Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jul 1940, p. 1

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THE, COMMUNITY'S CLEARING HOUSEâ€" THE LIBERAL WANT ADS 3W?â€" VOL. LXII. â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-r â€"_â€"__â€"â€"_â€"____â€"â€"â€" PM“ CAPITOL THEATRE 3" MO. 2172 Castlefield 300 Seats All Evening 25c. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JULY 3 - H I’RIS(‘ILLA LANE . WAYNE MORRIS in “ BROTHER RAT AND A BABY " ADDED ATTRACTION WILLIAM GARGAN - JUNE LANG in “ ISLE OF DESTINY ” ADDED CARTOONS FOR SATURDAY MATI MONDAY & TUESDAY, JULY 8 - 9 SIR (‘EDRIC HARDWICKE - NAN GREY in “ THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS " ‘ â€"â€" ALSO â€"â€" JOE I’ENNER - LINOLA HAYES in “ MILLIONAIRE PLAYBOY " WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JULY 10 - 11 EDWARD G. ROBINSON - RL'TH GORDON in The Story of Dr. Ehrlick‘s “ MAGIC BULLET " â€"- ALSO â€" “ MARRIED AND IN LOVE " NEE ROOM I Ithesa pupils should be able to take Passed Entrance without writingâ€" a considerable amount of Grade V Richard Baker, Murray Bowes, Mary work owing t: June results. Burnett, Margaret Carpenter, Merlyn: Passed Graham, Sheila Hamilton, William ‘Iworkâ€"‘Peter Curzon, George Capern, Kanis, Jean McCartney, Barbara'Jrean MIcFarlane, Paul Reardon, Morris, Verna Musson, Joan Paxton, | Sheila Sanders. Irene Rcse, Irving Ross, John Row-5 Passed to Grade IV on written landson, Jean Scott, Eric Upton, tests it. Juneâ€"â€"Gordon Bowen, Ivan Howard White. ‘ 'Bcwen, Betty Clubine, Bruce Dun- Passed‘ to Grade VI-II on year‘slstall, Anna Millen, Gloria Parisi, workâ€"Florence Allan, Lorna Baker, Ruth Sanders, Verna Stewart, Ellen Allen Horwocd, Philip Mihorean, Warrington. Margaret Ransom, William Shear-' Passed to Grade II on down. work â€" Lorne Shear-down, Sherman, James Mansbridge. Passed to Grade 111 on written year‘s Adele ROOM II Promoted from Sr. 111 to Jr. IV Honoursâ€"Nancy Donaldson, Lornejtests in Juneâ€"Jean Cooper, Mary Musson, Kathleen Rowland-son, Jack Desante. Lois Doherty, Clarence Stapley. Kczak, Vera McGann, Betty Rose, Passâ€"James Barker, Joyce Barra- Bobby Smith, Edith Stapley, Willis clough, Shirley Heeley, Carson Stephenson. Ray Stunden; Rec., Houghton, Bert Hunt, Fred Kozak,'James All-en. Reta Mallory, Douglas Mansbridge, ROOM VI Melbourne Newton, Elinor Patten- Grade II to Grade IIIâ€"William den, Hazel Reesor, Herbert Rose, v Brignall, Kenneth Bennett, Hazel Stanley White. Bowen, James Brillinger, Bruce Promoted form Jr. IV to Sr. IV Chamney. Beverley Charles (H),‘ Honoursâ€"Milberge Gibbons, Peter Joan Creighton (H), Marvin Foote (H), Arthur Gaudier, Warren Hall, Doreen Hdrner (H), Leonard Hill, Edith Jones (H), Jack Kidd, Elva Kanis, Robert Kidd, Peggy McKen~ zie, Shirley Paris, Charles Srigley, Phyllis Zwarych. Passâ€"Ferris Allen, Arthur Barre- McFarlane, John McHale, Kirk Murâ€" ray, Ralph Palmer, Barbara Rear- clough, Shirley Burt, Eric Cruick- shank, George Hislop, Muriel Meg-Edon (H), Robert Rowlandson; Will- donal, Hazel Sherman, Alverna iam Clubine, ill, passed on year’s Smith, Fred Wise, Annie Baker. work; Jean Abbott and Douglas Al- ROQM 111 len will be given a test when school Grade VI to VII Oil-ens- Promoted on year’s work ._ Janet To Grade II last Februaryâ€"Anona Atkinson, Nancy Austin (H), Harry Cams”, George D0119?th Eric Hill, Donald Little Eleanor Young (H). Promoted at Juneâ€"Ray Charles, Mack Clement, Florence Durant (R), Selwyn Marks, Shirley Joyce, Eileen McClean, Helen Rowlandson, Gordon (H) , Emily Kerr, Lucy Mihorean, Saute, bers, ton. To Grade II last May â€" Audrey Allen, Shirley Brillinger, Clarence Kanis, Gordon Leece, Albert Titshall, Richard Up- Taylor. Grade V to V1 Stanley Butler. Promoted on year‘s workâ€"Norman T0 Grade II ROOm Vâ€"Ancna C'ar- Stunden_ _ lisle, George Doherty, Patsy De- Promote‘d at Juneâ€"Bill Bowdery, samey Emily Kel'r, R. Lumlbers, Lucy