10 are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See You! Home Printer First ROSES Hybrid Teas or hybrid perpetual, a collection of 6, white, red or pink _ As above, a collection of 8, as;orted colors Individual bloom. Ramblers (small flowers), 6 clusters Polyantha (dwarf or baby raml‘olers), 4 clus- ters Climbers (largo flowers), 1:2 'blooms Specialâ€"Bouquet of reses With foliage, any types or varieties, arranged in a bowl or vase, the container itself to be approximately 4" to 6" in diameter at the nip. Prize, lst, $1.00; 2nd, 75c.; 3rd, 50c. ORDERS TAKEN AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE PEONIES 30â€, elrcumIerence, a. Single, any variety, 3 blooms v or both. Prizes, lst, Semi-double, any variety, 3 blooms 21. Phloxâ€"Perennial, 5 st Double, white, any variety, 3 blooms long stems GENERAL PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED IN THE EVENING PAGE EIGHT eer lef/ Sales Books ROSE AND PEONY SHOW MR. J. A. BALES, 104 MILL ST. Thursday Evening, June 27th Thornhill Motors Sunday School services will be held in Headford United Church on Sunday, June 23rd. Rev. J. Bur- bidge and Mrs. Burbidge of Korea Wlll be the speakers. In the mornâ€" ing at 11 am. Standard Time Mrs. B‘urybidge will speak to the children and special music will be supplied by the McDonald Male Quartette of Maple. At 7.30 o’clock Rev. J. Bur- bidge will be the speaker and Vic- toria Square choir will sing. The three small children of Mr. and Mrs. Burbidge will sing a number at each service in Korean and will be dress- ed in native costume, The Sunday School Picnic will held on Wednesday, July 10th, Miss Lapp’s Park, Cedar Grove. A 13 year old Welsh schoollboy kicked a Rugby fo‘otlball recently and it did not touch the ground for 5 milres...It dropped into a motor- ]orry passimg by the field, and! the lorry had travelled five miles be- fore the schoollbvoys, cycling furiousâ€" ly, caught up with it. STAGED ON THE LAWN OF H‘EADFORD 11. 12‘ 1‘3 19‘ 1 Double, pink, any variety, 3 blooms Domble, red, any variety, 3, blooms Individual bloom. Specialâ€"Collection of 8 blooms. Prizes, lst, 75c.; 2nd, 500. DELPHINIUMS Light blue, double or single, 4 spikes. Medium blue, double or single, 4 spikes Dark blue, double or single, 4 spikes Specialâ€"Collection of 10 spikes. Prizes, lst, 75c.; 2nd, 5100. Sweet Peas, collection, 25 stems Specialâ€"Bouquet of flowers arranged in a basket, approximate height of 'bouquet, 24†t0 30â€, circumference, 5', perennials or annuals or both. Prizes, lst, 75c.; 2nd, 5'0c. Phloxâ€"Perennial, 5 stalks, alike or different, at THO RNHILL A quiet marriage was solemnized in Trinity Church, Thornhill, Tuesâ€" day, between Jean Annie Kettlewell, daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. Asa Kettlewell, Markham township, and Mr. William Charles Ramster, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ram- ster, also of Markham township. The bride was attended by Mrs. A. E. Hughes. of Toronto, while the best man was Mr. T. A. Thorneycroft, of Thornhill. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. J. H. Colclough. The subject of the sermon at Trin- ity church on Sunday morning, June 23rd. will be “The Church and the The subject ity church on 23rd, will be War.†BREN GUN AND SPARE PARTS COST $572 The estimated cost of a Bren gun and its spare parts is $572., the gun ‘costing- $3732 and the spare parts $204. The estimated amount which will be paid for Bren guns already on order in Canada is $3,725,826, of which $1,882,997 have already been paid by the Government. ONTARIO THORNH I LL THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell, Mrs. M. Campbell and Mr. Burton Campbell of Argyle, .Mr. and Mrs. F. Fiske and Mr. and Mrs. H. Bur- ton of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Burton. Mr. Sid Baker and Mr. Art Far- row of the R.C.A.F. of Exhibition Camp and Mr. Elgin Banks of To- ronto visited at Mr. W. Reaman’s on Sunday. The Richvale Public School played Carrville Public School a return game of ball on Tuesday afternoon. Richvale were victorious by a score of 15-4. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clarke, Mrs. Hah- cock and Madelene Clarke spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rogers at Whitby. The Y.P.U. are holding a picnic at Hanlan’s Point on Saturday. The annual Strawberry Festival at Carrville church lawn on Thursday, June 27th. The Y.P.U. will present their play “Aunt Minnie From Min- nesota". Mr. and Mrs. Erickson have moved to their new house on Edgar Ave. and Mr. and Mrs. Nyman have re- turned to their house, vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Erickson. The Bingo Club are holding a Bingo and Dance at the home of Mrs. Perring on Saturday. The draw will be taken for the pillow slips and there will be an entrance fee. The proceeds are in aid of the Red Teston S. S. Anniversary services will be held next Sunday, June 23rd. At L1 a.m. Rev. John Ga110way of King City will preach and there will be a duet by Helen Campbell and Alfred Barker. At 7 p.m. Rev. Dr. E. J. Thompson of Aurora will be the guest preacher and Aurora Unitâ€" ed Church choir will-provide the spe- cial music. The annual Strawberry Festival will be held Wednesday evening, June 26th. Supper from 5 to 8 p.m. followed by the play “Uncle Cedric to the Rescue†presented by Salem Y.P.U. There will be music by Jun- ior Band of Dovercourt Corps of the Salvation Army. Admission Adults 40c., Children 20c. CANADA OFFERS HELP FOR EVACUEES The possibility of evacuating Brit- ish children to Canada is under the consideration of the government in Great Britain. Assurance of Canâ€" ada’s full coâ€"operation in this mat- ter has been given by Hon. T. A. Crerar, Minister of Mines and Re- sources. The plan may include Bel- gian and French children. What “Nazi†means? The word “Nazi†pronounced! ‘nahlt- zee’) is not in the German language, despite its general use to denote Ad’olph Hitler’s Government and fol- lowers. It is a coined: word) â€"â€" an abbreviation of ‘National Socialisten’, the German equivalent of ‘National Socialists’, which is the official name of the Hitler party. I‘OSS â€"â€" DANIEL FORETELLS ADOLF HITLER Daniel foretold Hitler, according to Right Hon. Ernest Brown, Secre- tary Bf State for Scotland. In fact, the Bible has quite a lot to say about him. Addressing the 1,500 delegates at the opening of the Baptist Union Assembly at the City Temple, Mr. Brown said a young man recently asked what the Bible had to say about Hitler. “I told him,†declared Mr. Brown, “you will find it in James Moffatt’s translation of the 11th chapter of Daniel, verse 21. It is an intimate account and career of a tyrant and it reads: “ ‘A despicable creature shall arise, one on whom the rnyal honor is not conferred, but who comes when men are off their guard and gains the kingdom by means of crafty prom- ‘ “ ‘He Shall work deceitfully. He rises to power by aid only of a small party. When men ale off their guard he attacks the leaders in each prov- ises “ ‘His favorites he shall advance to high power and make them rul- ers over the masses. “ ‘His heart was against the Holy Covenant. “ ‘Yet he shall come to _his end and none shall help him.’ †nee CARRVILLE TESTON The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. will hold its Junemeeting next Tuesday, June 25 at 2.30 pm. in Newtonbrook United Church. Dr. Babcock of To- ronto will be the special speaker. The Baby Band members and their moth- ers will be guests at this meeting. Capable young ladies will take charge of the children so that the mothers may be free from responsi- bility and enjoy the meeting. A cor- dial welcome to all. Newtonbrook United Church Sun- day School will hold its annual pic- nic on Saturday afternoon, July 6th to Woodland Park. Mrs. Pearson Sr. is spending a couple of months with friends in Missouri, U.S.A. Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Halbert at- tended a meeting of Toronto Centre Presbytery last Tuesday in Rich- mond Hill United Church. After lunch the visitors were invited to the Dunlap Observatory. Rev. A. E. Owen of Unionville will preach in the United Church next Sunday at 11 am. Rev. A. H. Hal- bert is preaching at the S. S. Anni- versary service at Unionville. A sewing meeting for the Red Cross will be held in the United Church S.S. room on Thursday at Deer Park United Church Chapel was the scene of a pretty wedding last Saturday afternoon when Helen Louise Tranter, daughter of Mrs. Florence Tranter of Toronto became the bride of Mr. Jack Duggan, eld- est son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Duggan of Newtonbrook. John Linn played the wedding music and Ambrose Boone sang during the signing of the register. The bride was given in marriage by her brother-in-law Arn- old Walker and wore a yellow gown of embroidered organdy