' PAGE TWO “THE LIBERAL†Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY ' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachern Smith. Manager Icmber Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year -â€"â€" To the United States Covering Canada's Beet Suburban District Advertising: Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1940. $2.00 NA TIONAL REGISTRATION Everywhere throughout the country there is an evi- dent desire on the part of the people to assist in every possible way with the National Registration which will take place next n.0nth. Capt. Frank Mesley, Registrar for North York, has been deluged with offers of voluntary help from people who are anxious to take this opportun- ity of contributing their services to Canada’s War effort. This week the Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Minister of Na- tional War Services announced that organization plans are proceeding rapidly, and while the registration dates have not yet been set it is expected it will be all completed by late in August. Registrars have been appointed in all ridings, and deputy registrars are now being appointed and voluntary help for these deputyâ€"registrars enlisted. In this district anyone willing to give some time in this patriotic under- taking niay leave their name at The Liberal office and it will be directed to the Riding Registrar. The deputyâ€" registrars will post notices of registration as soon as dates are fixed. Ample publicity in due course will be given to places 01" registration and questions to be answered. All persons are required to attend registration booths on the given dates, to answer questions (18 for men, 19 for women) put to them by the deputy registrars. AnSWers will be written on registration cards. In cases where a person is ill or incapacitated the deputy registrar may send an assistant to complete the registration at that person’s home. If a person fails to register, he or she will be punished by a fine of $200 or imprisonment for three months or both, with an additional penalty of $10 a day for each day elapsing between the close of registration and the person’s registration or trial. A fine of $100 is provided for refusal to answer any registration question; a fine of $200 or three months’ im- prisonment or both for giving misleading answers; and a fine of $200 and imprisonment for any person advising any citizen to refuse or omit to comply with the regula- tions or impeding any officer in carrying out the regula- tions. ‘ All persons will be given registration certificates, which they will have to carry with them at all times. Pen- alties are provided for refusal or failure to produce certifi- cates on demand. Other penalties are provided by the Reg- istration Act for the protection of both the State and the people. I In the words of Hon. James G. Gardiner, registration of all the people of Canada will serve two purposes, “the first one being to get a complete picture of the conditions existing with respect to man-power and/womanâ€"power in Canada today, with regard to where they are, their back- ground and their condition of health. All information of that kind would be required, and it will be made available not only to the Department of National Defence, but to all departments of government â€" old age pensions, health, and so on. This information can be used for different pur- poses in connection with the care of our population during a period of war, and perhaps afterwards. “The other purpose is the one which has been out- lined, namely that of obtaining registration of those who are available for training in Canada immediately and throughout the war period.†Indications are that voluntary organizations will be set up in each constituency, in addition to officials ap- pointed ‘oy the government, to help carry out the task of registration. * * a! at * =i< =1: * THE INCOMPREHENSIBLE BRITISH The British are hard for some people to understand. You offer them advice when what they need is airplanes. Do they appreciate the advice? And when they are steel- ing themselves for the sort of ordeal their tight little island has not faced since 1066, when all the free world knows that its present line of defence against Hitlerism rests on the steadfastness of the British people, when that people needs the faith as well as the material aid of other free peoples â€"â€" just then you advise them to ‘run away. And do they appreciate your advice? No; for the British are hard for some people to understand. . .It is plain that' the British do not intend to lose the Old World. That they will pit themselves against a war machine which has overrun half-a dozen countries in about as many weeks may be hard for some people to understand. That the British are