British history is a proud record of victory won in the face of overwhelming odds; victory achieved by the stubborn slow strength of a people not easily or quickly roused. Happy in the free enjoyment of their own insti- tutions, the British have, perhaps, been too casual in realizing that the designs of tyrants and demagogues might become a serious threat to all that Britain has represented. When clear realization of such a menace has come to the British, their calm faith and a strength of character deep-rooted in traditions of freedom and courage. have in the end proved more formidable than any force that their foes would muster. The past is rich in episodes that tell the same inspiring story. From the days when King Al- fred earned his title “The Great†by turning long years of defeat into final victory, over the invading Danes â€" from the days when Drake’s sea-dogs smashed the tower- ing threat of Spain’s Armada â€"- from Trafalgar, where Nelson broke Napoleon’s naval might in the face of great odds â€" from earliest history 'to the present day, each challenge to British freedom has pr0ved an inspiration to British courage. “TOTAL†WAR New and tragic meaning has been given to the phrase “total'war†by the recent march of events. Millions of Hollanders, their homes in ruins, their par- ents, friends and children dead, now know what “total†war means. The citizens of Oslo, ground under the heel of a bar- baric conqueror, know what “total†war means. The heroic Belgians, their homeland overrun by the tanks and ,flying columns of an implacable foe, know what “total†war means. Our own fighting men on land and sea and in the air â€"â€"face to face with the monster of force the twisted mind of Hitler has createdâ€"they too know what “total†war means. ----- e wonder if Canadians living peacefully, and going about their accustomed tasks, appreciate the gravity of the hour â€" how filled with destiny are the days that lie immediately ahead? THEY SHALL NOT PASS The past week has been a testing and anxious time for the people of Canada, but it also has been a time in which Canadians have steeled their resolution for tasks and trials ahead. News of the reverses has brought sor- row and concern, but it also has inspired added deter- mination and has not dimmed the belief that come what may, the British cause will triumph in the end. This is indeed a “total†war. It is a war not of arm- ies, navies and air forces alone. It is a war of whole peo- ples; and to wage it successfully it is imperative that the total resources of our nation be directed to What must be our one consuming purpose â€"â€" to win the war. Today a means has been provided whereby everyone in Canada, regardless of his station, can do his bit to fur- ther this great crusade. War Savings Certificates now being offered by the Dominion ‘ Government enable the masses of Canadians who are still fortunate enough to be living in the Domin- ion to make a direct and continuing contribution to Can- ada’s war effort. To buy War Savings Certificates is an investment in patriotism â€"â€" an investment in our own security and free- dom â€" an investment guaranteed by Canada herself. It is our plain duty â€" yes, a privilege too â€"â€" to buy War Savings Certificates. We too can serve by saving. The appointment of Hon. J. L. Ralston as minister of national defence has met with general approval. He held this portfolio from 1926 to 1930, and in the present ad- ministration has been minister of finance, a difficult post, the duties of which he has carried out with conspicuous success. He has a fine reputation as a soldier and admin- istrator and is held in esteem by both sides of the house as well as in the country at large. The tragic death of Mr. Norman Rogers, whom Mr. Ralston has succeeded, brought sorrow t0 the Capital. Both as minister of the Crown and personally, he held a high place in the regard and affections of all circles in the Capital. The military funeral, which followed a service about his casket in the parliament buildings, was a fitting and impressive tribute to the modest, hardworking and efficient minister who had been a private in the ranks in the last war and who held the highest military post in the service of his coun- try in this world conflict. His ashes were buried in Beech- wood cemetery at Ottawa. At the funeral service the Prime Minister read the last words written by Mr. Rogers, which were found in his desk, “In the faith we will fight on, we will resist. we will endure, we will take the offensive and we will win.†THE LOUD SPEAKER NUISANCE Consideration for other people is the essenCe of good citizenship and neighbourly courtesy. There are, unfor- tunately, a few listeners in almost every residential disâ€" trict, who thoughtlessly turn their radio loud speakers on in full volume when windOWS and doors are open, forcing their neighbours to be an unwilling audience. In Great Britain, this nuisance is dealt with by municipal legisla- tion. There would be no need for such special regulaâ€" tions, if listeners would make a point of controlling radio volume so that programmes could not under any circum- stances be heard beyond the immediate confines of the home. On warm evenings. it is understandable that listeners should wish to enjoy radio entertainment while sitting on their verandahs, or in their gardens. It should be clearly realized, however, that their private pleasure may qu‘ite Auulmvxl, any .. v . v- __V easily become a nlyliégï¬Ã©e. sillnmef listening, the-Golden Rule is an excellent precept to keep in mind. TOUGH FOR TRAVELLERS It isn’t all a cinch for the commercial travellers. Be- tween kebping track of the places where they have Daylight Saving and the ones that are sticking to Standard Time, and the particular afternoon each town has picked out for its weekly half holiday, it is no wonder if the poor fellows get pretty dizzy sometimes.