Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jun 1940, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR H‘EADFORD Sunday School anniversary ser- vices will be held in Headford Unit- ed Church on Sunday. June 23. Fur- CARRVILLE The annual Strawberry Festival of Carrvillc Church will be held on Thursday evening. June 27th. The ther notice next week. Y.P.U. will present their play “Aunt Minnie From Minnesota" in the ev- _ eniicg. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burton, Miss RADIO REPAIRS By Radio College Technician Donald Giffen, at Wm. Neal’s Garage is fully qualified to make all kinds of radio repairs. We invite you to bring your radio troubles here. NEAL’S GARAGE Phone 210 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Freda and Jack and Mac Burton of Arger visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Bur- ton on Sunday. Mrs. Oliver of Palgrave is spendâ€" ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Pei-ring are cele- brating their wedding anniversary on Saturday and are entertaining a number of guests from Toronto. The Bingo Club are holding a euchre and dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perring on Saturday, June 22. Thisis in aid of the Red Cross and all are asked to attend. There will be an admission fee. AUNT MINNIE RICHVALE Richvalc Red Cross sent the fol- lowing shipment of goods last Fri- day: 9 new blankets, 4 used blank- ets, 27 pair socks, 4 pair seaman’s lstockings, 18 helmets, 13 scarves, 6 sweaters, 11 pair wristlets, 59 ice bag covers. 39 handkercliiefs. One pair of blankets was donated by the W.A. and the children of Richvale school gave a single blank- et. At the regular meeting Mrs. Calder was elected treasurer upon the resignation of Mrs. A. Smith. from MINNESOTA WOW f presented by CarrVille 3 o o o O A Farce Comedy in 3 acts Y.P.U. Richvale Church Friday, June 14th 8.30 p.m. D.S.T. 009906MOMO“OOOOOWOOOOOOO¢ Announcement HERON’S ICE CREAIII PARIiIIIR STOP 23 YONGE STREET Under the management of G. s. (Curly) HUESTIS Your Patronage will be appreciated eceRush all deliveries, Jim . ._ .’ barked the Chief . . . all contracts!” Yes, TIhIE is the essence of all contracts ‘ these days! Efficient, fast and . private in War or Peace, Long Distance Telephone Service is doing its bit on the Home Front. Day and night, Long Distance stands ready and waiting. O For economy, special low rates apply after seven p.m. and all day Sunday. THE WORLD’S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper It records for you the world‘s clean. constructive doings. The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation: neither does it ignore them. -â€".â€"â€"_ SOFTBALL NOTES Attended by one of the largest 'crowds of the season Richmond Hill defeated the flyers on Tuesday night of this week by a score of 4â€"2. Camp Borden opened the scoring and Richmond Hill tied it up at. 2-2. Both teams played steady ball from there on. but the Hill boys were able to push two more runs across the plate in their half of the fifth inning. This ended the scoring with Camp Borden leaving three men on base in the next two innings. In a game played last Thursday night at Midhurst the local boys pounded out a 6â€"1 victory. These two teams meet again in Richmond Hill on Tuesday, June 25th. SCHEDULE Tuesday, June 18â€" Mid‘hurst at Barrie Richmond Hill at Aurora Ncwmarket at R.C.A.F. Thursday. June 20â€" Richmond Hill at Newmarkct R.C.A.F. at Midhui'st Barrie at Aurora Tuesday, June 25»« Midliurst at Richmond "R.C‘.A.F. at Barrie Newmarket at Aurora Thuisday. June 27â€" Richniond Hill at R.C.A.F. Aurora at Midhurst Barrie at. Newmarket Tuesday. July 2 R.C.A.F. at Aurora Newmai'liet at Midhurst P-Tl‘lIG at Richmond Hill All games start at 7.15 p.m. shal‘p Daylight Saving Time Hill (just as in ‘ Yollg‘u but deals correctiver with them. Features for busy men and all the family; including the Weekly Magazine Section. The Christian Sclence Publishing Society' One, Norway Street, Boston. Massachusetts Please enter my subscription to The Christian Science Monitor for I period of - 1 year $13.00 6 months 36.00 3 months 33 00 1 month 51.00 Saturday issue, including Magazine Section; 1 year 52.60. 