No. 6, Purpleville, Mrs son, Albert C. Robson, R.R., School, S.S. No. 11 N0. 4, Maple, Henry MacDonald, Robert Marritt, Maple, Masonic Hall, Maple. 1‘30. 5, Pine Grove, Marjofie Watâ€" son, George Sherrin, Woodbridge, Woodbridge School, 8.8. No. 12. No. 2, Patterson, J. S. McNail‘, Elgin Mills; Arthur Wells, Maple, School, 8.8. No. 19. No. 3, Edgeley, Dorothy Keffer, Maple RR. 2; Jessie M. Dalziel, Maple RH. No. 1; Keffer’s Service Station, Corner No. 7'- Highway, con- cession 4. N0. 7, Elders Mills, Troyer, John Boddy, R.R., School, 8.8. No. 15. A meeting was held for Vaughan township and Woodbridge at Maple Wednesday evening. DEPUTY REGISTRARS RICHMOND HILL Polling Subâ€"Division No. 1, Mrs. O. L. Wright, Miss Olive E. Burr, Masonic Hall. No. 2, J. C. Cottl‘ill, Mrs. Norman McGibbon, Public School. No. 3, R. Walker Hall, John‘ Lines, High School. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP No. 1, Thornhill, Cecil Martin, Mrs. Ruby Howell, Thornhill School, 8.8. No. 1.’ N6. 8, Kleinburg, Hazel Neal, Merle Hambly, Kleinburg, School, 8.8. No. 17. No. ~10, Teston, Doris Cook, Mrs.y J. D. Curry, Maple RR. 1, School, 8.5. No. 5. } D.S.T. No. 9, Nashville, Florence McAll- ister, Mrs. Albert Parr, Nashville, School, 8.5. No. 18. No. 11, Albert Jones, Geo. Stiles, Elgin Mills. - No. 12, Richvale, Mrs. Fred Thet- frod, Cyril Baker, Richvale, School, 8.8. No. 24. Market Hall, Schombel'g, Satur- day, August 10th at 8 pm. Volunteer workers willing to help are urged to attend these meetings. Municihal Hall, Vandorf, Whit- church Twp. Monday, August 12th at Mechanics Hal], Aurora, Tuesday, August 13th at 8 pm. Masonic Hall, Richmond Thursday, August 15th at 8 BALING Hay & Straw 19, 20 and 21. Deputy-Registrars have been named in every sub-diviâ€" sion and Capt. Mesley has arranged meetings for these deputy-registrars in various centres to which all in- terested in helping in this important national work are invited. Meets of deputy-registrars and volunteer workers have been an- nounced as follows: Capt. F. M. Mesley, Registrar for the Riding of North York is the busiest man in the County these days preparing for the National Regisâ€" tration which will take place August King City Public School, Saturday, August 10th at 3 pm. Deputy-Registrars Named For National Registration Aug. 19-21 THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1940. Having taken over Moore Bros. baling business I am prepared to bale hay and straw on short notice. Price reasonable. Lat- est facility for moving outfit. Successor to Moore Bros. Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley RR. 1 PERCY COBER . Wm. Bl’y- Woodbridge George H. Woodbridge Hill, p.111. No. 7, Percy William Ball, William Egan, King RR. 1, Kinghorn School 8.8. No. 23. No. 8, Wm. B. Butler, Kettleby R.R. 1; Harry Gould, Schomberg; Pottageville 8.5. No. 13. No. 10, Marjorie Burling, Irene Ellison, Schomberg, Public School, Schomberg, 8.8. No. 14. No. 11, Lyle Stewart, Schomberg RR; Mrs. Reta Train, Nobleton; Nobleton P. School 8.8. No. 19. No, 3, Fred Hare, Donald Frisby, King RR. 3, J. Paxton’s Garage, Temperanceville. No. 6, 0. Weedon, Richard Mur- ray, Kettleby, Blackburn School S.S. No. 12. No. 9, Geoffrey Wittle, Fred Doug- las, King R.R. 2, New Scotland School 8.8. No. 5. No. 12, Geo. Hanlon, Herbert Saw- den, Lloydtown, Lloydtown P. School, 3.8. No. 15. 13, John Chamberlain, Mrs. Forâ€" est; Kaake, Lloydtown R.R. 2, Cham- berlain School, 8.8. No. 7. No. 8, Thomas Fellows, Cedar Val- ley; Bernice Cuttler, Cedar Valley RR. 1; Ballantrae School No. 11. KING TOWNSHIP N0. 1, Mrs. Bessie Watson. Oak Ridges 8.8. No. 1, School. No. 2, Mrs. J. A. Appleton, Au- rora R.R.; Ed. Reddick, King R.R.; Snowball School SS, No. 10. No. 4, John A. Crichton, Edith Hollinshead, Kettlehy, Parish Hall, Kettlebyr No. 5, R. Ernie Gellately, King No. 5, R. Ernie Gellately, RR. 1; Art Wellesley, King King City School S.S. N0. 