From the Toromo Conservatory of Illic. will accept a number of pupils Piano, Organ and Theory. ' mend Hillâ€"Tuesday and Friday MRS. MYLKS Thirty Yuars Expenence Pogmerly with! Heimzman Co have Order} qt Arï¬tiflfls“ Drug FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Iichmnud H'ill Phones-«15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THOBNHILL AND UNIONVILLE formerly of Wm‘ Cook. Cook & Delany BARRISTER â€" SOLICITOR NOTARY 1008 Federal Building 85 Richmond St. West. Toronto VOL. LVIV. Wednesday 7â€"9 p.m. Toronto Office â€"â€" 45 Richmond St. W. WA. 5923 B. Bloomfield Jordan Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Bolts. B.A. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178‘ 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yuan Street â€" Toronto Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. 1‘ mm Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill. Thursday foranoon Kaple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Warâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, mthwest corner of King and Yong» Street's, Toronto. W.B. Milliken, K.C. H. A. Clark, K.C. H. E. Redmarr, K.C. W. P. Muloek,K.C. Campbell Lme BARBIS’I‘ER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 42 Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL Telephone 186 IA. Cameron Macï¬Taughton, K.C. BARRISTER McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ont. Alexander MacGregor K. C. BARBISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC .14 Confederatien Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 029 Rec. MO. 2866 BARRISTER, SOLECITQR, Etc. McGuire, Boles & Co. I 93 YODZQ StNet _ M6612 xii-es a‘ specialty. Farms bought {unabately North Of M90010 H81“md sold on commission. All sales at- Phone 87 -- RiChmend Hm tended to on shortest notice and con- Tomato Office â€" 18 Toronto Stflet iucted by the most approved methods n uupn no. "610100150 AUCTIONEER \Batrister. Solicitor. Notary Public MAPLE kw“: 66' 18 T°r°5t° St" TorontoELicensed Auctioneer for the County Phone WAverley 2321 ‘ of York . MSid‘nc‘F‘m H°11YV°°d Ave- [Bales attended to on shortest notice Landng- ont' I and at reasonable rates Winnwdale 3““ ! J. T. SAIGEON & SON Richard Edmunds 21 CENTRE ST. WEST' Phone 264 George W. Cross Piano Tuner Wright & Taylor Adelmo Melecci I , , _UCTIONEERS I T C Newman ‘ J5 H. PArentice. 415 Balliol St. I BARRISTER ‘ ‘ . sometfrom NOTARY punuc ‘ K-Tgoï¬gfnï¬f’fafgag‘ggzm R‘Chmond Hm an" ~ We are prepared to conduct sales of THURSDAY AFTERNOON ever - - . y descriptxon. Falms and farm 93 Y°ng° s???“ _ _ __ stock gal-es a specialty. Faxgns lgought] Morgan L._ Piper Barrisvter, Solicitor, Etc. UNLONVILLE Wednes y 3â€"6 p.m. 'I‘H NHILL Mulock, Milliken, 'Clark & Redman Thomas Delany 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€"â€" z to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephoneg Cook & Gibson Walter S. Jenkins MUSICAL BUSINESS Telephone AD. 1948 WANT ADS CO‘ AND DISCOVER MULTITUDE OF NEEDS VOICE rPhrone WAverley 2321 ,‘IAtâ€"Kuiirtin's Drug Store ,‘nhmon-X IIill Residence 148 COVER 'ER A DE )8 . , , ,tory ofl‘ï¬â€˜rom our Issue of June 17th, 1900 fpupils As a result of the Art school ex- aminations held at the High School in April last we are able to state that 50 Proficiency certificates have been awarded to our High School. Miss Risebrough was fortunate in securing a full Teacher’s certificate. ‘6 The figures are Richmond Hill '50, 0mg“? Newmarket 49, Markham 4’7. . Friday 38 The opening services 1n c< with the the Zion church Thornhill ’circuit were most ful. The sermons on the The opening services in connection with the the Zion church on the Thornhill ’circuit were most success- ful. The sermons on the Sabbath by Rev. Chas. Fish of Toronto were practicable and profitalhlve and very much enjoyed. «by the large congre- gations. The garden party at Mr. Ness’ on Saturday was largely atâ€" tended. The ‘Thornhill Brass Band was present and delighted the comâ€"I .pany with mOst excellent music. An exciting football match was played‘ between the Dollar and Langstaff jteavms, the Dollar Iboys claiming the ‘vic‘cory. The Rev. Mr. Stephenson gave an address. A sumptuous tea ‘together with ice cream, lemonade, bananas, etc. added materially to the occasion. Proceeds $81.00. The hardest game of lacrosse ever played here took place on the park last Saturday, when the Toronto Junction Shamrocks met the heme tum :n Hap nnpnlmg‘ match of the‘ team 'ylAPLE Office Hours )R. LILLL .22 Yonge_Sj Centre St. E. Richmond n1“ DR. J. P. \VILSON OFFICE HOURS â€" 1â€"4 p.m. daily Mom, Wed. & Fri. Evening-s 6 - 8 DE W. J. WILSON OFFICE HOURS â€"â€" 9-12 am. daily Tues., Thurs. & Sat. Evenings 6 - 8 Telephone 24 Nights 147 (WOVnIEn and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 pm Appointments madre Phc Drs. Wilson &7 Wilcffoj?