6 issues 250 Name ____________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ Sample Copy on Request niii‘ilc. I phone I A WAR A.B.C. (Under this heading we will publish each vvcck explanatory matter deal- ing with interesting points of inter- national affairs. which will hclp the reader to a closer understanding of coii'en‘. war newsâ€"Ed.) “FIFTH COLUMN". This expres- sion, much in the news these days, arose out of the Spanish Civil War. Wlicn General Franco's forces were attempting to capture the capital city of Madrid (seat of the Govern- ment). he announced that he had four huge columns of troops adâ€" vancing on the city and a “fifth column" within the city itself. TliisI latter column consisted of Franco sympathiseis who would, at the ap- propriate moment, rise and attack the city's defenders from within, capture strategic points in the town and generally hamper the defence, thus giving the Franco forces in- valua‘ble aid...\Vhen the Spanish Government heard this, they hunted out all the known Franco sympa- thizers and shot them, out they didâ€"3 n’t get nearly all of them. W'hen Madrid finally fell before the on- slaught of the Franco troops, inside supporters gave Fi'arco much help,Norway and the Low Countries, Nazi sympathizei's played‘ havoc with the defence organization ...Now, subversive elements (trait- ors) are known as a “Fifth Column". snappy Camp Bordenl ‘ 18“ by THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO , Classified Ad'vs. for each subsequent insertion. Ov each insertion. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESrFive lines or less. :5 cents for first insertion and 15 cents er 5 lines 5 cents per line extra IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. FOR SALE YOUNG Pics. Elgin Mills. Apply o. white} TOMATO and CABBAGE PLANTS, variety of annuals. Anderson, 02 Richmond Street. NEW PRINCESS PAT STOVE, Iv- ory enamel, new. still crated. Cash. Apply Mrs. J. J. Lees, Gormley. PUREBRED WHITE PEKIN DUCK EGGS for hatching. L. C. Burton, Carrville Road. Phone Maple 764. SHO‘RTHORN BULL, one year old. Registered. Priced to sell. Apply 0. D. Robinson. telephone Agincourt ‘87j3. C.C.M. (Cleveland) Bicycle in good condition. Will sell reasonable. Ap- ply Liheral Office. QUEBEC COOK stovia. Electric l ‘Washine' Machine. Both good as 'new. Telephone 92â€"R, 74 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. SIX ROOMED HOUSE, square plan. newly decorated, hot air furnace, allu conveniences, new garage, large lot. Apply 8 Ros-eview Avenue. TRACTOR WITH PLOUGH. drill, 2‘ cultivaturs and one 8-year-old mare. Apply Mac Onazuk, RR. 2 GOi'mley, Ont., Lot 13, Con. Markham. -) a, SOW, young. with five little pigs. about 4 weeks old. Bargain, be-;‘ cause must be sold. Apply Mr. Obe-i lincke Kozak's Road. Richmond Hill.I LEGIIORN COCKEREL CHICKS| 81.25 per hundred. No delivery. Every Friday. Apply Wm. Vander- bent, Gorniley, phone Thornhill 1821. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, fain-' ily size, 5 year guarantee, specialI 814936â€"8160 per week. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd, 2411 Yonge St.; 1173 St. Clair Ave. \V. ATTRACTIVE frontage Church Street. tional Trust Company Ltd., Toronto, BUILDING LOT‘ Apply Na- ‘ Trustees for the H. A. Nicholls Estate. 'BUESCH ER C MELODY Silver- plated Saxophone in good condition. priced reasonable for cash. Apply to; Earl Howard, Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill. '1 JERSEY REGISTERED HEIFER, 19 months old and 1 four months old. Registration papers with both., ’8. T. Riordan, John Street, Thorn-I hill, phone 90. I ,Willing to do anything. Apply Lib- i GIRL for FEW BAGS EATING POTATOES. Gordon Cullen. 2nd con. Markham. MAN'S PLANET BICYCLE, in good shape. $10.00. L. C. Burton, Carr- ville Rd., phone Maple 764. THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1940. m I .Taylor’s Radio Sales. I’ And Service TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios I_Tl-uâ€"_ T0 RENT 2 PUREBRED BERKSHIRE BOARS 8 weeks old, bacon type; also car trailer without tires. 85.00. Phone Richmond Hill 4512. 