The homes built by us Are in every way the best, You’ll find. that every part of them Can always pass the test. The government’s inspectiOn Guarantees to you That “Baker-hilt†houses Are good thru and thru. Our workmanship and material Must satisfy, Because the government inspector Has a true eagle eye. Now that there’s a war on If you are really wise, You'll build your home now Before the prices rise. We build the houses That really are worthwhile, According to your pocket And according to your style. With conscription now afoot 01' money and men too A home of your own Is security for you. Phone 210 Yonge St., Richmond Hill RADIO REPAIRS By Radio College Technician Donald Giffen, at Wm. Neal’s Garage is fully qualified to make all kinds of radio repairs. VVe invite you to bring your radio troubles here. NEAL’S GARAGE CONSCRIPTION C. BAKER Re-established in our Former Quarters Now fully modernized we invite your continued patronage. Our stock is now replenished with high quality merchandise which we are pleased to offer you at most attractive prices. RICHMOND HILL $1.45, special While they last . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Men’s High Quality Windbreakers, fine material and attract- ive colors, regular $6.75, special at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.95 Children’s Shoes, sizes 2 to 5, White or Black, three strap or oxfords, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.49 Women’s Sport Shoes, special per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.49 As special bargains we offer this week: Men’s slightly soiled sport shirts, extra fine quality, regular, Now in Modernized Quarters at the Old Stand, Corner Yonge and Richmond Streets Make your application 'I‘O-D‘AY Before it’s too late R. J. CRAIGIE PAGE FOUR Builder ‘ The Public Library will be closed on Thursday afternoons during July and August. Toronto District Ayrshire Breed- ers’ association held their annual picnic at Leitchcroft Farm, Markham Township, last Friday. More than 300 representatives of the associaâ€" tion from York, Peel, Alton and Duf- ferin counties took part in the af- ternoon of sport and judging. Clifford Graham, agricultural reâ€" presentative of Peel county, address- ed the gathering on “Roughages.†All competed for the L. A. Allen prize for judging in cattle classes. The committee reported that 963,- 068 trees have been planted within the past few months and that a million more may be put in within the next seven months. 300 AYRSHIRE MEN Reeve James Rennie of Markham and Reeve William Pugsley of Sut- ton were appointed as a committee of two to secure options on the land needed for the enlargement. PLAN ENLARGEMENT OF COUNTY FORESTRY PLAN Plans of the York County Refor- estation Committee to enlarge the Vivian Forest were unanimously ap- proved by County Council this week and three parcels of land will be purchased immediately. The annual Garden Party and Strawberry Festival under the aus- pices of the Buttonville Women’s Inâ€" stitute will be held Wednesday, June 26th at the home of David Brown, 4th con. of Markham, two and a quarter miles north of No. 7 High- way. Supper will be served from 5 to 8 p.m. Following the supper the three act comedy “Aunt Tillie Goes to Town†will be presented by the Cedar Grove Y.P.U. Refreshment Booth and Fish Pond on the grounds. Admission to Supper and concert adults 35c., children 20c. BUTTON VILLE NOTICE AT ANNUAL PICNIC “For three years trade had dwin- dled. There were 32 empty ShOps. Now they are nearly all occupied by useful services. A big tobacco com- pany has filled new premises with office staff. Perhaps a hundred peo- ple with their families have come to work there and live nearby. 0th- er places have the same happy sort of tale.†‘ The chairman of the council, Rev. A. C. Tranter, is overjoyed. “Shops are teeming with peBple,†he said. “I think the population of Egham and its two associated town- ships, just over 17,000 normally, has increased by 50 per cent in a week. It may be doubled by the time set- tling-down is complete. Typical is Egham, near Staines, the place where Magna Carta was signed. Shops and unoccupied houses have become emergency headquarters and branches of administrations, firms and industries. They absorb work- less and bring in yet more spenders and their families. The countryside thrives with new blood. ‘DESERTED VILLAGES‘ FULL OF LIFE AGAIN Thousands of quiet, oft-neglected places, some of them slowly starved for years by the movement of popu- lation and industry and ease of transport, now pulsate with a sud- den return to joyful bustle. Thousands of city ’children, par- ents