PAGE EIGHT l l 0 O 0 O 0 O O 0 9 O O O O 0 t O O ’z 9 0 Q g 9 O O O Q 0 0 O 9 0 6 0 Q 0 Spruce Avenue RICHVALE BASEBALL, BINGO and Other Attractions DYER’S ORCHESTRA ___â€"â€" ‘ Sat, July 2011. AT 7 RM. ‘ Admission 25c. Under Auspices of East Vaughan Ratepayers Association MMOWWOM WALTER BONE & SON WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Frost Steel & Wire Co. Products We Gladly Quote Prices Phone Maple 864 WOOOMOOQQOOQQOOOO OOOOOOOOOGOQOOOOOOOO TIIE LIBERAL. Itl(,‘ll.\l().\'I1 llll.l.. ONTARIO UNIONVILLE ‘ 'liit- \\'4111‘1e11'.~ .\.~~ tuniwin it (i:.~ ig»« 2111i llllikil (lilll’vli 11111 ‘111 (lie lith-i (if ‘IlHdTV 57"“ ill.“ lili‘llll-V-li‘: 1H Cull “A,†W. 1“, Mm“): 'l-mhmb.‘ JU‘}. i. [11% us many «it the >lll1lll fruits-us ;.1 .: 11.11;. \\.th 3115. bent-.1 1111- 1111:1- l“>>1’>-‘~ 1911*â€). Wt- murt hike 11.1- .1ei.: 11: t‘i1:t|;_‘,4.' oi the meeting. The WWW?“ “l lllt‘ «livlll‘vl' flirts for devitiiinnl section of the >k'l'\.L‘L' at'- “1'1" U\\'Ii tannins. Secondly, inch itei‘ iiie rilltl'lllg‘ (.1' the hymn was.‘111<‘ 11' Uselurulil 11) to lllt't'l 1hr- tnken iy Ali's. .-\. l‘i. .\l1111cr, reuviâ€"j “dill-“F “1 UH“ \éllli'lls mgziiiixuâ€" ‘.I‘.L" thw Zilrii I’szilni and Mrs. ;\.‘t“‘â€-‘ “’liVII “‘4' “111' llt'i!) lit'l' vxlril (tilliï¬ï¬‚ll gunne.‘ the llioie t;11k uni (“‘11-‘- Thll‘ll." l‘Xilil iilli‘t l> use- ,iiiiyer. The ml. cull “as rtwpniid- “‘1 ll". HW‘" “TY lit-WW†:‘ll'ts. ed to by the manners rising a \'L'l'.‘t‘l “1Ԡ1““ furl-"Vt Will] “it‘ll HEW .\“U (.1' >(‘111iiul‘t‘ coitaining the \voi’dimlԠt“ “‘t “Sl‘lt‘ H l't‘w Aims for this "gtiiile‘. After the vuiious reports '1'-L"3'lH <0). \tht a .ir'.\' it Will L’m‘ were given Mrs. Wm. Pellatt 2111<l11""l‘ Mr E“ Um“ 1“ “WP them in Mrs. J. (‘hampion ll]tl_‘l‘t‘>tt‘tl the lntl- “M’m'HVV ""-l“l‘l“‘â€â€œ “1' “ill†l“‘l" ics with will chosen readings. Mrs. (“'5 “ml lâ€"'v"““t HIPS“ L‘C‘tt'tllt‘s 10 Duffield closed the meeting with‘tho-w “'h†‘11“ lll- 1“ Ill“ l‘mt‘lY 01‘ their minds recently found it a New .to them; those who desire informa- sure in being able to present a beau- 3101:. Write in, ‘ tiful new pulpit Bible to the church. ' Naturally .m‘e hearing much A short Sunday morning seivice Whom raspberry Jam the-<0 days. This leommemorating this event was given: ‘5 my “WthOdIâ€"r’tftol' l‘l<'k'111£ 0"91‘ |into the hands of the Association and ‘VaShmE tho bcl‘l‘lcs thoroughly, Ԡ1 . .ilacei: --....,.. and Mrs. B-ewell who has so ably .‘l _ 1“ ‘Ome edlthUNaIL vessel. served as president of the Associa-‘ S-P1‘1Wl\'llng‘ alternate layers wlth k l . tion for fourteen years, spoke to sugar "1 equal measurements. Let the congregation, and Mrs. J. H. Stand Over Night aml in the mOI‘nlng Brown made the presentation. ‘place in preserving kettle with 1/2 .cup water, sufficient to keep from w e The ladies also reap real joy in1 the Red Cross work and in sending baskets of fruit, flowers and letters to the indisposed members of the‘ ; juice isticking to the pan, until sugar and dissolves. Boil on medium heat for 20 minutes, then lower heat a little and: simmer for 40 minutes. Skim and place in container using either paraffin or some of the new seals. Store in cool, dry place. Raspberry Relish 1? quarts ripe raspberries 11 pint cider vinegar 1/2 cinnamon stick (an inch length) (1/4 teaspoon mustard seed 11 teaspoon preserved ginger (‘2 cups sugar Pick raspberries and simmer them [in the vinegar for 45 min., drain and add the mustard, cinna- 1inon and ginger. Boil slowly for 810 Imin., then stlain and measure and for each quart, add 1 piIIt sugar. rBoil slowly until thick, then bottle ‘and seal. group and the church. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Unionville Pastorâ€"â€"Rev. A. E. Owen ‘ (Daylight Saving Time) 10.30 a.m.~â€"Chureh School. 11.30 a.m.#“His Number is 666.“ 8 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Service. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH (Standard Time) 1.310 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 punâ€"“His Number is 666.†ST. PHILLIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 7 p.m.â€" Evening Prayer. ent Active Militia. ing at Fort York Armoury, Toronto. provided. RECRUITS WANTED The Queen’s York Rangers 1st American Regiment) (M.G.) 30 recruits between the ages of 18 and 45, of good physique and not less than 5’ 6†in height will be accepted by the above Regiment of the Non-Perman- Parades each Wednesday even- Applicants are requested to leave their names and addresses at the office of this paper immediately. Transportation UNIT GOES TO CAMP AT NIAGARA JULY 29th TO AUGUST 10th RaSpberry Vinegar 1 '4 quarts raspberries ‘1 suart vinegar (mild) *Sugar ’ Place 2 quarts of the berries in a bowl and cover with vinegar. Cov- ‘er closely and allow to stand in a cold place for 2 days, then mash (berries and strain the Vinegar (through cheesecloth. Pour it over 2 quarts of fresh raspberries. Allow WEDDING- PILLSWORTHâ€"RL'TLEDGE A wedding of wide local interest was solemnized at Riverholm Golf Club, Orangeville, on Saturday af- ternoon, July 6th, when Mary Ellen Rutledge, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Herbert Rutledge of Orange- ville, became the bride of Elbert , golden locket heirloom. v.1 ‘ nouniced‘ Iyachts, the “Nautilus†and the “Cleo- . patra". Cecil (Bus) Pillsworth. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Pillsworth of Wood- bridge. The Rev. G. W. Robinson of New Toronto officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an original gown with long train of white French marquisette outlined with organdy applique over white satin, with matching fingertip veil. She car- ried a cascade bouquet of bouvardia and Sweetheart roses, and wore a She was attended by her cousin, Miss Margaret Rutledge. of Toronto. Little Mary Patterson was a flower girl and the groomsman was a bro- ther of the groom, Hudson Pills- worth. of Lindsay. W'illiam Watson of Woodlbridge and William Rut- ledge of Toronto acted as ushers. “'eC-d‘ing music was played by Miss Marv Corbett. Creemore. a ccusin of! the bride. At a wedding reception guests were received bv the mothers of the bride and groom. Later the couple left for a wedding trip to Ottawa. Quebec. and the Maritime ProvinCes. They will reside at \Vnodibridge where the groom is a partner in the serving pan with sugar. (pound of sugar to 1 pint juice. *1 Heat slowly, skimming when vine- igar begins to boil. Boil gently for 112 to 15 