2. No. 14, Mrs. Sam Kehoe, R.N., Bolâ€" ton R.R. 1, 8.8. No. 20 School, King Township; Mrs. Geo. Lister, Lloyd- town RR. 2, SS. 13, Albion School. No. 15, Maj. M, R. Kelly, Oliver Gould, Newmarket RR. 2, Glenville P.'School 8.8. No. 9. No. 5, Edgar Dennis, Newmarket; Mrs. Elma Finder, Aurora R.R. 2; Armitage School No. 3, Union King. No. 3, Elmer Clark, Walter Foote, Stouffville R\.R. 4, Lemonville School No. 9. No. 4, Wilbert Claughton, Watson Fairless, Stouffville RR. 2, Bloom- ington School No. 10. No. 6, Orville Ewart, G. W. Drury, Newmarket RR. 3, Bogartown School No. 3. No. 7, Ross Armitage, Helen Reid, Newmarket RR. 3, Pine Orchard School No. 4. WHITCH‘URCH TOWNSHIP No. 1, Wm. Hill, George Leary, RR. 1. Gormley, Booth, The Pavil- ion, Wilcox Lake Golf & Country Club, Lot 5, 2nd Con. No. 2, Edgerton Clpbine, Stouff- ville; Frank Curtis, Stouffville RR. 4; Bethesda School No. 12. 0 The Edgeley W.A. will hold an Ice Cream Social in the Commnuity Hall on Thursday, August 22nd when Campbell Snider will show lantern slides on local surroundings. Fur- ther notice in The Liberal next week. No. 13‘, Vellore, Albert Ruther- ford, Britton Plunkett, Woodbl’idge RR. 2, Township Hall, Vellore. No. 14, Richvale, N. G. Cody, Richmond Hill; Percy Sparks, Richâ€" vale. The regular monthly meeting of the East Vaughan Ratepayers Asso- ciation will be held in Richvale School on Tuesday evening, August 13th. A further report by the Roads Committee is expected. All inter- ested are welome. RICHVALE EDGELEY King City; Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Carter reâ€" turning from a delightful trip up the Saguenay left on Tuesday for their new home in Timmins. Miss Eva Findlay has returned to Mr. Campbell Line’s office after spending two weeks’ holidays, in the north. Mr. and Mrs. William Mylks are returning this week to their home in Ottawa. after spending a couple of weeks with relatives in the dis- trict. Misses Margaret and Helen Ranâ€" som left Wednesday for Camp Ahshunyoong where they will spend ten days of camp life with the CG. I.T. girls. Mrs. W. H. Mylks spent the past Week-end and holiday in Arthur and attended the Old Boys and Girls Re- union of Arthur High School held on Miss A. E. Alcombrack spent the past few weeks viSIting friends in Ottawa, Gananoque and Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Koning and daugh- ter spent an enjoyable weekâ€"end at Wasaga Beach with Mr. and Mrs. Bunt of Toronto. Mrs. Stuart Kidd and tv;-‘- boys, Bob and Jack, are spending a couple of weeks at North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Temple and baby daughter spent several days with Mr. Temple’s parents in Hamil- ton last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hillaby and Mr. and Mrs. John Hart, and Daisy Hart are holidaying at den. We regret to report that Mr. Lloyd Reid had the misfortune to severely injure a finger while at work last week. Monday. Messrs. Bud Jones and Bob JOhn- ston motored to Montreal and other points last week. Sunday and Holiday visitors at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. William Leece, Bayview Avenue, were Mrs. George Garrow, Mrs. Percy Rye, Miss Helen Gibson, of Toronto, Mrs. Annie Storm of Gormley, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Diceman of Teston. Mr. Fred Grainger spent last week at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. G. Walwin and family are holidaying at their cottage, Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chatterley left this week on holidays in the Picton dlstrict. Mr. and Mrs J. S. McNair and Miss Alice McNair returned Tues- day after a ten day motor trip to Quebec City and other eastern cen- tres. At Ottawa the party called on Canada’s Postmasterâ€"General and re- ceived a warm welcome from the Hon. W. P. Mulock. