Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jun 1940, p. 5

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Mr. and Mrs. Donald Merchant of St. Catharines attended the wedding of the former’s school chum, Grace Johnston of Maple on- Saturday. The Merchants called on her mother Mrs. T. L. Williams, who with Rev. T. L. Williams of Cranfbrook, B.C., are spending a. couple of weeks in King. Congratulations are due Miss Betty Ball and Miss Jean Ross who have passed the Toronto Normal School examinations. Miss Ball has already been engaged as teacher at Hartman’s Corners, vacated by Miss Mildred! Foote of Stouffville. Miss Foote and Mr. Lorne Widueman, also a teacher, are to be married this mimmm‘. Boh are known in this uvcsnnq 0â€"- _ The Ferguson clan gathered at ‘Cedarvale School, Georgetown, on Saturday, 100 attending. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson of Mitchell were the oldest couple, having been married fifty years. Robert Bell, 5 months old, was the youngest. It is well unto 12-0 years since Thomas Ferguson and his wife came from Ayrshire, Scotland to Pennsylvania, ‘where his son Hugh was born. Later ‘he moved to Thornhill, thence to King. Four hundred acres were tak- ‘en Up from the third concession line east. Although Thomas was a weavâ€" er by trade, he made beautirful pais- ley shawls as part of the handiâ€" craft. Thomas Ferguson of Scots Who} Hae was the oldest unmarried member present. Lindsay Ferguson and family of eight children of Rock- wood captured the largest family 'prize. , .u _ , n.....-nnn-'he a teacher, are to be married this summer. Boh are known in this district. Miss Mary Jane Walker celebratâ€" ed her ninth birthday on June 20th entertaining twelve friends to afterâ€" noon tea and party games. Master Beverley Neill, eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H0ward Neill of Eversley, received a gash in the forehead when he was acciâ€" dentally struck by a bicycle ridden by one of his chums on the way home from school. Three stitches were necessary to close up the cut. A gravel road is no cushion to tumble on, nor was the cement floor that met Beverley’s headi only a short time ago. A fellow‘s head can stand so much and no more. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wellesley and' family visited his parents on Sunday, celebrating his birthday. Mrs. S. McVittie of Toronto visitâ€" ed Miss Tinline last week attending E'versley garden party. n J A; â€" Mr. and Mrs. Thomas burl‘oug of Stayner were weekâ€"end guests Mrs. Gellatly. :- n! 3,. side points attended nversxey uni- den Party. Assist King City Women’s Insti- tute in carrying forward communâ€" ity war work. Lake Marie and King Athletic Association will sponsor a King City street dance on August 7th. A bicycle belonging to Allan Crossley was removed from the horse shed' one evening; last week. It was THURSDAY, JUNE 27th, 1940. (Sumiuer and Winter) olde tyme and modern at the following halls APOLLO HALL (BrunSwick 8; Bloor) Tuesday, Friday ST. JULIAN’S HALL (1330 Bloor St. W.) Wednesday SOVEREIGN HALL (805 Dovercourt Rd.) Saturday Courtesy and strict order assured PRIZES EVERY NIGHT ADMISSION 35c. Caller â€" Milt Abrahams THE CENTURY BOYS ORCHESTRA King City District News You are invited to attend our annual good-will basket PICNIC, Area 20-21 High Park, Toronto MONDAY AFTERNOON, JULY lst , he made beautiful pai's- as part of the handiâ€" >mas Ferguson of Scots was the oldest unmarried esent. Lindsay Ferguson of eight children of Rockâ€" 11'ed the largest family Thomas Burroughs Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hunter and family attended the lCIarkson reun- ion at Woodbrid'ge on Saturday. The Webster reunion was held at Harry We‘bster’s, Kettleby, on Sat- urday. ‘Mr. and Mrs‘. Del Paton of Laskay ‘Mr. and Mrs. Del Paton of Laskay were tendered a receptiOn and pre- sentation from the community in Las‘kay Hall Thursday evening when a wedding gift of a studio couch was given them, the address read by Mrs. Brydon Lloyd. Mrs. Ross Walker, Mrs. Harry Finch and Mrs. Eli Hollinshead, from All Saints W.A.; Mrs. Woods and Miss Newbury from St. John’s were delegates to the annual Deanery W.A. at Richmond Hill last week. All Saints congregation and St. John’s, Oak Ridvges will picnic at Centre Island on July 10th and 11th respectively. I W .11.. Ayurv-" . One of the to‘wnship’s outstanding events will be the Lloydtown Reun- ion at Lloydtown, 8.8. 