Don’t forget the township Red Cross Rally to be held at Crosby’s Memorial Rink on Friday, July 5th in the evening. Anyone who would like to give a donation may do so by" being present or by giving strawâ€" berries, pie or cake. For further information get in touch with Mrs. Mancus Jarvis. Col. W. P. Multock, M.P. was reâ€" elected president of York County Veterans for the tenth year at the, annual meeting at Sutton last Sat- urd-ay. The W.M.S. are planning on hav- ing their next meeting on July 9th at the home of Mrs. Charlie Smith. For furthte information get in touch with Mrs.‘ McCague. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. will be held on Tuesâ€" day, July 9th, at 2 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. Charlie Smith. The roll call will‘be answered by some- thing we have read in this month's Migeionary ‘ Monthly. Misses Myrtle and Ruby Avison were home over the week-end: H denotes first, class honours; P pass; F failure. Grade 7 to Grade 8â€"Bertie Fors- ter H, Coral Perkins H, Mina Stickâ€" ley P. Grade 5 to Grade 6â€"Doreen Klinck H. Grade 4 to Grade 5â€"~Marga1‘et Mortson B. Grade 3 to Grade 4â€"Jun-e Marie Collami H, Lester Eby P. The Mission Band> met at the home of Mrs. D. Rumney last Saturday afternoon. The meeting was in charge of Joy Mortsom and June Coll‘ard. Grade 6 to Grade 7â€"Barry Co]- lard H. Grade 3 to Grade 4â€"Jun-e Marie Collani H, Lester Eby P. Grade 2 to Grade Intâ€"«Harold Fors- ter H, Jimm‘ie Fuller F (due to ab- sence). Grade 1 to Grade 2â€"Howard Avi- son H, Rondell Klinck H, Edna Stickley H, Jimmie White P. Mrs. George Gee Olf Richmond Hill was a guest; of her niece Mrs. Her- man Mortson on Sunday. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Harold Mortson is on the sick list. We hope she will soon be better and be able to join us in our gather- ings. On Sunday, June 30th, Rev. Mac- Donald had: a baptism service when Harry Hollingsworth, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber was baptised. On Tuesday evening the Presby- tery are having the induction ser- vice for Rev. McKay who will min- i‘ster to us next Sunday, July 7th. On Sunday afternoon there were 113 present to hear Mr. MacDonald’s farewell sermon. The Y.P.U. post- poned their trip to camp owing to the cool weather. On Friday evening at the June W.A. supper the Stouffville orches- tra gave many numbers which were much appreciated by those present. The rest of the program consisted of readings by June Collard, Doreen Klinck, Edna Sanderson and' a halrf hour play put on by Evelyn Barker, Bertie Forster, Coral Perkins, Betty Banber, Connie Rumney, Joy and Margaret Morts'on. After the pro- gram Mrs. MJcCague read an address to Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. Caseâ€" ley presented her with a comforter, talble napkins andl a crochet hand bag. Mr. Fraser Gee then read an address to Mr. MacDonald! and Mr. Frank Brumwell presented; him with a mantel clock. Mr. and Mrs; Mac- Donald both replied in a few well chosen words. On Wednesday evening last a number from here journeyed south- ward to the Buttonville Strawberry Fesvmval.~ Although the weather was very tricky all afternoon a goodly number were present. Everyone who attended enjoyed it all from beginnâ€" ing to end. THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1940. VICTORIA SQUARE VICTORIA SQUARE SCHOOL PROMOTION RESULTS ParisAutOSupply AUTO WRECKERS Steering Wheel Spinners. each . Jewelled Spinner Sets . . . . . . . . Sealed Power Spark Plugs, each Flashlight Batteries, each . . . . . Size 450 500 500 525 600 GUARANTEED BATTERIES (Special) 13 PLATE HEAVY DUTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 PLATE STANDARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ERIMA G. HOLDEN, Teacher TIRES GUARANTEED 25,000 MILES $1.00 Allowance on Your Old Battery Phone 86, Richmond Hill ACCESSORIES The tollowing students, in alpha- betical order in meir respective iforms, have passed sansfactory fin- lal tests and are promoted to the [next higher grade. Those in list A 'have passed in all the subjects of their course and are promoud un- Iconditionaily; those in the B list ihave failed in one subject (indicat- ed in brackets