hard to understand in such mat- ters is what makes them so hard to beatâ€"Christian Sci- ence Monitor (Boston). ******** LEOPOLD, PICTURE-POSTCARD HERO King Leopold‘s treacherous desertion of the Allies formed part and parcel of Hitler’s scheme of world domin- ation. .Incredible as it seems, Leopold III was fooled into believing that he stood a good chance of becoming Emperor of Greater Germany. That was the root cause of his trcachery. Even in his youth, Leopold was a sensitive, neurotic. type, whose whims and fancies were always excused on the grounds of the terrors to which he, his gallant immor- tal father King Albert and their fellow-countrymen were subjected during the Great War. When the boy Prince .was sent to Eton in 1918, King Albert warned the authori- ties that Leopold was apt to lose touch with realities. After Queen Astrid’s carâ€"crash death, Leopold was mentally unbalanced and his downfall began from that time. Attractive German women were pushed into his company whenever he went on holiday. and members of the German aristocracy poured sinister ideas into his ears. All these poisonous friends kept telling Leopold that if he played his cards aright, he could become Emperor of Ger- many. They whispered that the Reich was in great need of a young. energetic monarch of Aryan German ancestry. Both on his father‘s and his mother's side. Leopold of the Belgians could boast German blood. He was told that when Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands passed away, Germany would make him ruler of both Holland and Bel- gium. That was to be just a first step. Later on. he could rise to a still greater glory. Leopold believed it all. . .Having thus undermined the D THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO tens-lye. . .Belgium‘s Foreign to El.‘ saying that when LcOp ment that he was about to stir man. mentally and physical] l.cndon. England. Minister. Paul Spank is quot- old announced to his Governâ€" i‘cnder. he loole “like a mad- y deficient'.â€â€"Ncws Review, LOOKING BACKWARD ‘ A WEEKLY GLIMPSE By Paul L. Fox 1 As an early temperance worker rc- markcd about Richmond Hill at this time, “All there is in Richmond Hill are six hotels and and each one sells whiskey." When Yonge St. became passable for regular tra-' vcl the necessity for halfâ€"way houses became more and more apparent“ Realizing this necessity, Mr. Abner Miles built the fiist hotel in the dis- trict on lot 45, Markham in 1802. The owner died in 1806 and the hotel was transferred to private hands. The next, built by Col. David Bridgâ€" ford on lot. 47 was a resort for miliâ€" tary gentlemen and early tourists. It disappeared when Col. Bridgford retired to agricultural pursuits. Another hotel was built at the south end of our village, it was the first frame building of any size to be erected in the village and was built when the 18th century was in its infancy. Before 1850 Yonge St. was macadamizcd no further north than Lym‘burner's Corners but which we now know as Lot 410. or Carrville. A government grant speeded up the work and increased the number of employees. Most of the workmen, of various nationalities, boarded at this hotel. The men were paid their wages Saturday afternoons and most of“ them went on a general carousal Saturday evening and Sunday. As an observer at that time remarked, “The drinking and fighting were ex-’ traordinary.†Yonge Street at this time ran so close to the building that the found- ations were laid bare which necessi- tated a platform six feet high all along the front. Over that platform six stores. ‘may suppose that when the landlord AT LOCAL HISTORY rcclcd nany a drunken man rcccivâ€" ing injiii‘ics in some cases which re- sulted in death. The old building was burned in 1871. Built around 1815 by John Clark was the third hotel on the spot later occupied by the Palmer House. Mr. Clark also owned the distillery on lot ~13 which he built in 1811. \Ve of the hotel ran the supply depart- ment, his customers got the “stuff, pure and unadulterated." There is reported conversation be- tween a landlord in this hotel at a later date and a customer whoaskedi for “good†whiskey. “There is no1 good whiskey," he replied, “but we have some of the best that‘s going.†Perhaps one of the best known hotels of byâ€"gone days was Del.by's., The Dominion House later occupied| that site which is on the east side of Yonge Street close to The Libâ€" eral offices. The aristocracy of T0- ronto on their trips to and from the upper lakes called here for refresh- ments. Steele's at Bond's Lake, too enjoyed this patronage. Dol‘by's was the stopping place for the old stage coach that ran between Toronto and the Landing with its great lumber- ing box-like carriage swung 0“ heavy for 1941: BreSident' leather springs, bouncing and j°1t' Ston' . .t t n . mg is dus .V 000111†‘55 Over every PI‘ESK ffl _____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-’â€"‘ "'â€""'_“'â€"' “"“_ moral i‘il re of Belgium‘s picture postcard Hero King, the Germans felt on safer ground in launching their great of- (')n Thursday. July llth tint Edge- lcy Women's ll‘~1ii‘.lf“ lltll their int-ct'ng at the home of .