Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Jun 1940, p. 6

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Your help 1‘ s urgently needed â€"please mail a donation Today! Phone 12 DOUBLE COUPONS DURING MONTH OF JUNE ON CHASSIS LUBRICATION, OIL CHANGES, TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL CHANGES, WASHING AND TIRES AND TUBES. ORDERS TAKEN AT THE LIBER AL OFFICE Cities Service Garage PAGE SIX It’s dangerous to drive on weak. contaminated, winter-worn oil. It may lead to costly repairs. Let us “spring condition” your car. This 7-point service won’t take long and it won’t cost you much. . .and it will put your car in tip-top shape for spring and summer driving. Come in today [:1 Maclean's Magazine, 1 Yr. fl Nattcmal Home Monthly, 1 Yr. [’1 Chatelaine Magazine, 1 Yr, [1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 Yr. D Colller's Weekly, 1 Yr. .. .. . .. DMaCXean's Magazine, 1 Yr. flCanadian Home Journal, 1 Yr. . DChatelai-ue Magazine, 1 Yr. . . . . . DNational Home Monthly, 1 Yr. .. ['_']True StOry Magazine, 1 Yr, . C] Magazine Digest, 1 Yr. . . . . . . DRed Book Magazine, 1 Yr. .. DNewsweek Magazine, 1 Yr. .. Dom-istian Herald, 1 Yr. . . A . . ‘ E] Woman's Home Companion, 1 HParents' Magazine, 1 Yr. THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year, and your choice any Two in group. Mark an “X” before the two you desire. THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year, and your choice One other Publication in group at the price listed. Whether you live in town or in the country . . . here’s a combination ofier to please your reading tastes . . . our paper and your favorite magazines at really huge savings. Make your selection and send us the coupon now! ianndinn Horticulture and Home Magazine. 2 Yrs. THIS 0FFER IS POSITIVELY GUARANTEED fiease allow four to SIX weeks for first copies of magazines to arnve. “Pfi‘PULAR DEMANW” OFFER 29 Yonge Street â€"thanks to successful surgical and hospital care at The Hospital for Sick Children. The continuance at this essential public service depends on funds contributed by charitably-minded Ontario citizens â€" the money can come from no other source. “BfiG THREE” OFFER TOWN AND / COUNTRY FOLKS Yl'. U Rod & Gun in Canada, 1 Y1: Richmond Hill E] American Boy, 6 M05. [’1 Parents’ Magazine, 6 {Was lj Home Art-s (Needlecraft), 1 Yr. 1‘] American Fruit Grower, ] Yr. $2.50 . 2.00 2.00 4.45 2.95 Gentlemen: I enclose 1 un checking bowl the one: desired With a. yes." lubscnpuon to your pm: ( ') "315 Three" ( )"Weekly Newspapcn" ( ) "Popular Demand" Please clip Est of magazines after checking one: desired. Fill out coupon carefufly. Name Pout Ollie. un.-......u....... Fill Out Couponâ€"Mail Today a Silver Screen, 1 Yr. . . . . . . . [3 Open Road (For Boys), 1 Yr. [jAmerican Girl, 1 Yr. [:1 American Boy, 1 Yr. ...... C] McCall’s Magazine, 1 Yr. .. UCanadian Horticulture and Home Magazine, 1 Yr. .‘ C] Screenland Magazine, 1 Yr. [1 Bed and Gun in Canada, 1 Yr. [:1 Flower Grower, 1 Yr. . . - - . . . . 1:] Child Life, 1 Yr. DWOman’s World, 1 Year ..... Province................. “1P; in this little game of life. I don’t} ask for any easy place in the line- up; play me anywhere you need me. I only ask for the stuff to give you one hundred per cent of What I've got. If all the hard drives seem to come my way, I thank you for the compliment. Help me to remem- ber that you won't ever let anything come my way that you and I to- gether can't handle. And help me to take the bad breaks as part of the game. Help me to understand that the game is full of knots and knocks and trouble and make me thankful for them. Help me to get so that the harder they come the better I like it. home, Castlemore for a quiet wedd evening when the Amelia Lindsay, ‘o And, 0 God, help me to always play on the square. No matter what the other players do, help me to come clean. Help me to study the Book so that I’ll know the rules, and to study and think a lot about the Greatest Prayer that ever lived, and other great players that are told about in the Book. If they fOund out that the best part of the game was helping other guys who were out of luck, help me to find it out too. Help me to be a regular feller with the other players. Dear God: Help n this little gam The Game Guy’s Prayer t Finally, 0 God, if fate seems to uppercut me with both hands and I’m laid on the shelf in sickness or old age 01' something, help me