minutes and seal in s‘teril- ized jars. Use 2 tablespoons raspâ€" berry vinegar to 1 glass of water, when serving. REGULATIONS FOR NE\\' PRISONERS In order that regulations govern- ing discipline of treatment and pl'is- oners in internment camps in Can- ada lye made applicable to the pris- oners recently arrived from Great Britain, “Prisoners of War Class 1'" meaning those captured in actual twat-like operations, were brought under the scope of the regulations Woodibridige Radio Electric. VALT'ABLE GIPVI‘S ACCEPTED Acting on behalf of the Govern- ment, Hon. C. D. Howe has an- the acceptance of two placed at the disposal of the Irovernment by Basil D. Hobbs. of order-inâ€"council. __.___.â€"s._ by EX CHAN G E IS COM PLICATED ' BL'SINESS Some idea of the complexity of the problems facing the Foreign Exchange Control Board is. gather- cd from the fact that it took offiâ€" l | liclcctrical equipment donated by C. I c'als of tl‘ll‘ board 45 hours to ex- lplain fully the general broad pects of foreign exchange control to 24 chartered accountants who were ,A. Gentiles also accepted for added to the staff of the Board iuse by the Royal Canadian Navy. some time ago. “Montreal, and Mrs. T. G. Blackstock. of Toronto, respectively. A valu- able radio telephone set and other 215- \\'2\ S Make a break! hear yourself to a carefree boliday in 0nruriois lake/and of suns/line and pineâ€"scented breezes. leave all your care: be- lu'ndâ€"re/ax at ease as you ride in luxury over ‘ scenic lzljgbwaysâ€" travel by bus. Vacation: with all expenses paid and all arrangements made: 6’ Days, Pow-Wow Point, 52830; 9 Days, Georgian Bay, flew Windsor Hotel and Muskoku lakes, 332.85; 9 Days, Delawana lnn, £38.05; 6’ Days, Wigwam lodge, 532.20. Rafe: include Ierurn fare from foronro. "Vacation fours" describe: Mose and many ollier attractive lio/iday fours, I day to 9 day: will; file privilege of slop-over arrangements â€"molor road; and steamer fours, lakeside/70M vacations, and visit: to (lie big a’ries Ask for your copy fo-day. ' Prayâ€. A social hum. followed mm to other very intimate friends. Mrs. A. E. Milner, Mrs. Dyke. Mrs. “'0 1m“ not “W Waco 10 .u‘ivv Clarkson and Mrs. Penna as host you all the different methods it" C3503, making. a very happy time canning and recipes for different for all. .Jams and conserves we should like This group of ladies with the .to. Many of you who have filed thought for others uppermOSt in .some of these last year can refer? then‘ to stand another 2 days. Mash ber-. tries and strain and put in a pre-I Allow 1; Our final Bunnu will arr/kl you In plan fuxf I/ie lioliddy you wan! to have. [non/Ia logo/ding convenient daily service to aan/io ’5 lake/and [era/I: and In all tuned/bl: and 1/511. pointy. All Bus Travel Info/ma/ion at i THURSDAY. .ll'lX 18th. 1910. lRaspberry Season Again Women and Children lnterestingSidelights Forbidden Sea have! on the War. in War Zone t‘iaters .- Il‘l't't‘ 1ni~ 1 . {1.iâ€"\1:11' pin-e. Mourning“, lll own-r to lii\'\.:t 3113.111 inn-j» ' m ‘ i 1“ ‘L‘i‘iil' lxllldld‘lԠ9-" 4111's. ivguiutwiu 1.:1' 1» ‘HI. .- 1.1 1 ii. ‘V "1 “-“‘-i‘ll.\’ llSIS- Il.1\llt:‘l‘. the 111e<l.11111 of in wider-.xâ€" ‘ ELM, i' M A“ Lil†Hm buy 1‘1111121- i. 1‘11i‘lï¬ll1111: whine: :"i cl.i‘- Fir“. l! 132‘) I.