Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jun 1940, p. 2

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“Peter was grieved because He said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto Him, Lord, thou knowest all things’! thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him. Feed my sheep.”â€"(From the Chris,- tian Science Monitor). On'splendid estates still secure against marauding armies, in comfortable suburbar homes to which no terror comes, in workmen’s cottages where existence is still tol- erable, and even in tenements where want seems less formidable than the foe which strikes from the air â€" there' is common urge. People meet in one neighborhood of charity as they read of their brothers’ needs and supâ€" ply them. Whether they give‘ out of gratitude or com- passion, love or pity, matters little. All these qualities of mercy are akin. and the healing of sore need with them makes all men kin. - “Peter was grieved because He said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto Him, Lord, “Impossible to exaggerate.” Thus responsible observ- ers report on the refugee problem. “Probably 5,000,000 French and Belgians are already on the march, homeless, Without food, many wounded and sick.” “Feed my sheep.” The American Red Cross, rushing aid. has set up liason offices in Paris. Merciful airplanes aid the'race of succor against destruction. Herbert Hoover once more heads a Belgian Relief Commission. Even the fighting men, their path of operations confused and obstructed by the hordes of the homeless, give what they canâ€"toler- ance, compassion, precious room on vital roadsâ€"at risks that only those who have seen the military operations can estimate. “Feed my lambs.” Along strafed miles of France’s roads flock the fear- scourged refugees.“ Out of years of labour, years of sav- ing, years of hope, this one has salvaged a suitcase of be- longings, but this one only a cardboard box of small needs, and that one simply a prayer. In Britain they are giving of their last farthing to help win this war. In Nazi Germany they are giving ev- erything â€"â€" are having everything taken from them, in- cluding their liberty â€" to win this war. Are we capable of less? Are we of weaker fibre? After all, a good investmentâ€"good interest on and security for our savingsâ€"is a small thing to be asked in this crisis. Small, pitifully small, in comparison to what we ask of those who go. to fight and die for us. At this hour, there is a poem which should have a poignant ap- peal to us: "What have I given, bold sailor of the sea, On Earth or Heaven, that you should die for me? What can I give, Oh soldier leal and brave, Long as I live, to pay the life you gave? What tithe or part can I return to thee, Oh! Stricken heart, that thou sh‘ould’st break for me? The Wind of Death for you hath slain life’s flowers. It withereth, God grant, all weeds in ours.” Our Government needs money, needs it desparately. Only by money, by what it can raise in taxes, by loans, and by these War Savings Certificates, can it help win the war. Therefore, if we believe the things we profess, if We are sincerely anxious to strike a blow for freedom, if we want, in short, to save Canada from the “night of barbarism” of which Mr. Churchill has spoken so solemn- ly, we must â€"â€" all of us who can â€" buy these certificates. Under this War Savings Certificates planâ€"described in Government advertisingâ€"a five dollar certificate may be purchased for four dollars; a ten dollar certificate for eight dollars; a twenty-five dollar certificate for twenty dollars; a fifty dollar certificate for forty dollars; a one hundred dollar certificate for eighty dollars. A gilt-edge security, and with "provisions for redemption before the date of maturity (they mature in 71/2 years) they are an admirable investment: simple, safe, profitable, fitting the smallest of budgets. But the real argument for War Savings Certificates is the opportunity they afford for war service. In the Great War we spoke of people “doing their bit”. Here, now, all of us are given the chance to do “our bit”. Peo- ple of small incomes, artisans, people too old for active war duties, even children -â€"â€"- 'all can strike a blow in this struggle by investing in these securities. Canadians today, in all ranks and walks of life, and of all ages, get the opportunity to provide “silver bullets”. It comes through War Savings Certificates. He