Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Aug 1940, p. 2

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' PAGE TWO “THE LIBERAL” Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVER-Y THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL ’ THE LIBERAL PRINTING (30.. LI‘D ‘ J. Eachcrn Smith, Manager .iember Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year -â€" To the I'nitcd Statcs $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising: Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 THURSDAY, AUGUST 1st, 19402 ' "'â€" PEOPLE HELP WITH SILVER BULLETS A shower of “silver bullets" continue to fall into the state coffers at Ottawa, evidence of the enthusiasm and spirit of sacrifice of the Canadian people in the job of winning the war. The sale of War Savings Certificates and stamps has been gratifying. The action of the Lions Club in giving War Savings Certificates as prizes at the big Street Dance and Carnival on August 14th is typical of the spirit of clubs and organizations all over Canada. Bowling Clubs everywhere are giving War Savings Stamps as prizes and the move to help Canada is welcomed by sportsmen everywhere. In addition to this kind of support there are thou- . sands of individual donations sent to Ottawa. They are of varying amounts, but whether the gift is an anony- mous contributor’s eighty-five cents or the more ambi- tious donation of 835.000, Waterloo’s and Kitchener’s con- tribution for the purchase of a light tank, all are accepted with equal gratitude. The written comments which accompany many of the contributions from individuals would be worthy of his- tory’s attention and might make a fine “bedtime” story for Fuehrer Hitler. A Torontonian knows exactly why he sent the money in; simply, “Ten dollars towards beat- ing the Hun. Only wish I could do more; I will when I save it.” The, only comment which accompanied an On- tario woman’s $25.00 donation was short but how elo- quent! “My son was killed at Vimy Ridge in the last war.” An anonymous person sends in one dollar with the hope that it will be followed by many more: He or she is starting a chain letter in the USA. A Eight-house keeperjoins a long list of war pension- ers who have requested that varying amounts be deducted from their cheques every month for the duration. He asks that five dollars be deducted each month. A light- house keeper’s salary, in that category, is $420.00 per year. Another refuses a six-months’ leave of absence, granted by the Civil Service Commission, after keeping the light for 29 years. Gifts from individuals range anywhere from fifty cents to $100,000. Equally impressive are the gifts of groups. The Van- couver Air Supremacy Drive nets $24,000. The Cowichan Air Supremacy Drive sends 88.000 rolling into the strong boxes. Four thousand five hundred dollars to buy surg- ical units are donated by the Canadian Nurses Associaâ€" tion.' The Canadian Daughters’ League, of Port Alberni, British Columbia, sends 81837 to be used to purchase an ambulance as a contribution from the Alberni District. Municipal districts, town councils, citizens’ groups, ladies’ associations, school children and all manner of groups. representing all ages, join to make these volun- tary efforts a Canadian-wide contribution. But numerous donations also come in from the United States, from people who sympathize with Canada’s cause in the war. A group of British and American persons, resident in Mexico, join the parade with $2,188 donation. The Sioux Indians of the Moose Woods Reserve, in Saskatchewan, sold pickets and wood to raise $20.00, be- sides contributing to the Red Cross. The Reserve con- sists of 17 families. , In Lethbridge, Alberta, a war chest organization rais- ed $2,400 through service clubs and associations. And from a grand old lady in Leacross, Saskatchewan, who is completing 90 years of life, comes sage advice along with five dollars. Says Mrs. A. Davies, “Things are black for the British just before they lick the enemy.” *******$ GREGORY CLARK FACES FACTS Gregory Clark, who looks like a cross between a char- acter from Dickens and one of those elegant gentlemen in Esquire, is home again. One of Canada’s most famous newspaper correspondents, veteran of two wars and hun- ' dreds of other front-page assignments in the past 25 years, this muchâ€"beloved and widely-known columnist will be the next speaker in the new CBC series, “Let’s Face the Facts”. He will be heard from Toronto on Sunday, August 4, at 10.00 pm. E.D.S.T. Mr. Clark went as a combatant in the first Great War; he went as a reporter in the second. He told the story of Dunkirk for the Toronto Daily Star and for Canadian listâ€" eners: the story of the C.A.S.F. on its brief journey to and its miraculous return from France, and, from England, he told Canadian listeners his impressions of the people of Britain as they prepared for threatened invasion. No other Canadian reporter has been heard on the air as often as Gregory Clark. He tells his story with simplicity, frankness and