“ w 1: “Miltkn (f0).â€" ILWH Hm!†UN “to M. I“ N H Huh. : .l’lt'lll ll‘llllili out they 11.1‘v .11» snii from :1 Canadian l 1“. \‘l u I“ I†l- L Hui [Ck (Ah-HQ mm- \\‘>‘l‘l\ <chuluied to trun, {‘1ii112i1 D my“ mm my “Urnâ€. (“Cum- 1\\:11' 7.1 he or l‘illl't 1211\11 \vzii. is 11. ‘hv ili i T- um; “lth' ‘mmw Ff may \Vm'uu‘p' l'ill()1:.(~ :11 Sylt, thivzznger, 3 $11,118 Mavcmnu.‘ “1â€. 7mm im 1: ii: '::.1v :111V' l‘. ‘1":1‘.11i \'~«1't' so scv- sunnundmg‘ the British 1".“ M 11(1) i1'11 «d by Briti>h planes in .1 llx't‘lll expt lition that 10.000 labâ€" thrvugh dangerous Europe.:n waters titers have l‘1"(l to lo sent by Coer- are. by the fact held to we su‘ijtcf to (lw‘h'uctivo Mum} by rmhm' Umlmy 1.11;: 1o y-t‘péi‘p them. Natural _iour- ‘plnnes. enemy t.rpe(lms :111.l 111 :115. Tiff." liven “at CHEWING pun- l'lai‘.l>hip aivl loss of life cl uld cas- “up: midi '1â€. Ilium. Dams 0f cep‘ lily arise if these i'ceulatlins \vercinmry. “W. Elihuâ€? hem-y di‘mafle lullaxmll except m “bus of. «in ne_ and 1nterier1ng w.‘th pri duction to casing Exu‘ptifln ‘5 made rm. “.0_1-:111 :.l;11'1111ng (to tne Germans) ex- men of the armed forces of Canada ligm' . or for those whose duties of public ‘ I'MUH In England nor. hat called gmwice require Ocean nun,“ 110 the ~Colours are training with ‘ In accordance with these regulaâ€" “mixmltM-kg' ‘11th as m the first . , "'I'czit War. D‘l i 0 .z ‘ ‘ ' tions, clearance shall not we grant- '.1 t t} .1 lint“ ‘T‘l mdlCth . . . , w1. ‘1 101 . o . 'ed by customs offiCials C1 the Gov-1 . a: n mtï¬ Cl nd “or for he . . 2.1V Lie ‘ ‘ 1" > . ernment to ships numbering women ' if]. L L.“ m “D .. . .The Raiser is reported to have and children under twelve years a- . . .ai‘rvul 1n Potsdam, the old home mong their passengers. f tr , E T . . Breach of these regulations byi? CL bellman mpeimï¬' hls IS the f1rst tme the Kaiser has been masters or owners of ship: is )un- . . . I n (psi-many siznce he fled into Holâ€" .ishable under the Criminal Code by‘ a fine not exceeding $2000 and not less than $500 01' to imprisonment land. two days before the Armistice on November 11, 1918. ...In the memorable retreat from ‘ Hitherto radio‘s first claim to fame to a term not exceeding six months or to both the fine and the impris- onment. ’ Dunkirk, a British detachment of 3,- ‘CVO-O soldiers held the citadel of Cal- lais against a far larger German 'force and prevented this force from turning on the flank of the Brirtish Expeditionary Force, fighting the irearguard action to the coast. A BBC Programme , iGerman account says that when the ‘ sdirlesndeffrli?ailep‘liedivafThia British Army’s duty is to fight"â€"and1 they did. It is believed that only about 30 men of this gallant band sur- vived. ...“Rule, Britannia" was first sung 200 years ago (August 1, 1740) in the gardens of Lady Astor’s present Clivcden House in Buckinghamshire, England. Throughout the long years “HAL 1 Radio entered a new phase of its service to the world the out- break of the second Wozld “(3.121 I was thnough its entei raininenti value; today, it is a vital :ource of communication, presenting the news‘ that develops so fast to other facil- , i _ , , ,slncc, Brittns have been singing my call C9136 Wlth Its S‘WIfI pace‘ ithat Britannia rules the waves and Radio in Canada has Hitsponded ‘ ne‘er, never “mum be Slaves __ and. 1readi.y to the 1ntens1f1catitn of theiactmg (m it‘ too. war effort. The CBC has utilized ‘ .