1 COFFIELD WASHER, $15.00; 1 Beatty reconditioned; 1 two plate electric stove; 1 ice box; used batt- ery and electric radios; a bargain, easy terms. Ycrex's Electric Store. RADIOS, 1040, WESTINGHOUSE, $16.95. Only 500. a week. All leadâ€" ing makes. 150 models. Toronto Radio 3: Sports Ltd. Canada’s larg- est radio and sports firm, 241 Yonge St. 1173 St. Clair W. WA N TE'D SINGLE MAI; wanted for work. Apply Liberal Office. farm YOUNG MAN wants work by day“ l I ei'al Office. general housework in North Toronto home. To live in. Phone Radial Station, Richmond Hill 177. 100 ACRES WANTED, value Ten Thousand as going concern. Can pay cash. Immediate possession. No Jagents. Box 50 Liberal Office. iGIRL WANTED for general house- work, 2 in family, no children. EX- pti'ieiicc not necessary. Mrs. Rior- (Ian, John Street, Thornhill, phone EJO. IHORSES, CATTLE, HAY, Grain, Straw in exchange for Electric Re- frigerators, Milk Coolers, Ranges, \Vashers, Radios, 150 models. B. R. Leech, \Va. 4501, Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd, 2-11 Yonge St., Toronto. SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS Prepare for your summer vacation. Choose your style and order your garment now. Garments are from ten dollars up for one complete outfit. For appointment call CORSETIERE Mrs. E. C. Fielding MOTOR INN â€" Aurora Phone Aurora 160 or Richmond Hill 9 I 5 BURNER COAL OIL STOVEIl (Premier) with built-in oven 16” by‘ 12” high, Perfection type burners. just like new. Price reafi sonable. Apply Box 24, Liberal1 Office. 0 ROOM FRAME HOUSE. with hydro and water, 11’2 acres rich soil.: ANZACS. Soldiers from the Anti- podes are known as Anzacs. This word was coined during the last warl by taking the first letter of each 01' the words comprising “Australian i and New Zealand Army Corps'. I DO YOU KNOW? When the Germans “Invaded” Great Britain? A German force invaded Britiin soil during the last War in May 1018, when a German submarine stranded in the Orkney Islands, near Start Point. Sunday. The crew jetti- soned all its torpedoes and hundreds of shells and ammunition, so as to lighten the ship. and were then able to refloat the submarine and escape. Some crofters (natives of the island) noticed the sailors while they were ashore, but as the submarine was flying the “‘hite Ensign, they as- sumed they were British sailois from a Britiin submersible. STOCK REGISTER Imported Suffolk Stallion. DEE-SIDE HOI’EFLL (292) Blackmure Hopeful Maggiettc (5330) 1711.31. Mrs. D. Hamilton. Old Aurora. phone Aurora Tth horse is a beautiful Chutâ€" nearly 300:} lbs. Will in for service throughout- the season every Monday Saturday Terms: To Sim) service. $11.11!» pay- Mui‘cli 1, 1311. All owners r3 . This IIOI‘M“ ' :ii 3 Vaughan. Tele- at of (i700. sired by S‘JIIG.‘ Dam of St. propc r: j.- ..- .i .71. nut. \\'eiL“l\iI own stable siaiil -» ....., in; 1. Ilislll'a‘ fo:_ aiv'c b. for»; .i‘ 71.:1s a: 11‘. :ruckul to (liass‘ t 11. (on. 3 IIL‘ I .l' :ll‘dlili' Till? 1101):: Emmy L-\'L‘iiii‘iL" [IL-~l1‘eti. fruit trees and lots of small fruit, Excellent buy at $1700, easy terms.I Locatel in Richmond Hill. No enâ€"i eiinibitiiiec. Apply by letter to BOX 440. Liberal Office. WESTINGHOUSE NEW ELECTRIC RANGE. Automatic Control Reg. 8115 00, special $89.00. Terms $1.00 weekly. 820.00 rebate from Hydro. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd, 241 Yonge St., 117:) St. Clair W. FRAME BUILDING 14 by 16, good condition; cistern pump 82.00; force pump 51.50: barrel churn $1.50; 16 foot ladder $1.25; circular saw and table 85.00; small quantity well rotted manure at practically own price. Mrs. A. \Vright. Stop 17A Thornhill. BIG-4 CHICKS will make you extra; Profits because they have OLitstand-; ing Vigoui'. Fast Growth, Market Type. Ileavy Egg Production and: Large Breeders Govcrnnicnti Inspected and Blood-tested. All Pop-1 ular Breeds 87.4.3 and up. Pullets,." Cockei'els. Dayâ€"old, Started ChiCkS,I Pullcts. all ages. Write for cata-, logue with prices. I’l'csley Clark] Gormlcy. RR. 2. Ont. Phone Rich-I monl Hill 4704. , l'CClL-élllci‘ and elevator. drive belt. nearly new; Favorite Thresher. 24-36 with i-ccleancr and elevator. drich belt. nearly new: threo 10-20 tractâ€" (ii's‘. International. u‘r'uvlz le'tl ll'klcl‘i f or. good; (mo Ilâ€"f i'i'Ow tractor plow.