliver Hicks, Tom Macleod, Dick Baker, Don. Rowlandson. HOBBY CLASS. GIRLS , Hobby Collection for 4th class girls: Mary Barbara Morris, Doreen Andrews, Rose Masters. Needlework and Knitting. Grades 7 and 8: Eunice Sanders, Mary Barbara Morris. Anne Davis. Hobby Collection, girls below Grade T: Ellen Warrington, Dorothy Bowcs. ART AND “'RITING Water Color. Grades 7 and 8: Fer- ris Allen, Jack Hall. Water Color for Grades 5 and 6: Reta Mallory, Hazel Recsor. Ink 0r Pencil Drawing, Grades ’7 and 5‘: Joyce Barraclough, Frank i Boyle. Ink, Pencil or Charcoal Drawing. Grades 5 and t3: Cursor. Houghton, ‘ Stanley \Vhite. Oil Painting. open: Vera Evison. Phyllis Swaryth. Charles Srig'lcy. Shirley Paris. Best. Hand Writing. (settles T and 8: Evelyn Hill, Margaret Brown. Best Hand Writing. Grades 5. and 6: Kathleen Rawlandsdn, Nancy Dén- aldson. Best Hand Writing below Grade 5: Marion Little. Barbara Murphy. One Foolscap Page from Primer: Bainbara Jones, Billy Broom. Edith Warrington, Kenny Sackfield, Olive Brock, Margaret Hillier. , Best Hand Writing, Grade '2: Dor- ecn Homer, Beverley Charles. HIGH SCHOOL WRITING Exhibit A: Marie Brillinger. Exhibit B: Nora Hislop. Exhibit C, Boys only: Larry Lake. Exhibit D, sketch made by using Penmanship Exercise: Gladys Mas/t- ers, Florence Sheardown. T HORNHILL Patterson Lodge A.F. 8: A.M. will hold Divine Service at Thornhill United Church, Sunday, June 2nd at 11 a.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. W. W. Hinks. D.D., of T0- ronto. Brethren from district lodges are invited to assemble in the Lodge rooms at 10.30 'a.m. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH, Oak Ridges Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, Rector Sunday, June 2nd Daylight Saving Time 10.30 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11.10 a.m.â€"lMOl‘ning Prayer. Preach- er, Rev. P. R. Soanes. ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH. Kingr City Rev. E. \V. G. Worrall. Rector Sunday, Julie 2nd Daylight Saving Time 11 a.m. Holy Communion. Preacher. Rev. K. C. Evans. PhD. This will be the Tenth Anniversary of the Ordination 0f the Rector and Dr. Evans. ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH. Maple Rev. E. IV. G. Vi'orrall. Rector Sunday. June 2nd Standard Time T p.m.â€"Even Song. Preacher. {er-tor. the _â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" MARGUERITE BOYLE (Graduate of the Owen A. Smily Studio) ELOCUTION and DRAMATIC ART “Homewood Hall†Thornhill One Piece Womlworking: Jim Unionville A successful spring show was held by the local Horticultural Society on Wednesday evening last. The exhib- its generally were of good quality all classes being well represented. Mrs. G. R. Whalcy captured the honor of the best tulip in the show and other honors were equally di- vided among the competitors evi- dencing keen competition. The prize winners include: Early tulips, Miss A. I'IUtLhiSOn. Mrs. N. Ogden, Mrs. E. Dixon; Danvins, Mrs. G. Murphy, Mrs. R. L. Stiver. Miss K. Stotts; Breeders. Miss M. Sommerville, A. E. Milncr, E. Dixon; Striped or Nov- elty. Miss M. Sommerville, E. Dixon, Miss A. Hutchison; Cottage, Mrs. D. Harrington, Mrs. Barker, E. Dixon; Collection of tulips, Marion Warne, E. Dixon. Harvey Coulson; Narcissi, Mrs. E. Dixon, M. Sommerville, Mrs. G. Murphy; bowl of garden flowers, not more than 8 in. in diameter, M. G. Sommerville, Miss A. Hutchiison, Mrs. Barker; basket of garden flow- ers. Mrs. Barker, E. Dixon, Mrs. G. A. M. Davison; Lily-ofâ€"the-valley, Miss M. Sommerville, K. Stotts, Mrs. E. Dixon; Pansies, M. G. Sommer- ville. Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. G. Murphy; Shrub, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. W'haley, Miss K. Stotts. i A very pretty wedding was $01- ;emnized in Central United Church last Friday when Ethelyn Pearl, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Warne, was united in marriage .to Mr. Robt. MacLean, son of Mr. land Mrs. R. MacLean Sr. of Scar- ‘boro. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in tea rose silk crepe and wore a corsage of red roses. She was attended by Miss Edna Rainey, wearing blue chiffon with corsage of pink roses and white accessories. Mr. Jack Kerr, brother of the groom, was best man. During the ceremony Miss June Warne, sister of the bride, sang “0 Promise Me" and another sister, Miss Marion Warne, presided at. the organ. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride’s parents, Mrs. G. Warne, mother of the bride wearing navy blue sheer, with corsage of sweet peas and the groom‘s mother gowned in orchid creipe with corsage of sweet peas. The ushers were Geo. Warne, bro- ther of the bride and Ken Spencer, cousin of the groom. Rev. A. E. Owen officiated. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Unionville Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen (Daylight Saving Time) 10.30 aimâ€"Church School. 11.30 a.m.â€"“A Message to Church People." ts pinâ€"“Heads Drunk with Pride and Wine.†EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH (Standard Time) .30 parâ€"Church School. 2.30 People.†â€"«“A message to Church PHILLIP’S ANGLLCAN CHURCH 10 a.m._Church School. 7 p.m.iEvenin,Lr Prayer. ST. BETHF.SI).\ LUTHERAN CHURCH (Standard Time) 10.30 antâ€"Church School. 7.30 p.m.â€"Public Worship. ~\ ‘~...