Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jun 1940, p. 4

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SUMMARY This week in the Canadian Parâ€" liament was one of the most. historic in its record. The principal deci- sions made both in Parliament and in the departments of Government can be summarised as: 1. An act empowering the Govern,- ment to mobilize all the effective re- sources of the nation, both human and material, for the purpose of de- fence and security of Canada passed both Houses of Parliament. .2. Notification given to Parliament of the intention of the Government to establish without deLay 8. Depart- ment of National War services to (no-ordinate existing voluntary war services and to direct and] mobilize others. 3. House of Commons agreed to the setting-up of a select committee to consider the Defence of Canada Regulations and to prescribe penalâ€" ties for infractions, 4. Acting Defence‘Minister Hon. C. G. Power informed: Parliament of the intention to enlist 70,000 more men, above the present existing strength of the active service forces for service at home and abroad. 5. Canada heard through the Prime Minister that Canadian troops are now in Iceland and in Newfoundland for the purposes of the defence of those islands. 6. Hon. 0. D. Howe, Minister of Munitions and Supply, announced that construction already had been commenced on two munitions pr0< jects announced last week. 7. Anti-tank and anti-aircraft shell production, it is announced. by the Department of Munitions and Supâ€" ply, has been increasecl by more than 30 per cent. Bren guns are now CANADA’S WAR EFFORT RED CROSS RALLY and FESTIVAL UNIONVILLE. Friday, July 5th, 1940 An interesting programme will be rendered by the following artists: MISS M. BOYLE, Thornhill, Elocutionist GIRLS’ ORCHESTRA FROM TORONTO GEORGE WILSON, Markham, Soloist Speaker fr0m Red Cross Headquarters THE RYERSON CONCERT PARTY, Toronto, (Minstrels) MARKHAM BAND aniission to Park and Concert, Adults 25c., Children 10c. The Markham Township Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society CROSBY MEMORIAL PARK Refreshment Booth Musical Program at 8 o’clock Standard Time Ball game between 2 Toronto teams at 7.30 pm. Rain or shine programme will be held under cover Rea-established in our Former Quarters Now fully modernized we invite your continued patronage. Our stock is now replenished with high quality merchandise which we are pleased to offer you at most attractive prices. As special bargains we offer this week: Men’s slightly‘ soiled sport shirts, extra fine quality, regular $1.45, special While they last . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Men’s High Quality Windbreakers, fine material and attract- ive colors, regular $6.75, special at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.95 Children’s 'Shoes, sizes 2 to 5, White or Black, three strap or oxfords, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.49 Women’s Sport Shoes, special per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.49 Now in Modernized Quarters at the 01d Stand, Corner Yonge and Richmond Streets RICHMOND HILL PAGE FOUR R. J. CRAIGIE GOD SAVE THE KING! the Govemâ€" coming off the assembly line on a fass production basis. 8. Registration of all man power is to proceed immediately. 9. Canada agreed to accept and to establish camps for aliens now in detention in Great Britain, and for prisoners of war also held there. 10. School children of Great Britr ain presently to the number of 10,- 000 to be received in Canada for the duration of the war. 11. Ten principles promulgated by Order in Council to prevent inrter- ruption of production or distributive work by strikes or lockouts during the war. 12. Alien appeal tribunal abolish- ed and authority to release these in detention vested‘ in Minister of Just- ice alone. 