and children stir them with laughter, \fun and new accents. They swell the budgets of country house- wives. Will you permit me through the columns of your paper to draw at- tention to the disagreeable practice of a lot of men roosting on the rad- ial station platform these fine sum- mer evenings. Several times I have had occasion to enter the waiting room, and would like to have waited for my car on the nice seat there provided by the manager of the sta- tion. But I was forced to stand or sit inside, while a lot of old cronies discussed dear knows what. I am not blaming the proprietor, who might be too kind hearted to tell these people to move, but I do hope they read this letter and take a gentle hint that the practice is not appreciated by radial patrons. Espe- cially by some of the timid fair sex of which I happen to be one. Thank- ing you, Mr. Editor, for the space in your paper, I am Industry and Population Flow Back From Cities of England Londonâ€"Life is surging- back to the little towns of Britain. These are the country towns, the villages and hamlets into which the evacuation tide has flowed. Editor, The Liberal Sir:â€" Letters From The People W'AN'I‘S RA DIAL STATION PLATFORM FOR RADIAL PATRONS ONTARIO TLMID FAIRSVEX THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ‘T‘HIRJEE MOWER‘S, entirely rebuilt; one horse rake; one wagon and rack; one Masseyâ€"Harris 6 ft. binder; one 15â€"30 tractor, completely overhauled; ‘one 10â€"2I0 tractor; one horse trailer; three young horses, Percherons. Ap~ 'ply Floyd R. Perkins, Richmond Hill, phone 73J. WESTINGHOUSE NEW ELECTRIC RANGE. Automatic Cantml Reg. $115.00, gpercial‘ $89.00. Terms $1.00 weekly. $20.00 rebate from Hydro. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd" 241 Yonge St., 1173 St. Clair W. RESULTS: This advertisement was not meant to be conspicuous yet hun‘ dreds of others’will read it, just as you are doing. Isn’t that proof that The Liberal is a valuable medium for classified advertising. Send them by mail or telephone to The Liberal, Richmond Hill, phone 9. BIG-4 CHICKS will make you extra Profits because they have Outstand- ing Vigour, Fast Growth, Market Type, Heavy Egg Production and Large Eggs. Breeders Government Inspected and Blood-tested. All Pop- ular Breeds $7.45 and up. Pullets‘, NUMBER OF SO‘W-S, due within 2 months; 2 Masseyâ€"Harris mowers; 2 horse rakes; 3 riding pIOWS; 1 single 77 Fleury plow good as new; 1 wag- on in good condition. Apply Summit Hotel, E. F. Thompson, Oak Ridges. Cockel‘els, Day-old, Started Chicks, Pullets, all ages. Write for cata- logue with prices. Wesley Clark, Gorm-ley, RE. 2, Ont. Phone Rich- mond Hill 4704. 'KI’I‘GHEN PORCELAIN SINK with ‘back and fittings and 75 ft. half inch water pipe; also number Qf Electric lFixtures practically new. Apply 29 Benson Avenue, Richmond Hill. 5 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, with hydro and water, 11/2 acres rich soil, fruit trees and lots of small fruit. Excellent buy at $1700, easy terms. Located in Richmond Hill. No en- cumbrance. Apply by letter to Box 440, Liberal Office. Buy Canadian, Buy British, and Help Win the War. BUE‘SCHER C MELODY Silver- RADIOS, 1940, WESTINGHOUSE, $16.95. Only 504:. a week. All leavi- ing makes. 150 models. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., Canada’s larg- est radio amd sports firm, 241 Yonge St. 1173 St. Clair W. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, fam- ily size, 5 year guarantee, special $149.95â€"$1.50 per week. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St.; 1173 St. Clair Ave. W. frontage Church Street. Apply Na- tional Trust Company Ltd., Toronto, Trustees for the H. A. Nich‘olls Estate. plated Saxophone in good condition, priced reasonable for cash. Apply to Earl Howard, Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill. BAARREL CHURN $1.50; 16 ft. lad- der $1.25; cook stove with water tank $5.00; small quantity well rott- ed manure at practically own price. Mrs. A. Wfight, Stop 17A Thornhill. 30 FIGS 6 weeks old; 1 good one- horse plow. Apply Michael Soren- sen, Bayview, RR. 1 York Mills on J. Harrison’s farm. SHORTHORN BULL, one year old. Registered. Priced‘ to sell. Apply 0. D. Robinson, telephone Agincourt 8’7j3. ATTRACTIVE BUILDING LOT Yonge Street, Newtonbroo‘k, or to rent. All conveniences, 1/2 acre of land, stop 12B. Mrs. I. Hord, 31/2 miles east of Thornhill, John Street. MAN’S PLANET BICYCLE, in good C.C.M. BICYCLE, running condition Must be sold. Telephone Maple 20. shape, $10.00. L. C. Burton, Carr- ville Rd., phone Maple 764. 