\li'~. C. Sniâ€" der. who, along with :\Il.~>‘ Edith. Jackson, wilcomwl the Business cvns‘strd r-f :im'angcmcnts for the jam making ' "t which is to be paiiicipaud in by institutes throughout the district. The plan was explained by Airs. Agiicw. and a local committee was chOscn to ur- iange the. details. The work will be carried on in the home kitchen of Mrs. Paul Snider. To aid in this plan for providing food for overseas shipment to sol- diers and refugcis. the Institute would welcome donation: of fruit and sugar. Residents of the Edge- lcy district who have an abundance of fruit should notify lilirs Gladys Smith as the berries and other fruits come into season. Announcement was made that war work donations of used clothing should he sent to ' Mrs. F. Locke. A programme for the meeting featuring “Educationâ€, consisted of pictures shown by Campbell Snider. The views includcd seenes of Cali- fornia, a trip across Canada, and pictures of Maple and district. Oth- er contributors included Miss Ella Whitmore who gave a patriotic reading and Jean Phillips who rend- ered a piano solo. Lunch served ‘by the hostess and committee concluded the meeting. ATKINSON FAMILY MEET HERE FOR 14TH REUNION One hundred and twenty-five per- sons attendued the 14th annual Atâ€" kinson family reunion at the “food- bridge Fajr Grounds on Saturday, July 13th. The family are descend- ants of Thomas Atkinson who came to Canada from Yorkshire, England 108 years ago. He pioneened in Etobiooke township. At the present time there are 95 first cousins Of this early settler. During the pie- nic officers were elected as follows Arthur John- Nashville; 1st Vice-President, ’Wesley Atkinson, Edgeley; 2nd Vice- lent, Leonard Atkinson, Schem- little bump in the then unpaved road. bemg; Secretary, Mrs Howard At_ On the day the stage was due, kinson, Emlbro; treasurer, once a week, villagers w0uld gather round the great sign post on which swung high above a full length por- trait of the beauteous maid, “The Lass of Richmond Hill," to form a welcoming committee to disembark- ing passengers. (The article’ on hotels will be con- tinued). Colonies Give To Help Britain Win Freely “As the first stick (i.e. weapon) from Basutoland is now being sent, I, Seiso Griffith, Paramount Chief of Basutoland, on behalf of the chiefs, sub-chiefs and Basuto nation desire to reiterate our expression of un- swerving loyalty to His Majesty the King and his Government, and to ex- press the hope that our small conâ€" tribution, which is made with sin- cerity and is entirely voluntary, may be of assistance in this great strug- gle in which the British Empire is engaged against Germany. His Ma- jesty’s Government is justly fight- ing this war and God will be with H us. And with this inspiring message, the Basuto chief sent a gift of zip proximately $25,000 from his native community. The gift was typical of the spirit of encouragement and assistance that courses through the great col- onial empire. Cash sums erceeding in all three millions sterling have been sent to Breat Britain. But the story does not end there. Gifts have been made in war material, food- stuffs, even cattle. So far, nine motor ambulances, costing over £500 apiece, have been given to the British Red Cross by people in the colonies. Two of them were given by the Chinese commun- ity in Trinidad, two by Tee H in Bermuda, two more by the Gold Coast and three, specially for the R.A.F., by Hindus in Salisbury, S. Rhodesia. The people of the Mauritius have. in addition to their cash contribu- tion of £14,000, imposed a special duty on their sugar exports to prO- vide the funds for a warplane for Britain. Children of Jamaica saved up their pocket-money and sent £100, all in pennies, as a birthday present to Princess Elizabeth for her favourite war charity. The island of Grenada made a gift. of 80.000 lbs. of cocoa for the fight- ing forces. and Trinidad is sending grape fruit for the same purpose. In Jamaica they are planning gifts: ; right. work has already commenced on the two minesweepers and four harbour defence craft for the Navy, and the two ferry tenders for the Army, which are to be an extra gift from all classes in the Colony. Among war gifts from the Gold Coast and Nigeria have been 40 head-loads of foodstuffs for the serving forces and contributions of money down to as little as 3d. a