was thinking of the savings of the people, of the money they could give to provide food and guns and shells for the Allied armies. In such circumstances mere every-day happenings and events pale in insignificance. Yet subject to national necessities it is in the interests of all that normal activi- ties continue. Our immediate duty is to do well the job at hand and keep our spirit right. We must maintain our cool, grim determination, that come what may, we must defend to the last our right to live as a free people. All cannot serve in the fighting forces of our nation, but all can support the agencies working for our National Safety. All can help the Red Cross and other organiza- tions engaged in war work, and support the war effort with money and service in any capacity we may be able to render. This s a time when National Service is a Na- tional Duty, yes a National Necessity. bullets”. The scroll of events in the world today unfolds so quickly it is difficult to write about them. On the other hand with events in Europe as they are it is difficult to write or think about anything else. Whether by the time this appears in print the Germans have over-run France, or whether the brave soldiers of the Allies have stopped the Hun offensive and the tide of battle has at last turned in our favor, there are for everyone of us dark days ahead. In such circumstances no effort is too great, no sacrifice excessive, to win the world, our world, from utter dis- aster. Still this is no time for panic. It is no time for defeatism. _ No disaster is irretrievable. By “blood, toil, tears and sweat” we must win. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper‘Association Subscription $1.50 per year -â€" To the Umtcd States Covering Canada's Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPH( SILVER BULLETS Mr. Lloyd George, in the Great War, spoke of “silver AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVER-Y THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. PAGE TWO THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1940 “LOVEST THOU IN .THESE DARK DAYS “THE LIBERAL” Established 1878 ME?” TELEPHONE 9 $2.00 Bowden Lumber & Coal CO.LTD. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS A Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0284 14. If you have to take out a coffee stain it is best done by: (a) rubbing with borax and then washing in the usual way; (-b) sponging with milk; (0) rub‘bing gently with glycerlne, then rinsing with tepid water. 15. When your aluminum sauce- pans get stained, th eeasiest Way of taking off the discolouration is by: (a) leaving to soak in soda water; (b) putting fruit peelings in the saucepan, bringing to boil, simmer- ing and rinsing; (c) rubbing with fine steel wool and soap powder. I And Now See if You Were Right 1. (c) is right. 2. (a) is right. 3. (c) is right. 4. (b) is right. 5. (a) is right. 6. (c) is right. 7. (b) is right right right right 13.Dried fruit, such as prunes and apricots, swell to twice the usual size if they are soaked in: (a) cold water with a pinch of salt; (lb) lbOil- ing water with a teaspoonful of vinegar. 12. When you cook macaroni or spaghetti you clean it by: (a) holdâ€" ing it under the cold tap for a minâ€" ute; (b) plunging It in-to boiling water. screw top is to: (a) grip it with a pair of pincers while holding the bottle in a cloth; (b) holding a piece of sandpaper in your hand while you try to turn it. 10. The best way to keep cheese is in: (a) an» airtight china cheese- dish; (1b) wrapped in muslin on an open dish. 11. The best way to keep lemons fresh is to cover them with: (a) sour milk; (b) cold tea. 8. If your bath gets really dirty it is best cleaned by: (a) rulbbing with a paraffinâ€"soaked cloth, rinsing well with hot water; (lb) ru'b’bing well with powdered lbath brick and hot water. 9. The best way to get off a stiff screw top is to: (a) grip it with a pair of pincers while holding the 7. To take a stain off wallpaper you would: (a) ruJb gently, a small patch at a time, with a soapy cloth, rinse and dry; (b) cover stain with a paste made with pipeâ€"clay (whit- ening) and water, brush off when dry. formatlve tions and think are with the probably hints, too 6. A good way of getting rid- of the smell of fish and onions from saucepans and frying-pans is to: (a) boil a little vinegar in them; (‘0) melt a lump of sugar in the wa't‘fi they are soaking in; (c) leave a tea- spoonful of coffee grounds in the saucepan, fill up with hot water, and leave to soak for a half-hour. 1. To wash silk underwear so that it lasts longer you should: (a) soak overnight; (b) wash in hot water, with a pinch of soda, and household soap; (c) wash quickly in lukewarm water and! mild soap flakes. 