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grainger, Mr. James Skeele, Mrs. W. Harris, Miss E. Tre- lour, Miss F. Brown of Richmond Hill, Mrs. Porrill, Messrs. Joseph and Wilfred Porrill of Elgin Mills, attended the funeral of Mrs. E. V. Phillips, formerly of Richmond Hill, at Newmarket on Saturday. Funeral service was held at her late residence, 38 Botsford Street, On Saturday, August 3rd, at 3 o’clock (Daylight Saving Time). Interment followed in Newmarket cemetery. DIED PHILLIPS, Mary Jane Shanks -â€" At Newmarket, on Thursday, August 1, 1940, Mary Jane Shanks, beloved wife of Ebenezer Vinton Phillips, in her 53rd year, formerly of Richmond Hill. CARD OF THANKS Our most sincere thanks to all our friends for their good wishes and kind assistance during Mr. White’s recent illness. IN MEMORIAM GOLDENâ€"In loving memory of our beloved mother, Mrs. Wm. Golden, who passed away August 11, 1938. Gone dear mother, gone forever, How we miss your smiling face; But you left us to remember None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still; But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. â€"Ever remembered by daughter Lina and son Joe. Social and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whité LIBERAL ,uINT, RICHMOND HILL Eric, Miss Minâ€" We are sorry to report that Mr. Harold Hendricks who had the mis- fortune to break his leg last year at Mt. Pisgah during a ball game, has been informed by a bone spe- cialist that he must return to the hospital, have his leg broken and re‘ set. I’m sure friends in this com- munity will be sorry to hear this. Harold will be in the General Hos- pital, and anyone who has ever been sick knows it is nice to receive a card from old associates. So come on let’s bury him With cards, letters or better still visits if it is poss- ible. Miss Eva Sanderson of Hamilton spent the week-end with her cousin Miss Mabel Sanderson. Several from here journeyed to Musselman’s Lake on Monday to the Davies picnic. The rain sort of spoiled the evening, but those who went prepared to swim in the af- ternoon certainly enjoyed them- selves. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. to have been held next Wednesday has been postponed until the last week of August. The meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Willows. when the regular monthly business meetrng will be held and the mak- ing of hospital supplies resumed. Wool may be obtained at the Work Room on Wednesday afternoons from 2â€"4 pm]. The Red Cross Society i$ anxious to obtain the names of boys in uni- form, from the Richmond Hill Red CIOSS area, to continue the policy of the society in remembering each with a pair of socks. Please call Mrs. Walker Hall, Richmond Hill 140, a pair of socks. Please Walker Hall, Richmond with names and addresses Some time ago our church organ- ist and choir leader, Mr. Boyd MOunt, enwred his name as one ready to serve his country. Last Friday he was called away, so we have lost another young chap from the com- munity who will be greatly missed. Our best wishes accompany each and everyone of these boys for a. safe return. The sympathy of the community goes to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong in the loss of a mother. The Red ( remain close: when the re; Rev. Mr. McCausland had charge of the. church service on Sunday as Rev. Mr. McKay is on his holidays. We had a very good sermon, and can be thankful we have such a willing helper in our community. Routine business and consideration of estimates for the coming year occupied the attention of the mem- bers of Markham Township council which met at Unionville Tuesday afâ€" ternoon. Total road accounts passed totalled $4534.07, including $2894.68 paid to Hoover & Roberts for 2363 yards of gravel for township roads. Building report showed permits for three houses totalling $6,600 and one garage $325.00. General accounts totalled $351.00. JIM LOVEYS ON .THE AIR Jim Loveys who covered this sec- tion of the County for the Evening Telegram is pinchâ€"hitting for Jim Hunter as news announcer this week. Jim‘s many friends were delighted to hear his voice over the air waves and congratulate him on the fine job he is making in his new role. Mr. Loveys is a nephew of Rev. C. W. Follétt. ' A hearty welcome to all Every little while in Strand, South Africa, the electric lights go offz and investigation resulted in the culprits being discoveredâ€"but not caught. Rats got into the electric transform- ers. The townspeople are now gett- ing tired of the rodents’ antiCS and are setting out on a campaign of extermination. 'RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Foilett, B.D. Pastor Sunday, August 11 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School. All De- partments. 