Shock following operation took a large toll of death in former wars. The replacement of body fluids by blood transfusions and intravenous injections of saline and glucose have made operations much safer than they ever have been at any former period. Altogether the medical pros- pects of the soldier were never bet- ter. The Allied forces have medical officers the equal at least of the Hitler army. They can be relied on to do thir part. By J. W. S. McCullough, M.D., D.P.H. Brain and chest surgery has made great strides since 1914. Operations on the brain formerly thought im- possible are now a matter of routine for the brain specialist. Another new drug, sulfanilamide, has proved very valuable in the treatment of a variety of infections. In the last war, “deaths from wounds†ranked highest while “deaths from diseases,†were the lowest. Tetanus, always a danger to the wounded man, may now be prevent- ed by the use of tetanus toxoid, supâ€" plemented: by the army practice of the liberal use of tetanus antitoxin. Pneumonia, the world’s fourth killer for many years, has in civil life been reduced in mortality from 25 to 8%. The more universal use of dagenan (sulfapyridine) will doubtless still further lessen the fa- tality from this affection; In the Hitler War the medical forces are looking forward to an even better prospect. Men as re- gards their original fitness, are be- ing more carefully selected. Pre- ventive measures will be intensified and surgery has adivanced in a re- markable fashion in the last 25 years. MEDICAL PROSPECTS OF HITLER‘S WAR Until the time of the World War the fatalities from disease were vastly greater than those caused by the enemy. In the Boer War the British deaths from typhoid fever alone were much greater than from the bullets of the notable fighters of the voldt. In the Great War the deaths from typho.d fever and other infections were neg.igible. This was due to the preventive precautions taken by the Allied forces. Inocu- lation against smallpox, typhoid fev- er and tetanus as well as better treatment of wounds served to mini- mize the fatalities. Many men, seri- ously wounded, Were again and again returned to the trenches. THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1940. Men’s and Boys Furnishings Boots and Shoes RADIO REPAIRS Yonge and Richmond Sts. We invite you to make this store headquarters for your clothing requirements. We carry an up-to-date stock of standard lines and our prices are right. Phone or call at LECUYER’S ELECTRIC STORE Richmond Hill 75W or Queensville 1712 FOR EXPERT You can buy here with confidence R. J. CRAIGIE STONG, Harriet (Thomas)â€"At her home, Edgeley, Ont., on Monday, July 29, 1940, Harriet Stong, dearly beloved wife of Daniel Stong, and dear mother of Clarence and Ernest Stong, in her 85th year. KEFFER, Elizabethâ€"At her resl dence, Nelson Street, Hespeler, On July 29th, 1940, Elizabeth Keffer, (nee Mager), in her 105th year. The funeral was held from her home, Edgeley, Wednesday, at 2.30 pm. Interment followed at Maple, Ont. LATIMER, William Johnâ€"At Union- ville, on Sunday, July 28, 1940, Will- iam John Latimel‘, beloved husband of the late Harriett L. Simpson, in his 79th year. Resting at her residence, where a private service will be held at 2.30 p.m., Thursday, August 1, 1940. In- terment; Hespeler Cemetery. Funeral service was held at her late residence on Thursday, Aug. 1, at 3 p.mi, D.S.T. Interment followed in Hillcrest Cemetery. The funeral was held on Wednes- day, July 31. Short service at the residence of his son, Wilbur L. Latâ€" imer, at 1.30, and service in the Lutheran Church at 2 pm. (D.S.T.). Interment followed in Lutheran Cemetery, Unionville. MIDDLETONâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton on Monday, July 29, 1940, an the residence of Mrs. Moor- ley, 20 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, the gift of a son, brother for Mar- ion. Mother and son doing well. LONGWORTHâ€"On Saturday, July 27th, at Mrs. Stanford’s Home, Yonge Street, to Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Longworth, Centre Street West, a daughtm, Lenora Carolyn. WATSON, Mary Naismith â€" At Woodbridge, Ontario, early Wednes- day morning, July 31, 1940, Mary Naismith, widow of Robert Watson, aged 81 years, and beloved mother of Robert, John and Margaret. Way, Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, a brother for Jimmie. Both doing well. GALLOWAYâ€"-â€"On Tuesday, July 30, at Mrs. Healey’s Nursing Home, EI- gin Mills, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Gallo- The executive and melnbers of the Red Cross would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who so kindly donated baking, berries,. etc., for the strawberry festival whzch was a decided success. Announcement :5 made of the closâ€" ing. of the Red Cross Work Room, for the month of August to re-open‘ in September. It is desired that knitting be continued. The followâ€"l ing articles are especially necessary, socks, helmets and caps. Do not make wristlets. OAK RIDGES RED CROSS NOTES Richmond Hill BIRTH DIED % Dr. and Mrs. Hardy Hill, Mrs. Ashford Wright, and Rev. C..W. and _ At Mrs. Follett were visitors at the ,dnes_lUnited Church Fresh Air Camp at Mary Lake Scugog on Sunday afternoon atson, last. Rev. Mr. Follett conducted lother‘wdivine service when over two hun- dred mothers and young people were t her present. The visitors were guests 1g_ 1, of the Camp staff and thoroughly lowed enjoyed a most interesting outing.