‘ v H s V ~ ' ....British Army officers in charge .its networks to bring tne 1.e\\s totOf .listeners and to prcv.(le the eniter-‘ 1 tainment essentiakas a respite from‘ 1each day's reports of the struggle. And during these arduous months. ‘the CBC has experimented with and ideveloped another urgent service â€" programmes spec'ally plannt i to as- sist Canada's, war effort. - with the Ship. of these‘ "Carr-"pm canada!†15; ...So:ne Russian sidelights...Rusâ€" 1broadcast Sunday r‘ghts at 0.03 p.111. ;_ Siam leaders donvt like the-i1. own lEDST from the Toronto studios and I names; they prefer uersatzn names produced in co-operation “‘th theithat imply certain traits they hope Fedeial Governments Department-of they possess. Stalin means “Steelâ€. Information. It is designed to gixe .1 His mcther knew him as Yosif Edda“) l) _ to fmzen‘ tlnluglioliltt Visarmnovitch Dzhugashwli. (Per- t e om1n10n w 10 want to (.0 tier! ‘ Imps there is some excuse for his the military guard aboard the torpedocd Arandora Star (carrying ltalan and German internes to Canada) gave up their lifebelts to others, lined up on the bridge with the Captain and ship’s officers â€"â€" ["215 if they were waiting for a bus†1 one survivor said â€"â€" and went down 1 bit and to keep the people on the‘clmngim?’v his name). Molotiv (the home front informed on the act1v1- Premier) means “hammer†His ties of our men in arms. 1, , ‘~ - u My C t w ‘ \ _ ~ I , given name was Scriabin. Carry On, anada. l.3>1€>utefl1l in an atmost universal appeali â€"- throughout Carada on the part Of) There are a few good mathemati_ servtce groups requeftmg that they [ cians in the Commons. one of them be Permitth t0 Co-Oiiï¬l‘ate in any 1A. M. Nicholson, C.C.F. member for way that would effectively combat Mackenzie. Saskatchewan, took sortlne subversive influences. It has fnspiredl Sgglgfifnlii g‘i‘eoi‘hnzg S:gi?g?g:;vuif scrv1ce clubs to raise useful amounts der the new taxation proposals. The of money which have been sent tO‘ man in Saskatchewan with an in- th-e Finance Minister for war pur-icome 0f $500,000 pays $538,000 in- pOses. It has also given industrial, come tax' Ml" tholson haStened' . . . ‘to assure the House that no one has leadershp impetus. directed groupsmhat much income in his province and individuals to ways and ineansj so the heavy impost will go by de- of ra'sing funds. gathering supplies, fallâ€. and promoting morale. In fact, thel CBC's feature, “Carry on Canada!†has operated in such constructive fashion as to win the recognition of being the mouthpieu- of all Canada Hubtb-y: “What are you doing with my Encyclopaedia Britannica?†Wife: “I’m looking for something.†Hubby: “Can’t you use a ladder in her war effort. or a chair?†When a woman says: "And that isn't all!" you know she's just start- ing. Lions Club Carnival “'edn-esday, August 14th. 9%? Of!“ Sales BQORS are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First G. A. DONNELLY Telephone 177 AT ORDERS TAKEN THE LIBERAL OFFICE