13. Nineteen infantry reserve com- panies for the Veterans' Home Guard‘ to be organised. DETAIL COMPLETE MOBILIZATION: Bill 43, which will rank with the most important measures in Canada’s his- tory“ empowers the Government to mobilize “All the effective resources of the nation, both human and] maâ€" terial, for the defence and security of Canada". A short Act of but six clauses and a preamble, it was pass- ed by both Houses of Parliament on June 20th. Entitled “The National Resources Mobilization Act, 1940”, its main provision is to enable the Government to “Do and‘ authorize such acts and things, and make from time to time such orders and reguâ€" lations, requiring persons to place themselves, their services and their property at the disposal” of Canada. Clause three of the Act contains Clause three of the Act contains a limitation of conscription for ser- vice in the active forces to Canada only and the territorial waters thereof, while the time limit of oper- ation is definitely set as “The con- tinuation of the state of war now existing“. The Prime Minister, in presenting the Bill, explained that these additional powers were necess- ary both for the purpose of assist- ance to Britain and for the defence of Canada. The bill is intended “To remove any doubt as to the power of the Government, and! the will of Parliament that the whole material resources of the country shall be available whenever they are required to meet the needs of the war.” Ser- vice in the \overseas forces, the Prime Minister declared, would‘ re- main on the present voluntary basis of recruitment. NEW DEPARTMENT: Depart-l merit of National War Services is a new branch of the Government to be set up at once, the Prime Min- ister has announced. A Minister will be placed in charge. The pur- pose of the new department is not‘ merely to coordinate the activities of existing voluntary war services. It will be entrusted with the duty of directing and mobilizing the ac-‘ tivities of thousands of citizens who are seeking practical and useful out- lets for; their enthusiasm and patri- otism. Women's organizations, paâ€"i triotic onganizations, commercial or-' garnizations, and many other groups of men and women banded together in the national interest are consid- ered a vast field of activity for spon- ‘ taneous service. The object of the new department is to help Canad- ians to help Canada by their free- will offerings generously made and generously continued. The Minister charged with the duties of this de- partment will be expected immedi- ately to establish a dominion-wide organization of voluntary service, which will be assisted by branch committees im all parts of the coun- try. LABOUR: By Order in\ Council, a set of ten principles has been out- lined to avert labour troubles during the period of the war. These demand fair and reasonable standards of wages with bonuses Where they should apply. Other points are:‘ safeguards for protection of health and safety of the workers; no strikes or lockouts, but the settle- ments of differences by reference to the Government conciliatibn services or the Industrial Disputes Investigaâ€" tion Act; freedom of union organisa- tion; freedom of negotiation with employers by representatives of such unions; scrupulous observance of all! agreements; no coercion or intimi- dation by workers to induce others to join unions; suspension of exist- ing agreements necessitated by war demands, to be made only by agree- ment between the parties concerned. The Order also suggests that where hours of work must be extend-ed, additional shifts be established rath- er than the employment of workers for long hours of overtime. To have the last word with :1 WO- manâ€"apologise. ONTARIO THE LIBERAL, RIUh'MOyD HIE.” ONTARIO STRAW BERRIE‘S. Apply Orr, Maple. H’OT‘AIR FURNACE complete with registers, cheap. Telephone Rich- mond: Hilll 136r2. COOK STOVE with tank, $3.00 if sold this week. Mrs. A. Wright, Stop 17A, Thornhill. 18 A‘CIRES ALFALFA, also 18 acres timothy. Will sell standing. Apply Wm. Leuschner, Headford-. JERSEY 00W, excellent condition, in full flow. Apply H. W. Kanis, '1013 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. 