Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jun 1940, p. 6

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INSURANCE LIFE, FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BOND? SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF 00’s A. G. Savage PAGE SIX Phone 12 DOUBLE COUPONS DURING MONTH OF JUNE ON CHASSIS LUBRICATION, OIL CHANGES, TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL CHANGES, WASHING AND TIRES AND TUBES. Cities Service Garage It’s dangerous to drive on weak, contaminated, winter-worn oil. It may lead to costly repairs. Let us “spring condition” your car. This 7-point service won’t take long and it won’t cost you much. . .and it will put your car in tip-top shape for spring and summer driving. Come in today Old Post Office Richmond Hill $169.95 FROM 29 Yonge Street YEREX’S RADIO STORE YONGE STREET WHAT HE SOUGHT The inebriate was staggering along the sidewalk when a cop on beat asked him what he was doing. “Be- lieve it or not, I’m looking for a parking space,” answered the one under the influence. “But you hav- en’t an automobile,” said the bob-by. “Oh, yes I have, it’s in the parking space I’m hunting for!”â€"â€"From Blair- more Enterprise. Richmond Hill The thing you want most of all in your refrigerator is plenty of spaceâ€"space to store everything that should be kept in the refrigera- torâ€"space for extras at holiday time. And here's the refrigerator that gives it to you and gives it in such abundance that you actually “HELP YOURSELF 1feeding Dairy Cows'Hay Making . on Pasture Rain Pasture provides the cheapest feed available for milk production, and it is highly desirable to provide cows with an abundance of green herbage as long as possible throughout the pasture season. Early grazing helps to accomplish this. C. D. MacKenzie, Divis'on of Animal Husbandry, Do- mininn Experimental Farm Service, minion Experimental Farm serv1ce, also suggests practising rotatiOnal grazing, using annual pasture crops such as oats and sudan grass, and providing the cows with aftermath from part of the area used for hay. Also, silage and soiling crops can often be used to supplement the reg- ular pastures, particularly during the latter part of the summer. Oh good pasture cows giving from 30 to 3'5 pounds of milk daily need very little grain. However, cows giving over this amount require one pound of meal for each three pounds ‘of milk produced above it. As young growing grass is high in protein, a meal mixture composed to home- grown grains such as oats and bar- ley is satisfactory. With more ma- ture grasses, however, it is advisable to add a small amount of linseed oil meal or ground soybeans to the home-grown grains in order to prop- erly balance the ration. In addition, sufficient water a supply of salt, and a mineral mixture should be sup- plied, taking care that the cows have shade and protection from flies. Having taken over Moore Bros. baling business I am pre~ pared to bale ha) and straw T O A N E X T R A SHELF" and at no extra cost . . . the new Norge for I940. im short notice. Price rea- sonable. Latest facility for moving outfit. Successor to Moore Bros. Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley RR. 1 PERCY CO-BER THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL The old- maxim “Make hay while' the sun shines" is fast losing its universal application in connection with the process of converting grass and legume crops into feed for live- stock. The relatively newer method‘ of ensiling these crops enables the grower to produce a good quality of feed under adverse weather conditions which might render hay making imâ€" possible, states P. O. Ripley, Field Husbandry Division, Dominion Ex- perimental Farms Service. This does not. mean that rainy weather is more suitable than fine weather for mak- ing silage, but since it takes several days to make grasses and legumes into hay, while they can be ensiled immediately as cut, the chance of weather damage is practically elim- inated by the latter method. For sixteen years the Field Hus- ( bandry Division, Central Experimen- , tal Farm, Ottawa, has conducted ex- , periments with regard to various 1 methods of ensilin-g some 20 differâ€" ent crops. Red clover or alfalfe cut , when in full bloom, sweet clover in' the bud stage, and timothy, oats or barley cut just after heading, have all been made into excellent silage. The moisture content of the crop is extremely important in making sil- age. If it is too wet there is danger of rotting and if too dry moulding ,may take place. Normally, a mois- ‘ ture content of 70 per cent is nearly ideal and cutting at the stages men- tioned above will give approximate- ly the correct amount of moisture, providing there is not too much add- ed by the outside 1nfluence of dew or rain. As further insurance against poss- ible spoilage in the silo, the addi- tion of molasses to grasses and le- gumes for silage is recommended. Molasses provides the necessary car- bohydrates upon which bacteria may feed to produce lactic acid, which in turn preserves the silage. These ma- terials, although relatively high in corn are comparatively low in grasses and legumes and their addition art- ificially to the latter crops is thereâ€" fore recommended. Approximately 50 pounds of molasses per