Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Aug 1940, p. 4

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'SHAW SCHOOLS, 1130 Bay 59., Toronto - PhonoKl. Its Money in Your Pocket 12 SCHOOLS IN TORONTO Attend Canada's largest and most successful Business Training School. Students come from all parts of Canada to enrol in SHAW SCHOOLS Day and Night classes (also courses by Corre- spondence in all business subjects). Outâ€" standing results in Accountancy and Secretarial Courses. Students receive individual instruction and practical ex- perience in model office. Free Employ- ment Service. Write today for catalogue of subjects and other informatwn to Head Ofl'ice. NEW DAY SCHOOL TERM 0 AUGUST White’s Service Station Threshing Time is Here ENROL NOW! PAGE FOUR Phone 10, The Elevator The Ontario Department of Labour is endeavouring to secure additional help for farmers to assist with the harvest. There will be a limited number of experi- enced and partly experienced men but mostly inexperi- enced young men and boys. Application Forms may be obtained from Postmasters, Reeves, Councillors or Clerks of any Rural Municiâ€" pality. ’ W. M. Cockburn, Newmarket, Agric. RepreSentative R. E. Bales, Lansing, Warden, York County To put in your winter’s supply of coal now. You can get better prices, better service, more careful preparation. Why not enjoy that satisfied feeling of having your winter’s supply in your bin. Place your order with us. ELGIN MILLS No. 1 Anthracite When you come to Toronto for the Exhibition be sure to visit the SHAW SCHOOLS EXHIBIT Shaw Vocational Guidance Directors will be in atten- dance to give you advice and intelligent guidance as to your choice of a career. No obligation. I. D. Ramer & Son Don’t wait until the machine pulls in before ordering your (Booth No. 112 General Exhibits Bldg; GAS, OIL, DISTILLATE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OIL AND GREASE DRUMS LOANED Tl/i: yea! give yourself a real treat. Enjoy a Planned Vacation will; all file .bor/Iersome derail: complete/y arranged for you as soon a: you buy your ticket. FARM LABOUR Telephone Richmond Hill 262 Blower Coal ENQUIRE ABOUT THESE SHAW COURSES Correspondence Higher Accounting Secret-rial Banking Business Org-nintion Cost Accounting Stenoznnhic Bookkeepifll 015cc Tnininl Business Solvay Coke YONGE STREET Richmond Hill "Vacation fours” offer: a wide range of Ila/May flip: to Ontario’s lake/and resortsâ€"one-Jay to eightâ€"day tour: will? Me privilege of longer stopâ€"overs. 8165 Province Organizes Soidiers of the Soil Every boy and girl of school age in Ontario will be given an oppor- tunity to play a part in Canada’s war effort, Prime Minister M. F. Hep'burn revealed this week at Queen’s Park. The Ontario Government‘s plans in this direction entail setting up a “Soldiers of the Soil” committee in each county, and once this prelim- inary organization is completed, mustering the full strength of this Province’s young people at useful tasks in the furtherance of war ac- tivities. First duty to be assigned to the “Soldiers of the Soil” will be to as- sist in the harvesting of Ontario’s crops. Faced with an acute short- age of farm labour, the Ontario G0v- ernment is enlisting the co-opera- tion of local school boards in keep- ing primary schools closed until September 16th, and secondary schools until October 2nd. “This will make available to the farmers of Ontario a vast reservoir of farm help,” Mr. Hepburn said. “Not only will it permit farmers to keep the assistance of their own children during a period when they would normally be at school, but it will also make available for farm work a great number of city child- ren. In each county a committee has been set up to include the agri- cultural representative, school in- spector, superintendent of employ- ment offices. warden and reeves of the various townships for the pur- pose of registering both the farmâ€" 'ers who require assistance, and the schoolâ€"age children willing to fill in at this work. “Young people who are trained this year will be just that‘ much better equipped to help out in 1941. This war is not going to 'be over in a day. We must look to the fu- ture and prepare ourselves for what is likely to develop in the immedi- ate years to come.” Under the direction of the On- tario Government, a special com- mittee is now engaged in working out details of a scheme to put across a gigantic drive for the sale of War Certificates. When.the proposal was first made by Mr. Hep'burn to the Ottawa Government, it was enthusi- astically received, and the Province