Mihorean, Richard Upton, Alâ€" bert Titshall (R). Audrey Allen, Eric Houghton, Eric Hillaby, Clarâ€" ence Kanis will be given a test when school opens. Since January lst some of these pupils have had mumps, chickenpox, impetigo and colds. ROOM V'II Grade I to Grade II Ruth Clubine (R), Cecil Espey (R), Ilene Joyce, Laura Hislop (R), Betty Taylor. Grade IV to V Promoted on year’s workâ€"Sandy Neal. Promoted at Juneâ€"Anne Davis, Winnie Butler (R), Eric Fish, Hugh Kerr, Hazel Mites. ROOM IV Grade 1V to V Honoursâ€"Dale Agar, Olive Brock, Promoted on year‘s work _ John Carol Card, R. J. Creighton, Patricia Atkinson, Keith Dohelâ€"ty (1.1), June Devins, James Heal, Douglas Hill, Hicks (H), Marion Little (H), Win- Margaret Hillier, DeVoe Jernigan, iam McIntyre, Violet Mihorean (H), Barbara Jones. Betty Jones, Betty James Monkman (H)_ ' Louise Jones, Herbert Jones, Bever- Promoted on final examinationsâ€" 19)‘ Leech BObbY MOOI‘ev Heather Margaret Audette, Marie Amen (H), Routledge, Archie Rowlandson, Ken- Everett Baker, Dorothy Bowes, John "9th SaCkfield. Mary Sherman, Bowen. Blair Clarke, Madeline Eve- Bett." Taylor, Daphne TitShau. Hal‘- lyn, Henry Kanis, Helen Linstead, Old VanDyke, Edith Warrington, Roy McGann, Joan Murphy, Shirley Jean W951). Billy Zuefelty Patsy Mylks, Stanley Ransom, Ronald San- JOYCE~ Joan KennedY- ders, Albert Taylor, May White. Passedâ€"‘HO‘Val‘d Berlietty Shirley Grade 111 to 1V Bmven, Laura Loughlin, Promoted on year’s workâ€"Kenneth RQCOmmended â€"â€" ROY ESPGY» Alex Moore, Barbara Murphy. K9"- Promoted on final examinationsâ€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- William Ablbott, Janet Anderson, VAUGHAN TWP. RED CROSS John Bowdery, Shirley Deferrari, Residents of Vaughan Township Eugene Hilliard, Shirley Linstead, will be delighted to learn that Muriel Mallory, Vernon Woods. ROOM V Passed to Grade IV in Februaryâ€"â€" Betty BEI‘QSfGI‘d. Phyllis Casement, Allan Hill, Sarah Hogg. Sylvia Mc- Williams. Douglas Moore. Margaret Scott, Wanda Smith. Madeline Ste-r phenson, Keith Teetzel. During the year 1940-41 some of through the courtesy of Mr. C. F. Madety of Circle M Ranch, Klein- burg their theatre night held on Thursday, June 27th, netted $217.75 for the Vaughan Township Red CTOss. All expenses incurred in con- nection with this movie were donat- ed and the entire proceeds go to the Red Cross, â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€"â€"l IMRS. M. L. mumâ€"(RIME- BY COMMUNITY AFIER THIRTY-FOUR YEARS__0F TEACHING SERVICE I Dearly Loved Teacher Retiring After Long Years of Servrce in Richmond Hill School to Grade IV on y’ear’s. Houghton, Eric Hillaby, Patsy De-‘ William Lumw "In Essentials. Unity; In l lliil Schmll Scptcmhcr to sumâ€" thu the Richmond Bell iings next i mcns lmck to studxs tliv school pop- ulation of this section. there will be a fainilar face missing at a teacher's desk. It Mill he that kind»â€" ly. chccrful and lovable face of Mrs. M. L. McConngiy. who continuous- ly since January 1906, has been a member of the Richmond Hill teach- ing stzifl. She retires after thirty- very one school, and altogether some forty years in the teaching profession. ~Last Friday night over two hun- dred gathered in the High School Gymnasium to pay tribute to this lrecord of service and to express to :Mrs. McConaghy the appreciation, esteem and affection of the entire community. Lloyd A. Hill. chairman of the Richmond Hill Public School Board. presided as chairman. and following a delightful program Mrs. MoConaghy was presented with a [ beautiful illuminated address, a radio, easy chair and reading lamp. The presentation was made by W. Lauder Glass of Richmond Hill and Mrs. Ha‘rdy Hill of Toronto, (formerly Mildred Wright), two pupils of Mrs. 