2. To keep cabbage when you cook it you should: (a) soak quickly for 20 minutes with the lid off; (lb) add a pinch of soda to the‘water. 3. You know the rule that below- ground vegetables should ‘be cooked with the lid on, above-ground vege- tal‘oles with the lid off? But one green vegetable is the exception to the rule. It should be cooked with the lid on. It is: (a) sea-kale; (b) sprouts; (c) spinach. 4. For reasons of health and nour- ishment you should, for children: (a) peel potatoes fairly quickly be- fore you boil them; (lb) scrub only and peel when cooked. 5. If the doetor orders fish for someone who has digestive trouble, you would give them: (a) whiting; ('b) salmon; (c) herrings. You Should Know : All The Answers!, This- Information Quiz for hou_seâ€" wives is interesting as well as in- formative. Rea(l through the ques- tions and tick off the answers you think are right. Then check them with the key at the end. You’ll probably learn one or two useful ELOCUTION' and DRAMATIC ART “Homewood Hall” (Graduate of the Owen A. Smily Studio) MARGUERITE BOYLE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO 10 (b) (b) right right. right 1mg ThornhiH (b) (b) (b) (b) On Saturday, June lst the bride was tendered a shower by {-0 friends at the home of Miss Ann Harmon. The marriage of Miss Florence Dutcher of Kettleby to Mr. William Gillham of Strange took place at the home of the bride’s uncle, Mr. Jack Harman of Kettleby on Satur- d'ay, June 8th at 8 pm. the cere- mony‘ performed by Rev. F. V. Alb- rbott. Supporting were Miss Dvoris Cutting of Newmarket and Alfred Gillham of King. The couple will reside at Kettleby. Among the 60 guests were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gill- ham, Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gillham. itors of Mrs. A. McClure. Mrs. McClure attended the Sec- tional Elder‘s Mills, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Lloyd of Hern- ing's Mills visited their\ daughter Mrs. B. J. Langdon this week. Several Young People attended the Y.P.U. Conference Cruise to Queen- ston Heights on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Galloway acted as chair- man at Aurora on Friday evening, when East King public schools par- ticipated in a musical program, in which 400 students performed ad- mirably, under the training and leadership of R. W. Jackson, Super- visor of Music. The type of work, in singing, folk dancing, piano duets, solos, rhythm band and dancing was a credit to supervisor and teachers, showing an improvement over last year’s initial presentation and stim- ulating a desire to continue the stud- ies for another year. We are not aware that any other township has availed itself of like demonstrations but the acceptance of the public of this interesting program substanti- ates the effort of pupils, teachers and parents. Mr. Galloway made a genial and understanding chairman for the evening. annual W.M.S. for Vaughan‘ held at Knox Presbyterian Church,, APPAAOâ€"k» mâ€"ems1â€"IAH. ’T‘LIL‘ fish-(winemAfi-‘HHH O‘ Y!) Mrs. Jas. McClure attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Keys of Maple on Monday. Miss Laura Kitchen, Mrs. Mildred Kitchen-Davidson and Miss Lyla Mc- Callum of Toronto were recent vis- itors of Mrs. A. McClure. Mar. from an like. Mr. Fountain spent som Toronto during- the illnes: mise of his wife, and Mrs ichael has been visiting in YONGE STREET )x'onto. Andrew McClure, Mr. and as. McClure attended the fun- King City District News .Vlllton FOL Carmichael ronto this Steel cabinet finished beautiful Norgloss Five-year Warranty on Roll- ator Cold-Maker Yerex’s Famous Rollator Cold-Maker . . . permanently oiled and sealed, refrigerant-cooled 3n and Miss Lyla Mc-‘ The electric: onto were recent visâ€" last was very A. McClure. the fifth conce e attended the Sec- followed a line W.M.S. for Vaughan While no great Presbyterian Church, effects were m Jntair \vee Miss Florence to Mr. William took place at 11‘6 and Mrs. returning Kirkland m E Kin an me effects were noticeable in buildings, trees, hydro service, telephone ser- vice and crops. King United W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Carson