â€"â€"Shelburne Free Press. Estabtished 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year -â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 PAGE TWO THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1940. NEW DEFENCE MINISTER “THE LIBERAL†The planting of a Copper Leaf Beech tree, the “Tree of Friendship" was of ceremonial interest on the lawn of Lady Eaton’s home when Sir William Mulock did honours for the society, “The Men of the Trees", on Friday afternoon. On Saturday, June 29th is an event of historical importance, unveiling and dedication of a cairn in the cemetery of St. Mary’s Magdalene at Lloydtdwn, the first on the pro- gram of an Old Boys’ Reunion in Lloydtown school grounds at 3 pm. Miss B. A. BurrOWS of King Ridge, also received some 50 members of this society on the same afternoon when they visited her “mud houseâ€, the only one of its kind in Canada. Here they would find not only an unique structure but some of the tallest, cleanest birch trees; choice singing birds and a summer air unâ€" surpassed at Muskoka. “Velvet Hill†it is called with a Silver Stream at its ample base. All along the calendar are June garden parties, each one an earnest effort to help the finest institution in the world, “The Churchâ€. If. was estimated that 3000 visited Eaton Hall Farm on Saturday in the interests of Red Cross. King Women’s Institute had the pleasure of meeting Miss Burrows when she gave a demonstration of glove making at the home of Mrs. Colin Stewart last week before the members. Miss Burrows was careâ€" ful to give a practical demonstra- tion, greatly enjoyed. 0n the same program, was Mrs. J. Walsh, district director. reporting the Keswick con- vention in a most commendable man- ner. Mrs. Stone reported that 1‘5 blankets had gone from King Town- ship to Schomberg Clearing Station for French relief. A blanket fund was adopted within the Institute, contributions to be handed into the treasurer. In the absence of the secretary Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. F. Arm- strong acted. The sandwich display soon became the property of the members who ate the tempting mor- seis as they drank tea. Mrs. Stew- art’s hospitality was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Gordon and Thelma motored to Maryland spend- ing a week there. During their ab- sence “Tarzanâ€, the Newfoundland dog, died at the Humane Hospital, tonsilitis being the reported cause. If Thelma feels as badly as we did, when, many years ago our New- foundland dog died from fright on being lost in the woods, we offer our sympathy. .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnston spent the weekend in King visiting the latter’s brother, Mr. L. Gillham, Mrs. A. Gillham, Mrs. F. Dove, Miss Faline and W. Rolling. Mrs. R. Gellatly and daughter Clara of Toronto have returned from a visit with Dr. Harvey Gellatly at Fort William. Mrs. E. Bell, Misses Doris Fraser apd Lottie Hacket of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr. George Dibb‘s home, the scene of the 20th Dibbs reunion on June 15th. 140 of the clan met for pleasure and profitable reunion, with Mrs. Jas. Brown of Jefferson being the oldest present. Running a close second was Mrs. Emily Bell of Toronto and a sister of George Dibbs and Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Legge of Temperanceville, the youngest sister and 80 plus was un- able to be present but talked to the friends by phone. Mrs. George Dibbs the third was the attendant from the farthest point. She has been attend- ing for the 20 years and received her first and only prize in a guess- ing contest. The officers for the coming year are: Hon. Pres, George Dibbs; Past Pres, Victor Creighton; P1'es., Robert Bell Jr.; Vice-Pres., John Orr; Sec.-T1'eas., Garnet Norâ€" ris; Refreshment Com., Grace Nor- ris; Norman Harris, Ella Dibbs. Eversley Mission Band entertained Temperanceville Band on Saturday, the home group providing the pro- gram. Mrs. McClure and Mrs. Pax- ton addressed the children. ROS: Bovair, June Wesley, Joyce Hately, Violet and Catherine McGee and Nancy Ball took various' parts. Fol- lowing, the Bands went over to Eversley school for games and reâ€" freshments. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rolling attended the funeral of Edward Taylor, hus- band of the late May Rolling Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were married in July 1939 and both passed away inside of the year. The late Mr. Taylor wos seized, in good health, with a heart attack. The campaign drive for the Red Cross, King section of Township Unit is meeting with great success and over the objective. More than 80 attended Grandâ€" mothers' meeting, United W.M.S. at Mrs. Carson’s last week, her mother} Mrs. Graves, 82 years of age attend- ing. Miss L. Babcock made an ap- King City District News LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ABYSMAL BRUTALITY IN OCCUPIED POLAND Dealing address to hold fast to Faith and the promises of the Divine. 