'McConaghy’s first class in Richmond Hill. Mrs. McConaghy graciously acknowledged the presentation and in her remarks of thanks indulged in some interesting and amusing re- miniscences of her early experiences as a sch-001 teacher. T. principal, spoke briefly, as did JOhn G. McDonald. principal of Aurora 1 Fable School, a former pupil of Mrs. I. McConaghy, when She taught at Vel- lore before coming to Richmond Hill. Walter Scott, principal of the Rich- ‘mond‘ Hill School, paid tribute to the itfaithful. efficient and devoted ser- Evice of the guest of honor. Entertainment numbers on the pro- lgram included selections by the ,School Choir under the direction of Jean Middleton. dance number by Nancy Austin, piano solo by Mar- ion Little, solo by Nixola Fisher, v0- cal duet by Nixola Fisher and Lola Jones. instrumental trio Ruth, Stew- art and Norman Tyndall. During the evening Chairman L. A. Hill read a letter from Public School Inspector Gillies which in part said: “I am delighted and in heart sympathy with what you and your committee are doing in henoring Mrs. McConaghy for the good she has done in Richmond Hill and vicinâ€" ity. I know of no one more worthy of recognition. She has made a wonderful contribution to the pro- gress of education in Richmond Hill. Her work at school has been of in- estivmablc value. She set a good ex- _ample for children, lived up to what she taught and was honest and trust- worthy. I' am informed that many in need sought aid from Mrs. Mc- Conaghy and were never turned away empty-handed. I admired her youth- ful spirit. She was a hard worker ‘and enthusiastic in all that she did‘ and thus her pupils copy these ad- miralble qualities. She was interest- ed in all that the children were in- terested in. She realized she was teaching people and not subjects. She understood pupils’ problems and looked at things from the viewpoint of the pupils. I raise my hat to her and exclaini ‘God Bless Mrs. Mc- ' Con‘aghy‘." During the evening a beautiful bouquet of flowers, the gift of Jack Lynett. an ex-pupil, was presented to Mrs. McConaghy. Following the program dainty luncheon was served and a soeial time enjoyed. The Various tributes enclosed in the illuminated address were as fol- lows: Presentation address read by Lau- der Glass. To Mrs. McConaghyzâ€" Tonight you are surrounded by a host of friends. Some of them have been life long friends. Some have become friends because they sat at your feet in the class room, and some have become friends because you were a friend to their children. All are here to do honor to you on the occasion of your retirement from active teaching. The presence of so many here to- night speaks more than words can A. Lamon of Toronto, a former‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, four years of continuous service in‘ &.\[ilt'.~.\ (if the csiccm in which you are htld. tokcn of that csiccm wu prescnt to you this radio, rcadmg lamp and easy chair. May this gift bring to you each day a comfort and a pleasure that will and as a lie a ccnstant icmindcr of this happy evening and of the perpetual good wishes of your many friends whose zcntimcnts you wi.l find recorded in {hs litth took of eulogy. Village of Richmqnd Hill We. members of our Counz'l. feel honircd by this oppor- tunity. Mrs. McConagliy. to tender to you our appreciation for what you have done in this your native town, where you have sport most of your days. We congratulate you upon the pro- ZIF nounccd success you have had throughout so many years Of ser- vice in your chosen vocation. Your courageous and kindly spirit in the face of difficulty and trial has earnâ€" ed for you our well-merited respect. The numerous acts of mercy you have so unselfishly and so quietly performed have brOught comfort to many and won for you a very high place in our esteem. Therefore, we assure you that we are aware of the great debt of grat- itude we owe you and are confident that your influence for good will en- dure for many and many a day in this community. We sincerely hope that you may be long spared to live among us 'where