5, on Saturâ€" day, June 29th. Extensive prepara- tions have been made fer Oldl Boys and Girls to return for this momentâ€" ous occasion. A lively committee, headed by Herbert Sawdon, teacher, supported by ardent enthusiasm of‘ 'the entire section, have planned! for 1000 people who will witness one of rthe most complete and interesting -getâ€"togethers and programmes. At 3 pm. a cairn will be urwefled 'in the old cemetery of St. Mary’s lMagdalene dedicated by Archbishop Derwyn T. Owen, in memory of the departed. 2;". u‘rw- -_.V.. Sports will be helcl in the after- noon and a program in uhe evening When the minister of education, Dr. 'L. J. Simpson, will speak. Former rteachers and pupils will reminisce, and an excellent concert group and rsand will entertain. Everyone is ‘ Hugh Crossley, a veteran of the last war, now serving in the Canâ€" adian Home Defence, spent the Week-end with his mother here. The death of John D. Willis, in his 67th year, occurredl suddenly 'Dhurs- day, June 20th. at his late residence 'Lot 5, Con. 6. Deceased was the third son of the late John Willis and Isabella Paton, pioneers of King Township. For a number of years he farmed in the Canadian West coming back to the farm where he was born. He had been in poor health for some time. Surviving are two brothers, Joseph and Fred; his wife and two young children. The funeral service was held from the residence, Rev. D. G. Davis officiat- ing, with interment in King Ceme- tery. Sympathy is conveyed to the bereaved family in the loss of a fine citizen and loved one. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hewitt and sons, Howardl Hewitt C.Q.M.S. and Leslie, of Port Hope visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. My'bks, Yonge Street. Dr. J. V. Follett of Calgary visit- ed his brother, Rev. C. W. Follett, this week. He was accompanied by Mrs. Follett. Mr. and. Mrs. J. E. Smith attended the0 Ontario-Quebec Lions Conven- tion in Montreal this week. Mr. William Marshall of Whitby is visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Yerex this week and renewng old acquaint- ances. The annual Rose and Peony Show of the Richmond, Hill Horticultural Society is being held today, Thursâ€" day, at the home of Mr. J. A. Bales, 104 Mill Street. The general pub- lic cordially invitdd to visit the show this evening. In the presence of all pupils and: staff of the Richmondi Hill Public School, pupils of Mrs. M. L. McConâ€" aghy who is retiring this year after thirty-four years consecutive service as a teacher in Richmond Hill, preâ€" sented her with an addrress read by Doreen Hornet and several tokens of their love and esteem. On behalf of the pupils George Doherty present- ed Mrsu iMcConaghy with an oil painting by Phyllis Zwaryck, a sen- ior pupil, Bruce Chamney made the presentation of a flannel house-coat and slippers, Kenneth Bennett a set of snapshots of school pupils, and Beverley Charles 2. beautiful bquuet of flowers. Following the presentaâ€" tion a school picnic was enjoyed. happy throng at the Girls’ Red Cross Dance on Wedmasd‘ay, July 3rd. The High School Gymnasium will resound to the sweet strains of Max Boag’s far famed orchestra and balloons and bouquets will add that touch of extra enlivenment. Dress will be optional with admission 50¢. per per- son. Dancing from 9 o’clock to 1. Remember it’s a date. GIRLS’ RED CROSS DANCE If you are on the lookâ€"out for a carefree evening come and join the IN MEMORIAM SHIELDSâ€"In lowing memory of our darling little son (Jackie) J ohm Rob- ert who passed away June 28, 1929, aged 8 years. If all the world were ours to give, We’d give it yes and more To see our darling’s face again, And greet him at the door. Our lips cannot tell how we miss him, Our hearts cannot tell what to say; God alone knows how we miss him In a home that is lonesome todlay. Safe in the arms of Jesus. fiSadfly missed by Mother, Daddy, â€"1S‘adfly missed b3 Sister and Brother. Sunday, June 30 Trin: 1‘0 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. ‘11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and ‘ men. 7 p.mâ€"â€"Evening Prayer and men. Preacher at both services, the Guild of Health Wednesday 2 pm. Intercessions for Empire Wednesday 8.3-0 p.m. ton Guild PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D Cunningham, B.D., Minister Suiuay, June 30th 10 a_m..â€"Sunday School. 10 a.m.â€"-Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"“David â€"â€" Minstrel, POet, Saint.” 7 p.m.â€"â€"“Principles andi Perfection.” Religion as well as the nation de- mands real sacrifice of pleasure and comfort. Social and Personal UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor ‘Dominion Day Sunday, June 30th 9.45 a.m.â€"-Sunday School. All De- partments. '11 a.m.â€"Public worship. The pastor "in charge. Inspiring music by choir and congregauon. “0 God of love, 0 King of peace, Make wars throughout the world to Rector: Rev. cease; The wrath of sinful man restrain, Give 'peace, 0 God; give peace aâ€" ‘ gain.” NB.