to take that as part of the game, too. Help me not to whimper, or squeaâ€"l that the game was a frame-up, or that I had a raw deal. When in the falling dusk I get the final bell, I ask for no lying complimentary stones. I’d only like to know that You feel that I've been a good, game'guy. val 1 un checking below ALL THREE ONLY THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO (I Author Unknown me to be a sport $2.15 L75 2.96 Keep on Producing What You Have Pro- duced, Gardiner, To Farmers. Mr. Gardiner said'that those who have studied the situation estimate Ithat larger quantities of products lwould be required next summer be- ‘cause of the enlistment of farm ‘hands in the army and other causes. Mininter of Agriculture says war effort does not require rapid switching from one product t9 another Canada’s Agricultural Policy in re- lation to its war effort was disclosed by Hon. J. G. Gardiner at some length in discussions in the House of Commons during the week. When war came, he pointed out, there was in Canada considerable surpluses of most farm products. There was a very large surplus of wheat and even now it is the largest in history. There are also large surpluses of pork and dairy products at the pre- sent time. What should the farmer produce? The Minister of Agriculture answer- ed this question by these words. “We have been constantly saying, and we think it is the proper thing to say, that the farmers of Canada can best serve the interests of Canada and the interests of the Allies, by con- tinuing to produce those staple pro- ducts which they were producing be- fore the war started. That is in so far as they were producing w'heat they should continue to produce wheat. In so far as they were pro- ducing different types of live stock they should continue to do 59.” There might be some difficulty in} marketing some of the less stapler products such as fruit even during the later years of the struggle in which we were engaged, the Minister thought. There certainly would be difficulty during the earlier years. But the Government felt that those who had been engaged in the pro- duction of staple products should continue because those were the pro- ducts which were going to be most needed through the war period. “If possible they should try to do it to better effect," he said. “They should try to produce a better pro- duct and a little more of that proâ€" duct if they can, but they should not attempt to switch rapidly from the production of one thing to the production of another.” When" West York Women’s Insti- tute members met at Kleinburg re- cently the following district officers were elected: Mrs. G. Grubbe, presi- dent; Miss M. Hambly, Vice-presi- dent; Mrs. C. Agnew, secretary- treasurer; Mrs. J. Reid, district ap- pointee to the federation board. Mrs. Reid was the retiring president. You say you pay only a very low rent for this beautiful apartment?” “Yes, but I’m going to move.” “Good gracious, what has come over you?” “An opera singer.” Buy Canadian, Buy British, Help Win the War. 0090904 i 2385 Dufferin Street, Toronto, KEnwood 6805, or Wesley Clark, Richmond Hill, telephone 4704 OOOOO< l Startwefii CHICK Mash Made according to the latest scientific formula, cor- rectly balanced and a result producer. Only the high- est quality of ingredients are used. FAIRBANK FEED CO. FOR BEST RESULTS â€"Useâ€" IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLES ERNEST DENBY, late of the Town- ship of Markham, in t York, farmer, deceaSed All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles Ernest Denby, aforesaid who died on or about May 3lst, 1940, are required to forward their claims duly proven to Mrs. Olga Denby, Thornhill P.‘O., the ad- ministratrix of this estate or to the undersigned on or before the 3lst day of July, 1940, after which date the assets of the said estate will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which khe administratrix shall then have received notice. Dated at Toronto this 14th day of June, 1940. along years Imported Suffolk Stallion, ‘ DEE-SIDE I-IOPEFUL (292) 6700, sired by Blackmore Hopeful 5296. Dam Maggiette (530) 170540, the property of Mrs. D. Ha‘muton, Old‘ Yonge St., Aurora, phone Aurora 374. This horse is a beautiful Chest- nut, weight nearly 2000‘ lbs. Will stanzl in own stable for Service throughout the season every Monday until Saturdayvnight. Terms: To insure foal $1.00 service,.