’4‘ Markham Twp. Red Cross Asks E For Blankets The Carl‘ville Y.P.U. are putting on their play “Aunt Minnie From Minnesota" at Richvale on June 14 under the auspices of the WA. The Carrville Public School baseâ€" lball team journeyed to Richvale school Wednesday afternoon 3111 played! them a game of ball. Carr- ville were victorious with an 8â€"5 score. The Carrville Church will hold their annual Strawberry Festival on June 28 on the church lawn. Keep 'this date in mind for a very plea- sant evening. Further notice later. Miss Muriel D‘urie is spending a couple of weeks with her aunt in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Osh- arwa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. The W.A. held a supper at the home of Mr. Sheldon Walker at E1- gin Mills Wednesday afternoon. xM3r. Sidney Baker and Mr. Art Farrow of the R.C.A.F. Exhi'bition Camp, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. W.Reaman’s. lM'r. and Mrs. Kenney and Kenney visitedl Mr. and Mrs ton Friday evening. We are glad to report, that Mr. Geo. Wood’ who has been sick over the week-end is feeling some better. Congratulations to Mr. am‘ Ml‘s.§\\~elcome D. C. Clarke who on Sunday celeâ€"lI \brate t1e" 20th e'l‘izig a.nivers- <31 1 u w (1:1 Y1 GIRL I aw- l .L A Mr. and- Mrs. W. Wynn and‘ famâ€" ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Reid in T0â€" ronto Sunday evening. Chaplain Rev. W. F. Wrixon who presided for the election of officers c‘ongratulat‘edl the branch in its ac- tivity and progress, and on having such a live wire president as James Butler.‘ The membership of the ibmnch now numbers 76. The annual meeting of Vaughan and Richmond Hill branch of Yonk County Veterans Association was held' Tuesday evening and was large- ly attended. James Butler was re- elected] president for the fourth term and} other officers elected were: W. J. Adams vice-president for his sec- ond term; W. J. Trussell as secre- tary for his eighth term; J. D, Sand- ers treasurer for 5th term. Con- venor of entertainment committee, J. Varley; convenor of Poppy Fund, George Masters; auditors. W. Poll- ard! and! P. Waters; seai‘gent at arms J. Ainslee. Veterans Hold Annual Meeting James Butler Re-elected President and W. J. Adams Vice-President Mankham Township Red Cross Branch wish to announce that dona~ tions of blankets for the “immediate shipment to France" appeal will be gratefully received. It is hoped that many will avail themselves of this opportunity to help and will re- spond as quickly as possifble. The appeal is for woollen blankets only. FLannelette blankets or quilts can- not 'be shipped. Any color or size of Iblanket as long as it is in good condition and' not worn out, moth- eaten or threadbare or stainedl Blankets may be left either withl Mrs. G. Munphy or Miss M. Sommer- ville. It blankets cannot be deliv- ered a. driver will gladly call and pick up same, but act quickly, the need is urgent. ELOCUTION' and DRAMATIC ART “Homewood THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1940. (Graduate of the Owen A. Smily Studio) MARGUERITE BOYLE CARRV ILLE T/Ii: year give yourself a real treat. tnjoy a Planned Vacation wit/I a/l Me bot/lersorne detail: complete/y arranged for you as soon a: you buy your ticket. Hall†Thornhill Miss E. J. Bar- ( AUXILIARY EUCHRE I The Ladies’ Auxiliary of Vaughan land Richmond‘ Hill Veterans will Ihold a Euchre at the home of Mrs. ;L. W. Zuefelt on Tuesday, June 18 flat 2 13.111. Good prizes. Everyvbody DIED DENBY, Charles Ernest â€" At his late residence, Thornhill, Markham Township, Friday, May 315t, 1940, 'Charles Ernest Denloy, beloved hus- band of Olga Riselbrough and dear ‘father of Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. N. Boyington, William, Laurence, Russ- ell and Carmen, in his 615t year. The funeral service was held at the above address Monday, June 3, at 2 o’clock. Interment followed in Thornhill Cemetery. BIRTH MASONâ€"At Toronto General Hos- pital, Private Patients’ Pavilion, Sat- urday, June lst, 1940, to Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Mason (nee Helen Douglass), a daughter. GIRLS’ RED CROSS NOTES At the last Weekly meeting