7 ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, 6095 ENGLISH PRAM, good as new. Ap- ply Jos. Acheson, No. 7 Highway, Langstaff. @1118 IS DAY OF‘ADVERTISINGâ€"jMAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first inserti; for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENT-S PER LINE. Classified Advs. MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment Charles Graham FOR SALE cents for first insertign and .151;th Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra GLASLYN GENERAL FRANC 6776 Dart, chestnut Belgian stallion, the property of J. W. Palmer, in service at Lot 22, Con. 2 Markham, or trucked to your farm. Terms: $12 payable March lst, 1941. Trucking charge within ten miles $1 payable at time of service. Mares not re- turned or disposed of will be charged for whether in foal or not. Owner of mare must assume all risks of accident. Phone Richmond Hill 4632. J. W. Palmer, owner. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for painting the exterior of the Public School. Tenders to be in by 6 o’clock Thursday, June 27th, 1940. Tender forms may be secured from the secretary. Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R 6 R‘OOMED HOUSE in Richmond Hill, all conveniences, furnace, gar- age, good garden. Apply Liberal Office. 4 RO-OMED BUNGALOW on Yongel hurst Road near Yonge Street, all hardwood, furnace. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 1191. THREE ROOMED APARTMENT to rent. Also 26 foot green spruce log for sale, will square 10x10. Apply on Fahey Estate, Eflgin Mills. 16 ROSEVIEW AVE, 6 rooms, and sun room, all conveniences, garden, double garage. For particulars ap- ply to Mr. J. R. Henington. HIOUSE on Richmond St., 6 rooms, all conveniences, furnace, garage, good garden, $20.00 per month. Im- mediate possession. Apply 87 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. MODERN APARTMENT convenient- Iy located, electric range. Apply Libâ€" era] Office. WEDNE SDAY, JUNE 26thâ€"Aucti0n 750711715 careless motorist ruined 300 tulips on the grounds of Orangeville public school one night last week. PASTURE FOR CATTLE. Apply William Leuschner, Headford. M'A‘LE ENGLISH SETTEIR, white with brown markings. Reward. Finder notify The Liberal. sale of Residential Property, antique and other furniture, household goods etc., the property of the estate of the late Thos. Keys, Maple Avenue, Maple. Sale at 1 pm. Standard Time. Terms for furniture, cash. For further particulars apply J. C. ‘Saigeon, Auctioneer, phone Maple 11. SALT & PEPPER FOX HOU‘N'D, tan head, lost June 10 in vicinity of Pine Grove and Woodbrid‘g‘e. Any- one knowing whereabouts notify ‘Constable Ireland, Kleinburg. A BOARD PUT HERE AND ONE NMLED THERE ' ‘ ' WlLL PUT YOUR HOME H‘LF'NE m STOCK REGISTER COMPANY RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL Sale Register TO RENT TENDERS RICHMOND HILL R. LYNETT, LOST Secretary-Treasurer THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1940. SMALL GAS ENGINE and Pump Jack. Must be in good repair. Also pigs around 60 or 75 lbs. each. Geo. McNair, Jefferson. Thousand? as going concern. Can pay cash. Immediate possession. No agents. Box 50 Liberal Office. Used Cars HORSES, CATTLE, HAY, Grain, Straw in exchange for Electric Re- frigerators, Milk Coolers, Ranges, Washers, Radios, 1‘50 models. B. R. Leech, Wa. 4501, Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St, Toronto. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t1 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. IT?S RESULTS THAT COUNT. For the best possible results in hatching, either turkey, duck, bantam, pheasant or hen eggs, bring your eggs to an expert. All eggs incubated and hatched in individual compartments. Any number of eggs accepted at any time. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. 100 ACRES WALNTED, value Ten J. A. ROSE, Maple, Ont, agent for M‘elotte and DeLaval cream separab- ors, Lesrter washing machines, Fleury-Bissell plows. Furnace work, eavetroughving and general tinsrmith work promptly attended. Your con- tinued patronage solicit/ed. 1938 FORD V-8 CABRIOLET (Con- 1938 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN â€"Excellent condition. 1931 FORD TUDORâ€"Thoroughly re- conditioned. FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 '1928 FORD SEDAN â€" Good Value. Little Brothers 1936 FORD V-8 LIGHT DELIVERY â€"Good condition. 1938 FORD V-8 TUDORâ€"Good .Taylor’s Radio Sales. 1 And Service TUBES TESTED FREE 127 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE 1940 LICENSES vertible)â€"A Sporty Car. Value. MISCELLANEOUS NEAL’S GARAGE Radio Licenses Richmond Hill NOW ON SALE AT $625.00 $175.00 $625.00 $135.00 $575.00 WANTED $375.00