I Selicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and a Fair Deal to All 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut ljoot lengths, at Prices as follows FINE SALT, 100 lbs. .. COARSE SALT, 100 lbs. IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS, IODIZED, each â€" Also â€"â€" CAR MILL FEED FIRST CLASS BREAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFETERIA LAYING MASH, 0.A.C. Formula M-ILKMAKER O.A.C. Formula Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25~30 cents each At Mame Freight Sheds Johnston & Cranston MANUFACTURERS ,& IMPORTERS 0F CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments Phone HYIand 2081 Open Evenin: Res. Phone 9788 :Dependable Miik & Dairy Produce GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 RM JONES coAL*â€Co. :Ooooooooooooooo000990006 Lehigh Valley 1849 Yonge St._\(easrt side) Between Mertan & Balliol Sts Potato Bug Poison going at reduced prices. Royal Richmond Chick Starter, Growing and Laying Mash. Phone 42 Richmond Hill NUT AND STOVE COAL No. 1 ANTHRACITE And Be Assured of a Safe, Wholesome Supply by Securing it from THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 1940. MILK Builds Muscles. MILK is Energy Food. MILK Supplies Essential Elements. Day 139 Is a Perfect Food for Fath- er, Mother anal especially the Children. . E. SMITH Milk ANTHRACITE {The Coal That Satisfies†COAL ORDERS PHONE MAPLE 19W .S. “7 Our Fly Spray will protect your cattle all day as well as kill the insects in the stable. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. reasonable price EYES EXAMINED Richmond Hill Dairy GLASSES FITTED Priced as follows THE MILL USE MORE MILK _ by .â€" DR. P. P. SMYTH 'OOOMQOOOWW†Telephone 188 SALT ALWIN, Prop. Phones: at $1.35 per cwt. $1.20 per cwt. $1.35 per cwt. Evenings 82W 65c. 80c. 85c. 40c. uuzens or Nonletnn belonging to Bolton Masonic Lodge have offered ‘to take guests of Canada children. Rev. D. G. Davis and! Rev. J. Gal- loway are looking after Boys’ Camp at Lake. Simcoe. Mrs. C. Henshaw, Mrs. L. Har- man, Mrs. Nelson Thompson and Mrs. E. Paxton represented East King: at the meeting for Federated Agriculture held at Newmarket this week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bastable and daughter Gale of Toronto, Mrs. Wm. gBastable and Mrs. J. Steep of Downsview visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson on Sunday. Mr. Watson Ferguson, Misses Anâ€" nie and Ethel Ferguson attended a shower for Miss Velma Fowler at Elia on Tuesday evening. Word has reached Mr. Norman Ferguson that his nephew, Paul Fer- guson of Burlington. serving with the Army Medical Corn nvm‘sea: risr serving at Tuck Shop Paul’s 5 Under the jurisdiction of Oak : Ridges Red Cross a men's section : has been organized, headed by Don- : 'ald Frisi‘oy of ‘Temiperanceville, as t chairman; D. Goulding of Vaughan : as Secretary; Captain S. C. Snively : of Whitchurc‘h as Treasurer. The x area assigned to this branch takes ‘ in portions of four townshipsâ€"~King, Vaughan, Whit/church and Markham, approximately 50 square miles, ex- tending from the third of King and Vaughan, east through the fourth of Whitchurch and Markham; north to the subway sideroad andI south to .EIgin Mills. Four township chair- men have been appointed as well as Ben Langley of Wh-itchurch, as Blocd Donor Convener. Plans for Nation- al Red Cross Campaign beginning on Septemlber 23rd have already been set up. .It is the intention of the committee not to canvass any for financial contribution who have al-. Iready been approached on the bor- der lines by campaign conveners of ‘other areas. For example, those on 'the third of King who gave into the King City [branch will not be visited again. No canvass duplicate is (ex- pected as far as we understand. As a supplement to this effort, another department is being set up under ‘ the same committee to invstigate the ‘adeisalbility of collecting saleable material. This may include paper,‘ itin, tin cans, rulbiber, tinfoil, etc. they, can. Citizens Bolton M ‘to take g Rev. D. Ioway are the ‘ Nclbleton Women’s Institute has turned in 17 large quilts and! 7 small quilts to Schomlberg Red ‘Crossw Staâ€" tion since mid-winter. Snowball