ton of . crop ensiled should give good results. The more adverse the weather con- ditions, the greater the need for adding molasses. "Wynne, H, Grasse and legumes properly handled as silage will provide high- ly nutritious feed with comparative- ly little loss and at relatively law cost. In contrast to hay making, ensriling‘ is not so dependent on the whims of the weather man. The Weed oftheWeek Wild Mustard This annua weed, now in flower, is so prevale t in Ontario that a description of the plant is hardly ne- cessary. The seed is black, 1/16 of an inch’ in diameter, perfectly spherâ€" ical, resembling rape or turnip seed and. retains its vitality fer many years when buried in the soil, says the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. An average planrt produces aboutl The seeds are dispers- . 15.000 Seeds. ed by water and birds but chiefly as an impurity in seeds. Contrary to the belief of many farmers, a heavy infestation of Wild Mustard does reduce the yield of grain by as much as 8 or 10 bushels per acre, by the deletion of soil mois- ture and plant food. Pull stray plants when in bloom. Where a field is badly infested delay seeding to allow for more thor- ough cultivation, thereby killing myriads of young plants before grain is sown. Harrow the field when the grain is two or three inches with a light harrow, or use an implement known as a finger weeder. The young ‘ seedlings are easily dislodged with- out material injury being done to the grain crop. Follow by after- harvest cultivation, stirring the soil to a depth of 2 to 4 inches to induce germination'of as much seed as poss- ible. later destroying the young plants by subsequent cultivation. Spray the area with a solution made up of 3-0 lbs. of copper sulâ€" phate or biuestone to 100 gallons of water. Apply on a calm day as soon as the first plants come into .-_...~.â€"»/nmm‘_p I: ‘ soon as flower. Sidewalks in Louisburg, N.C., are divided into sections with stripes: two outside lanes for loafing, the inside one for walking. A local au- thority states that the plan is work; ing satisfactorily. â€"â€" The Reader’s Digest. I Rain or Shine T‘VO-LANE TRAFFIC Million Apple Trees Are Never Sprayed Insect pests increase rapidly in Onâ€" tarioâ€"-seven sprays new necessary‘ by commercial growers to ensure clean apples, says P. W. Hodgetts, of Out. Fruit Branch. There are over one million apple trees in Ontario that are never spray-‘ ed and should be cut down as they are hotbeds of disease, says P. W. Hodgetts, Director of the Fruit Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. The last census showed lthere were over 200,000 farms in Ontario with 170,000 of these farms having fruit trees, mostly apples. Not 25,000 farmers sprayed their trees, Mr. Hodgetts stated. Insect pests have increased rapid- ly in the last 30 years due to ne- glected orchards. In- 1910 only three sprays were necessary to combat dis- ease and produce good ciean apples, while in 1940 seven sprays or more will be needed to ensure quality fruit. San Jose scale is still bad in south- western Ontario due to neglected or- chards as breeding places. Mr. Hodgetts stated some of the larger commercial growers were cut- ting out odd varieties and older trees. These varieties being removed included Baldwins, Starks, Ontarios, Wagners â€"â€" all lowâ€"priced cooking lapples â€"â€" due to the lessened demand in competition with such varieties as McIntosh, Delicious and Spy. “There is only one way to get rid of these diseaseâ€"infested trees, and that is to appeal to the farmers’ good sense and community spirit,” said Mr. Hodgetts. The Statistlcs Branch of the On- tario Department. of Agriculture has publiEhed the June Crop Report giv- ing an outllne of crop conditiOns as compiled from reports received from a large staff of regular correspond- ents Frequent rains during May delayed the completion of seeding of spring grains in Ontario generally by from two to three weeks. At the first of June spring grain seeding was finished in Essex and Kent, and 90% to 95% in the other counties of Old Ontario, except in two areas, one in ‘ Western Ontario comprising the counties of Dufferin, Grey, Welling- ton, Perth and Huron, and the other' comprising Carleton, Lanark, Gren- ville, and the counties east to the Quebec border. In these two areas from 50% to 80% of spring seed- ing was done at June lst, but com- pletion was not expected until be- tween June 15th and 18th, which would be about three weeks later than normal. In Northern Ontario seeding varies considerably this sea- son. Cochrane reports about 10% of spring grains seeded at June 1st, with completion not expected before the end of June or three weeks later than usual. In Temiskaming‘ and lNipissing 40% of the acreage was seeded around June 15th, or two lweeks later than normal, while in ‘Algoma 80%, and in Kenora prac- tically 100% cf the acreage was Crop Conditions in . Ontario. sown at June lst. ' The germination of seeded fields. this year has been excellent due tol the abundant supplies of moisture.I The spring grains which were seedâ€"i ed earlier are making excellent growth, but the excessive rains hadj a detrimental effect on some low fields where water caused some dis-i colouring, and in a few cases xthel crop was drowned out. ,In the twol groups of counties mentioned in the‘] first paragraph, prospects are not too favourable for spring grains on account of very late seeding due to heavy precipitation, but in the other counties of Old Ontario the outlook is considered very good as ample rainfall combined with warmer wea- ther now prevailing Will result in very rapid growth. The over-winter crops, fall wheat.