compelling charm, and his im- pressions of his most recent journey to France and Eng- -land will provide the background for his talk in this ser- ies, “Let’s Face the Facts”, which is sponsored by the Di- rector of Public Information. ******** IT IS THE HEAT The best bit of advice in the hot spell, is "don’t worry about the heat". The popular rejoinder is “just try and don’t worry about the heat”. However with usual reser- vations that accompany the writing of items regarding the weather we agree that there is far too much worrying and grumbling about the hot weather. For some time we have been complaining that there has been no summer. Now summer has arrived, somewhat suddenly and forcefully, and the logical thing should be to accept that arrival with gratitude. Possibly because we cannot place the responsibility for it on any government. group of men. or individual, it has always been man’s habit to grouse about the weather. But weather is something you can’t do anything about. And grousing about the heat only makes you hotter, just as does much partaking of some 1iquids thought to quench the thirst and cool the body. Take it easy. walk slowly. rearrange your home rou- tine io involve less exertion and little use of the stove, loosen your clothing â€" and think of that day when you froze your nose walking home to supper last winter. THE LIBERAL. RICHI‘IOND HILL. ONTARIO ____'___â€"â€"__â€":_____â€"â€"â€"_Tâ€"â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"‘â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"__â€"Câ€"= Britain th: Citadel Talk gix on by .‘lelIIhCW H. Halton over the National Network of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on Sunday. July 14. 19-10, 1mm ~i.30 m 4.45 pm. Mr. H recently returned from Englan 5131’. The other day I came home from England. We sailed up that great river which is now a river of destiny bearing the blood and treasure of the new world to redress the balance of the old. As we swept toward Queâ€" ibcc an Englishwoman bringing her with me. She looked at the splen- dor of the Canadian sunset and at the deep forests and the white towns, and she said. “What a terrific thing!" “What‘s terrific?" I asked.‘ “This nation fighting for us!" she. “For the first time I see The same day a looked at the vast breathed. 1 what it means." British officer know what I’m fighting for. I thought it was for England, but it's for the \\'01‘l(.." And so it is. misty The little fighting once more for the She stands there, the last old world citadel of civilization now that France is gone, and she stands alone. But to every Briton there is now magic in that word, “alone”. Two weeks ago Britain really awoke and it was worth living to see. In eight years in Eurtpc for the Toronto Star I have seen most of the great sights. from Spain to Finland, from ithe Reichstag fire in 1033 (which starth the whole world burning) to the first bombs on Londonâ€"sights ‘that were terrible and sights that were splendid â€" though most of them were terrible â€"- but none so splendid as England awake, deter- mined once more, as in Pitt’s day, to “save herself by her exertions and Europe by her example.” And I say this, that with each disasterCf the last few months the British step be- came a little jauntier. The mon- strous German machine stormed west early in May and Britain said, almost with relief, “Now we can get at lthem." The B.E.F. was cut off in what Churchill the great called “a colossal military disaster”â€"only to be followed by the glory of Dunkirk when, to quote the deathleSS phrase of the New York Times, “the rags and blemishes which had hidden in the soul of democracy fell away.” France collapsed â€" and every Eng- lishman squared his shoulders and took himself quietly aside and whis- pered with a secret exultation: “Now we’re alone!” The darker the day, the brighter shone the island’s cour- age. And it will be like that to the end, whatever the end may be. ‘ Eight years ago next December I went to Europe and since then I have been an eye witness of events which historians will discuss till history ends. I saw the rise to power of Hitler, the cunning mystical little mountebank who unbelievably has brought red ruin and the breaking up of laws to half mankind. I saw the occupation of the Rhineland, when we should have struck but did- n’t; I saw Geneva after sanctions were raised; its vast new marble pal- ace of the nations now nothing but a mausoleum for a noble dream. I saw the troops embarking in Naples for Aby’ssinia. I sat in the British House of Commons time after time to hear Churchill warning his counâ€" trymen of woe and disaster in the years before the war, and I wrote from the beginning that when the shadows fell he would be our man of the hour. Gradually the shadows fell; and it seems as if the men of good will everywhere were bedevilled and im- potent, unable to act together. I saw the agony and infamy of Spain. 