wo- men are ]busy quilting" in the school hcuse. Under Mrs. Reddick’s leadâ€" ' Blood donors will also be calied for and‘ each home will be sent a questionnaire dealing with Red Cross work, such as knitting, sew- ing, etc. Watch your local news- papers for detailed advice from Oak Ridges branch. mg the Lorne Scott of Laskav 0h! The local candidates successful in entrance examinations are to be con- gratulated. Several have the hon- our mark. King City unit of King Township Red: Cross have finished the finanCe campaign, turning in $432.25, cov- ering 211 area in and about King City. Results were gratifying Chairâ€" ‘man Crawvford‘ Wells i'eports. OHS Miss Marjorie Jarvis entertained King Women’s Institute last week to an afternoon meEting fully enjoyed by some thirty members alble to be present. The albsent ones missed a treat. “Jarvacres†was cool, green and colorful with flowers, an ideal spot for an outdoor meeting on a warm afternoon. The roll was anâ€" swerecl with the names of Canadian women. Current events were given by Miss Jarvis; a piano solo by MiSS M. Campbell. Mrs. Norris gave an interesting account of her early ex- periences in the Canadian West in sparsely settled parts where re- sourcefulness played a large part in everyday life. throughout the towml have been made. Othe poor health, or advazw‘ have offered theth‘ he] ers and.chi1d‘ren capab after themselves. Miss Marjorie Jarvi King Women’s Institute FOLIO Mrs. Kay of Schombe for refugee can an brother ad‘a. ughout distr e off Med 11 f1 the ofN Lake S 'Ke King City District News tut ister m mcoe whc rp overseas, 'is spinal injury. 1‘ is ‘also serv- 'act of King- Township ï¬shed the finaHCe in $432.25, covâ€" and about King gratifying Ch-air- Camp Reddick’s lead Snowball W.I aymates c >irthday. M Bradiom \V mp in the! Buy British, B Lorne haslhelp win the war 3V8 mp 3.! pre ne respo II‘ guests ‘ to moth- of looking 1y offers generally because of stem )l‘n'le :ntafl Scho etc re compelled even tl order to preserve essentials. Such sound 1ike,a tei’rif 'before we have w .h):!\\'ar(i‘ Grcontbridge of Toronto, held on Tubsday from her daugh- ter’s home, Mrs. Charles Stewart. Mrs. Groon’lbridge was in her 84th year and was the former Elizélbeth' Ireland, daughter of the late Samuel Ireland of King Township. She was the last surviving memlber of a famâ€"I ily of ten. Mr. Groom'brid‘ge prede-u ceased her some years ago. Surâ€"( l l l l vivin‘g‘ are three children, Mrs. Stew- art and William Groc‘mlbridg‘e of To- ronto, Silas Groombridge of King; six grandchildren and] six great- grandchlil-dren. Imlterment was made in Prospect Cemetery, Toron-to. 11' Mrs. E. J. Arrcthibaldl. Donualdl is wearing the army uniform. We understand that Rev. and Mrs. Wrixcn of Richmond» Hill have a Guest -of Canada, a little girl, in their home. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Groornlbridge tions of the country. They numlber- ed into the fourth generation and 4have family traditions dating back to 1766, in England, France, Ger- many and later in United States and Canada. Charles Archirbaldl is of Loyalist stock and an amazing gentleman for his years. He has been a victim of accidents and! sick- ness but has the sturdy conviction and determination to climib out on top that his Scottish ancestors mani- fested in their pioneer days. Deâ€" spite the crippling that two badly broken legs gave him a few years ago, Mr. Archibald just doesn’t stop work. Biible study and reading are his pastimes. Mr. Archibald has 7 children, 24 grandchildren and‘ 6 great-grandchildren. He was the oldest memlber at the reunion and the four months old (Daughter of Aulbrey Archibald otf ;_:ng'. the youngest. The‘grouzp will menu on the last Saturday in June 1941. Officers are, President, David Archibald of Dunkerrron; Secretary, Irene Archilbald; Treasurer, Arthur Wellesley; Sports, Clark>Archibald, LH 12g. Wellesley. Clark Archibald- of King was un- able to be present on Saturday due to painful face injuries received in an accident at the foundry wheue he Strange Presbyterian W.M.S. held a quilting at the church last week, preparing for the annual fall bale. Rev. Ernest Worrall and family will be holidaying for the next