‘ alfalfa, hay and clover, and pastures lhave'made exceptional growth during the past month and are now gener- ally in above average condition throughout the province. .......°,_e Fall Wheat sustained very little winter killing this season and is re- ported good in all districts. Middle- sex reports this crop making excep- tional growth and some fields are quite rank. In a number of coun- ties the growth is so heavy that some fields are already showing a tendency toward lodging. On June 6th fall wheat was heading out in Essex County, and in Perth County ‘was entering the shot blade. l Alfalfa shows heavy crop pros-l THURSDAY, JUNE pects and some fields in South-west- ern Ontario are now standing over two feet high. In Kent County cuttâ€" ing commenced around the 8th of June, while in Lennox and Addingq tun a few lots were cut on June 5th. Throughout the remainder of Old Ontario cutting will be general between June 10th and 20th. Old hay and clover fields promise a good. crop. although some fields are rather thin in a number of counties, and. the 1939 seedings of hay and clover, which survived the drought last year, are making excellent development. Pastures were rather slow in start- ing this season on account of the slow, cold backward spring, but dur- ing the past five weeks have made very fast growth and are in excell- ent shape from one end of the prov- ince to the other. Live stock were turned out to grass generally be- tween May 20th and June 151; and are reported to be making good gains. particularly in several coun- ties where fee<i supplies were rather scarce and cattle only in fair con- dition when turned out. At the present time farmers in Old Ontario are engaged in seeding corn, late potatoes, a small amount of late spring grains on wet land, buckwheat, soybeans and root crops. Peel county is forming a special constabulary of 138 members under the leadership of Major N. L. Pow-' e11. county engfneer. Townships andI veterans will suggest names for the consideration of the county commitd tee. GLASLYN GENERAL FRANC 6776 Dart, chestnut Belgian stallion, the property of J. W. Palmer, in service at Lot 22, Con. 2 Markham, or trucked to your farm. Terms: $12 payable March lst, 1941. Trucking charge within ten miles $1 payable at time of service. Mares not re- turned cr disposed of will be charged for whether in foal or not. Owner of mare must assume all risks of accident. Phone Richmond Hill 4632. J. W. Palmer, owner. PL'REBRED PERCHERON STALLION. LESTE CARNOT (15253) 3218 The property of Lorne Johnston, lot 24. Con. 5. North York, phone 4614 Maple. This is a beautiful black Percheron stallion. He has good feet and ankles and nice flat bone and has a wonderful top. He stands 16% hands high and weighs around 1900 lbs. This horse will be home every night but through the day will go to any one stable, that will phone before 8 o’clock in the morning. vTermsâ€"To insure a foal $10.00 pay- ;alble on or before lst of February lnext. Persons disposing of their lmares before foaling time or not re- lturning‘ them regularly to horse Will the charged insurance whether in foal lor not. All accidents at owner’s ‘1'isk. To truck this horse to any- ‘one’s stable will charge $1.00 within .10 miles. Over that will be 10c. per lmile. STOCK REGISTER Imported Suffolk Stallion, DEE-SIDE HOPEFUL (292) 6700, sired by Blackmore Hopeful 5296. Dam Maggiette (53-0) 41705-0, the property of' Mrs. D. Hamilton, Old' Yonge St., Aurora, phone Aurora 37-1. This horse is a beautiful Chest- nut, weight nearly‘2000 lbs. Will stand in own stable for service throughout the season every Monday until Saturday night. Terms: To insure foal $1.00 service, $11.00 pay- able before March 131;, 1941. All accidents at owners risk. This horse will be trucked to William Glass’ Canadian Bred Clydesdale Stallion FYNIE REWARD 27802 Sire, Craigie Reward Imp. 219716 Dam, Evergreen Petty, 501197 He is well bred and real sure. This lhorse is an upstanding horse, clean ilegged, has won several top prizes ‘at Toronto Exhibition, Royal Fair Zand local fairs. He will stamf at his own stable, the prOperty of D. F. Jarvis, Almira, Lot 3, Con. 5, Markham. Tennsâ€"â€"â€"To insure foal $10.00 payable March lst, 1941. All iaccidents at owner’s risk. Enrolment stable, lot 11, Con. phone Maple 791'3 evening desired. Purebred Percheron Stallion ROBB DALE CARBERT (15692) The property of William Glass, Lot 11, Con. 5, Vaughan, phone 79r3 Maple. This horse is black and weighs about 19% lbs. This horse will stand in his own stable for ser- vice for the season. Terms to in- sure foal $1.00, service $11.00, pay- able on or before Ist March 1941. Persons disposing of their mares be- fore foaling time or not returning them regularly to horse will be ‘charged Whether in foal or not. All 1accidents at owner’s risk. 27th, 1940. 5 Vaughan. Tele- at noon hour 0f

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