8 GAS DRUMS; set scales, 1200 lbs., wagons; 20 bus. turnips. Apply J. Baker, foot of Church Street, Rich- mond‘ Hill. POLICE PUP, beautiful steel grey, 11 months old, good watch dog, grand disposition, cheap. '0. Bowerbank, Stop 17A, Thornhill. HALL SEAT AND MIRROR, Minto Cook Stove made by Happy Thought. A11 in good condition. Apply Chas. Crook, Maple. 1931 FORD ‘CJOACH in good condi- tion, $160. $30 cash, balance month- 1y, without interest. Phone Agin- court 6J2. HEAVY WOODEN BARRELS, very large and strong, hold abOu.t 90 gal- lons. Only $2.00, worth $10. Demp- sey Brothers, Lansing. MASSEY-HARRIS MOWER; Water tanks, wood. and iron; bench drill; pipe fittings. J. H. Young, Green- 'hzouses, Steele’s at Bayview. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, fam- ily size, 5 year guarantee, special $149.95â€"$l.50 per week. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St; 1173 St. Clair Ave. W. ATTRACTIVE BUILDING LOT frontage Church Street. Apply Na- tional Trust Company Ltd., Toronto, Trustees for the H. A. Nicholls Estate. 'BUEJSCHER C MELODY Silver- plated Saxophone in good condition, priced reasonable for cash. Apply to Earl Howard, Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVER’I‘lSiNGfiâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents tor each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. BIUY TWO SAANE‘N COATS a_nd quit paying milk bills, milkers, year- lings and kids. Several from which to choose. E. G. McKean, Thorn- hill. Phone 36-11. YOU‘NG PURE BIRED GUERNSEY stock from best blood lines with R.O.P. record-s. Accredited and» blood testdd. D. G. M‘cAllister, Richmond 7 ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, 6095 Yonge Street, Newtonbrook, or to rent. All conveniences, 1/2 acre of land, stop 128. Mrs. I. Hord, 31/2 miles east of Thornhill, John Street. Hill, phone 4631 RA‘DIOS, 1940, WESTINGHOUSE, $16.95. Only 50c. a week. All lead- ing makes. 150 models. Toronto Radio 8; Sports Ltd., Canada’s larg- est radio and sports firm, 241 Yonge St. 1173 St. Clair W. Classified Advs. HOUSE for sale or rent on Baker Avenue, Richmond Hill, 6 rooms and bath, wired for stove, furnace, gar- age, garden. Possession August lsrt. Apply A. E. Jones, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 1‘021‘22. 5 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, with hydro and water, 1% acres rich soll, fruit: trees and lots of small fruit. Excellent buy at $1700, easy terms. Located in Richmond Hill. No en- cumbrance. Apply by letter to Box 440, Liberal Office. WESTINGHOUSE NEW ELECTRIC RANGE. Automatic Contrgl Reg. $115.00, special $89.00. Terms $1.00 weekly. $20.00 rebate from Hydro. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St., 1173 St. Clair W. one horse rake; one wagon and rack; one Massey-Harris 6 ft. binder; one 15-30 tractor, completely overhauled; ‘one 10-20 tractor; one horse trailer; 'three young horses, Percherons. Ap- 'p1y Floyd R. Perkins, Richmond Hill, phone 73J. THREE MOWM, entirely rebuilt; RESULTS: T} FOR SALE nea 1% acres rich soil, advertisement was nspicuous yet hun- Elmer 4 BURNER OIL STOVE) Perfection. 2 used washers; 1 used electric Kel- vinator refrigerator, good- buy. Ap- ply Yerex’s Electric Sh-op, Richmond Hill MODERN APARTMENT convenient- ly loc‘ated, electric range. Apply Lib- eral Office. 16 ROSEVIEW AVE, 6 rooms and sun room, all conveniences; garden, double garage. For particulars ap~ ply to Mr. J. R. Herrington. HOUSE on Richmond St., 6 rooms, all conveniences, furnace, garage, good garden, $20.00 per month. Im- mediate possession. Apply 87 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. SATURDAY, JUNE 29 â€" Auction sale of Household Furniture and: other effects at Markham Rink, the property of Mr. Ken Prentice. The furniture is all in good- condition and will be sold without reserve. Sale at 2 pm. DJS.T. Terms Cash. J. H. Prentice, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, JULY 6â€"Auction sale 'of household furniture, hen house, 'tools, etc., the property of