The closing meeting of the Y.P.U. was held Monday evening with an attendance of 50. The scripture was Teadi by Dorothy Keffer and; the treasurer’s report was given by Ken House showing a balance of $76.46. 'A poem was read by Florence Cave followed Coy a piano solo by Margaret Ramsey. Rev. Machrilmmon addressâ€" ed: the meeting for a few minutes and: then five young ladï¬es of the Church of All Nations, Toronto pre- sented a splendid programme conâ€" sisting of a piano solo by Miss Edma GLarlick and a vocal solo ‘by Miss ‘Mary Vasel (Bulgarian) and‘ a trio selection by Misses Bergit Granrose 'Miss Jean. Robinson of the West- ern Hospital, Toronto, is spending a :few weeks holidays at her home. The June meeting of the Women’s Institute will take the form of an outing on Wednesday, June 12. The ladies will visit Dales greenhouses at Brampton followed by a pot-luck picnic supper at Belfountain. The many friends of Mr. Wm. In- gram are sorry to hear that he is ill in the Toronto General HOSpital. Cross blankets. Homemade baking will also be for sale during “the af- ternoon. On Thursday, June 13th the Red Cross is holding a demonstration on making of all kinds of candy by Mrs. Wright of Toronto, travelling demonstrator, at the home of Mrs. C. J. Robeson from 2-6 p.m. E.S.T. Lunch will be served and a charge of 15c. .will be made in aid of Red Peelar’s R.O.P. Sired Rocks Phone 210 Yonge St., Richmond Hill By Radio College Technician Donald Giffen. at Wm. Neal’s Garage is fully qualified to make all kinds of radio repairs. We invite you to bring your radio troubles here. RADIO REPAIRS Combining the charm of the past With the luxuries of the present the Chateau Frontenac is the centre of the city’s social and Bports activities. Dominating the Qty’s skyline, the majestic Cana- he Great Gates of Quebec’s ancient city wallâ€"originally designed to discourage hostile visitorsâ€"will be thrown open this summer for a large scale tourist invasion, expected to top all previOUS records. With most of Europe’s Old' World charms affected by wartime conditions. increased numbers of Canadians and Americans will take advan- tage of Quebec’s historic sur- roundings and fine sporting facil- ities. ' PHONE 571'11 NEAL’S GARAGE PAGE FOUR Order Your JUNE Chicks Now at reduced prices ALL BREEDERS BLOOD TESTED NO OUTSIDE FLOCKS MAPLE N EWSY NOTES Quebec Expects Banner Tourist Season C. A. PEELAR Contentment is ‘betber Than riches, they 5 0h, would‘ that our g Would take it as p dian Pacific hostelry is within easy distance of the city’s out- standing points of interest â€" an ideal headquarters for the visiting tourist. Dufferin Terrace, adja- cent to the hotel. offers an ideal view of the historic “Lower Town" and the broad St. Lawrence. Though possessing ideal facili- ties for practically every modern sport, Quebec’s chief fascination to the tourist lies in its Old World charm. Its narrow, winding streets, lofty spired churches. convents and quaint dormered dwellings are reminiscent of me- dieval Normandy. Its not-soâ€" peaceful years are recalled by battlefields, grim stone forts and ancient cannon. The regular monthly meeting of the WA. and' the W.M.S. of the Unitedl Church will be held) on the evening of the 19th of June. It Will take the form of a missionary so- cial evening and a good! programme of local and outside talent is being arranged. Mr. A. C. Forrest, B.A., will show his slides of Western Can- ada mission fields and will give an address. Rev. Arthur Steed of Mt. Dennis will sing. Refreshments will be served) and a hearty welcome is extended to all. lMlSS Lorraine Fierheller of Aurora was successful again this year in winning first class honours in her class at the Musical Festival held in Aurora recently. Congratulations! The latest fashion among Pari- sians, it seems, is-to stain the hair of one‘s pet dog to tone with the pvqpular color of the moment. Every dog has its diye.â€"â€"-Montrea1 Herald. Visitors at Mr. and' Mrs. J. Mann- ing’s last Sunday were Mr. and' Mrs. Howard: Manning, Mr. and' Mrs. Dunk and family from Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. George Manning and fam- ily and¢ Mr. and Mrs. Beckett of Aurora. Miss Myrtle Keffer is spending some time with friends at Newmar- ket. agaim. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Downey anti Mr. 21le Mrs. Laurence Folliott of Queensville visited on Monday with friends at Port Hope. We are sorry that Master Doug- las McLean is ill in the Sick Childâ€" ren’s Hospital, Toronto, and hope he will soon be able to come home ments (Swedish), Gertrude Holbourn (Fin- nish) and Mary Vase]. The address was given .by Miss Olga Cissinski (Ukranian). A recreational periOd was held} later followed by refresh- MAPLE, ONT. DOG DYES say. grocer PaY- Nearby points of interest in- clude the Lorette Indian Reserva- tion, the Isle of Orleans, unspoiled by the rush of civilization, the Shrine of Ste. Anne de Be‘aupre, and the Montmorency Falls. For the sports enthusiast there are fine facilities for golf, tennis, and badminton, While miles of colorful highways beckon the motorist. Laurentide National Park, 30 miles from the City, is a paradise for fishermen, canoeists, camera fans and nature lovers. Quebec City is easily accessible over Canadian Pacific lines, and is conveniently connected with important centres in eastern Can- ada and the United States. Buy British, Buy Canadian, and help win the war. OLD-TIME COLLECTORS An American judge is described! 'by a journalist as “the k‘eenest col- lector of Ancient Roman coins who ever lived.†That is, apart from the Ancient Romans themselves.â€" London Olpinion. Thursday, June 6â€" Richmond' Hill at Midihuirst Barrie at R:C.A.F. Aurora at Newmarket Tuesday, June 11â€" R,C.A.F. at Richmond Hill Mthurs't at Aurora Newmarket at Barrie Thursday, June 13â€"- Aurora at R.C.A.F. Midhurst at Newmarket Richmond Hill at Barrie Tuesday, June 18â€"â€" Mid‘hurst at Barrie Richmond Hill at Aurora Newmarket at R.C.A.F. Thursday, June 20â€" Richmond Hill at Newmarket R.C.A.F. at Midhurst Barrie at Aurora Tuesday, June 25â€"â€" -Midhurst at Richmond Hill R.‘C.A.F. at Barrie Newmarket at Aurora Thursday, June 27â€" Richmond Hill at R.C.A.F. Aurora at Midhurst Barrie at Nemnarket Tuesday, July 2â€"â€" R.C.A.F. at Aurora Newmarket at Midhurst Barrie at Richmond Hill All games start at 7.15 p.m. sharp Daylight Saving Time i The Richmond Hill park was the lscene of an exciting ball game on Tuesday night when the boys from the Hill met the Newmarket Redâ€" men for the first time this season. A pitchers’ duel waged for the first five innings with neither team scor- ing. In the first hakf of the sixth inning Newmarket scored two runs to take the lead but the Hill tied it up in their half with a home nun lby Cochranle with a man on base. In the first half of the seventh inning Newmarket took the lead on a walk, an error and' a triple ’by :Giibney who got home on a wild pitch. Three runs down the Hill ‘tried' hard to pull the game out of 'the fire (but the best they could do was a home run [by Saul with the bases empty. The final score was 5-3 in favor of Newmarket. Camp Borden Air Force Boys will play the locals. Be sure and attend this game and see a real ball game. Next Tuesday will feature a game of special interest here when the SOFTBALL NOTES SCHJE DU LE THE LIBERAL, RIUHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Rotary Pump; Hot Water and El-ec- tric Glue Pots; Small gas heat treatâ€" ing‘ Fumace; Carpenter’s Clamps. J. H. Young, Greenhouses, Steeles and Bayview. 5 BURNER COAL OIL STOVE (Premier) with built-in oven 16'†by 18†by 12†high, Perfection type blurners, just like new. Price rea- sona‘ble. Apply Box 24, Li‘berab Office. SMALL AIR COMPRESSOR; Small RADIOS, 1940, WESTINGHOUSE, $16.95. Only 50¢. a week. All lead- ing makes. 150 models. Toronto Coleman 3 burner stove $5.00; Kitr ch'en Sink $2.00 and‘ Pump $5.00. Ap- pl‘y Mrs. Simpson, Rumlblve Avenue, Richmond Hill. ing makes. 