three weeks including July 21, 28 and Au- gust 4. Mr. Garrett of Toronto will supply at St. John’s, Oak Ridges and! Mr. Minty of Etdbicoke will take King services. Mrs. T. K. Ferguson and family of the third line have left the farm to live in Aurora. Donald Archibald of Canadian es". is visiting his parents Mr. and rs. E. J. Arrcthibaldl. Donualdl is ship and Unity" before Laskay Y. P.U. last week. Miss Floral Davis is h013daying in Toronto. Her group of C.G.I.T. girls won credit befort King United W.M.S. last week when they gave a short program at the picnic meet- ing at Mrs. C. Folliott's. Included in the group were Doris Musrtard, Jean Wilson, giving the lessons; Carol Brown and' her mother, a piano duet; Frances Ward, Lois Crossley and Marjorie Stone in vocal trio. Mrs. F. Willis arranged the pro- gram. TKS just the right smile for a little chap to buy ice cream and soft drinks, and buy often. Lauren. ship and ard‘ and Mrs. Si ninth line a the former )ur mmds to endure a lot iships than a mere ration- oline. It would- be a great, ace and people would not idea, but if that is the lave to put up with to win we can count ourselves for- eed.â€"â€"(F1‘om the Windsor 1y Canadian, and TjIE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Silas Groornlbridge attended the fun~ 3r’s mother, Mrs. dge of Toronto, @7 ‘ooomwm WWWMééGéOQWQMWWO-GW * @ WWWMNOOMOQM WW & v¢z¢ memo MNWNWWQMQnOMOMOMOOGM-éocNééa A a. 4m“: em-mmsoa WNMQOOOOQOOWOOOQOWW®¢9 006¢9W6W6N06096M9 00069669†The highway runs thi‘bugh the -very heart of the great mountain ‘hain. It followa the vanvs of a he newly completed Columbia Iceï¬ield highway, leading north- ward from Bam’f and Lake ’Louise in the Canadian Rockies, will provide unique motoring thrills when it, ‘is officially opened for traffic in July. The new road, which cuts through one of the most beautiful sections of the mountain playground, Viurnlislles direct access to the great Colum- bia Iccfield, 150 square miles in extent, whose melting ice is the source of rivers which eventually find their way to three oceans. the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic via Hudson Bay. ' N @W Things Am “NEWS †AN ADVERTISEMENT TIS AN INVITATION The connecting link is ADVERTISING. give the people the good news of new things at advantageous prices. They look to you for this “store news†and will re- spond to your message. Let us show you that. You have the goods and desire to sell them. The readers of THE LIBERAL have the money and the desire to buy. EVERY member of every family in this “ommunity is interested in the news of the day, And no items are read with keener relish than announcements of new things to eat, to wear or to enjoy in the home. I :r x Beautiful Columbia Iceï¬eld Highway New Thrill for Visitors to Rockies This mountain region is not barren or colorless. Instead, he- neath great snow-capped peaks are great spruce and pine forâ€" ests, glittering glaciers, translu- cent bodies of water, peaks look- in;r for all .the world as though huge paint pots had been spilled down their cliffs and terraces. Bears. elk, moose and other big game can be seen along the road- side and there is good fishing in the waters of the district. This new highway promises to ciers; runs along the shores of tumbling streams and jadeâ€"green lakes; passes roaring cataracts and rapids. succession of wild, .tossing rivers; skirts impressive, age-old gla- ises t0 ttract- ing greatly increased numbers of visitors to Banfl Springs Hotel. Chateau Lake Louise and Cana- dlian Pacific mountain lodges this summer. An interesting pro- gmmme of special events has been planned in View of the re- cord numbers of visitors expect- ed from all parts of this contin- ent and includes the Indian Days celebration at Bantf, July 18-21; Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies. July 26-30; Sky-Line Trail Hikers, August 2-5; Bani! Goff Week, August 18~24r Alpine Club of Canada outing to Glacier Lake. July 14-30; and Bent! School of Fine Arts, August 1-31. The annual Stampede at Calgary, Canada’s greatest Wild West show. will be held from July 8 to 13. PAGE SEVEN .000006 909006. 56600009 60900009. 709009 O. ‘00... O. .099. ‘00.. 700060, 69090. .09. 90