‘ M.-ll.. nwzirljr new: twy 2-f‘ur1’ow tractor p} w disc slirhfly used: 7 ft. Tartduui disc 7".zrwx. nearly new: number if Illi'\\'i."~ :izii iiiirims: hay rudder: 2 criam separators. Sllu 11’s.: Strillv ciziii'31itoi'» and plwvs. Grorge A. I".-‘:tfel' & Son. Millikcii. phone , A Q‘ii.t'llt‘.i‘t 5’2\V3. I ‘ days. 1 orntorical powers. Sale Register SATURDAY, JUNE 15th â€" Auction sale of Tools, etc, the property of George Dennis, Lot 25, Con. 4 Mark- ham Township at Victoria Square. Sale starts at 1.30 p.m. S.T. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. L. Nichols, clerk. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2Gth~Auction sale of Residential Property, antique and other furniture, household goods etc., the property of the estate 0f the late Tlios. Keys. Maple Avenue, Maple. Sale at 1 p.m. Standard Time. Terms for furniture, cash. There will be offered for sale at 2.15 p.m. S.T. the dwelling, stable and garage on lot having frontage of 75 ft. and depth of 125 ft. more or less. The dwelling is frame, two and a half story. shingle roof new 3 years ago, new 3 piece bath, septic tank etc., electric water heater, new motor. There are 7 rooms and a summer kitchen, hot air furnace good as new. cellar shelving, tables, blinds, curtains, electric fixtures, linoleum in bath and kitchen go with dwelling. Everything in first clas.s state of repair. Possession July lst, 1040. Open for inspection until day of sale. Terms for house: 10 per cent on day of sale, balance in 30 Property to be sold subject to reserve bid. For further particu- lars apply to J. C. Saigeon, Maple. phone 11. Auctioneer. The curate prided himself on his He was describ- L, , mi ,ing the downward path of the sinâ€" tll“ FAVORITE THRESHER. 2-1â€"36 with nor. zinl u>ed the metaphor of a ship drifting and going to pieces on the rocks. A sailor in the audience was deepâ€" interested. “The waves wash over!" ly cried the curate. “Ht-r sails are >plit! Ilei' yards ars- g in"? Her man: are shivâ€" cred! Her helm i< List-It's»! Sltc is! l! in; ilrl‘.‘ l‘l'I There >ei‘ms no hope! (far; tiiililiiL“ be done in >LlV't’i her?" I The ~1iilw' rose in his sent. his: cjsu< wide with eXc.:ciiiciit. "Let tor the anchor!" Ill: sliouTt-dI PASTURE FOR CATTLE. Apply William Leuschner, Headford. R 6 ROOMED HOUSE in Richmond Hill, all conveniences, furnace, gar- age, good garden. Apply Liberal Office. “E THREE ROOMED APARTMENT to rent. Also 26 foot green spruce log for sale, will square 10x10. Apply on Fahcy Estate, Elgin Mills. 16 ROSEVIEW AVE, 6 rooms and sun room, all conveniences, garden, double garage. For particulars ap- ply to Mr. J. R. Herrington. MISCELLANEOUS HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill ’73. t1 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. E J. A. ROSE, Maple, Ont., agent for M‘elotte and DeLaval cream separat- ors, Lester washing machines, Fleui‘y-Bissell plows. Furnace work, eaveti'oughing and general tinsmith work promptly attended. Your con- tinued patronage solicited. IT’S RESULTS THAT COUNT. For the best possible results in hatching, either turkey, duck, bantam, pheasant 0r hen eggs. bring your eggs to an expert. All eggs incubated and hatched in individual compartments. Any number of eggs accepted at any time. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. Mr. and» Mrs. Paul Valade, of Mon- treal, woke up one recent night to find a burglar in bed with them. He had jumped from an adjoining theatre, through a window below, landing in their bed! Before the couple could make a move, the burg? lar made his escape. ‘ “9* Radio licenses NOW ON SALE AT' ‘NEAL’S GARAGE Richmond Hill R.&G. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Usigars 1938 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN â€"Excellent condition. $575.00 1938 FORD V-8 TUDORâ€"Good Value. 753195.00 1937 FORD V-S TL'DOR â€" Nice. $375.06 1936 FORD V-8 LIGHT DELIVERY â€"Good condition. $135.00 1928 FORD SEDAN â€" GOod Value. ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE 1940 LICENSES Little Brothers FORD MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 174 RICHMOND HILL

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