is now proceeding with a plan which will enlist the help of all the Sec- ondary School girls. They will be enrolled by the local Soldiers of the Soil Committees and school teachers will be asked to help by exercising supervision over the plan’s operation. A Brazilian schoolboy was locked in the school cellar as punishment for some minor dismeanor. After a few minutes he cried out that he was b’eing attacked by a snake, but the teacher ignored his appeal. When finally the door was opened, the boy was found dead with a serpent coil- ed around his neck...The teacher committed suicide. “The Dominion Government con- siders the sale of War Savings Stamps and Certificates as one of the most important links in the whole chain of war undertakings,” Mr. Hepburn said. Here is a tangible way in which every child can assist, in the sale of stamrps or by earning money for their pur- chase. It is a two fold program that cannot fail to be of immeasurâ€" able worth." Little Renfrew was generally in trouble. Findirig that words had but little effect upon his child, his father resorted to sterner measures. A neighbor, watching him chastise the boy, noticed with admiration that Renfrew gave no outward indication of pain. “Don’t you ever cry when you’re beaten, Renfrew?” he asked. “What’s the use?" retc small boy. “The old man’s THE LIBERAL, RIUHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Round In) from fora/Ito with a// experts-email 7 Day: at Be/vede/e flore/ - $39.40 7 Day: at Me koya/ flore/ - 41.05 7 Day: at Royal Muskoka liore/ 39.75 returted the ’s deaf!” The Ontaric greed to pay I road to Malto Chinguaccusy Township Council has made a net reduction of 1.8 mills in the 1940 tax rate. A 26-year-old hackney mare own- ed by a Caledfln Township farmer gave birth to her first foal last month. A concerted effort is being made by police to enforce the 30 mlle limit on the Newmarket-Sutton highway. Twenty-three hundred silkworms are required to produce one pound of silk. Thistletown‘s volunteer home guard unit met for the first time in the community hall on Wednesday of last week. Two shoe factories, one in Bramp- ton and one in Aurora are reported to have received orders from the D0- minion Government each amounting to $66,750 Hon. W. P. Mulock, Pestmaster- Generai, announced this week that parcels to Canadian soldiers in Ice- land will be carried at the rate of 13 cents a pound up to 11 pounds, which is the same rate charged on parcels to England. Miss Agnes Macphail, once U.F.0.- Labor Member of/Parliament, has been chosen by the United Reform convention to contest the Saskatoon federal seat in the August 19 by- election. More beer for a dime was ordered this week by the Ontario Liquor Control Board which ruled that, be- ginning October 1. all Ontario hotels must serve a 91/2 ounce glass of beer. Some hotels now serve a seven ounce glass. The town of Black’s Harbor in New Brunswick. with a populatiOn of 1.200, has forwarded subscripâ€" tions to Ottawa forinterest-free war bonds totalling $51,000. This sets a fine example for other patriotic Can- adian towns. It may not be gener- ally known that Black’s Harbor is on the'Bay of Fundy and‘has the largest sardine factory'in the world. â€"Globe & Mail. v When the battle of Britain has been won, “then the active service components of our defence forces will be operating in overseas theatres in co-operation with other Empire forces. This war must be won and no war can be won by defensive measures alone.”â€"â€"Colonel the Hon- ourable J. L. Ralston. in the House of Commons. All Canadian troops proceeding ov- erseas were equipped with respira- tors, according to Hon. J. L. Rals- ton, Minister of National Defence. All coast defence troops are equipp- ed with gas masks and Canadian production is geared not only to fill Canada’s requirements but also to furnish a substantial number to A1- lied troops. ing Plan is $15,500,000. Up to the present it has involved the purchase of 340,000 acres of land at a cost of approximately $2,000,000. 77 AIRDROMES TO COST $15,500,000 According to Hanourable C. D. Howe, Minister of Munitions and Supply, the anticipated cost of airâ€" drome construction on 77 projects now approved for construction in connection with the Joint Air Train- DISTRICT NEWS CANADIANS TO FIGURE IN ATTACK GAS-MASKS FOR CANADA, ALLIES RADIO REPAIRS LECUYER’S ELECTRIC STORE Richmond Hill 75W or Queensville 1712 Phone or call at FOR EXPERT 0 Government has half the cost of a p: an Airport. 