of the Girls’ Red Cross Branch the num- ber of surgical dressings prepared resulted; in a total of 290 wipes, 648 compresses. During a short business period' it was decided to hold a dance at the end of this month, Miss Thelma Mac- Pherson acting as convenor. It was also agreed that. the branch buy a pair of blankets to send to refugees. The next Chain Tea will be held at the home of Mrs. M. Beam. MARRIED GIRA'RD-PRO‘C'TOR â€" On Saturday, June lst, 1940, at 10 Lauder Ave- nue, Toronto, by the Rev. D. W. Best, D.D., Mls. Alice Proctor, formerly :f Oak Ridges, to Mr. Frank Girard‘ of Midland, Ontario. - The work meeting will take place as usual on Tuegday, June 11th. Jack Bothwell and Ruth Spï¬ng‘ford. At the close of the programme Miss Boyle was persuaded‘ to give a short patriotic poem with violin accom- paniment by Mrs. Wheatley. ian Naval Volunteer Reserve. Mrs. Edna Harris Wheatley, violinist and- Mr. Charles Stanley, :barltone, with Mr. Floyd| Davies at the piano, pro- vided the musical numbers. During the evening Lieutenant Dickinson from the Toronto Naval Headquart- ers gave a short talk on the work of the Navy. The pupils, each one of whom was a credit to Miss Boyle, were Mary EllenI Findlay, Mary Hamilton, Joan Kinnear, George Rankin, Margaret Craig, Harvey Evans, Joan Prl‘ochard, Gwenrneth Newton, Betty Bone, Margaret Rankin, Florence Murray, Babs Sis- ley, Ross Leachman, Rachel Prceâ€" tor, Joy Walling, Audrey Kruse, An enthusiastic audience filled Foresters’ Hall in Toronto last Fri- day evening fo'r the eloowtion recit- al given. by twenty pupils of Miss Marguerite Boyle in aid‘ of the Ladâ€" i-es’ Auxiliary of the Royal Canadâ€" Marguerite Boyle Pupils In Recital There wilb be another local mixed tournament tonight and these games will be continued throughout the season every Monday and’ Thursday evening. A cordial welcome is ex- tended to new Tbowlens. BOWLING NOTES { Social and Personal 'Vdcdfl'dll fours†offer: a wide range of holiday trip: to Ontario’: Iake/and resortsâ€"one-day to eigbt-ddy roar: wiM f/Ie privilege of longer store vars. Pupils of Miss Doris Conmor took part in a piano recital at her home last Friday evening. Those taking -‘art. were Elaine Dixon, Shirley and lack Edwards, “Mac†Clement, Janet Atk'nson, Bruce Chamney, Kathleen {ml Gwendolyn Lake, Jean and] Mar- garet S¢ott, Betty and’ Alverna Smith. At the conclusion of the 'very delightful program dainty r-e- freshments ,were served. The 215i: Annual Woman’s Auxil- iary, Deanery of West York, will be held at St. Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill, on Thursday of next week. Delegates are expected from Sutton, Roche’s Point, Newmarket, Schem- berg, Aurora, Woodibridge, Weston and' points connected with these rpar- isvhes. The R-ector, Rev. W. F. Wrixon, will open the Conference with a celebration of the Holy Com- munion. The Clergy are to meet for conference at the home of the Rector. An interesting event of next week will be the afternoon tea and: home baking sale under the auspices of the Redt Cross which will be held at the home of the president Mrsl Mr. Roscoe Cauthers, manager of the EC. to $1300 store here since its opening five years ago has accepted a (position with Chavlnway Stores and will this week move with Mrs. Cauâ€" thers and family to Preston. Since coming to Richmond! Hill Mr. Cau- thers‘ has made a host of friends who extend to him (best wishes for :uccess in his new position. P. C. Hill, Friday afternoon, June 14th. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to everyone to attend‘ this event. The committee in charge is Mrs. H. L. Donaldson, Mrs. Mowat, Mrs. McG'r‘o‘oon. Mrs. A. E. Plewman, Mrs. H. J. Mills. Mrs. Bert Cook, Mrs. Hayden and Mrs. Alexander. The regular meeting of St. Mary’s W.A. will be held in the church on Tuesday next, June 11th at 2.45 pm. A good attendance is hoped for as final arrangements will be made for the Deanery Conference to be held here on Thursday, June 13. Mem- bers are reminded' to bring in their May contributions to the Cent-‘a- Meal fund. Rev. C. W. Fol‘lett and Miss Eve- ly‘n Follett are attending the Tor- ‘onto Conference of the United Church which is meeting in vaen lSound this week. Mrs. Follett is laperpding the week-end with] friends in Stayner. The Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Wrixon attended the Commencement Exer- cises and Reception for the Graduâ€" ating Nurses of the Toronto West- ern Hospital, held: in Convocation Hall and Hart House. University of Toronto, on Tuesday afternoon of this week. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Frank Todd 01' C0- balt, Whose daughter Miss Frances Todd will be a member of the gradu- ating class of Victoria College at the graduation ceremonies Friday, are guests of Mrs. Ruby Boyle, Centre Street. The regular meeting of the Lions Club will 'be held this evening. Fol- lowing the business session the mem- bers and their ladies will visit the Dunlap Olbservatory to indulge in some star gazing. Mrs. W. J. Reid of Toronto, form- erly of Richmond Hill, is visiting 'Mrs. J. Sheardown. Mrs. Reid has just returned from spending the winter with relatives in California. The Presbyterian WJM.S. met this afternoon at the home of Mrs. D Brown, Buttoanille. (Mrs. James Young spent last week with her daughter Mrs. R. Laidl-aw in Galt. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Round In]: from Iota/Ito will; all expensespaid. 7 Day: at Belvea'ere llore/ - $39.40 7 Day: at Me Raye] llore/ - 41.05 7 Day: a! Royal Muskoka floral 39.15 ilSunday, June 9th Trinity ‘ $10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. H11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and Ser I ‘ mon. Sunday, June 9th Great Temperance Federation Sunday 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. -11 a.m.â€"â€"Mr. R. H. Champion of To- ronto, representing Ontario Temp- erance Federation. Dr. J. P. Wil- son, President Nonth York Temp- erance Federation, will present the provincial trophy and silver qup to Miss Irene Thompson, the suc- cessful contestant, at this service. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYT'ERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D Cunningham, 3.19., Minister Sunday, June 9th 10 a.m.â€"Sundiay School. 1‘1 a.m.â€"â€"â€"“The Ministry of Silence.†7 p.m.â€"“In Love With Life."y Christ taught detachment from eartth cares and bodily deligh‘ts. ENGAGEMENT Rev. J. R. and‘ Mrs. MacCrimmom Maple, Ontario, announce the en~ gagement of their youngest daugh- ter, Dorothy May to DOnaldJ Bruce McDonald, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Mil- ton McDonakl of Maple, the Wedding to take place Saturday afternoon,‘ June 29th] at 4 o’clock in Maple United Church. mon. - The minis-trations of the Church are i for all. We invite you to share 6 them with us. A welcome awaits Strawberry Festival and ~ Anniversary Dates Announced I 'Teston United‘ Church Sunday ‘School anniversary services will (be held Sunday, June 23rd with special services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. On Wednesday, June 26th there will‘ \be the annual Strawberry Festival, fola lowed b} a concert. I HARDWICK-COVEYDUCK The marriage was solemnized at St. Mary’s Church, Richmond“ Hill, on Saturday, June 151:, of Charles *Wa-lrter Hardeick, and Ethel Maude lC‘oveyduck. The bride was attend- ed ‘by Miss Margaret Elliott, and the groom by Mr. Thomas W. Coveydruok. ’I‘he Rector, Rev. W. F. Wrixon, officiated. I you. Choir practice on Friday evening in- stead of Thursday evening. was donated to the local Red Cress Soe'ety, half of this amount for the blanket fund, the remainder will largely be LBed for sheeting. of Mrs. P. C. Hi;l at 3.30 p.m. on Friday, June 14th. During the past week a shipment was made to headquarters. consist- ing of 679 handkerchiefs, 17 sheets and 7 quilts. Richmond Hill has responded gen- erously to the request from Red Cross for blankets for France. Twen- ty-three used' Iblankets and! fifteen new blankets have been shipped' and more will go at the end of the week. During the first five days in June one hundredkanda twenty-seven dollars RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th 4 Markham Road p.m.