after each name) and are promoted but must repeat this 'subject in the lower grade or aban- don it. Lions Club Carnival Wednesday, August 14th. Bâ€"Marjorie Bailey (Mathematics) Gladys Ched‘zoy (Science), AEileen Cook (Science), Irene Diibb (Sci- ence), Jean Hoover (Science), Aud- rey Baker promoted on year’s work except in Science. Promotions IXB to X Aâ€"Margaret Allison, Ruth Gohn, Cecil Grainger, Larry Lake, Betty Mamsbridge (.Rec.), Gladys Masters, Joy Mortson, Helen Ransom, Olive Ross, Betty Smith, Frances Tumno, Anne Walwin, Joyce Webb, Lorna Webb. B~Harol<fl Keffer (Spell), Clif- ford Munroe (Math), Marjorie Nor- ris (Art), Marjorie Pattenden (Math), Hazel Tutt (Br. Hist), Cecil Webb (Art), Janet Williams (French), Roy Witty (Music). Promoted from Grade X to XI Aâ€"Eileen- Allen, Vera Boynton, Murray Brown, Ernest Burnie, Rob- ert Carpenter,‘ Bernice Cook (H), Lenore Dewsbury, Noreen Fletcher (H), Kenneth Jennings, Sheila Man- ley (H),‘ Louise Matheson (H), Mar- garet Moore, Isabelle Orr (H), Rhoda Pollock, Lloyd Sanderson, Jean Scott, Betty Topper (H). Bâ€"Helen Whitten (Mathematics). Promoted from Grade XI to XII Aâ€"Duncombe Ball, Marion Bark- er, Robert Edmund-s, Elinor Fisher, William Hastings, Ruth Hicks, Sidh ney Lepard, Marian Lumb, Ian Macâ€" donald, Margaret MacGibbon, Car- roll Sanderson, Lorraine Sinclair, Doreen Wise. A, Florence Sheardown A, Norman Taylor A. Promoted from Grade IXA to X Aâ€"«Derek Andrews, Elton Ben- nett, Gwendolyn Bergman, Marie Brillinger, Mervin Charlton, John Bâ€"Johln Camplbell (French), Anna Heise (Chemistry), Nila Houghton (Chemistry), Ruth Tynldall (Geom- etry). Promoted from Grade XII to XIII Aâ€"William Bailey, Muriel Bar- row, George Carr, Madeline Clarke, Murray Cunningham, Virginia Del- Brocco, Muriel Durie, Jean Hast- ings, William Hodge, Lloyd Johnson, Alex Macdonald, Mary Moore, Stew- art Paxton, Douglas Sanders, Sally Topper. ton (Geometry), Mark Stewart Curzon, Eileen Dickinson, Leona Elilacott, Robert Endean, Ruth GoodL ing, Nora Hislop, Effie Jarvis, Joyce Jones, Margarwet Kyle. Bâ€"Marion Boynton (Geometry), Verna Cherry (Chemistry), Doris Clarke (German), Peggy End‘ean (French), Jean Hicks (French), Jean Macdonald (French), Bernice Pax- Commercial X to XI Marguerite Barlow B, Francis Cosgrove A, Helen Cousins B, Ruth Harrison B, Keith Jennings B, Ruby Middleton B, Harvey Stickley A, John Sturt B, Edna Turner A. Commercial XI Graduating Diplomas Evelyn Brillinger A, Vera Brown B, Myrtle Burr A, Dorothy Cum- mins A, Shirley Dinner A, Mary Flood A. Orma Judge A, Jean- Mills A, Homer Neilly A, Reta Rumble (Geometry), Stewart Tyndall (FL) Individual reports, showing stand- ing in individual subjects, are being mailed- to parents. Results of De- partmental exams and; Matriculation certificates will be_pub1ished about August 10. R.H.H.S. Promotions Tires . $6.35 7.00 7.25 8.75 8.75 9.85 39c. and 50c. . $1.2 Tubes $5.75 50c. 10c. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Paris and famJ-y are holmaymg near Port Perry. needed a doctor. I made enquiries. .I was givemalovely picture painted by [Phyllis Zwarych one of Mr. Cald- well’s pupils andI framed by the bays in Mr. Scott’s Manual Training class. A lovely dark blue house coat and slippers, and a large bouquet of flowers. I was feeling awfully down-hearted, but: the great kindk ness shown me by so many friends chased it all away. Ten thousand thanks to you all. Yours most sincerely, The choicest gift was a book en- titled “For Appreciated Servicesâ€. ,It is beautifully printed .by the school pupils and Mr. W. Ashford' Wright and his daughter, Mrs. Hardy Hill. It contains sentiments from the Vill- age, signed by the Reeve and Coun» cillors; the Richmond Hill Public School staff, signed by all the teach- ers; the Trustees, signed by all the Trustees; the School Pupils, read to me by Doreen Homer, one of my pupils; the Present Pupils, part in verse by Shirley Paris and printed by Shirley Burt; the Ex-Pupils, Miss iLola Jones; the Parents», signed‘ by ers. Ransom; pictures of the staff, the different classes of the school. I never saw a book like it. It: must have taken hours and hours of work. Other gifts Friday evening were a radio ('Philco), a most comfortable chair and a choice table lamp. There was a wonderful letter from Mr. Gillies, ex-Public School Inspector. He was superannuated last year. A letter from my cousin Dl‘. Elliott Lang-staff, who helped my father with his practice for many years. An immense bouquet of red roses from Mr. John Lynett, an ex-pupil. The picnic on Wednesday was a great success. No one could eat any supper and for a Wonder no one needed a doctor. I made enquiries. Air Cadet Roy Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Russell of Richmond Hill, is in Egypt with the R.A.F. and word received this week advised that he is enjoying good health. Mr. H. W. Kanis who for the past ten years has been on the BedIt'ord- Park Floral Co. staff has resigned and! moved today to a farm which he purchased near Rockwood, Ont. “God Save the King"; Marjorie Dew, French Folk Tune, Diller; Helen Spires (a) Swabian Folk Tune (.b) Theme from Surprise Symphony Diller; ’ Marjorie Reed, The Chase, Thompson; Arnold Dew, (a) Irish Tune, Diller, (b) Song of the Sword, Diller; Marjorie Dew, Evelyn Sharpe and Orchestra, March from the Ruins of Athens, Beethoven; John Clarke, (a) The Shepherd-e55, Diller, (‘13) Theme from the Ninth Symphony, Beethoven; Evelyn Sharpe, Sonatira G, Beethoven; Donald Mellor, Katy Did, She Did, Diller; Norma Simp- son, Minuet, Dillel‘; The Story of “Lohengrinâ€, Wagner. ' I wish to sincerely thank my many kind friends who made my last week of teaching a happy memory. The gifts I received were exquisite and will be treasured by me as long as ,M'r. Jesse Russell of RichmOnd Hill has a sister living on- Jersey Island} which was this; week occupied by enemy forCes. .Mn. and Mrs. M. P. Maltby at- tended! the Maltby Reunion held in Aiberfoyle Fair Grounds on Monday. S’ports were enjoyed in the after- noon and a dance in the evening. Mr. and Mrs."L. B. Teetzel and two boys are visiting Mr. Teetzel’s father in Highgate this week. Mr. and Mrs. Houghton and threï¬ children. Rose-view Avenue, are spending two weeks‘ holidays with relatives at. St. Thomas. .Dr. F. W. Harrison of Tisdale, Saskatchewan, is spending his vaca- tion with his sisters, Misses Harriâ€" son, Richmond Street. Rev. E. J. and Mrs. Whan, Miss Myrtle Whan, R.N., Miss Alberta Whan, Mr. James Wlhan, Fanthill, Ontario, Mr. George Clayton, called! on Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dcmer, Lang- staff, on Tuesday, June 25th. L.T.B. & 0. Home, Richmond Hill A recital of Piano Music was held by the pupils of Miss Jean Agar at the Home on Thursday, June 27th. The following program was beauti- fully l'enldered, showing the great patience and ability of their teacher. I live (and I hope to live until I am 96) and by my family many years after that time. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Skinner of Stratford visited with the Mood’ie family last week. fl Mary Dawson of Parthll spent the week-end and holiday with her sister, Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt here. MRS. McCONAGHY EXPRESSES HER THANKS Social and Personal PROGRAMME M. L. McCONAGHY LIBERAL PRINT, RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, July 7th 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. 11 a.m.â€"-â€"Divine Worship. “Paying tlie Priceâ€. The pastor in charge. Special musical features and in- slgiring congregational singing. Inâ€" tercessory prayer on behalf of ogr Empire. You and your family and friends cordially invited. "NB.â€"No evening service. Noteâ€"Sundlay School picnic on Sat; urday afternoon to Musselman‘s Lake. Child’ren leave church at 1.15 p.m. Everylbod'y welcome. Double, white, Mrs; C. R. James; Dcmble, pin'k, Mrs. James“ R. D. Little; Individual Bloom, Mrs. J. A. Bale-s; special, collection of 8, Mrs. James, Mrs. Bales; special, bouquet of Delphiniums arranged in basket, Mrs. Bales, Mrs. James. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. E. Cunninng, B.D., Minister Sunday, July 7th 10 a.m.-â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.