150 1 Radio S: Sports Ltd est radio and sports St. 1173 St. Clair 5 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, with hydro and water, 11/; acres rich soil, fruit trees and lots of small fruit. Excellent buy at $1700, easy terms. Located in Richmond Hill. No en- cumbrance. Apply by letter to Box 440, Liberal Office. MLLKING NANNY AN‘D KIL $5.00; HIO‘LSTEIN COWIS and HEIF‘ERS, givirg 40 to 50 lbs. per day. Regils- tered and' grade. Also 5-year-olcfl Clyde mare, 1500‘ lbs†sound, $100.00. Leechwood Farm, 21/2 miles east 0f Thornhill, 1 mile south No. 7 High- way. WESTINGHOUSE NEW ELECTRIC RANGE. Automatic Control Reg. $115.00, special $89.00. Terms $1.00 weekly. $20.00 reibate from Hydro. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St., 1173 St. Clair W. BIGâ€"4 CHICKS will make you extra Profits because they have Outstand- ing Vigour, Fast Growth, Market Type, Heavy Egg Production and Large Eggs. Breeders Government Inspected and Blood-tested. All Pop- ular Breeds $7.45 and up. Pullets, Cockerels, Dayâ€"old, Started Chicks, Pullets, all ages. Write for cata- logue with prices. Wesley Clark, Gormley, RR. 2, Ont. Phone Rich- mond Hill 4704. frontage Church Street. Apply Na- tional Trust COmpany Ltd., Toronto, Trustees for the H. A. Nicholvls Estate. ATTRACTIVE BUILDING $1.25 per hundred. No delivery. Every Friday. Apply Wm. Vander- bent, Gormley, phone Thornhill 1821. The man who starts out to bor- row trouble finds that his credit is always good. ily size, 5 year guarantee, special $14’9.9‘5â€"$1.50 per week. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St; 1173 St. Clair Ave. W. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, fam- cultivators and one 8â€"year-old mare. Apply Mac Onazuk, R.R. 2 Gormley, Ont., Lot 13, Con. 3, Markham. 'C.C.M. (Clevelandv) Bicycle in good] condition. Will sell reasonable. Ap- ply Lil‘oeral Office. SIX ROO‘MED HOUSE, square rplan, newly decorated, hot air furnace, al-l' conveniences, new garage, large lot. Apply 8 Roseview Avenue. TRACTOR WITH PLOUGH, drill!7 2 LEGHORN CO‘CKEREL CHICKS SH‘OiRTHORN BULL, one year old. Registered. Priced to sell. Apply 0. D. Robinson, telephone Agincourt 8’7j3. 30 LAYING HEN‘S and: one thor- oughbred Rock rooster. Mrs. J. DOn- ald, Elgin Mills, telephone Maple 1049. in good condition, price $5.00; also an Oak washstand. Apply Mrs. C. Burr, Bubtonville. PUREBRED WHITE PEKIN DUCK EGGS for hatching. L. C. Burton, Carrvi‘lle Road. Phone Maple 764. CLARENCE OIL STOVE, 4 holes, QUANTITY DOO‘LEY SEED PO- TATOES. John Hannam, RR No. 2 Maple. TOMATO and CABBAGE PLANTS variety of annuals. Anderson, 92 Richmond Street. 7 PIGS about 100 lbs. 11 pigs ten weeks. Apply C. E. Walkington, King, telephone King 4213.. SEED POTATOES rora THIS IS THE DAY OF‘ ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Fm» lines or less. 25 cents for .fu'st. insertion and 15 cents toyeac‘n subsequent Insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cent} per line extra mt eacn sunsequem Insertxon. over :2 lines 5 cents per each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. arm FOR SALE ‘ATO‘ES. North York 11/2 miles south- of Au- , Canada’s larg- firm, 241 Yonge LOT “I know that England‘ has deï¬bits in her ledger, but there are credit marks there, too. A man: is not judged by the position he has Ibut: by the way he holds it. And cer- tainly England has justified the posi- tion she has by the way she holds it.â€â€"â€"Be11bard‘ O. Schonvegeval, J.P., South African statesman. “Our movement (Trade Unions) recognises it has responsibilities as well as rights, especially at a time when the nation: is engaged im a life and death struggle.â€â€"Sir Walt- er Citrme (a prominent. British lalb- our leader). “After spending years in Africa, I’m still amazed at the terrible hats women are wearing. Nothing I had seen in darkest Africa compared: to the headlgear smart American women affect.â€â€"0M1\s‘. Ava H. S. Singer, American big-game hunter and writ- “I’m not denying women are :silly sometimes. Why shouldn’t we be? The Bible says the good Lord made us to be suitable mates for men!â€â€" Gwen Bristow, American authloress. “We Germans are, taking it all in all, incnedibly harmless people.â€â€" Danziger Vorposmen, German newsâ€" paper. SATURDAY, JUNE 115th â€" Auction sale of Tools, etc., the property otf Georg'e Dennis, Lot 25, Con. 4 Mark- ham Township at Victoria Square. Sale starts at 1.30 p.m.