made on prin- cess lines with short train. She wore a picture hat and carried a bouquet. She was attended by Miss Gwendo- lyn Denimery who wore green em- broidered organdy with picture hat. Harold Ddggan was his brother’s grcomsman and Peter Lloyd, Vernon Ensom and Jack Ensom were ush- ers. A reception was held following the ceremony at which the mother of the bride received the guests ‘wearing mauve sheer with shaded sweet peas and was assisted by the Igroom’s mother wearing dusty pink sheer with pink sweet peas. The young couple left later on a honeyâ€" moon and on their return will reside on Connaught Ave., Newtonbrook. y Among the guests at the Duggan- Tranter wedding last Saturday from Newtonbrook were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Glenn Shaw, Mrs. Harold Moore, Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbert, Misses Bertha and Irene Smith, Miss ‘Mary DOuglas, Miss Margaret Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wells. GIFTS WITHOUT SET PURPOSE PREFERRED While the Government fully ap- preciates free will money contribu- tions by Canadian citizens, it is pointed out by Finance Minister Ral- ston that it is preferable not to ear- mark the gift for a particular piece of equipment. The donors should permit their contributions to be add- ed to the consolidated revenue fund. In Rumania drunkards besides be- ing‘ fined, now have their names posted outside public houses and are refmsedI admission. Recent torrential rains reportedly caused $5000 damage to the Grand River dam now under construction east of Fergus. NEWTONBROOK THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1940. Auction Sale of Thomas Keys Estate MAPLE AVE. MAPLE, ONT. Wed’y, June 26th 1 Kitchen Table 6 Kitchen Chairs 1 8-Day Clock 2 Rocking Chairs 1 Coal Oil Stove, Imperial 1 Kitchen Cupboard 1 Sewmg Machine, Davis 1 Verandah Mat 1 Bench 1 Sofa 1 Sideboard 1 Mantel Radio, Electric, Philco 1 China Cabinet 1 Dining Room Table, 5 extra leaves, Antique Furniture and Other Furniture, Household Goods The Property of VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY and Stool, Dominion 1 Oak Hall Rack and Mirror 1 Hall and Parlor Carpet 1 Dining Room Rug, 7 ft. by 9 ft. A Quantity of Carpet 1 Walnut Hall Table 1 Rocking Chair A Number of Hall and Parlor Pic- tures, some hand-painted Bedroom Suites, complete Desk Walnut Occasional Chair Bedroom Chairs Bedroom Rocking Chairs Toilet Sets, complete Mattresses. good Feather Pillows Solid Butternut Set of Drawers Dresser Mirror 1 Old English Clock, solid brass works over 100 years old Number of Quilts4 Feather Ticks Quantity of Bedding 2 Maps 2 Chests 2 Coal Oil Stoves, Ovens Quantztv of Pooks 1 Old Irish Clock. brass works over 1“0 years old Number of Garden Tools ° Burk Saws 1 Wringer Quantitv of Dishes 3 Comnlete Sets of Dishes 1 Oat Bin 1 Wood Box 1 Fruit Cupboard x Quantity of Fruit Quantity of Sealers HHmWMNGIP-‘HW Peel county council has decided to curtail dust annoyance on a road running three and a half miles from Malton airport and air training school to the York county boundary. This will continue to do this and maintain the road until relief is re- ceived from the department of na- tional defence. 9,- Pair‘Velnur Drapes Number of Crocks '2 Iron Pots 1 Copper Boiler 1 Rain Barrel 1 Brass Lantern Other articles too numerous to men- tion TERMSâ€"CASH No Reserve Sale at 1 p.m. Standard Time There [will be offered for sale at 2.15 pm. S.T. the dwelling, stable and garage on lot having frontage of 75 ft. and depth of 125 ft. more or less. The dwelling is frame, two and a half stcry, shingle roof new 3 years ago, new 3 piece bath, septic tank etc., electric water heater, new motor. There are 7 rooms and a summer kitchen, hot air furnace good as new, cellar shelving, tables, blinds, curtains, electric fixtures, linoleum in bath and kitchen go with dwelling. Everything in first class state of repair. Possession July lst, 1940. Open for inspection until day of sale. Terms for house: 10 per cent on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Property to be sold- subject to reserve bid. For further particu- lars apply to J. C. SaigeOn, Maple, phone 11, Auctioneer. Chair, Maple Electric Table Lamp Parlor Tables Parlor Rocking Chairs Solid AWalnut Par10r Rocking Chairs . 3-Piece Solid Walnut 'Parlor Suite Solid Hand Carved Walnut Piano lMaï¬le Dining Rqom Chairs and 1 Arm J. C. SAIGEON, Auctioneer