I Selic‘rt Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and 8 Fair Deal to All BEAN . . . . . . . . SHJORTS . . . . . . MIDDLINGS . . 1 C'fu' load of Pine Slabs and Edgangs cut 1 feet lengths, at reasonable price 1 Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25-30 cents each FINE SALT, 100 lbs. . COARSE SALT, 100 lbs. IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS, IODIZED, eaCh FIRST CLASS BREAD FLOUR ALSO MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR CAFE’I‘ERIA LAYING MASH, Freight Sheds GLENN’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 RM. Phone HYland 2081 Open Evening: Res. Phone 9788 Johnston & Cranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments At Maple JONES COAL Co. 20999900990090009999.0909 Lehigh Valley Potato Bug Poison going at reduced prices. Royal Richmond Chick Starter, Growing and Laying Mash. THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1940. O.A.C. Formula MILKM‘AKER O.A.C. Formula SALT C. E. SMITH Day 139 And Be Assured of a Safe, Wholesome Supply by Securing it from MILK Builds Muscles. MILK is Energy Food. MILK Supplies Essential Elements. 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan & Balliol Sts Is a Perfect Food for Fath- er, Mother aml especially the Children. ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies†Our Fly Spray will protect your cattle all day as well as kill the insects in the stable. NUT AND STOVE COAL No. 1 ANTHRACITE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL COAL ORDERS PHONE MAPLE 19\V EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED -â€" Also â€" CAR MILL FEED USE MORE MILK DR. P. P. SMYTH Priced as Prices as follows: Telephone 188 Phones: at wome follows: ,. $1.35 per cwt. .. $1.20 per cwt. .. $1.35 per cwt. Evenings 82W 65c. 80c. 85c. Let us take what is a pretty fair parallel. You have a frontier town that is anxious to clean itself up, to have a decent civic government, to settle its problems of work, wages, housing, health, and» so on. But in this town a formidable armed gang is operating, and this gang, clearly out for itself, is nevertheless quick to make use of any possible division among the-citizens. It tells the rich that it will protect them against the envious poor. It tells the poor that it is working for them against the rich. 'Now it pretends to be for the employers against the employed, and now for the workers against their Now the Nazis were quick to not- ice this and put themselves forward, inot in their home propaganda where ithey were still fervent nationalists, but in their propaganda abroad as the revolutionaries who were fight- ing against the static “pluto-democ- racies†as they called us, in order to change the world. And many people, even though they admired neither the Nazis themselves nor their methods, could not help being influenced by this adroit line of talk. It should have *been countered right from the first by a declaration that the democracies were even more in favour of a changed world than the Nazis and the Fascists. I am cer- tain this is true of the British peo- ple; it was true of the hundreds and hundreds of serious-minded young soldiers, sailors, airmen, managers and workers with whom I talked for so many hours all day and far into the night during those first months of the var. They regarded the Nazis as I have always regarded them my- self, as the greatest obstacle to a new order and a general reform of world‘ conditions. Now I spent the first two or three months in this war travelling up and down this country for the press, looking at camps, airdromes, naval bases, munition and aircraft factor- ies, and the like, and during those many weeks of travel I talked with thousands of people belonging to ev- ery walk of life, and especially with young army and naval and airforce officers and men, and the younger men in the factories. Two things lstruck me. First, the whole atmos- phere was entirely different from that of the last war, which began almost as if it were part of some hysterical summer holiday, with a great deal of singing and shouting and flag-waving and‘ rioting against foreigners and belligerent high jinks in the old-fashioned wartime man< ner. This war opened very soberly, with none of that'noise and hysteria. The ordinary people were united and determined, but if they were not deâ€" pressed, were not elated either, but were like people faced with an un- pleasant but urgently necessary task. The second thing that struok me af- ter talking to hundreds and hundreds of the younger men, was that all of them were asking themselves, and}, asking- me, what kind of world would‘ come out of this war. They werel all ready to do everything demanded of them, were united in their deter- mination to work and fight like blazes against Hitler, but they did' not want. to feel 'that at the end of it all they wouldn’t find themselves back again in the kind of world that began this conflict. Now here, I think, the Chamber- lain Government missed a great op- portunity. It is true that on every occasion, notably in some speeches by Lord Halifax, they announced: their intentions of building a new Euroâ€" pean order. But on the whole they created the impression that their chief object was to remove Hitler and his Nazis from the scene, and then, so to speak, return to the state of things that existed :before the Nazis came into power. But this would not do; and for one excellent reason, namely, that for the millions of people all over the world, that past, or let us say, the twenty years between the two Great Wars, simply were not good enough. They did not like those years at all, (but had found them undermined by a grow- ing insecurity rboth economic and political. They did not want that world any more, they wanted a changed world. It is a good thing these days to learn and discuss the very latest news, but it is an equain good thing to take stock of the general situa- tion now and then. and as Sunday is the (best day for sober reflection, I propose to use this Sunday to ex- amine the whole problem of this world-wide conflict, and to try and decide for what we here are fight- ing Talk given by J. B. Priestley, well known British author, on Sun- day. July 7. HMO, from 11.15 to 11.30 p.m. E.S.T. This talk was a BBC Empire Transmission, rebroadcast over the National Net- work of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. “ Britain Speaks ’9 lli-eving that this is just another Eu- ‘ropean War. This is a most danger- ‘ous Ibelief which is being encouraged! by the Nazi propaganda machine to serve its own ends. This conflict is not just another European War. It isn’t European. It isn’t even just another war. Many cynics last Sep- tember had a good time reminding us that the Great War of 1914â€"1918 was called the war to end war, the last war, and so on. And