45k lo/ yaw copy of 'Vtmlio/r Ioulx‘ dumbing Mae and many oI/m [mlu/ lmlidny outing: wit/i all ape/m: pail. rickets and Information at A. HISLOP paved QUEBEC HEATER in good condi- tion. Apply 38 Arnold St. J 12 PIGS 8 weeks old. W. Reaman, Langstaff, phone Maple 863. OAK DINING ROOM TABLE and chairs; sewing machine; Mahogany library table. Apply Box 220, Lib- eral Office. MAN‘S C.C.M. BICYICLE in good condition, $12. L. Burton, Carrville Rd., Stop 23, Yonge Street, phone Maple 764. SPARTON REFRIGERATOR, regu- lar $199.00 for $159.00, 11/2 years to pay at no extra cost. Taylor’s Radio, 127 Yonge Street, RichmOnd Hill. ATTRACTIVE BUILDIN G LOT frontage Church Street. Apply Na- tional Trust Company Ltd” Toronto, Trustees for the H. A. Nicholls Estate. 500 BARRED ROCK CHIC-KENS about to come into production early in September. Bermor Farms Ltd., Markham Township, Lot 24, Con. 2, east of Richmond Hill. MODERN APARTMENT convenient-V 1y located, electric range. Apply Lib- eral Office. HOUSE on Richmond St., 6 rooms, all conveniences, furnace, garage, good garden. Possession around Sep- tember lst. Apply 87 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. FARMâ€"74 acres of first class farm land, 9 roomed brick house, bank barn, drilled well with motor, 1 mile to Yonge St, lot 46, 2nd conceSSion Markham. Call after 7 pm. Cora Allen, Richmond Hill. CEILD‘S ROLLER SKATE, Church- Roseview district. Finder please notify The Liberal Office. LOSTâ€"In Richmond Hill last Satur- day night a sum of money. Reward. Finder kindly advise The Liberal Office. SATURDAY, AUG. 17th â€"â€" Auction sale of antique furniture, house and lot, in the Village of Markham, cor- ner of Centre and Main Streets. Property of Miss Mary Campbell. Sale at 2.00 pm. D.S.T. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. nus IS THE DAY OF AD\’ER'FlSiI\{Gâ€"_MAKE THE M0_S'I_‘_0F 1_'r ittézlttglâ€"fiivâ€"e Tficé (u: less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cefita for each subsequent ‘nsertiOn. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each mfiertion. 1F CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Hotel Guest (phoning down at 2 am. for third time): “Say, are you the night clerk?” Guest: “That’s what I‘d like know." now '.’ BALING Hay & Straw Classified Advs. Clerk: “Yes, what’s biting you Having taken over Moore Bros. Faling business I’ am prepared to bale hay and straw on short notice. Price reasonable. Lat- est facility for moving outfit. Telephone 17 Successor to Moore Bros. Phone Stouffville 7313 Gormley RR. 1 q” PERCY COBER FOR SALE Sale Register T0 RENT LOST THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1940. MAI‘D tor family. no 36 Arnold BUSINESS MAN wants board and comfortable room, conveniences ne- cessary. Apply Box 224, Liberal Office. EXPERIENCED FARM HAND wanted, capable of managing fa'rm, either single or with wife to take charge of house, all modern con- veniences, salary 00mparable with aibility HORSES, CATTLE, Hay, Grain. Straw in exchange for Electric Re- frigerators, Milk Coolers, Ranges, Washers, Radios 150 models. Write or phone Wa. 4501, B. R. Leech, owner of Leechwood Farm, Presi- dent of Toronto Radio and Sports, Ltd, 241 Yonge St, Toronto. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. t1 WELL'DIGGING, also cleaned and repaired. Suitable locations secur- ed by devining. Frank Yofk, Maple ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. J. A. ROSE, Maple, 0nt., agent for Melotte and DeLaval cream separat- ors, Lester washing machines, Fleury-Bissell plows. Furnace work, eavetroughing and general tinsinith work promptly attended. Your con- tinued patronage solicited. FOR SALE OR RENT BRICK HOUSE, No. 14 Roseview Avenue, 6 rooms, all conveniences, garage. Apply W. Tyndall, 1 Rose. view Avenue, Richmond Hill. BRICK BUNGALOW, all conveni- ences, hot water heating, hardw00d, garage. Possession September 1st. Apply A. Mills, 93 Yonge St., Rich- mond Hill, phone 125. Richmond Hill, July 25, 1940. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) MISCELLANEOUS Used Cars 1933 FORE V-8 CABRIOLET (Con- vertible)â€"A Sporty Car. Pay promptly and avoid the penalty of three per cent which must be Imposed after The Second Instalment of the current year’s taxes is due on 1936 CHEVROLET MASTER SED 1935 FORD DeLUXE TUDOR wit] Trunk. Unusually nice condition. TAXES Little Brother FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 17 AUGUST 21 NEXT Apply Liberal Office WANTED AUGUST 1st general work. Three in children. Apply Mrs. Ball, Street, Richmond Hill. 1928 FORD TUDOR $62599. $450.00 $425.00 $75.00 A. J L HUME, Treasurer.

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