you have so many warm friends and admirers. Richmond Hill, June 28th, 1940. Thomas H. Trench, Reeve J. P. Wilson ) Wm. Neal ) Robert D. Little) Councillors Wes. Middleton )g Richmond Hill Public School Staff To you Mrs. McConaghy whose re-' cord for indefatigable labour stand-s unsurpassed, we the teaching staff of Richmond Hill Public School do at this time wish to extend our con- gratulations, admiration and sincere good wishes. A human life is short and uncer- tain and Providence grants few of us the privilege of serving and ac- complishing as much as we might wish. To you, however, has been given added long years of useful effort, health and energetic vitality beyond the three score years and ten nor has He denied to you the blessing of children, home and all the joys connected therewith. To us associated with you in our daily labours it has been a revela- tion and an inspiration. Few if any in our profession have been favoured with the privilege of working side by side with one who has no thought of self but only for the unfortunate, the poor, and those in distress. The influence you have exercised not only extends to those young students under your care but to your associates, your neighbours, to your community and to the very nation itself. At this time when we realize you have deserved and need relaxation may we express the wish and hope that Providence who has been so bountiful may extend to yOu still the continued blessing of health, ser- vice, happiness and contentment only known by those who have given their all and are happy in the thought of having done so. Walter Scott M. Caldwell Jean Middleton Ruth Reaman Sheila M. Beresfol‘d Alice M. Unger TRUSTEES The Trustees of Richmond Hill Public School are deeply conscious of the responsibility we carry. We realize the tremendous importance to every individual and to the com- munity of the training and influence of the Public School. and We have been happy in the knowledge that through many long years you have through your contact with the child- ren of our community who have passed under your tutelage. contri- buted your full share and more to (Continued on Page 8) Village ‘ _. o» wooooowooooooeooooowoomoemeommoo o E It liberal Non-essentials, Liberty: In All Things, Charity" THURSDAY. JULY 4th. 1940. l Mouon I’Ictures Are BUY Yonge St. at Gleniorest Rd. Your THRIFT TICKETS" AND'SAvE SING‘LE COPIES be. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE * Ill'tlson 5437 best Entertainment THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SAT “ IT'S A “'ith SPRING With DEANNA DURRIN __ ALSO â€" “ DANGER 0N WHEELS " With R. ARLEN NOVELTY â€" BL'LA MULA LAND MONDAY & TUESDAY. “ TOWER OF LONDON ” With BASIL RATIIBONE - BORIS KARLOFF W ALSO â€"â€" “ ON THEIR OWN " BYINGTON ouwowoooouowouuowwm URDAY. JULY 4 - 5 - 6 DATE " - KAY FRANCIS - A. DEVINE .____.â€"_ JULY 8 - 9 l l - K EN HOWELL Vaughan Willingâ€" To Share Cost of Fixing Spruce St. A delegation from the Richvale Ratepayers Association at Vaughan Council meeting Monday afternoon was told that the township council is willing to assume one third 01‘ the cost of resurfacing Spruce Ave- nue, in view of the fact that this‘ street carries a substantial amount: of township traffic. The balance ofI two thirds would have to be assumed as a local improvement by the prop- erty owners on the street. The total cost of resurfacing all other streets would have to be born by the prop-vI erty owners. Cyril Baker and Tim Healey who were the Ratepayers re- presentatives stated they felt the prices submitted as the cost of the work on the various streets was reaâ€" sonalble. Prices were obtained on complete resurface job-s on Spruce, Yonrgehurst, Rumble. Oxford, Oak, Edgar and1 Garden Avenues. Wheth- er or not this work'is to be proceedâ€" ed with now rests entirely with the ratepayers. If they wart the work done they must present a sufficient- ly Signed petition