â€"â€"No evening service Prepare for your summ Choose your style and garment now. Garments : dollars up for onercom; For appointment call Phone Aurora 160 or Richmond Hill 9 FOUNDATION GARMENTS CORSETIERE Mrs. E. C. Fielding MOTOR INN â€" Aurora ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) )r: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road SPIRELLA at both services, the ’Rec- LIBERAL PRINT, RICHMOND HILL four summer vacation. style and order your Garments are from ten one Vcomplete outfit. Trinity 6 and Ser- Ser- The Red Cross Work Room will «be open at, 2 p.m. on Wednesday, July 31d. The semiâ€"annual buisness meet- ing will be held at 3.30 p.m. A finan- cial report, covering receipts and: disbursements during the past six ‘months will be presented. Will any ladies having unclaimedi cake pans or pie plates, obtained at the recent cooking sale. kindly bring them to the Red 01-055 Work Room, for distribution to their owners. During the past week a shipment of knitted articles was made to headquarters, consisting of 72 pairs of socks, 17 helmets, 9 pairs wrist- lets, 13 scarves, 2 sweaters. In 1848 Henry Richard, a Welshman, member of the British House of Commons, wrote the following words: “Give me the money that has been spent on war and‘ I will purchase every foot of land upon the globe. I WILL CLOTHE every man, woman and child in an attire of which Kings and Queens would be proud. I WILL BUILD a school house on every hillside and in every valley over the whole earth. I WILL BUILD an academy in every town and endow it; and a college in every state and fill it with able professors. . I WILL CROWN every hill with a [place of worship, c0nsecrated to the promulgation of the Gospel of peace. . I WILL SUPPORT in every pulpit an able teacher of righteousness, so that on every Sabbath morning the chime on one hill should an- swer the chime on another round the earth’s wide circumference; and the voice of prayer and the song of praise should ascend like a universal hosanna to Heaven.” WHAT WOULD HE SAY TODAY? SHORT EDITORIALS All nations smile in the same language. Xnytine who stops learning is old, whether that happens at eighteen or at eighty. It'is not who is right, but what is right that is the jrnvportant thing- in this life. - Ahfiosi all men are intelligent; it is method that most of them lack. Everything that is worth While has a fence around it â€"- but there are always a gate and a key. THE GIGANTIC COST OF WAR. More minerals have been taken out of the earth since 1900 than in all previous history, by conservative estimate. Old maids know best how to raise children, and professional politicians know best how to run other people’s businessâ€"Provincial Paper. Red Cross Notes What Would He Say Today? BUSES LEAVE S U M M E R TIME TABLE Effective Saturday, June 29 Leave Richmond Hill To North Bay To North Bay 8.03 am. 10.28 a.m. x 1.43 pm. y 6.10 pm. : To Orillia; y To Huntsville onnections at North Bay for Sudbury, Blind River and intermediate points Watch this space next week . A. DONNELLY BUS TRAVEL INFORMATION A1 Telephone 177 WWWWOWW STRAWBERRY SUPPER RICHMOND HILL Presbyterian Church Get top service from new tires. Equip them with low-cost Goodyear tubes! N. Young’s Service. YONGE STREET Wed., J uly 3rd 0 Make sure t_his coming holiday I rr‘ALA A Jun-v v..-' ____- v A r u is free from tire trouble! Take a look at those smooth, worn-out tires and then decide to drive in and let us equip your car with new Goodyears all around. ‘- AI 11C" UUVUJvuAu w'_â€" _,, , We have a large stock of Goodyears at different prices . . . each is tops in mileage, quality and value in its price class! Lowest price or highest price. . . no matter what you pay . . . you can’t buy better tires than Goodyears. Drive in today! We have Goodyears at the price you want to pay! “'KING OF THE LUMBERJACKS ” â€"â€" AND â€"- MAY ROBSON - HARRY DAVENPORT in “ GRANNY GET YOUR GUN ” Wednesday & Thursday. July 3 - 4 TYRONNE POWER - DOROTHY LAMOUR EDWARD ARNOLD in “ JOHNNY APOLLO ” Today, Thursday, June 27th GLADYS GEORGE - JEFFREY LYNN in “ A CHILD IS BORN ” Under auspices of Women’s Association Supper served from 5.30 pm. D.S.T. TICKETS 25 Cents SHOWS START AT 8 RM. and 10 RM. D.S.T. Monday & Tuesday, July 1 - 2 ANN SHERIDAN - JEFFREY LYNN in “ IT ALL CAME TRUE ” JOHN PAYNE - GLORIA DIXON in Eiday & Saturday, June 28 - 29 JONES FAMILY “ YOUNG AS YOU FEEL ” â€"â€"AN'D â€" ON THE LAWN OF RICHMOND HILL PAGE FIVE MORE PEOPLE RIDE 0N GOODYEAR TIRES THAN UN Station ANY OTHER KIND

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