-â€"“the Last Will and Testa- At the regular monthly business meeting held onWed‘nesdJay, July 3 a financial statement of the local Red Cross for the first six months of 1940 was presented, the books having been duly aud‘itedl to the end of June by Messrs. A. Walker and F. Hcover. The statement showed complete receipts for that neriod to ‘be $1159.02. a bank balance of $399.64 with bills payable to the amount of $119.19, leaving a workâ€" ing balance of $280.45. The convenor of sewing reported a total of 1233 articles completed in the same period: These included pyjamas, bed. gowns. handkerchiefs, .skeets, pillow covers. The convenor of knitting reported 709 knitted articles completed with about $270.00 worth of wool on hand'. These figures: represent the work of the organization from January until the end) of June 1940. Will all those interested in saving or making money for the Red‘ Cross during the month of July obtain a money bag from Mrs. Alexander (convenor), to he returned! at the end of the month. This method' of raising money' has been, decided upon for the summer months. Hybrid Teas, collection of 8, Mr. J. Martin, Mr. R. D. Little; Indiâ€" vidlual bloom, Mrs. I. D. Ramer; special~Bouquet of roses» with foli- age in a bowl or vase, R. D. Little. PEONIES The district picnic and outing will be held\ at Midhurst on Wednesday, July 10th. If any members of the Richmond Hill Society Wish to at- tend please get in touch with the Secretary who will be glad to sup- ply full particulars, ment.†If you have tried: to do something and failed; you are vastly better off than if you had triedI to do nothing and succeeded. Sunday, July 7th Trinity 7 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 7 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Children of the Sund‘av Selma] will join with the morning congrega- tion during July and‘ August. Prayers for Britain and the Empire at all services. Wednesday, 8.30 nm. Special In- tercession-s for War. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road RICHVAL E Sat, July 20 OPEN AIR D ance Red Cross Notes COME AND HAVE A GOOD TIME RICHMOND HILL HOR'I'ICULTURAL SOCIETY ROSE AND PEONY SHOW Stageti on the lawn of Mr. J. A. Bales, 104 Mill Strekt ROSES Sock Hitler’s Snout and other games ADMISSION 25c. ST. MARY’S CHURCH BASEBALL BINGO (Anglican) 's. A. Walker and statement showed for that neriod to bank balance of s payable to the ROBERTSON-BALES On Thursday evening, June 20th, Leone Anna Bales, daughter of Mrs. Clara Bales and- the late John Rob- ert Bales of Newmarket, was united in marriage with Russell Albert Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rusâ€" sell James Robertson, Owen Sound. The ceremony took place at the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian manse, New- market, and was conducted by Rev. Dr. D. McIntyre. The marriage was solemnized at St. Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill, {on Saturday, June 29th, of Albert Row1and Christopher, elder son of Albert Ashton and Mrs. Christopher, and Noreen Haworth, eldest, daugh- ter of Lawrence Marshall and Mrs. Haworth-, all of May Ave., Vaughan Township. The bride was beautiâ€" fully gowned and was given in mar- riage by her father. She was at- tended* by her sisters Mildrred and Winnifred Haworth. The groom was attended 'by his brother Norman. During the signing of the register Miss Doreen Johnson sang “Be- causeâ€. After the ceremony which was performed by the Rev. W. F. Wrixon, a reception was held on the lawn of the bride’s parents, after which the happy couple left for Mon- treal and eastern points for their honeymoon. Tall standards of delphinium, pink and white peonies formedi the sett- ing for the radiantly lovely bride who was escorted to the altar by her father. H-er wedding gown was of emlbroideredl silk net over white taff- eta. From the slim-fitting waistline of a shirred- basque bodice swept a bouffant skirt into a gracefully dlr'aped train. A full length bridial illusion veil, falling in soft fold‘s t0 the hem of the train, was fastened with an attractive cluster of lilies- of-thve-valley, and she carried‘ a white prayer (book from which fell :1 cas- cade of lilies-ofâ€"the-valley and! bou- vardia. BAIN-GLASS The marriage was solemnized' on Saturday in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, of MiSS Marâ€" guerite Grace Glass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Glass, to Mr. Donald] Bain, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bain ‘of Skibo, Scotland. The best man was Arch Walls and the ushers were Robert Dundas and Archibald MacEachern. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. W. F. Wrixon and Miss Lucy Yerex was at the organ. During- the signing of the register Mr. Robert Turp, cou- sin of the bride, sang “Becauseâ€. The maid‘ of honor, Miss Eleanor Pearce, who was the bride’s attenâ€" dant, wore a New York importation of pale pink appliqued marquisette over taffeta of a deeper shade. Her hat of varied colored flowers with a waist length veil of heavenly blue was fashioned from a. model. The color was carried out in her access- cries. The reception followed at the home bf the bride’s parents, Mrs. Glass C H RISTOPHER-H AWORTH Men’s and Boys Furnishings Boots and Shoes TODAY, THURSDAY, JULY 4th TYRONE POWER - DOROTHY L'AMOUR - EDWARD ARNOLD in “ JOHNNY APOLLO †\VEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JULY 10 - 11 LIONEL BARRYMORE, LE‘V AYRES, LORRAINE DAY in “ SECRETS 0F DOCTOR KILDARE †Yonge and Richmond Sts. invite you to make this store headquarters for your clothing requirements. We carry an up-to-date stock of standard lines and our prices are right. SHOWS START AT 8 RM. and 10 RM. D.S.T. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JULY 5 - 6 MICKEY ROONEY - VIRGINIA WEIDLER in “ YOUNG MR. EDISON †MONDAY & TUESDAY, JULY 8 - 9 JOAN CRAWFORD - CLARK GABLE in “ STRANGE CARGO †You can buy here with confidence R. J. CRAIGIE WEDDINGS receiving in a gown of pink orchid chiffon, a hat of contrasting flowers und a corsage of orchids. Mr. and Mrs. Bain left: later by motor for eastern Canada, the bride travelling in a French blue ensemble with navy accessories andv wearing shone martins, the gift of the groom. On their return they will live on Russell Hill Rd. STREET-ANDERSON The home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Anderson of Athabaska Ave., Newtonvbroo-k was the scene of a pretty wedding when their eldest daughter. Norma Rebecca, became the [bride of Thomas Paul Street, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Street of Newtonbrook with Rev. A. H. Hal- bert officiating. Pink and white pecnies, syringa blossoms and: gar- den heliotrope formed the back- ground in the living room where the ceremony was performed. Miss Muriel Gibney played the wedding music. The bride, giVen in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white silk lace over taffeta. A full length veil was held in place by a coronet of lace and orange blossoms and- she carried a bouquet of pink roses and baby’s breath. She was attend)- ed} ‘.by her sister Lorna who wore a pink net gown: over pink taffefl, '8. flOWer hat of pink and blue With streamers and carried a bouquet of talisman roses. The bride’s cousin, Doris Anderson, made a lovely flow- er girl dressed in a primrose yel- low silk crepe. Mr. Harold Street was his brother’s groomsman. Dur- ing the signing of the register Mr. Cecil Prosser of Keswick sang “1' Love You Truly.†Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held. The brode’s mother received in wine lace with white ac- cessories and corsage of roses. She was assisted by the groom’s mother in light blue flowered crepe with white accessories and corsage of roses and fern. Six young ladies, friends of the bride, helped; serve. The happy young couple left later on a wedding trip to Northern 0n- tario, the bride wearing a dusty pink crepe costume with white accessor- ies and a brown fur jacket. 02) their return they will live at New- tonbrook. A mixed tournament will be held here Saturday afternoon. A11 wish- ing to play are askch to give their names as soon as possible to W. W. Trench. For the seconw year in succession A. E. Glass’s rink won the Walton Trophy at Agincourt tournament Wednesday. The rink was, Walker Hall, E. T. Stephens, A. A. Eden, A. E. Glass skivp. MARRIED McLAUCHLAN-HUNTELR â€" At the United Chumh Parsonage, Richmond Hill, June 29th, 1940, by the Rev. C. W. Folletrt, Bl), Mr. George W. McLauchlan of Owen Sound to Miss Audrey M. E. Hunter of Kingston, Ont BOWLING NOTES Richmond Hill PAGE FIVE