now here was another. But strictly speaking, the last war was the last war. This conflict, whatever its exact character may be belongs to quite a different series. It didn’t break out fbecause some nations quarrelled stupidly a- bout some difference that might have been settled .around a conference talble. They had already tried the conference table method with the Nazis at Munich, and hadl seen it‘ brutally and cynically disregarded. No further compromise was poss- ible‘ They were simply determined) to go on and on taking whatever they wanted and they had to be stopped or life would not 10ng be worth living. A thousand volumes have not explained clearly yet why the last war broke out. You could explain this one on a postal card. The issue is plainer than the nose on Hitler’s face, and it is no more a European issue than a world Out- break of‘cholera would be. I can prove that in one sentence. The Nazi organization is endeavouring to penetrate everywhere on the Ameri- can continent. Why, for fun? The question answers itself. But though the fundamental issue, which is that the Nazis must be stopped or we The reason why the democracies have been so slow and; so often out- manoeuvred is the same reason why the decent citizens of a frontier town would appear slow and would of course be found out-manoeuvred by the armed gang. They are trying desperately hard to get on to their ordinary decent lives, and do not want to spend their time swagger- ing around with pistols in their hands and bumping people off. And our fundamental opposition to the Nazis does not come from the fact their aims are to destroy the Brit- .sh Empire but from the fact that with these gangsters roaring around and holding everybody up it is simp- President‘, Roosevelt has done the world :1 great service by producing in his Independence Day speech a list of five freedoms that men must have. Freedom from fear and want, freedom of religion, Information and expression. Their people have not got them, and no people anywhere will have them if the Nazis aren’t stopped. That is why it is vitally important that people in the New World should not be‘ lured into be- iy impossible to ge on with a. sens- ible decent civic life at all. Until they’re out of the way for good and all we can make no real progress. spiritual health of their citizens is always seen to be declining. More- over, they know that they are in- efficient on a peacetime (basis, and that is one reason why they have always tried to avoid a peacetime basis. They always try to create an atmosphere in which if war is not actually in being, it is at least round the corner. states organized for war are obvi- ously more efficient in wartime, and please note that, than democratic states are. But what it’s supposed to prove, the armed gang in the frontier town will also ‘be more ef- ficient for their purposes, which are blackmail, rob'bery, andl murder, than the innocent citizens, But the ob- ject of human life is not to make war, but to give the fullest possible expression to the human body, mind, and soul. If the state is regarded simply as a military engine then clearly the cast iron dictatorship is \best. But we refuse to regard the state simply as a military engine. It has other and nolbler purposes, and for those purpOSes we believe the democratic system is still the best. Moreover, it can easily be proved: that in peacetime these mili- tary dictatorships are not efficient at all. That is, they may be manu- facturing plenty of guns and air- planes, but the ‘bodily, mental, and And here we may make further use of this parallel. A great deal of anti-democratic capital is now be- ing made out of the fact, which no- body disputes, that totalitarian masters, and all the tiYne every real move it makes is against the best common interests of the town. and simply in its own interests. That exactly the position of the Nazis the contemporary world. LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO azis in @ OWW And then it tries to enlist as its supporters, active or passive â€" though passive supporters are most «useful to the Nazis â€"â€" the parties in those countries that are most against this main stream of opinion. And they are ready to work this itriok all the better because, as 1 have pointed out before, they are ready lto use pretence for anything, except, .of course, a real imperial democ- lracy. Look at France for example. Nobody doubts that there was not only inefficiency, but there was 'treachery. 'But where was this ltreachery? The Nazis are trying to ima'ke this question very difficult to lanswer clearly, so that now we find lthe French right 'blaming the left, land the left iblaming the right, and lthere are mistrusting and suspicious 1looks all round. That is the device iâ€"to divide and conquer. So there 600‘ .009 ’ï¬â€˜ VO‘ 51m First it decide tream of opin nost firmly an ann decides ECC plain t} AN ADVERTISEMENT IS AN INVITATION not hat part in any c< N 6W Things Are “News†The connecting link is ADVERTISING. Give the people the good news of new things at advantageous prices. They look to you for this “store news†and will re- spond to your message. Let us show you that. You have the goods and desire to sell them. The readers of THE LIBERAL have the money and the desire to buy. Community is interested in the news of the day And no items are read with keener reiish than announcements of new things to eat, to wear or to enjoy in the home. EVERY member of every family in this 195 'ely ar a I‘€ untw IS the method. , what ate z opin en- sir :' the no afbor- -br¢ azx. its VCS ical 33’ live, we don’t want our childre live any longer in this vast hcuse. But nothing can be done, not one ‘gle great change can be made, noble world-sweeping reform )ught into being until the men- : of these power-crazed Germans removed, and we can set to workl reasonable security. The gang! wait; 1% . Innocent victims of a. war in which their fathers are playing a noble part, these youthful evacues from England arrived unaccompanied in Montreal after an uneventful journey by Canadian Pacific services. In Windsor Station, Montreal, the young Britons showed deep interest in the railway’s War Memorial commemorating the death of Canadian Pacific soldiers of a. generation agoâ€"many of them fathers of the Canadian Pacific employes who are today bringing the youth of England safe by land and sea from the horrors of Hun air raids. War 1‘ Victims Safe in Canada mad- from a hope of fate of then we sh: That is w} has arrived m U destiny. It is now. in the words a message that recently arrived 11 a South American state, “The e of humanity and‘ trustee of the a of the civilized world.†destiny cleane broken before the ed up. If it is I â€"Canadian Pacific Photo PAGE SEVEN the in ;d to worse. my country est hour of ‘1 the words town can >t Ibroken