1 saw Hitler walk out of the confer- ence hall at Munich in 1938 with rapt unseeing eyes, and a few days later I went into ancient independent Bohemia with the first German arm- ies. I saw kings crowned and un- crowned, and white forests in Fin- land covered with Russia‘s frozen pathetic dead. I saw the death of fair cities and brave men and smil- ing lands. I watched Austria die, and Czechoslovakia, and Spain, and Finland, and France â€" but then I saw England live. And who dies if England lives? Today England lives as she never lived before. She is living â€" to quote Churchill again â€" she is liv- ing so that if the British Common- wealth and Empire lasts a thousand children to sanctuary stood on decki horizons and said suddenly, “New I‘ island on the shoulder of Europe is‘ world. , alton, who spoke from Toronto. d. having spent the past eight years in Europe as special correspondent of the Toronto Daily His dospatches have appeared in newspapers from coast to coast and he has also broadcast from Europe to this continent on several occasions. nothing. But they haven't quite thought of everything. Can the 45 million people of the Island kingdom. with the empire, and with machines from the United States. hold off a Germany which holds all Europe in fee? I for one say Yes. ‘ Eighf years ago I went to the old year there in Germany. It was plain then to everyone except the male- factors who would not see and the blind who could not. that the Ger- man tribes had heard the call of the wild. Most men hear occasionally, at least aintly, the moaning of the jungle, feel the deep urge to slip back to the campfire in the forest and sacrifice to strange primeval gods; and loud came this call to the iGei'mans. In 1033 and since I have seen German men and women faint away in a kind of sacrificial but evil ecstasy as Hitler dark tides of his words. H. G. Wells in 1933 described the so-called Ger- hnan revolution as “the revolt of the clumsy lout," and I think there has been no better phrase. of the clumsy lent, the nihilist, against the refinements of civiliza- And today the clumsy loutâ€" armed, diabolically inâ€" gcnious, is be lowing outside our own gates. He bellowed outside one citadel after another, and the keep- ers of the other citadels didn't unite, and now everything in Europe is gone â€" except Britain. The land of France where more than elsewhere men had developed the art of grace- ful living, is under the heel, and the glorious words “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” which for a century and a half have been an oriflamme to the world have given place to the egregious slogans of the lout. And now everything in Europe is gone â€"â€" except the island, the land of the brave, the last keep or’citadel between YOUR homes and the THING. Just one little tion. diabolically tween us and damnationâ€"but whati an island! This Thing that Britain faces alone i is the most demoniacal war machine the world has ever seen. the seven calamitous years of Hit- lerism before the war broke out, the years in which we did nothing, the ,years that the locusts have eaten, IHitler armed his people as no people Iwas ever armed and at the same time inflamed them with the mad dope of his perverted mysticism. Ger- man youth in their schools were taught such things as this, that the most beautiful thought in the world‘ was the thought of the German Siegfried riding across Europe with disease germs on his shoulders in the twilight of, the gods. I quote those words from an actual article in a German paper â€" an article about .which I wrote years ago in the days when our heads were fathom deep in the sands. This evil mysticism and this colossal arming have pro- duced the machine which enabled Germany to destroy France in a month â€" and it is this which Britain ' now faces alone. German atrocities in the last war were the excesses of ordinary bullies. German atrocities in this war are a deliberate instrument of war and policy. Now this is a fearful thought. A British tank unit in Belgium would be launched in an attack, find the road crowded with refugees and lwounded, try to clear the road so they could pass â€" and find them- selves too late. A German tank unit would crunch remorselessly over the bodies of the women and children and woundedâ€"â€" even their own wounded. Terror was an instrument of war. In Rouen one lday a German tank chased an old woman round a public square and shot her down â€" not as a sport, but on orders, coldlyâ€"as an instrument of policy. It‘s too bad to be true, but it’s true. In 1933 Goering said to me: “We Germans learned one lesson in the last war and it was this: not to lose the next.” He meant that they would plan and calculate and scheme and work and stop at absolutely nothing to win. As goOd as his word, they have written new pages in the book of hell. But still there is an England. Treachery and frightfulness beat Poland. Norway. Holland. Belgium years men \\'111 still say, "ThlS “‘35 I and France. but still there is an Eng- their finest hour." She 15 up againstiland. and against the story of enemy .world and spent much of my first. unloosed