FUNERAL DIRELIORS ‘V y AMR'L‘LANHC SERVICE are “0“ °“ “1' Richmonu hut Phones-~15 and 142‘ . ‘ N.qu Phone-15 I Mme-V IS a-I' Blanch Ofï¬ces at l‘our office this THORNHILL AND UNHINYâ€.LE ywaste a lot of Iormerly of Wm. Cook, Cook &V‘Qelnny Barristers, Solicitors. etc. Wm. (bok, K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg 85 Richmund St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loap at Current Rate fidelmo Alelecci I Buy a ticket for Richmond Hill A Cornish laundiy proprietor was From the Toronto Conservatory ofl'Street Dance and help Cornrmunity‘recently ‘buried‘ in a coffin which Music. will urcept a number of pupils 'Welfare and War Work. had been made at his orders 11 I Plano, Urgunnani Theory. _ ___. years before his death. He used it hmond li;lfl{:lklle$‘1k;lgand Friday The door of the Stouffville heatl- as a safe in his office, saying that A A. ‘ I M ‘rn‘iitns of the group known as‘no thief would dare to lift a coffin l'Jehovah's Witnesses was padlocked lid. W 3'1- George , ' ( ' 088 Ed. wmg the government order outâ€" ._.., Piano [ï¬ner ', Ilawin-g the organ’zation. Motorists of Slver City, N.C., Formerly \{‘i:l\:Il:-i1112111:ln Company Leave O‘l'drl'S 'xt Auttxn'g Drsz Store Office 229 Wednesday 7-9 pm. Toronlm Office â€" 45 Richmond St. W. \VA. 5923 Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Boics. B.A. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Bvilding Yonge Street â€"â€" Toronto Barristers, SoIir'itors. etc. Officeâ€"3711 Dominion Bank Building, Iouthwest corner of King and Yang, Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. H. A. Clark, K.C. H. E. Redman‘, KC. W, P. Mulock,K.C. Alexander MacGregor K. C. BARRISTE‘R & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 51‘ Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Rec. M0. 2866 A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ont. -_......-r 93 Yonge Street atock saies a sn Immediately North of Masonic Hall md sold on con Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill 5 ended to on sh Toronto Office â€" W Toronto Street mated by the n Phene WAverley 2321 ‘â€" B. Bloomfield Jordan Barrister. Solicitor. I‘Zatary Public Room 66. 18 Toronto St». Toronw Phone WAverley 2321 Resid‘enceâ€"21 I'Ionvood Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willomialp 308 M cGuire. Boles & Co. Campbell Lme BARRISTER, SOLICI‘LOR, ETC. 4.‘ You-gt: Sheet RICHMOND HILL Telephone 186 1008 Federal Building 85 Richmond Si. West, Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€"â€" z to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephones BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC VOL. LXII. Richard Edmzmds 21 CENTRE GT. WEST Morgan L. Piper SAND â€" GRAVEL WM. MCDONALD Telephone 62 Thornhfll From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by True-k Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. UNIONVILLE BA'RRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY Mulock, Milliken, Clark & Redman Wright ((1 Taylor Richmbnd Hm Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON Walter S. Jenkins Thomas Delany ThII‘13‘Y are tlxpunenpe Cook & Gibson T. C. Newman Wednesday 3-6 _ p.m. lVi LJ 23] LAL BUSINESS VOICE WANT ADS CO‘ AN'D DISCOVER MULTITUDE OF NEEDS R‘"hwon THO‘KN H ILL. Phone 264 'Iill Residence 148 COVER 'ER A DE )8 The frequent rains in recent 'weeks has made haying operations "for farmers extremely difficult. Very few people wake up to find themselves famous. They usually dream they’re famous and then wake York County crops look very pro- mising. There are some wonderful crops of wheat which is reported to ‘be filling weii and already is start: ing to ripen. New potatoes from this district are now on the market. Experience way be the best. tea- ‘cher, but she sefdom finds an apple on her desk. Buy War Savings Stamps and help 'Cana-d‘a’s War Effort. DR. W. J. WILSON OFFICE HOURS â€"â€" 9 -12 am. daily Tues., Thurs. & Sat. Evening 6 - 8 Telephone 24 Nights 147 Office Hour.c 9 â€" DR. J. P. WILSON OFFICE HOURS â€" 1â€"4 p.m. ‘ Mon., Wed. 7&7 Fl‘i. Evenings 6 DENTIST Successor to DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodoridge Phone 77 AUCTIONEER Licensed AuctiOneer County of York Auction Sales conducted on short notice and at reasonable ates Richmond Hill Phone 9211 t22 Yonge St v Richmond H‘il DR. ROLI’H L. LANGSTAFI‘ Centre St. E VIAPLE (Womm and Children) Office Hours 1 â€" 3 p.111. Appointments made Phone 100 hles ;icensec‘ Drs. Wilson & Wilson Js H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St K. C. Prentice. Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of very dcscript‘nn. Farms and farm tock sniies a specialky. Farms bought '{Rl‘ij‘lZiJIA'N Ci 'L'ANGSTAFF DENTIST . YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Dr. C. A. MacDonald and at reason: J. T. SAIGEO . Insurar FIRE â€"â€" AUTOMO Money is alright said a visitor to ‘1‘ office this week ‘_“but you sure aste a lot of time making it." Prentice & Prentice Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m.. 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 and bv appoianent A. S. Farmer LICENSED AUCTIONEER 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE Bank of Commerce Building Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST Dr, R. A. Bigford Office Hours 10_ Gormley RR. No. 1 Telephone Stcuffville 6812 Dr. W. J. Mason J. Carl Saigeon Drso Langstaf f Etirre Hours 10 â€" 12 Am. JA MES R. LANGSTA Fl“ R. H. KANE MEDICAL General News and Views Auc AUCTIONEERS Telephone THORNHILL CTIONEER MAPLE of Yor rlest nof 11 a.m N&SON BILE for ‘n. All salts at- nohre and con- m-oved methods Richmond Hill 1‘2 rates m. daily none County LIFE | “- notice RICHMOND HILL, ON'IH‘A'Rloï¬-THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 1940. L . Shevbrooke Rccord‘: A woman 11 whose husband! has been called to .war service was standing on the sta- ‘yletion platform as the train sped a- 8 .way. Suddenly she \burst into tears. .When the stationmastei' tried to gicheer her up by saying that her :7 husband would come back alright, _ .she replied: It’s not him I’m crying labout â€"â€" it’s them poor Germans. I [know what my Bill’s temper is like lwhen he starts.†Motorists of Slver City, N.C., complain that the c'ty traffic lights wait too long to change colour. A coloured man, Johnny Peoples, prov- ed- it. A patrolman said that Peo- ples drove up to a red) light and fell sound asleep before the light turnedl green. A Minneapolis nursery furniture firm is reported t6 be manufactur- ing 25 (bullet-proof prams with quarter-inch metal plates. They have been ordered b‘y people in Aruba, Dutch West Indies. I Somehcw or other We don't like {that chap Kalten‘born. He knows .how to tell bad news so effectively .as to depress his hearers. Perhaps .it is too early to suggest that the ICanadian government request Uncle ,Sam that the broadcaster with the :German name be barred frOm the airways as a possible fifth column- .ist. We have stopped listening to him. .in- the first six months of 1940. Only .iru one year previously has the first .six months passed without a lynch- .ing. i Not a single lynching was re- .ported throughout the United States . That the German prisoners which .we are to house for the duration the put to work building the trans- .Canad'a highway across Northern Ontario is suggested by W. L. Clark .in the Windsor Star. Not a bad .idea. Why sfhouid not these foes ,of Canada have to work for their .keep in the same way that former- 1 If Sunday is the “day of rest" :then Monday, Tuesday amt Wednes- day are the days we moderns de- uvote to recovering from queer ways :of restingâ€"Windsm- Star. ly free people living under the Nazi ‘heel have to toil for their erstwhile conquerors? “Why do you insist on keeping a parrot?†. “Because,†answered the lonely man, “I like to hear it talk. The aparl'ot is the only creature gifted -witll1 the power of speech that is content to repeat just what it hears without trying to make a good story of it.†GEORGE TURNER George Turner of Adljala died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Frank Hamilton in King township Thurs- day. Deceased was born in Toss-or- ontio near Alliston 81 years agm He suffered a stroke on Saturday last. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Hamilton and three sons, Paul and William of Ad‘jala and Charles in AlJberta. One son James was killed at Pachendale in 1917. The funeral will take place on Saturday at 2.30 from the home of his daughter Mm. Hamilton in King: with interment at. Morningside Cemetery, Palgl‘ave. GEORG W e OBITUA RY Smin A. WITHERSPOON ’f Vaughan townsh away My :From our Issue of July 14th. 1910 ‘ Some remarkably good shooting is {being done by the Canadian team isent to Bisley Camp, England. One 10f our own Richmond- Hill boys, in the person of Wm. J. Clifford, has ‘taken several pnlzes, and stands well Ito the from: in all the competitions. ‘Mr. Clifford is attached: to one of [the city Regiments. ‘ The union excursion of the Metho- dist anti Presbyterian Sabbath Schools to Beaverton took place on Wednesday, and the good time af- forded as a consequence will be long remembered by thOSe who went along. From our Issue of July 19th, 1940 Excursion parties are flocking to o‘onns Lem: every day. It is said ht abcut a dozen-are booked) from Toronto