‘ “Oh, Mother, you know you should never discuss the movements of the troops.†“Mary, did’ I see that soldier’s arm around you?†There is hope of expanding the industry as an option of 20 addi- tional acres has been secured, Mr. Ratcliff admits. The swampy condition and chem- ical makeup of the water area is found to be ideal for beaver, and this firm intend to put in some sixty or more of the South American breed to start with. Considerable construction work will start immedi- ately, on a dwelling- and other build- ings, such as breeding houses and pens. The Hollywood Fur Farm operat- ing at Islington, is changing its lo- cation to the Township of Whit- church where the concern has pur- chased five acres of land near Lem- onville at lot 5, on con. 7, from Rob- ert Ratcliff, owner of the property known as the Taylor farm. x , , bocaai and Personal Mrs. Howard Jackson and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their many kind ex- pressions of sympathy and condol- ence during their recent bereaveâ€" ment. At the home of Mrs. Jerry Smith, Yonge Street, on Tuesday, an after- noon tea was held by the Women’s Institute, proceeds to buy sugar re jam for Red Cross. Mrs. John Charles and Mrs. A. L. Phipps pour- ed tea at the attractive tea table which was covered with a lace cloth and centred with a 1arge silver bowl filled with Astilbe, Larkspur, Snap- dragon and Bristol Fairy. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Yerex received the guests and wish to thank all those who made the afternoon a success. Rev. W. F. and Mrs. Wrixon and Miss June Furze are spending the month of August holidaying at Iron- dale. Mrs. J. Pollard and son Mrs. L. Baker and children, and Miss Eva Tracy were at Shanty Bay. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ferguson of Toronto and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson visited in Port Perry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cruickshank and Eric, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert At- kinson and family returned on Wed- nesday from two weeks holidays at‘ Meldrum Bay, Manitoulin Island: Toronto and Suburban L.0.B.A. Lodges held a picnic for the child- ren of the L.T.B. and 0. Home, Rich- mond Hill, at Miles Park, Erindale, on Wednesday. The children were taken to the park by bus. Rev. Gideon L. Powell, D.D., Ph.D., of Smithfieldl Methodist Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., spent Sat- urday last at the United Church Parsonage, the guest of Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Follett. Dr. Powell is the special preacher at St. James-Bond United Church, Toronto, during the month of August. Mrs. Scott Ferguson of Toronto spent last week with Mrs. J. A. Fer- guson, Elizabeth Street. nue Mrs. Dickinson of St. John, New Brunswick visited her brother Mr. B. B. Jordan last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Atkinsoii of Ottawa, Misses Doris and Mary Frances and Master Billy are visit- ing with Mrs. Atkinson, Lorne Ave- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Burr enjoyed a motor trip north last week going as far as Callendar. Mrs. Elmer ter Charlotte mer at Port Mrs. J. W. Loveys of Toronto is spending a few days in town the guest of Mrs. C. W. Follett. The local Presbyterian Sunday School Picnic was held at Glenwood Park, Markham, on Wednesday. FUR FARM FOR WHITCHL’RCH TWP. CARD OF THANKS Wright and her daugh- are spending the sum-, Muskoka. LIBERAL PuINT, RICHMOND HILL Jimmy, Toronto visitors Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.111. Holy Communion First Sunday 11 am. Third Sunday 8 am. Those requiring the services of a. clergyman during August apply to Rev. W. S. Pecknell, Centre St. W. Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, August 4th 10 a‘.m.â€"¢Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"“Christ‘s Call to Youth.†A nation’s final loss is always a loss of grit and characterâ€"a spir- itual loss. I RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURLH Rev. C. W. Foilett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, August 4th 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All De‘ partments. 11 a.m.â€"Public worship. The pastor in charge. Sermon subject: “Not Your Ownâ€. A hearty welcome to village folk and visiting friends. “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.†Join us in our intercessions for our Empire and for the world. RICHVALE RED CROSS The lcgular monthly meeting of Richvale Red Cross will be held on Wednesday, August 7th at 2.30 'p.m. in Richvale School Basement. Every- one urged to attend. Euchres are held every Thursday afternoon in the school basement at‘ 2.30 o’clock.' STREET DANCE AT KING CITY dear, Though absent from us, yet ever so near; Unseen by the world, they stand by our side And whisper, dear ones, death canâ€" not divide. â€"Ever remembered bv her daugh- ters Jean, Bertha and Margaret. The fine residence of Mr. C. P. Wiley, Church Street, was bought this week by Mr. Floyd R.