‘ S.T. Terms cash. A. S. Farm-er, Auctioneer. L. Nichols, .clerk. “When I am asked to dristtinguish between the German leaders and: the German people, I reply, ‘I shall be ready to do so when the German people themselves make plain the difference’!â€â€"â€"Sir John Simon, Brit- ish Lord Chancellor. “Canada’s conscience is clean. You are keeping faith. My final word to you today is: In: our own time, and in our own way, we, the people of the United? States of America â€" your neighbours and your friends â€"â€" we also will keep the faith.â€â€"Law- 'rence Hunt, New York lawyer, at Toronto. FOR RESULTS, ADVERTISE IN THE LIBERAL. Straw in exchange for Electric Re- frigerators, Milk Coolers, Ranges, Washers, Radios; 1‘50 models. B. R. Leech, Wa. 4501, Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge S-t., Toronto. 100 ACRES WANTED, value Ten Thousand as going concern. Can pay cash. Immediate possession. No agents. Box 50 Lilberal Office. GIRL WANTED for general house- work, sleep in, 18 or over, Protest- ant, 1 child school age. Telephone Hudson 6914 or 511 Brdar Hill Ave., North Toronto. HIOtRS'E‘S, CATTLE, HAY, Grain, Prepare for your summer vacation. Choose your style and order your garment now. Garments are frOm ten dollars up for one complete outfit. For appointment call Mrs. E. C. Fielding MOTOR INN â€" Aurora Phone Aurora 160 or Richmond Hill 9 position at general housework near Richmond Hill or Th-orn'hill, sleep out. Apply Miss F. Durey, Box 21, Richvale P.0. MtlDrDLE AGED WOMAN wanted to act as companion and help in house. Good home and) small remuneration. Apply Box 92, Liberal Office. RE‘FINED EN‘GLI‘SH GIRL desipes GOOD PLAIN COOK, salary $40.00 Protestant. Apply Liberal Office. MAN would like odd- jobs, cutting lawns, gardening, etc. Apply A. Christopher, May Avenue, R.R. 1, Richmond Hill. FOUNDATION GARMENTS $0 THEY SAY Sale Register SPIRELLA CORSETIERE WANTED {1938 FORD v-s TUDORâ€"Good (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1940 IT’S RESULTS THAT COUNT. For the best possible results in hatching, either turkey, duck, bantam, pheasant or hen eggs, bring your eggs to an expert. All eggs incubated and hatched in individual compartments. Any number of eggs accepted at any time. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 Buy Canadian, Buy British, and help win the war! 1934 FORD Vâ€"8 DeLUXE TUDOR.â€" Little Brothers 1936 FORD V-8 LIGHT DELIVERY â€"â€"Good condition. rent. Also 26 foot green spruce log for sale, will square 10x10. Apply on Fahey Estate, Eflgin Mills. 16 ROSEVIEW AVE., 6 rooms and sun room, all conveniences, garden, double garage. For particulars ap- ply to Mr. J. R. Herrington. 1938 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN â€"Excellent condition. 1939 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDOR-â€" THREE 0R FOUR ROOMS at Maple, private entrance. Box 62, Liberal Office. 6 ROOMED HOUSE Hill, all conveniences age, good garden. Office. THREE ROOMED APARTMENT to HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thomhill 73. ti ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. UUrLaLA, 11ve rooms, all conveni- ences, electric stove, possession at once. W. C. Savage, Yonge St., phone 106, Richmond Hill. ‘PASTURE FOR RENT, suitable 15 to 20 cattle. Also 20 sheep sale, 10 lambs, 10 ewes. G. F Mackay, Buttonvil‘le. J. A. RO‘S‘E, Maple, Ont., agent for M‘elotte and DeLaval cream separat- ors, Lesrter washing machines, FIeury-Bissell plows. Furnace work, eavetrough‘ing and general tinsmith. work promptly attended. Your con- tinued‘ patronage solicited. DUPLEX. five rooms all 1 .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE 1940 LICENSES 1937 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDOR 1937 FORD V-8 TUDOR â€" Nice. 127 Yongc St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radius Value. Exceptionally nice. Very Nice. MISCELLANEOUS all conveniences, furnace, gar- good garden. Apply Liberal TUBES TESTED FREE $625.00 $525.00 $695.00 $495.00 TO RENT $325.00 $575.00 $375.00 in Richmond for for