the 1 The revolt ‘ island be- , During ' a monstrous tribe of warrior ants bestiality we can place the clean and “130 thmk 0f 9"91‘3‘thlng 311d Stop at ’ matchless feats of the British army, THURSDAY. AUGUST lst, 1940. ’_._ 3_â€"__â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€" ,I'nc Bi‘.t:>li navy :ini the British air Canada long ago. the pert to which fol-cc. And against the legend of my brother and uncles came back 1n 1 Ut‘l‘ii‘."tl irvincibiiliy thr- awakening arms in the last war. the port which rot" England. which I saw. gave me my own first wide-eyed It was an uplifrng .hing. this sight of Englandâ€"415 the ship slipped renaissance of the British spll'it, and away and the steam whistles sound- lit was visible to the c_\‘c. The waves ed, and we were close to tears, I [of liill‘litll‘.slll are beating against the ‘ knew for a certainty that Churchill white cliffs of Dover tut on the cliffs ‘ was right. that whatever happens in stand an aroused people, laughing the days to come, for centuries men and calm, sure of themselves. I don't . will read the story and turn to each know an Englishman who doubts that other, and say: “This was their fin- Britain will be able to hold the cita- ‘ est hour." dcl and the British navy the sea un- til the sky fills with clouds of warâ€"i from the west and over-I whclmii‘g air superiority is achieved. That is our hope. It is their belief. At this hour they are led by a man of destiny. a genius of incomparable oratory, high statesmanship, superb strategic-a] skill and judgment and: planes 72.212 [a mafia todacw JUST [IKE ULDL'HUM the most. dauntlcss c0urage. Just, over two weeks ago I met a cabinet '. . minister in the lobby of the Housel of Commons and asked him how: Charles Graham Churchill received the news of Pe- MASSEYJIARRIS tain's poltroonery and France’s fall, AGENT news which must have been the bit- Farm Implements, Machinery terest of heartbreaks to the premier, and Repairs who loves France with abiding pas- Telephone Richmond Hill 39 sion. Beatty Farm Equipment “Churchill is like a lion!" replied‘b O the minister. in a voice that was ac- itually awed. “He comes into the BOWden Lumber&Coal CO. LTD. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. LANSING cabinet room with a cigar in his mouth and his jaw stuck out and de- pression falls away." The same day' a prominent Socialist MP. said of Churchill, “He is the greatest Eng- WILLOVVDALE 42 HUDSON 0284 lishnian since Pitt.” i He is like a lion, then, and so is 9“.W.”M.¢W Britain. The motherland’s suffer- ings, in the months to come will 1924 1940 ‘wring our hearts. I know what it Policies issued through this to be awakened at the dead of :nfght by the dolcful wail of the air raid siren and lead women and frightened children toward a hole in the ground for shelter. I have heard the bombs and seen the mangled bodies. But the island race can take it if anyone can. And the people are fighting mad. All the resources of Europe, mobilized by a dynamic and demoniac power are against them, any they know it now. But the Cockneys under Bow Bells, the miners working overtime in the pits, the farmers in the lush English valleys, the workers in the great war industries, walk with their chests out now, knowing two things: that 1a mantle of glory has been placed ion their shoulders; and that they, 'the people, have been called on at 1’” office covering Farm Property â€"Private Dwellings and their contentsâ€"Automobile â€" Plate Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, etC. Claims Settled Promptly J. R. HERRINGTON General Insurance Richmond Hill Telephone 87 notomooewewus M l we DO ALL BUSINESS CIRCUMSPECTL‘I -â€" AND PRICE OUR LUMBERGUITE CORRECTLY ithe eleventh hour and are the real lglory of the realm. No, I shall never forget these last few months in England. The spring was alniOst tragically beautiful. Nev- er did the larks and the blackbirds sing as the ones outside my window in the heart of London sang, never were the great banks of rhododen- drons so gorgeous, never were the roses so lovely and sweet. It would have seemed a tragic irony except that it was matched by the flowering of the British spirit to face the dark- est but grandest hour of our race. 0f fear I saw absolutely none. Such was my vision of Britain a- [roused, and because of it I was sad ito leave. As I left, sailing from the port from which my father left for SH PPARD & GILL LUMBER COMPANY RICHMOND HILL FOR BEST RESULTS â€"Useâ€"â€" Growell Growing Mash rectly balanced and a result producer. Only the high- est quality of ingredients are used. FAIRBANK FEED CO. Made according to the latest scientific formula, cor- g 2385 Dufferin Street, Toronto, KEnwood 6805, or E Wesley Clark, Richmond Hill, telephone 4704 MMMMWOWWOOO E. A. BONNICK ’ Electrical Contractor ELECTRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, SALESâ€" AND SERVICE Phone King 321 WWW AAAMAAAAA Oak Ridges P.O. WOOOOO“OON i For Everything Electrical, Consult i

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