‘ Perkins, local I.H.C. dealer. Mr. Perkins takes immediate possession and Mr. Wiley has rented an apartment on Roseview Avenue and will centinue to live in the village. The Wiley residence has one of the town's love- liest flower. gardens. A Street Dance will be held in King City on Wednesday, August 7 under the auspices of King City Wo- men’s Institute. Proceeds in aid of war work. 01d tyme and modern dancing stdrts at 8 p.m. S.T. Gill- ham’s Orchestra. Bert Gardhouse, floor manager. Six lucky number prizes. Midway and special attracâ€" tions. Admission 25c. Work Room on Wednesday after- noon, August 7th. Will any person who have not brought in their tal- ent bags kindly do so to this meet- ing. During the remainder of the month sewing will be discontinued. The Work Room wiil be'open each Wednesday from 2-4 pm. for the distribution of wool. MILNEâ€"FLEMING â€" On Tuesday, July 30th, at her home, Richmond Hill, by the Rev‘. Charles Follett, Lelia Anne Fleming, niece of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wycliffe Trench, to Captain John Murray Milne of the Queen’s Own Rifles, son of Mrs. Milne and the late Mr. John W. Milne. IN MEMORIAM IRELANDâ€"In loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth Malloy Ireland, who passed away August 5, 1939. ’Tis sweet to remember a mother so ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash wish to announcy the engagement 6f their only daughter Kathalene to Mr. Ed- ward Storey, Burk’s Falls, the wedd- ing to take place quietly in Toronto Wednesday, August 7th. MARRIED MILNE-FLEMING â€" day, July 30, 1940 at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, Ont., by the Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Mary Lowe (Bette) Eckersley, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Eckersley of Toronto to Oswald Frederick Carter of Timmins, son of Mrs. Carter and the late W. F. Car- ter of Richmond Hill. MARRIED CARTER-E‘CKERSLEY â€" On Tues- The regular monthly business meeting of the Richmpndâ€" Hill Red Cross Society will be held in the Red Cross Notes C. P. WILEY HOUSE SOLD RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL (Anglican) Playing in Newmarket tonight, Aurora and Newmarket will decide a winner to continue against the winner of the Barrie-Richmond Hill series. The Richmond Hill management protested the game and at a league executive meeting that evening the game was thrown out and Richmond Hill enters the play-offs in_first~ place. The locals play the first game in Barrie tonight and the next two games, if necessary, will be played in Richmond Hill next Tuesday and Thursday evenings, starting at 7.15 The Barrie team, on the night’s play, were the superior team and were able to handle any chances the local team had in getting out in front. Stong, pitching for Richmond Hill, was taken out in the fifth inn- ing in favor of Bennett who never allowed Barrie anorher run. But the damage had been done and Bar- rie were the winners. Richmond Hill Newmarket Barrie Aurora . According to the local lady’s story; two parties robed as nuns were rid- ing in the same coach as her friend, whose child, losing its ball, the mo- ther joined in the search and during the hunt was surprised to find the feet of the supposed two nuns cased in heavy men’s shoes, and having read of Nazi spies donning clerical robes and the garbs of nuns in France the better to throw off sus- picion, lost no time in reporting the matter stealthin to the conductor. 0n the train reaching Toronto the pair were taken into custody and she later learned they were being held as alien suspects in the Queen City. A Walkerton merchant’s wife tells of a rather startling occurrence a friend of hers had on the train the other day, and which'resulted in the arrest of two alien suspects as they were about to step from a C.P.R. flier at Toronto. With first place at stake in the standing Barrie ana Richmond Hill locked horns on Tuesday evening last before a record crowd. This game meant plenty to both teams as the one‘ finishing on top in the schedule has the advantage of extra home games in all play-offs. OWWOWWW SOFTBALL NOTES League \VEDNESDAY 8: THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 - 8 WALLACE BEERY - DELORES DEL RIO in “ MAN FROM DAKOTA †SHOWS START AT 8 RM. and 10 RM. D.S.T. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 - 3 JAMES CAGNEY - PAT O’BRIEN in “ FIGHTING 69TH †MONDAY & TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 - 6 MERLE OBERON - GEORGE BRENT in “ TILL WE MEET AGAIN †TODAY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 ANN SHERIDAN - JOAN GARFIELD in “ CASTLES ON THE HUDSON †Stanaing Pts 22 21 \20 1 7 “You have such lovely horses.†Why don’t you ride them?†“Well, it's like this: at one end my horses bite, at the other end! they kick, and in the middle they are too slippery.†Helen Simpson Lynvett J. F. Lynetï¬ ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District YONGE ST? ’RICï¬MOND HILI: YEREX’S Electric Store Big tubs mean fewer batches; Steam Seal saves hot water; Autoâ€" built Transmission; many other features. Big values in “The washer that gets white things whiter.†New low prices. 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 PAGE FIVE mm