‘ DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodoridge ‘ Phone '77 DENTIST YONGE A-ND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO AUCTIONEER Licensed Auctioneer County of York Auction Sales conducted on short notice and at reasonable rates Richmond Hill Phone 92R Dr, C. A. MacDonald 9â€"10 a.m., 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 and bv appomtment‘ Dr. R. A. Bigford FIRE â€" AUEOMOBiLE â€" LIFE Prentice & Prentice Bank of Commerce Building THORNHILL FORTY YEARS AGO Dr. M. J. Quigley a Hourâ€"5mg) â€" 711 a.m.; 6 ~ 8 pm. C. LANGSTAFF in the opening match A. S. Farmer LICENSED AUCTIONEER 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES Drs, Langstaff Dr. W. J. Mason Gonnley RR. N9. 1 Telephone Stouflvine 6318 J. Carl Saigeon MEDICAL Office Hogrs Successor to Telephone 80 DENTIST H. KANE DENTIST Insurance Richmond Hill RicthDd B3“ iiiiane 100 Phone 3 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY; JUNE I York District. By mutual consent Mr. F. Waghorn was chosen referee, and to his leniency is due in a 1211'};3 measure the victory of the Junc- tion. The referee seemed to have too many duties for his capacity, and paid attention to the time keepâ€" ers whom he evidently could not trust, rather than to the .players. In the 8th game he placed Ellston on the fence for an unintentional foul, whereas a Junction man- fouled‘ F. Sims the same way but. a minute before. He ruled George Sims off for looking at an opponent; he pre- ferred not to see the cross checking and tripping which a Shamroek re- peatedly perpetrated on Geo. Sims. At 4.25 after the referee’s usual re- marks, the players lined up as fol- lows: Toronto Junction Goal, Behan,‘ Kessock, Saville, Roach, Gil- bert, Macdonxaldq, Bond, T. Gillbert, Complin, Taylor, Graydon, McKen- zie, field captain, B. Lavw; umpire, Simpson. Richmond Hillâ€"Goal, F. Sims, John Glass, W. Glass, B. Glov- er, G. Sims», W. Trench, C. Ellston, J. McKenzie, H. McKenzie, A. Glass, J. Glover, W. Cliffordy field captain, W. E. Wiley; umpire, F. Grainger. Refereeâ€"F. Waghorn. ‘The Hill scor- ed the lst, 21ml, 4th and! 6th goals, the Junction taking Ithe (3rd‘, ‘5th,, 7th, 8th andl 9th. The superior weight of the Junction told on our boys towards the end, which coupled with the unfairness of the referee [cost the Hill the game. l l The will of the late W. H. Lundy, Markham Township, has been enterâ€" ed for pro‘bate. It disposes of an‘ estate valued' at $7,165 of which $1,- 4040 is invested mortgage, $300 in Stock and $5,000 in lot 19, 4th conâ€" cession Markham. The widow gets $0000 and the balance is divided! among the five daughters. THIRTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of June 9th, 1910 The council have scraped Yonge Street and carted the surplus earth away. This was much needed, as, since the Metropolitan was allowed to dump the dirt, living on the street has been almost unlbearalble on account of the dust. It is to be hoped the scraping- will become an annual affair. Oak Ridges section of the Gover- nor Gene-ral's Body Guards passed through on Tuesday‘ on the way to Toronto en route for Niagara Camp, where they will spend twelve days under canvas, preparing themselves to defend home and) fireside against the enemy should such ever be ne- cessary. Mr. H. A. Nicholls, Real Estate aqent, reports the following sales during the week: The Wm. Washâ€" ington farm on the second conces» sion Vaughan, being lot 30, and com- prising two hundred‘ acres, to Chris- topher Topper of Elgin Mills. The residence now occupied by Dr. Wilk- inson and Charles ‘Mason in Rich- mond Hill to Dr. Pentland‘. Markham Township will have many new handsome hams this summer, and the neighbourhood of Victoria Square seems to 'be taking the lead. 0n the 28th of May Mr. W. F. Nich- ols raised his second barn this sum- mer, at which some one hundred and fifty were present. The captains chosen were Mr. James McLean of Richmond Hill and Mr. W. Stiver of Unionville, and after a close run Mr. Unionville, and after a close run Mr. McLean finished first. The struc- ture is 40x60, with a hip r00f on a stone foundation. Mr. John Claffey had the contract for the masonry and William McKenzie the frame work. Refreshments were served on the lawn of Mr. Nichols’ home resi- dence. Again, last Thursday Mr. W. Brumwell had a barn raising, the frame work being done by Mr. Stout- enborough, and the mason work by Mr. John Claffey. Walter Scott and Jacob Lunau, home birds, were the captains, and Walter came out an easy winner. Ample refreshments were served on the lawn. On Wechiesday, lst June, a very happy event took place at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Keffer, “Cherry