â€"-.Mr. R. H. Champion. Choice musical selections at all services and a cordial welcome to 211 friends of the Temperance 911:1 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- Red Cross Notes ST. MARY’S CHURCH WEDDING TESTON (Anglican) AM fol your copy of 'Vdcdh'on 7mm†duct/MI; Mm 044 may olï¬erigf‘fu/ holiday puqhg: wit/I all expense: pad. rickets and' ln/ï¬matioa at. G. A. DONNELLY Telephone 177 A request from Thornhill Police Village trustees re the paving of John Street from Yonge Street a distance of a mile and a quarter was considered at length by council. The cost to the township under the pro- posed plan would be about $6000. Reeve Renmie and members of coun- cil pointed out that the Township budget for the year had been drawn up and that it would be difficult to make provision) for such a large ex- penditure at this late period of the year. Owing to existing conditions the trustees were asked to leave the petition least. Total building permits for May totalled $28765 and included seven new dwellings to cost $27,700, alter- ations to dwellings $700, and other buildings $365. Relief accounts fov the month of ‘May totalled $365.80. General accounts pas-sed' included $697 for Calcium purchased to be used: as dust layer in various parts of the municipality. A petition from residents in the Markham Road-Richmond Hill neigh- bourhood protested against the re- building of the Brillinger barn, re- cently destroyed .by fire. The sani- tary Inspector and Building Inspec- tor were instructed: ‘to investigate the complaints and report to the Township Board of Health. Sitting as a Court of Revisi-On at an adjourned session Monday after- noon Mankham Township council dis- missed the appeals of residents of the Langstaff sub-division district for reductions in assessments. After a careful study of the situation and a clear and detailed explanation of all particulars by assessor Walter Craig, it was decided to dismiss the appeals. Richvale Red Cross held a sale of Home Baking, Books and Flow- ers in the Richvale School last Sat- urd’ay. The sum of $13.46 was made and the members take this Oppor- tunity to thank those who gave so generously and helipedI to make the sale a success. The Richvale Ratepayers Associa- tion wish to will to the attention of the Ratepayers of this District that at the regular monthly meeting to be held in Richvale School on Tues- d‘ay evening, June 11th, the chair- man of the Roads Committee, Mr. Broom, will give a report on their visit to the council and that Reeve Robert Scott will be present to help with the settling of this long stand- ing prolblem. The sulbject of the boundaries of the Association will be discussed andv it is hoped will be settled with a complete board of off- icers to go ahead with a vigorous drive for members. Everyone is in- vitedv to attend this meeting. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. JUNE 12 - 13 EDWARD G. ROBINSON - RUTH GORDON in “ DOCTOR ERLICHS’ MAGIC BULLET †MARK HAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL RICHVALE over for another yea/r at MONDAY & TUESDAY, JUNE 10 - 11 HEDY LAMARR - SPENCER TRACY in “ I TAKE THIS WOMAN †SPENCER TRACY - ROBERT YOUNG WALTER BRENNAN in . “ NORTHWEST PASSAGE THURS, FRI., SAT., JUNE 6 - 7 - é King, Ont. Phone King 48 i WWW» A lecal wise child- has promoted his father to chairman of the board and takes over the operating man- agement of his; toy railroad person- ally.â€".Sud‘bury Star. PATTERSON ESTATE VALUED AT OVER MILLION DOLLARS The 'Vellore Junior Farmers and Junior Institute will hold' their reg- ular meeting on Tuesday, June 11. The boys“' lucky draw at 8.30. Miss Eadie will ‘be the speaker at the girls' meeting and! will also give a travelogue at the joint meeting. Nation-a1 Trust Company and) J. C. Fraser this week applied; for prov bate of the will of the Late John D. Patterson of Richmond Hill. The estate is valued! at $1,188,778. 9oowomowo¢mewomu YOUNG’S Service Station YONGE ST TO YOU ...THIS LONGâ€" WEARING, MILE-EATING TIRE SAVES YOU MONEY! DRIVE IN...SEE IT TODAY! We/maeyama‘ge! UP INvVAlUE... DOWN IN (057 HUR HOCK Electric Fencer SENIOR MODEL $18.75 JUNIOR MODEL $14.95 Complete with Batteries FOR BETTER BUSINESS M. A. WILSON VELLORE PAGE FIVE RICHMOND HILL