'Again Miss Beckett and Miss Bab- cock gave spiritual messages through song. Mrs. Beam of Aurora was a leader in prayer. Mr. Watson Ferguson assisted at Elia on Sunday and Mr. A. Stong of Elia at .Mr. Ferguson’s. The Polish Government pursues its bitter task of assembling evidence of German brutality in occupied Poland. There is no lack of revolting reports which are confirmed by reliable wit- nes-ses. Patients in mental hospitals have lately been treated in the German way. A Polish official statement gives some details of a massacre in Chelm Lubelski, where the Germans decided to requisition the new and spacious mental hospital in that city: Miss Ethel Ferguson was,a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wells of Bradford. Officials of the Gestapo first or- dered all doctors and nurses to leave the building. ThOSe resisting were expelled by force at the point of revolvers. Afterwards the Gestapo police locked the doors and with their revolvers shot dead all“ the patients, who numbered over 300‘. The staff of the hespital, drawn up in the street under a heavy guard, heard the despairing cries and groans of the victims with horror, as they were hunted down by the murderers. Having completed their terrible work, the killers left after stating: “The hospital is vacated. You must immediately remove all corpses, be- cause we shall occupy the building within two hours.†When the Gestapo left the buildâ€" ing it was ascertained that in addi- tion to the 300 patients the Germans shot 40 children, war orphans, who were temporarily given shelter in one of the hospital wards. It has been ascertained that they shot 53‘ patients in the hospital at Owinskie, near Poznan, as well as all the patients of the Dziekanka in Gniezno. T. J. Walter, Brampton, this week found $85 in bills in a bundle of papers and rags which he purchased for 70 cents. For returning the cache he received a reward of five dollars. YONGE STREET 3 Famous Rollator Cold-Maker . . . permanently oiled and sealed, refrigerant-cooled Five-year Warranty on Roll- ator Cold-Maker Steel cabinet ï¬nished in beautiful Norgloss Yerex’s The Financial Post; states in a re- cent issue that the greatest tourist trek in world history is now start- ing. At every port of entry Amer- ican visitors will shortly come a- cross the bord'er to see Canada and Canadians at war, to get the extra “day in ten†free of charge, to visit and‘ revisit our cities. lakes and lay- grounds. This year's tourist Ensi- ness, the Post adds, is a vital part of Canada’s war effort. We must have American dollars to fight the war. Since we can no longer bor- row money in the United States, the American dollars our tourist visit- ors will exchange at the border to pay for their Canadian holiday will be a major source of funds with which to pay for essential raw ma- terials which Uncle Sam sells us. Again, by acting as interpreters as well as good‘ hests to these millions of holiday visitors from acress the lineflthe Canadian people can do an immeasurable service to the Allied cause. In the plans for their wel- come and entertainment, The Post says that what seems to be lacking is a nation~wiide co-ordinated effort to bring home to the man in the street. to community leaders, to ser- vice clubs, to empIOyers and em- ployees, to the local innkeepers and tOurist camp proprietors the fact that the tourist business in 1940 Is just as much a part of the coun- try’s war effort as the making of shells or the growing of wheat. MAIL SCHOOLS TAKE MILLIONS FROM COUNTRY Legislation Introduced by Minister to Regulate Activities of Instituâ€" tions m Ontario. Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson, minister of education, told the LQg‘islature recently that correspondence and trade schools in the United States were taking millions of dollars out of the country. In amendments to the Trade Schools Regulation Act, he explained, provisions were made for penalties up to $25,000 for any schools found guilty of selling courses not approved \by the departâ€" ment. He claimed one school had» sold courses to 14,856 pupils, at a cost of $225 each, and had not investiga- tion been undertaken a total of $3,- 000,000 would have gone out of the prov1nce_. He pointed out that nearly all who took the courses are promised posi- tions which do not materialize. Many youths had spent their last dollar only to be discouraged after taking the studies. Arthur Roebuck praised the de- partment for taking action to cunb frauds being perpetrated on the youth of the province but pointed out that long established private schools in Toronto had done good work. Peel county has planted 68,500 trees on county plots in Albion town- ship and vicinity this year, Reeve John Anderson told county council- lors yesterday. OL'R TOURIST BUSINESS HOONVO Stainless steel freezer with door Refrigerated freezer shelf Freezes 8 lbs. of ice at one time Big, double-width dessert tray Large cold storage tray for meats One-piece food compart- ment ï¬nished in porcelain enamel THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1940. 14 Richmond Hill Bowden Lumber & Coal CO.LTD. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 028i Licensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simcoe Sales of all deic‘riptions conducted upon shortest notice and at reuonable rates No sale too large and none too amull King, 0m. Phone King 42-h. Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynch: ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Beautiful 1940 styling with modem base Sparkï¬qg chrome hatch ware 2518 YONGE STREET R. H. KANE (At St. Clements) MOhaWk 3000 ’. Walkington RICHMOND HILL Phone 92-8