month. In East Africa native chiefs have given rice, maize, beans and pota- toes, specially grown on a communal basis as a war contribution from their tribes. One Chief contributed 94 head of cattle and another 100 bulls. This was in accordance with the age-old African custom of supplying the fighting men with meat. But, in this war money is more needed than meat, so, with the Chiefs’ approval, the cattle were sold. The 1040 bulls realized £300. In South Rhodesia, one old Afri- can, a cousin of the late King Loben- gula, drove up his whole herd of 60 cattle to the District Commissioner’s office and stated they were to be sent to “George†meaning King George, to help pay for the war. He was with difficulty persuaded to make a more modest sacrifice. Others sent gifts of money. One leading East African sent £2. He had just been reading in “Mein Kampf†that it was a crime to educate Afri- cans. HITLER’S LAST CONQUEST Divide and conquer has been Hit- ler's vicious strategy. In dividing France from Great Britain, please God, he has made his last conquest. Britain and the Empire cannot by him be divided. Standing resolutely at Democracy’s last rampart of freedom, liberty and justice, they will fight bravely to the end, and according to that end, civilization will survive or perish from the Earth. But God is in His Heaven, and Heaven itself has ordered the So with undiminished faith right, and doing our duty we in the with steadfastncss and courage. that ultimately of rum. preserves. cigars and citrus ‘ 9.3“ “9., confide,“ , f. .t f A 1“ “M74 'y ; ‘ right \v1.l prevail.i(1‘rom the Mon- 1111 oi l.l . nu . Hill-6:. ‘ no“, Sun.)- Bermuda \\'lll be Sending all her __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" surplus potato crop free to the 310- V , i . y . - n .- Pip. ~ 1 :c q The? tountrv. Recentiv Bcl‘liluflll‘ll’iS . A 3m“; “f .10: (. .‘I ‘ , , , in P11l:‘1'21\‘t‘ district _ -. “'11: \' , N’ i - \‘ "'Y‘ y\‘ ‘v‘ ‘I l ' . . , . - 41,. on. of tn ,tiangc ., .noiiL‘fl “’3 101.1141 «lead near the lllttl'MtIlHli of no means least acceptable war 5: ts ilighmtp X(\_ 1a and So on Sunday #1500 tons of scrap metal collected DU‘Y'YVUL :0“) itjllLillilk-i‘S-f We“; - (m k. r. resuman V L .c ammo. m hi iloiiv. ,‘ : . I L, Ck . 7 ,7 t; i to clear a high wire fence In tiic shlpyziids of 1100;“ IV'l‘ASIucnr witch it was found lying. , Malton. William Atkinson, Hamilton. An award for the person travell- ing the longest distance went to Garnet Ross, of the R.C.A.F., who came from Saskatchewan. The old‘- est lady was Mrs. M. Smith; the oldest man, Soloman AtkinSOn, Nobleton; the oldest married couple, Mr. and‘ Mrs. Menno Smith; the youngest bride, Mrs. G. Watt; the youngest balby, Gordon Watt, and the largest family, Mr. and Mrs. Len Atkinson. Before dispersing the family agreed to meet again in Woodbridge next year. A trailer colony is deveIOping at A newly wedkled couple moved into one of the portable homes this week, we are told. One of the last shipments of jer- sey cattle to leave the Channel Is- lands, now under German occupaâ€" tion, arrived recently at the farm of B. H. Bull and Sons in Brampâ€" ton. SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS Prepare for your summer vacation. Choose your style and order your garment now. Garments are from ten dollars up for one complete outfit. For appointment call CORSETIERE Mrs. E. C. Fielding MOTOR INN â€" Aurora Phone Aurora 160 01' Richmond Hill 9 WWWâ€â€O momlwrsfl THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1940. 7W [.4 no 0% Togacw JUST LIKE R. H. KANE TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Phone 92-31 0 0 Charles Graham ' MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment 6 O Bowden Lumber & Coal CO. LTD. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0284 lNSURANCE Policies issued through this 2 i office covering Farm Property â€"â€"Private Dwellings and their contentsâ€"Automobile â€" Plate Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, etc, Olaims Settled Promptly J. R. HERRINGTON o 0 General Insurance 3 Richmond Hill Telephone 87 o 0 WOW WE DO ALL BUSINESS C‘IRCUMSPECTL‘lâ€"- AND Pmcr 00R LUMBERGUITE _. ORRECTLY D FA'RLY x30 SHPPARD & GILL L U M B ER COMPANY RICHMOND HELL FOR BEST RESULTS â€"Useâ€" Growell Growing Mash Made according to the latest scientific formula, cor- rectly balanced and a result producer. Only the high- est quality of ingredients are used. FAIRBANK FEED CO. 2385 Dufferin Street, Toronto, KEnwood 6805, or Wesley Clark, Richmond Hill, telephone 4704 we in :9 Electrical ELECTRICAL S Oak Ri’dges PD. 000 occooooouwmomoo For Everything Electrical, Consult co 0 Z ELECTRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS.- AND SERVICE Z O W Contractor UPPLIES, SALES Phone King 321