11 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. Guest Preacher, Rev. H. E. Wellxtvood, VICTORIA SQUARE RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham Road Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Holy Communion First Sunday 11 a.m. Third Sunday 8 a.m. Those requiring the services of a clergyman during August apply to Rev. W. S. Pocknell, Centre St. W. MARKHAM COUNCIL SESSION Red Cross Notes ST. MARY’S CHURCH ross (Anglican) ass Work Room will until September 11th Richmond Hill took the lead in the first with three Wins, Barrie getting none. In the second the locals added one more while Barrie scored three. In the third Barrie took the lead on two well earned runs, the Hill having gone down in order. Richmond Hill tied it up in the fourth when “Super†Mabley, pinch-hitting for Brockbank, scored a run. Barrie went down in order. The Hill had another big inning in the fifth inning when they touched Gracey for four runs. Barrie re- taliated with one run to end the scoring. In the first half of the sixth the Hill got two men on base but both were left stranded when Young popped to the infield. The umpire called the game at this stage owing to darkness with the game being unfinished. Richmond Hill Takes Filst Game of Semi-final Series Having finished the schedule on top of the heap Richmond Hill jour- neyed to Barrie last Thursday night to play the first game of the play- offs. It was a one-sided affair with the Hill boys playing heads-up ball all the_way. The first three innings were score- less with both pitchers having every- thing well' in hand. In the fourth Richmond Hill scored one run only to have Barrie tie it up in their half. The fifth inning went scoreless. The game was won in the sixth inning when Richmond Hill hopped unto Couse, the Barrie pitcher, for six runs to sow up the game. Barrie retaliated with 1 run in their half. Richmond Hill scored one run each in the seventh and eighth while Bar- rie were unal'ile to score a run, the final count being 9-2 in favor 0! Richmond Hill. Pitchers’ Battle Develops in Second Game Playing at home on Tuesday of this week Barrie eked out a close decision to tie up the series at one win each. In the first innings Barrie got to Bennett for four runs. Two costly errors by the Hill players let in three easy runs. In the Hill half of the inning three runs were scored to put them back in the game. From here on the game developed into a pitcher’s battle with Couse and Ben- nett pitching splendid ball. The final game of the series, play- ed on Wednesday night here, proved 150 be another hard fought game. Barrie were Shorthanded for this game owing to one car having trouble and they played eight men. The game was late getting started as a result and it was called at the end of five and a half innings with Richmond Hill leading 9-6. In the other semi-final series be- tween Newmarket and Aurora the Redmen took the first game by a score of 15-0 and haven’t played since owing to the death of one of the Aurora players’ father. SOFTBALL NOTES WALTER BONE &ESON WIRE FENCING AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Frost Steel & Wire Co. Productg We Gladly Quote Prices 0 Phone Maple 864 \VE‘DNESDAY & THURSDAY. AUGUST 14 - 15 IVALTER PIDGEON - RITA JOHNSON in “ 6,000 ENEMIES †JOEL McCRAE - NANCY KELLY in “ HE MARRIED HIS WIFE †‘sHows‘s‘T’ART AT s‘TfM-z ‘an’d‘lo P.M.“D.s.'r.‘ TODAY. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 \V'ALLACE BEERY - DOLORES DEL RIO in “ PACK UP YOUR TROUBLES †JACKIE MORAN - MARCIA MAE JONES in “ TOM BOY †MONDAY & TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 - TYRONE POWER - LYNDA DARNELL in “ DAYTIME WIFE †FRIDAY & SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 - 1‘0 JANE WITHERS - RITE BROS. in “ THE MAN FROM DAKOTA †LL'PINO LANE - SALLY GRAY in “ LAMBETH WALK †YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL WELCOMES LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS The Liberal will be pleased to re- ceive letters from soldiers on active service in Canada or overseas. YEREX’S Electric Store £A$Y '. 1.2km PAGE FIVE 3.535