James ‘Fisher, Yonge and Jane Sts., Thorn- ‘hill. Terms cash. Sale at 2 o’clock Standard Time. J. H. Prentice, Auc- 'tiorneer. TUESDAY, JULY 9thrâ€"Auction- sale of farm stock, implements, furniture etc., the property of Edmund Har- ris, Lot 3‘2, Con. 6 Vaughan. No reserve as farm is sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1 o’cloek ST. 0. E. Walk- ington, Auctioneer. RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for painting the exterior of the Public School. Tenders to bel in by 6 o’clock Thursday, June 27th, 1940. Tender forms may be secured from the Secretary. at Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. TORRS MARQUIS (imp.) 27437 (629) Clydlesdale Stallion This horse has proven to be a sure foalâ€"getter and good stock horse. He will standI at his own stable the property of Mrs. Oscar Cox, 1% miles east of Unionville on No. 7, Highway. Termsâ€"To insure foal, $12.00 paya‘ble March lst, 1941. Per- sons disposing of their mares before- foaling‘ time will be charged wheth- er in foal or. not. All accidents at owner’s risk. June, 1940 STOCK REGISTER Vaughan Council Radio Licenses NEAL’S GARAGE The regular July meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore TUESDAY, JULY 2nd 1 PM. for the transaction of General Business Dated at Maple this 27th day of Sale Register Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment T0 RENT Richmond Hill Charies Graham NO\V ON SALE AT TENDERS R. LYNETT, MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Secretaryâ€"Treasurer THURSDAY, JUNE 27th, 1940. .Taylor’s Radio Sales. And Service FARM HAND wanted, single. Ap- ply G. B. Webster, Garden Avenue, Langstaff. '" ' ‘ ’ TO BUY about 200 bushels, or smal- ‘ler quantity of oats. Apply Box 72. The Liberal Office. B‘OY’S BICYCLE wanted in good condition, medium size. Telephone Thornhill 2. 3 to 5 ACRES TIMOTHY Hay stand- ing or cut, vicinity of Temperance- ville. Apply Box 66 Liberal Office. 127 Yonge SL. Richmond Hill Phone 226 Some Bargains in New and Used Radios 100 ACRES OR MORE wanted in Vaughan or Markham, good] build- ings, prefer high-way. Apply Box 20, Liberal Office. ' housework. References. Mrs. B. R. Leech, Leechwood Farm, 2% miles east of Thorphill, phone Thornhills [18122. EXPERIENCED GIRL for general MARRIED MAN without children, experienced dairyman and horseman wanted to take charge of 100 acre farm near Thomhil] and1 board: two helpers. Box 102, Liberal Office. HORSES, CATTLE, HAY, Grain, Straw in exchange for Electric Re- frigerators, Milk Coolers, Ranges, Washers, Radios 150 models. B. R. Leech, Wa. 4501, Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge‘Stq Toronto. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. tt ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt-Avenue. 2 DAYS O‘NJLY remains to secure the Etude, famous music magazine at the current rate $2.25 per year or $4.00 for 2 years. Please tele- phone Mrs. Sloan, Richmond Hill 1021‘14. J. A. ROSE, Maple, Ont., agent for Mvelotte and DeLaval cream separat- ors, Lester washing machines, Fleury-Bissell plows. Furnace work, eavetroughing and general tinsvmith work promptly attended. Your con- tinued patronage solicited. the best pOSsible results in hatching, either turkey, duck, bantam, pheasant or hen eggs, bring your eggs to an expert. All eggs incubated and hatched in individual compartment; Any number of eggs accepted at any time. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill. [T’S RESULTS THAT COUNT. For Some men are born meek, and others get married. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars No Advance In Prices Yet 1938 FORT; v-s CABRIOLET (Con- vertible)â€"A Sporty Car. MISCELLANEOUS 1936 FomS v-s DeLUXE SEDANâ€"- TUBES TESTED FREE 1936 FORD V-8 LIGHT DELIVERY â€"Good condition. Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHON' lil'itih Trunk; Heater; Blue with White Wall Tires; small mileage; a bargain. W A NTE'D $625,199 $475.00 $375.00 PHONE 174

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