this week. Mr. Livingstone, head miller in Innesf flour mill, removed from Barrie Monday with his wife and little daughter, and has, taken up residence cn Richmond Street re- cently vacated- by Mr. Mahaffy. Mr. John Coulter, after carrying on the tailoring [business for many years, has retired, and has rented‘ WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES his shop to Mr. A. J'. Hume, who moved into the new premises Mon- day. Mr. Hume purposes stocking his shop with gentleman’s furnish- ings, and will carry nothing but up- to-date goods. Mr. Sim-tn Baker, 2nd concession‘I of Markham, had a successful barn-i raising on Friday when about 40 of. 5:0. the farmers in the immediate neigh- \‘Jcrhood took part. Mr‘ Ed. Lynett 0 I and Mr. Walter Eyer were again‘ A selected captains, and after a warmi contest the side of the latter was: victorious. | i M A large number from Maple at- tended the barnâ€"raising on Mr. J. H. Kirby’s farm in. York Township last Saturday afternoon. The captains were Mr. R. Rumble and’ Mr. M. Ramsay, both sides finishing- at the same time. About 200 partoo‘k of Mrs. Kilfby‘s hospitality. | Hon. Wm. Muloc'k has had 68 in- candescent lights with meter placed in his North York residence near Newmarket. Edwin C. Hambly, of Sunny Acres Farm, Vaughan Township, died at his late residence on Wednesday, July 11. Interment took place at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Bolton, Fri- day afternoon. I THIRTY YEARS AGO FORTY YEARS AGO Able Bodied Men . . .Willing to Work on Farms for Two or Three Months . . . are Available for Haying, Harvesting and General Farm Work The Government of Ontario is ready and willing to help Farmers who need extra workers. Realizing that farm crops are vital to Canada’s war effort, the Ontario Department of Labour has formulated a plan to register workers who will be available to harvest these crops. In view of the fact that there is a scarcity of farm help we ask for your co-operation. Many willing workers have registered for work with the Ontario Department of Labour and are now ready for immediate employment. Farmers who need extra help should apply to the nearest Ontario Employment Ofï¬ce . . . or write direct to ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR ment Buildings, Toronto MacLaren, Director Farm Training, Department of Labour, Parlia- it} AHRACWE SUMMER suns 1L5 MADE TO YOUR MEASURE-u Wood is an important war mater- ial and is included in some lists of contraband, states the Industrial Department of the Canadian Na- tional Railways, the NatiOnal Sys- tem hauling a large percentage of the forest products of the Domin- ion. Timber is needed in various ways for war purposes while much wood is used in the manufacture of war equipment. From wood pulp is manufactured cellulose nitrate, or gun~cotton, used as an explosive and as the chief ingredient of smokeless powders, photographic films, collo- dion and celluloid plastics. Wood flour forms an appreciable part of drynamite, while a type of wood char- coal is used in gas masks. The tim- ber resources of Canada important in peace time trade, play an equall important role in war. 7 Farmers have been happy about the excellent haying weather in the last few days. Scarcity of help has made landowners busy from early morning until late at night. WOOD IMPORTANT AS WAR MATERIAL Phone 49.] We have a fine assortment of attractive summer suit- ings, which we make to your measure at most attract- ive prices. Newest colors and materials, and the latest styles to suit your individual personality. We invite you to make our store headquarters for your clothing requirements. Our personal service, backed by years of experience in the clothing business your disposal. ’ If you have not yet experienced the thrill of distinct- ive Richmond Tailors clothes we'invite you to give us a trial today. You will be surprised at the mod- erate cost â€" really no more than you pay for ready- made. Let us take care of your Cleaning and Pressing Requirements. Our driver will call or you may take advantage of our low cash and carry prices. RECHMOND TAILORS 0:30 0:0] ‘. A. Greene DUO 073°] Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynett ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District INSURANCE LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS. AUTOMOBILE ;URGLARY. GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS ON ALL CARS I‘ARIFF 8: NONTARIFF CO'S A. G. Savage HON. N. O. HIPEL SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR -IN ADVANCE 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 Ministel of Labour Richmond Hill O‘.d Post Office Richmond Hill 0:10 No. 3. 0:8