Wowwouuumwomw The Queen’s York Rangers Notice to Property Owners & Tenants RECRUITS WANTED YONGE STREET Weeds Weeds; YER EX’S Electric Store l . . Lb: only permancmly scalcd and oiled Rollator FOR EVERYDOLLAR unit and the only domestic cold-maker cooled by flowing rcfrigcran: for heavy loads in honest YOU PUT INTO weathcr. When you can gc: these two things . . . gentrous capacity and safe rcfrigcration . . . at as low as REFRIGERATION cxtrcmcly low cost, thcn your rcfrigcmtion dollars go further. Lct us show you what Norgc has to N $169.95 flow/m WW flé/u'ymazfm Refrigeration l ing at F¢ provided. 30 recruits between the ages of 18 and 45, of good physique and not less than 5’6" in height will be accepted by the above Regiment of the Non-Perman- ent Active Militia. Parades each Wednesday even- See N ORGE befare you buy! PAGE EIGHT ownship of Vaughan DOLLAR’S WORTH FOR EVERY DOLLAR YOU PUT INTO REFRIGERATION are cut by July 12th and also subsequent to that date the Township may enter upon the said lands and have weeds cut, charging the cost of same to the owners concerned in their taxes. Public notice is hereby given in accordance with the WEED CONTROL ACT that unless weeds which may be growing on lands within 1st American Regiment) (M.G. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN Applicants are requested to leave their names and addresses at the office of this paper immediately. Fort York Armoury, Toronto. Transportation G. DEFERRARI, SAM IRELAND, Vaughan Weed Inspectors. Adequate storage fatflitics and safe food prcscr~ vation are two main reasons {or buying a ncw rcfrigctator. YOur cxaminanon of (11: greater Norgc will give you an cmircly new conception of spacmusncss . . . your assuraoc: of safe food prescrvation is the famous FqllaterICo'Id-Mzkcr On Thursday evening, June 27th, 1940, the instauation and investi- Lure 01 officers or Batterson Lodge 11.1“. & A.M., Th-ornhill, was held an over one hunareu present to wrtness the ceremony which was aga.n very ably conducted by V.W. .mo. J. A. '1nompson and; assisted uy his installing coal-d consisting of rt.W. Bro. Dr. A. L. Norwich, D.D. u.M., Lor-onto District C; R.W. Bro. Geo. Gauld, P.D.D.G.M., Toronto Dis- trrct A; R.W. Bro. Frank G. Mc- Lean, k.D.D.G.M. Toronto District (J; R.W. Bro. J. E. Francis, P.D.D. G.M. Toronto District C; R.W. Bro. Fran‘k Eng.and‘, Grand Senior War- den, Grand' Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, and Past Mas- ters from the various lodges of the dlis_t_1_'iot_ an-d!‘ of fatterson Lodge. Installation and lnvestiture of Offâ€" lCtiS Patterson Lodge AJ“. & A.M. Visiting brethren present to do honour to the newly installed Master W. Bro. J. J. Madill, represented! lodlges from Lake Shore Lodge, Mim~ ico; Stevenson, Corinthian, Golden Fleece, Zetland, Oakwood, Delt_a, York, Fainbank, Northgate, Harm- ony, Grenville, Bedford Lodges, To- ronto; suburban lodges, Tuscan, Newmarket; Rising Sun, Aurora; Richmond, Richmond Hill; RowlandY Mount Albert, and Malone, Sutton. The retiring Wor. Master, W. Bro. Allan L. Francis was made the re- cipient of a beautiful silver tray. presented by R.W. Bro. Dr. A. C. Norwich on behalf of the lodge. He was also presented with a Past Mas- ‘ter’s Jewel suitably engraved, by his father, R.W. Bro. J. E. Francis, to 'which W. Bro. A. Francis respond)- ed in a few well chosen words. v The lbrethren were later enter- ‘tained in the banquet hall by the showing of a moving picture fea- ‘turing an actual scene of the sink- ing of the “Graf Spee†and also the highlights of 1939, sponsored by *Canada Wire & Cable Co. and pre- ‘sented by W. Bro. P. T. Drake which was. gregtly enjoyedlnxby all. The following officers were in- stalled and irwestedv: W.M., W. Bro. 'J. J. Madm; I.P.M.. W. Bro. Allan. 'Francis; S.W.. Bro. John Kerr; J.W., 'Bro. J. W. Thompson: Chaplain. W. “Bro. H. S. Sparks: Treasurer, R.W. Bro. J. E. Francis; Secretary, V.W. 'Bro. J. A. Thompson: Asst. Secre- tary. Bro. C. W. Martin; D. of C.. ‘W. Bro. S. H. R. Jarrett; S.D., Bro. 'Dr. L. R. Marwood‘; J.D., Bro. Chas. 'MoGuirl; S.S., Bro. G. A. Preston; 'J..S., Bro. W. S. Jenkins»; Organist, 'Bro. W. R. Howard; I.G.. Bro. W. J. 'Barley; Ty‘er, Bro. A. G. Gilmore; Proxy to Grand Lodge, M.W. Bro. 'J. A. Thompson. Buy Canadian. Buy British, and Help Win the War. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Royal Rollator Refrigeration RICHMOND HILL THURN HILL (Continued from Page 1) the cause of better citizenship. You have served our school long and well. You have been a consci- entious teacher, and y0u have brought to the class-room that kind- ness and unselfish service which we all know to be so much a part of your character. Now as you leave us and pass the torch to another, we hope that law memory of a task well done will be a constant source of satisfaction to you throughout your life. Lloyd A. Hill Paul E. Angle We have ‘been chosen to give to you this present from all the bays and: girls of the school. We have all helped as best we could, and' we hope that you may have as much pleasure and happiness frOm our gift, as we have already had in planning it for you. You have been more than a teach- er to us all, you have been a dear and trusted friend; and we know that you will understand‘ that With this small gift comes a great deal of love and appreciation, ‘from all your boys and girls. Mrs. McConaghyzâ€" To Mrs. McC‘onaghyzâ€" We the present pupils of the Rich- mond Hill Public School wish to ex- press our sincerest congratulations to our friend and teacher Mrs. Mc- Conaghy for her long years of trust- worthy service as an active member of the Teaching Staff of the School. In later years we benefited by the education we received in your room, but more than that, we will remem- bier the excellent example which you set for us. In following years we tried- to adopt and keep this ex- ample. During the years we have been associated with you we cannot re- call one time that you have consid- ered yourself before others. We were deeply tOuched to hear of your recent retirement from our School Staff. We will never forget the service which you have rendered Wishing you continued years of contentment and happineSS during the rest of your life. Her smile was always so sincere, She cared for us throughout the year, She always tried our friend to be, Her name is Mrs. McConaghy. She never tried to be unkind, Ami never would she dowbt our mind, But always was so light of heart, And always would she play her part. Shirley Paris. To Mrs. McConaghy:â€"â€" On behalf of the hundreds of pupils who have been privileged to come under your guidance at Richmond Hill School, may we express our sin- cere gratitude for your faithfulness and devotion to your calling. You taught us true values by the very example of your own living. You taught us the happiness of duty as well as the duty of happiness. Always through the years your life has resolved itself into a kind of perpetual giving. Ask an ex-pupil preferably one who has had some years in which to temper his opinions, what he got out of school. Ask him and» you may be surprised to learn that he probably places other things far above the actual knowledge he man- aged: to absorb. It was there in- deed! he made his fundamental pre- paration for everyday life. To have had you for an element- ary teacher has been our great good fortune. This is a fact which will never be forgotten by Mrs. M. L. McConaghy Honored We feel that you have possessed these qualities in a very inward de-‘ gree. You have succeeded in winn- ing- the affection and esteem of all your pupils. Ih school hours yOu have lightened their tasks and out‘ of school you were as one with them,‘ aiding them in their difficulties and] Dear Mrs. McConaghy2â€" We, the parents of the many chil- dren of Richmond Hill and vicinity, who have been entrusted» to your care during the past 34 years, de-‘ sire on this occasion of greeting and farewell, to express our sincere ap- preciation of your very valuable ser- vices on the staff of Richmond Hill Public School. A successful teacher must not only be intellectually gifted, but possess a deep interest in her work. be able to impart her knowledge, understand children, and while firm in disci- pline display a kindly sympathetic nature. OUR FRIEND D. M. Chamney Ralph W. Paris Duncan Kerr L. H. Clement Richmond Hill, Ont, June 26th, 1940 YOUR EX-PUPILS Richmond Hill, 0nt., June 28th, 1940 Cecilia andr Patrici m-ondr Hill and M-as of Hamilton called Monday afternoon. Mrs. Rathman and Miss Alycock of Miami, Florida and Mr. and- Mrs. F. Fiske of Toronto visited Mr. and. Mrs. L. Burton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wark and“ children of Oakville spent Sunday with Mr. andI Mrs. J. Wark. Mr. and Mr-s. Ewing of Toronto visited Mrs urday 2ftern-00n. Mr. and Mrs. Kenney and Miss Kenney of Toronto visited Mr. and‘ Mrs. J. Barton Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Midcleton, Mrs. Devons, Mr. anti Mrs. J. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton and family and Mr. Bert Middleton attended the Middleton reunion at Weed'nid-ge on Monday. The W.A. met at the hame of Mrs W. Keffer on Wednesday afternoon Mr. McDonald preached his fareâ€" well sermon Sundlay evening and Mr. McKay, formerly of Leasid‘e will be in the pulpit next Sunday. Mr. and! Mrs. McDonald. have moved to Waters Falls. Mr. and? Mrs. C. Vanderberg and family of Leaside visited Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Vandlerberg Tuesday. The Ros‘elawn ball team played a game of béll Mondiay evening “at Thornhill. The Thorn'hill team were defeated by a score of 15-13. Mrs. A. Mid‘d’leton, Misses Hazel, Myrtle, Olive, Ruby and Lloyd‘ Midâ€" dleton attended the Mi‘ddletcn reun- ion at Wooc‘l'n‘idge on Mondgy. The weatherman behaVed himself and gave a good evening on Wed nesdlay, June 56th, when all roads led to Teston United Church where the Sunday School held its annual. Strawberry festival. Everyone en- Joyed the luscrous berries provided for which this supper has 'an envLabie reputation. Afterwards the program by Salem players “Uncle Cedric to the Rescue†was heard by a crowd- ecl house and- everyone was loud{ in praise of this very bright and in; structive play. Dovercourt Salva- tion Army Boys Band added much to the entertainment before and dur- ing the intermission between acts. The event was a financial success $1215 being cleared after expenses were paid. Sunday, July 7th, will be Com.â€" muniom Service at King Church. The church here will be closed as this will be a Union: Service. Everyone who can should join in this service. Mr. and Mrs. Art Taggart, Tor- onto, came up to George Ta‘ggart’s on Monday bring 5361 news that War- ren Taggart, a brother living in. Oshawa had been severely injured in a motor accident at Thornton Corn- ers not far from Oshawa. He is in the hospital in a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Marwood and fam.1y visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacDonald on Sunday. Mr. Howard) Heacock has jOined the Air Fence. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cooper of Markham vis.ted Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cooper on Sunday. The Sunday evehing meeting of the Y.P.U. being the 5th Sunday in June was Literary Night and was in charge of Jean Robson. The meet- ing opened with hymn 120. Lesson was read by Eleanor Heacock from Acts 22, 1-21. A short story “For- giveness†was read by Peter Rogers. After hymn 1153 Jean Robson gave a number “Opportunityâ€, a tfmely poem for the present situation. A story “Wherever he Went" was giv- en by Miss Helen Robson. The President in charge of the meeting presented the topic “Human Nature in Actionâ€. Hymn 960 and; the Miz- pah Benediction closed an entertain- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ireland visited in Oshawa on Sunday with Mr. and; Mrs. Duffy. The regular monthly meeting of the East Vaughan Ratepayers Assoâ€" ‘ciation: will be held in Richvale School on Tuesday evening, July 9, at 8 o’clock. Every-one interested is urged to attend. May it add to the pleasure of your well-earned retirement to know that every parent feels deeply indebted to you and wishes you every happi- rejoicing in their success ing meeting CARRVILLE RICHVALE 1dr Patricia Sm and M-aszer J '1 ESTUN Mrs. Ransom a mi W y n 1 of Richâ€" nn Randel L's. Wynn anmy |0AK RIDGES RED C3058 NOTIE ' A Strawberry Festival in aid' Olf the Red Cross will be held in Oak iRidges school grounds on Tuesday, lJuly 9th. Supper will be serveti {from 6 to 9 D.S.T. A good program lwill be provided by a girls’ orches- ltra from Toronto. l There will also be a table of home- imad‘e baking for sale, which will be in charge of Mrs. Henshaw and her committee. A fish pond: for the chil- dren will be in charge of Miss Eliza- beth Hughie and her committee. » | The RedL Cross room at St. John's ‘Parlsh Hall will be open every Thursday afternoon, commencing On July 18th. A business meeting will .be held once a month. THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1940. SATURDAY, JULY 6â€"Auction sale sf household furniture, hen house, ‘Lcols, etc., the property of James Fisher, Yonge and Jane Sts., Thorn- ‘hill. Terms cash. Sale at 2 o’clock tandaru Time. J. H. Prentice, Auo- ticneer. i3 0 Assured HofelAccommodafion. A e Admission to Fair Gran'ds. ‘ 23.29 Admission to 5 Concessicms. kghtseeing Tours of New York v 4 and the Fair Grounds. K \ aria: Seeâ€" World of Tomorrov; . â€"TODAY.’ Finns QUOTED m CANADIAN ruuos AND ran 2 m A ROOM lgReservaIions must be made a! 2: least a week in advance 9; Descriptive folder and complete E information at G. A. DONNELLY Telemone 177 Sale Register £326. 95 £140 $13.! $i. 00