to the municipal council. A complaint from a township resi- dent that a neighbour persisted in tethering his goats right beside his front door led council to pass a by- law w ich provides that “goats or swine must not be kept, tethered or permitted to approach nearer than 100 feet to any residence.” ‘ A byâ€"law was passed naming Will- iam Rid’dell of Thornhill as Building Inspector for the Township. A re~ cent by-law provides that a build- ing permit is now necessary for all building operations. Fred Thetford appeared with a petition signed by himself, Kathleen Walsh, Mrs. Stacey, Mr. Ccrfield‘, Joseph Grainger and William Conkâ€" lin asking that road through their sub-division west of Avenue Road be improved. At present residents of this section get to their property by driving over private property. Mr. Thetford was advised that if he presented a petition asking for a gravel road to be constructed as a local improvement and a charge against the property concerned the council would go ahead with the work. Clerk J. M. McDonald reported re- lief for the month of June to be $331.50 compared with $511 for the same month last year. At present ’55 persons are receiving municipal assistance and practically all are un- employable. Relief expenditure for the first six months of the year totalled 85807.10 compared to $9044 for the first Six months of 1939. Thos. Leatherdale presented a claim for two sheep killed valued Council Inivites Offers of Homes for British Children Those Willing To Open Homes Should Fill In Application Forms At Once Members of Richmond Hill coun- ‘oil in regular session discussed at some length ways and means of fur- thering the village war effort, and ‘it was deeded that the first step was to co-opeiate in every possible way with the government in the . placing of refugee children from' the British Isles. Over 500-0 of them children seeking haven in this land are expected to arrive in the current month. Children are thoroughly examined by Dominion Government medical [officers and responsibility for «the Ipl-acing in indivxdual homes rest:u iwith the provincial Welfare Depart- lment. In York County this work is f‘aeing supervised by the Children’s 5 Aid Society. The Village council has made an ‘anpea‘. for volunteer homes in this i district. Those willing to open their lhomes to these children from war- [torn Britain may receive application forms at the office of the Village l Clerk, from members of the council, 'or at The Liberal Office. 3 Councillor Dr. J. P. Wilson is familiar with all details of the plan and can supply complete information to anyone interested in helping in 'this way. PRAISES WORK OF THE FIRE BRIGADE Richmond. Hill, Ont., ‘ July 3rd, 1940. iTo the Editor of The Liberal Sir:â€" I wish to commend the efficient action of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade last Monday night, when ‘our garage roof caught fire. The truck, under Captain Cook, answered our call for help with a promptness which would have done credit to the fire department of a large city â€" where the firemen sit around an en- gine waiting for a call. Yours truly, HELEN S. HOGG. EUCHRE The Ladies Auxiliary of Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans will hold a Euchre at the home of Mrs. T. W. Allison, 111 Yonge Street on Tuesday, July 16th at 2 o’clock. Good prizes. Everybody welcome. STRA‘VBERRY FESTIVAL A Strawberry Festival will be held at King City United,Church on Fri- day, July 5th, under the auspices of the W.A. Supper served from 6 to 8.30 D.S.T. Program by Bolton Pand. Campbell Sisters Highland Dancers, and other talent. Admis- sion 3‘5c. and‘ 20c. at $16.00. It was reported that the county levy this year is 333029.74 which will require a township levy of 7.8 mills the same as was levied for ‘lcounty purposes last year. The Perfect Thirst Quenchcr "SALADA" EEEE TEA

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