Thurs- day, June 13, the annual Grand- mothers' meeting. Miss Babcock of Toronto, former evangelical teacher and Mrs. Beckett,-soloist of New- market, will again take a leading part in worship, song and address. Evers'ley W.M.S. met a week/ear- lier this month, on Wednesday, June 12th, at the church, owing to Evers- iley Garden Party which date has . At Sunderland investigation of oil is developing, while in the Sharon district, just northeast of Newmar- ket, a fine prospect has been uncov- ered, according to the promoters. Another local interest in oil lies in a prospect at Udora. Cherrywood, in Pickering Township is also in the oil line. Strawberry Festivals: Eversley, June 20th; Teston, June 26; Strange, June 28; Temperanceville July 3rd; King United, July 5th. At Sunder-land in the Township of Brock there is quite a stir reported regarding an oil find. War needs and demands have had a more than usual interest in possibly further oil development in Ontario. Temperanceville school picnic be held on June 13. New Scotland school and Sunday School picnic will be held June 14 at Innis Park. 12th, at the church, owing to Evers- ley Garden Party which date has been changed to Thursday, June 20. On the Elliott estate, third conces- sion, a typical June garden party will be held on the 'spacious grounds. Schomberg United Y.P.U. will pre- sent a play, “The Absent-minded Bridegroom” and Campbell Sisters, dancers, will perform. Several district nephew, so Whitchurch Schomber by King ernoon xpressions of best \vis zad by Mr. Joe Ball. Mrs. Eli Hollinshead and ull attended the funer ephew, son of Mr. Willi 7 Refrigerated freezer shelf Freezes 8 lbs. of ice at one time 9 Big, double-width dessert tray Large cold storage tray for meats One-piece food compart- ment finished in porcelain enamel ate on Satur Elf ectrical storm on very heavy as far 6 the arm; ship ssion. Appamntly it sai due east and south. in; damage resulted, the B26 ticeable in buildings, deg rvice, telephone ser- mm were ip on M y. June 8, 29 shipped from :ation'hsent in d Crc§s Unit. t from Kin g wishe Mrs. Jno. al of a amson of Dnday af- were THURSDAY will 'I4 I WWW Helen Simpson Lyn‘ett J. F‘. Lynett ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET ommwmoooww The lands will be sold subject to a Reserve Bid; and to a Lease ex- nirimr December 3lst, 1940. TERMS OF SALE OF LAND: Twenty-five pey cent of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance to be secured by a mortgage with inter- est at £0qu per cent per annum. sam township of Wlntchurch, save and except those parcels heretofdre sold off the south-east corner and the north-east corner of said lot as described in registered instrument number 4130 and number 9736, re- spectively; the lands hereby descrfb~ ed _containin,g eighty-six acres more or less. 011 the said lands there is said to be erected a dwelling house with sui_t_a‘ble farm buildings; For further particulars and con- ditions of sale, apply to Cnmmissionnr of Agricultural Loans, East Block, Parliament Bldgs., DATED at Toronto this 27ii‘aa'i of May, AD. 1940. Power of Sale contained in a. certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be fo- ered for sale by » J. H. PRENTICE, Auctioneer at PUBLIC AUCTION on FRIDAY the TWENTY-FIRST day of JUNE, A.D. 194‘0,‘at the hour of 1.30 o’clock in the after- noon, (Standard Time) at the farm of MRS. LUCINDA CARLISLE, near GORMLEY, Ontario, the following property, namely: All and Singular that certain par- cel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being composed of the east half of Lot Number Three Power 0: mortgag the time ered for J. H. situate, lying and being compo the east half of Lot Number (3) in the Second Concession said Township of Whit/church and except those parcels here sold off the south-east come Beautiful 1940 styling with modern base Sparkling chrome hard- ware MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the General’ Insurance Richmond Hill! Telephone 87 Policies issued: through this office covexing Farm Property â€"Private Dwellings and their contentsâ€"Automobile â€" Pla’te Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, em. Claims Settled, Promptly 1924 J. R. HERRI'NGTON (Afiti St. Clements),- L’, JUNE MOhaWk 3000 INSURANCE RICHMOND HILL TORONTO, Ont 13th, 1940- in a certain produced at will be fo- Mertga gee. 1940 sed of Three of the

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