Home", Maple when their eldest daughter, Anna, was married to C. H. Snider, 4th concession Vaughan. They will re- concession side at “Elia Mr. Wm. G Mr. Wm. Glass of the second conâ€" cession of Vaughan near Elgin’ Mills who was so well and favorably known in this neighborhood died on Thursday of last week in his 65th year after a lingering illness. He supply Severe th weeks recall trlca War 'J‘reneral News & Views war S 111 dence ‘Crops throughout the district look very promising. Fall wheat was damaged to some extent by the sav- ere storms and heavy rains. Morley L. Andrews, for fourteen years clerk of the Town of Aurora, died Tuesday, June 4th and the fun- eral was held June 6th. According to the weather bureau there was less sunshine in May of this year than any May since 1886. The Allied struggle in the battle of Flanders has become “an epic of bravery and endurance,†the New York times said editorially today. “Those who survive will lbring stories of individual and regimental heroism that may live as long as bravery is honored among men,†the paper added. “Those who never re- turn will have left a memory that will inspire the Allied peoples for generations to come." Markham will spread 25 tons of calcium on.the Township roads it was revealed at the regular council meeting held at Unionville last week. This amount of dust layer will cover 8% miles at an expenditure of $697. Additional material may be purchase ed later in the season if conditions demand. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From our Issue of June 11th, 1925 York County 10st another. link with the historic past, when on Sat- urday,- June 6th, 1925, one of its oldest sons, in the person of David Frederick Sprague, following an ill- ness of less than a month and two serious operations, slept peacefully away at his late residence at Elgin Mills, near Richmond Hill. The fun- eral service was held from his late residence on Monday. Interment was made in Newmarket. A very pleasant event occurred in the village on Monday last, when Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson, two ' of our oldest and: most highly esteemed residents celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding by being at home to their many leaves a wife, three sons daughter to mourn his 10 best proof of the esteem he was held was the large 4 which followed the remains mond Hill Cemetery. evere thunder storms 01 recent ‘ks recall to mind the severe elec- al storms during the other Great r. 'Although the experts say the r has nothing to do with it, there general comment on the coinci- frier and evening. Mrs. becomineg gowne’d i assisted in receiving Mrs. John Duncan, hi fifty years ago. Liberal and when ism m mm H n . S m isture wife, three sons and a. to mourn his loss. ‘The E of the esteem in which M was the large concourse (“nod fhP remains to Rich- rous of .niversary of their wedding at home to their many hroughout the afternoon ng. Mrs. Sanderson was v gowne’d in grey and was Langfelllow who is now n, has a gang of men airing the dam and will the place with fish. sh muc nade an 53, 1940. storms of recent ; event occurred in Ionday last, when H. Sanderson, two and most highly_ +a 091(9b1'ated the and Mon- abundant guests and Prepare now for a steady production of big, sound-shelled eggs next fall and winter. Feed Ful-O-Pep Developer. It will please you to watch how well your pullet chicks develop those big, well-feathered bodies so essential to pullets intended for the laying flock. “â€" ï¬uol==o=o===ouomodo==o O “ATTRACTIVE SUMMER SUITS MADE TO YOUR MEASURE-u 0 Grow Big, Capable Pullers For More Egg Profits We have a fine assortment of attractive summer suit- ings, which we make to your measure at most attract- ive prices. Newest colors and materials, and the latest styles to suit your individual personality. We invite you to make our store headquarters for your clothing requirements. Our personal service, backed by years of experience in the clothing business is at your disposal. If you have not yet experienced the thrill of distinct- ive Richmond Tailors clothes we invite you to give us a trial today. You will be surprised at the mod- erate cost â€" really no more than you pay for ready- made. Phone 49.1 Let us take care of your Cleaning and Pressing Requirements. Our driver will call or you may take advantage of our low cash and carry prices. RICHMOND TAILORS A low-protein, high-ï¬bre feed that bal- ances the needs of birds grown on range. It grows better pallets at less costâ€"pul- lets that pay you well in egg sales and proï¬ts. Start now to feed Ful-O-Pep De- veloper, the Ful-O-Pep Way. . A.- Greene I. D. RAMER 8: SUN PHONE 10, THE ELEVATOR RICHMOND HILL SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE §\ \‘K‘S‘: Richmond Hill No. 50.