$11.00 pay- able before March 1st, 1941. All achdents at owners risk. This horse will be trucked to William Glass’ stable, lot 11, Con. 5 Vaughan. Tele- phone Maple 7913 at noon hour of evening desired. , DEESIDE HO'PEFULL imported (292) 6700, formerly owned by Will- iam Glass, Maple, sold to Mrs. L. Hamilton, Aurora, will stand in their stable for service for the season. Notice to Creditors \ INSURANCE Purebred Percheron Stallion ROBB DALE CARBERT (15692) The property of William Glass, Lot 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 7913 Maple. This herse is black and weighs about 1950 lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season. Terms to in- sure foal $1.00, service $11.00, pay- auble on or before 151: March 1941. Persons disposing of their mares beâ€" fore foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be charged whether in foal or not. All accidents at owner’s risk. Markdale has pianted 300 trees ong‘ its streets in the last three STOCK REGISTER PARSONS & PAGE 18 Toronto Street, Toronto, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administratrix the County of THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1940. LIFE, FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY. GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS JONES COAL Co. Lehigh Valley BALING Hay & Straw WLNALmvâ€"J- .n Buy' British, Buy Canadian, and help win the war. Having taken over Moore Bros. baling business I am pre- pared to bale hay and straw on short notice. Price rea- sonable. Latest facility for moving outfit. THE DOMINION ELECTIONS ACT. 1938 Electoral District of York North SUMMARY OF RETURN OF ELECTION EXPENSES There is below set out, as required by Section 03 (5) of The Dominion Elections Act, 1938, a summary, signed by the official agent, of the return of election expenses made to me by him on behalf of Geor e M. Dix. one of the candidates at t e recent election of a member to serve in the House of Commons of Canada held in the above' mentioned electoral district, which said return is on file at my office and may, on payment of a fee of twenty cents, be there inspected and extracts taken there- from at any reasonable time during the six months next after the 2nd day of June, 1940, being the day upon which the said return was fur- .nished to me.r _.. ... .Au A--. ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF 00’s A. G. Savage ulbucu LU lllv. Dated at King City this 10th ‘day of June, 1940. AAAAAA vvnrr Receipts, contributions, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies” Candidate’s personal ex- penses . . . . . Hire of premises Services . . . . Goods supplied Advertising THE DOMINION ELECTIONS ACT, 1938 Electoral District of York North SUMMARY OF RETURN OF ELECTION EXPENSES There is below set out, as required by Section 63 (5) of The Dominion Elections Act, 717938! a summary, signed by the official agent, of the return of election expenses made to me by him on behalf of William Pate Mulock, one of the candidates at the recent election of a member to serve in the House of Commons of Canada held in the above mentioned electoral district, which said return is on file at my office and may, on payment of a fee of twenty cents, be there inspected and extracts taken there- from at any reasonable time during the six months next after the 2nd day of June, 1940, being the day upon which the said return was fur- nished to me. Sucressor to Moore Bros. Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley RR. 1 ‘Awlj-Q‘Eed‘vafuking City this 3155 d: of May, 1940. .VICTOR A. HALL, Summary of Return or Election Expenses of William Pate Mulock Receipts Receipts. contributions, etc., $3591.90, candidate. Total, $3591.90. Payments Candidate's personal expenses, $2237, telephone &) telegram; Postage, $433.64; Telegrams, $6.53; Petty claims, nil; Hire of premises. $152.00; Services, $1158.20; Travelling ex- penses and hire of vehicles, $129.21; Goods supplied and advertising, $1411.79; Advertising, $300.53. Total, $3614.77. Dated at Newmarket this alst day of May, 1940, 7 , 7 _ ~mnm“ Summary of Retfh‘n 01- Election Expenses of George M. Dix Total PERCY COBER Payments Receipts Telephone 188 Old Post Office Richmond Hill VICTOR A. HALL, Returning Officer K. M. R fiétfirning Offiéer Amount R. STIVER, Official Agent $66 5 :00 $665.00 AmOunt $100.00 155.00 8731.58 71.42 131.55 273.61 315% day 10

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