Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Aug 1940, p. 7

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I Solicit Your Continued Patronage My Mottoâ€"Courtesy, Service and a Fair Deal to All 1 Car load of Pine Slabs and Edgings cut 1 foot lengths, at reasonable price WAN A Prices as follows FINE SALT, 100 lbs. COARSE SALT, 100 lbs. IODIZED SALT, 100 lbs. BLOCKS, each . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS, IODIZED, each â€" Also â€" CAR MILL FEED At Nfiaple Freight Sheds JONES COAL Co. Johnston & Cranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments Phone HYland 2081 Open Evening: Res. Phone 9788 Lehigh Valley Car load of Peeled Cedar fence posts at 20-25-30 cents each May 31 60% yds. cotton Eiderdown @ 27c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200 yds. gauze . . . . . . . . . . A 60 yds. unbleached cotton @ 12%0 8‘70 tax @ 27c. . . . . . . . . . . . 72 lbs. wool @ $1.00 8% tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 17 400 yds. gauze . . . . . . . . . 60 yds. cotton Eiderdown 8% April 26 200 yds. surgical gauze ....$ 4.84 25 lbs. navy wool @ $1.00 . 25200 lbs. navy wool @ $1.00 . 80 lbs. grey wool @ $1.00 . 24% lbs. New Zealand wool @ $1.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 yds. surgical gauze 8% tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GLEN’N’S DRUG STORE EVERY FRIDAY 2 to 5 RM. @ 8c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 13 Red Cross Headquarters, 24 April 1 Brown Bros., 5 spools thread THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1940 ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies” 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan & Balliol Sts. NUT AND STOVE COAL N0. 1 ANTHRACITE . E. SMITH COAL ORDERS PHONE MAPLE 19W EYES EXAMINED -â€" AND â€"â€" GLASSES FITTED Priced as DR. P. P. SMYTH Markham Township Red Cross Telephone 188 EXPENDITURE at follows: .. $1.35 per cwt. . . $1.20 per cwt. .. $1.35 per cwt. $105.71 $ 16.27 29.04 $140.97 $57.20 $32.23 65c. 80c. 85c. 40c. 40c. 16.20 72.00 7.83 24.75 1.78 10.44 24.00 80.00 7.65 4.24 9.68 2.39 Total Amour The recent rescinding of this privi- lege now makes it impossible to sell wool to units other than thOSe re- 8 lbs. @ $1.00 6 lbs. @ $1.00 Total fund in bank . . . . . . . . $71.39 Upon advice from Red Cross Head-' quarters, Toronto, the following yarn was sold and payment for same made to Chas. Hoover, Treasurer of Mark- ham Twp. Branch: Women’s War Branch, StOuffviHe 204 lbs. wool @ $1.00 . . . . . . $204.00 8% tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.32 -Ba1. deposited to eluei'gency fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ Money Donations Locust Hi1} Women‘s Club Unionville Unit . . . . . . . . . . BLANKET ACCT. Response ’to Polling Division Polling Division Polling Division Polling Division Locust Hill No. No. No. No. appeal 3 .-.9 blanket 4 ..1 blanket 5 . .14 blanket 6 . .4 blanket . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 blanket District Women’s Institute 1 blanket Purchased from dona- tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 blanket T. Eaton Co.â€" 16 doz. buttons @ 25c. . . . . . $ 4.00 61 yds. Flette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.25 11 blankets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.23 581/2 yds. Flette . . . . . . . . . . . 10.53 6 cotton batts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.94 2 doz. spools thread @ $1.15 2.30 10 yds. twist @ 5c. . . . . . . . . .50 10% discount July, Red Cross Headquarters 120 lbs. wool @ $1.05 . . . . . E 8% tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total‘ expenditure for April May, June and July 129 st. cotton twill @ 161/sc. $20.80 20 lbs. absorbent cotton @ 30c. 6:00 8% tax . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . 2.14 120 yds. surgical toweling @ 14m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 yds. surgical gauze 11 lbs. non-absorbent cotton 493/; yds. Flette @ 161/84: 8% tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 lbs. grey WUOl @ $1.05 61 yds. unbleached cotton at 16%c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 yds. Khaki handkerchief lawn @ 16c. . . . . . . . . . . 6.56 24 lbs. Khaki wool @ $1 05 . 25.20 8% tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.36 Red Cross Headquarters June 6 1b. wool @ $1.00 I a tax . . . . . . . . . . to Mindemoya lbs. wool @ $1.00 flax . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17c tax discount Buttonville Unit Milliken Unit & 8% tax & 8% tax $6.36 1 blapket 14 blanket 4 blanket 3 blanket blanket $238 $15 8126.00 10.08 $839.5 $136.0 $36.75 5 17.10 16.94 $84.00 43.00 $104 $3.00 876.27 $28.94 30.39 $38.78 $99.35 41.00 'r6.48 8.64 $10.66 84.75 8.48 35.00 49.00 $8.58 50.40 11.85 1.19 1.87 2.87 9.83 7.20 2.30 1.15 76 No. 6â€"Sweater, Mrs. F. L. Stiver; sweater, Harriet Thompson; 1 quilt, No. 5â€"Lutheran Ladies’ Aid, 1 quilt; Mrs. Barber, 1 quilt; Mrs. F. Roberts, 1 quilt, (tickets sold by Jr. Red Cross Girls) won by Mrs. Hal‘~ vey Coulson, Unionville, who gave it back to the J.R.C. girls who sent it as a gift to Miss Margaret Shank, R.N., in charge of Red Cross Out- pos't Hospital at. Mindemoya, Mani- toulin Island; Fletch Carmichael, l quilt; parcel of socks, Bethesda Jun- ior Institute. No. 3â€"3 scarves, 3 pr. wristlets, 33 pr. socks, 1 Balaclava cap, 3 sweaters. Gifts and supplies not receiVed from Central Committee: _ No. 10, Cedar Grovwl scarf, 12 pr. socks, surgical dressings (100 yds. gauze). No. 8â€"8 pr. socks, 6 sweaters. No. 9â€"«3 pr. socks, 1 sweater. No. 10, Loeust Hillâ€"66 pr. socks, 4 sweaters, 1'0 scarves, 2 pr. wristâ€" lets, 12 quilts, 4 doz. khaki handkerâ€" chiefs, surgical dressings (300 yds. gauze). No. 7â€"9 pr. socks, 3 sweaters, 3 bed jackets. ' No. 8â€"8 pr. socks, 6 sweaters. No. 9â€"3 pr. socks. 1 sweater. No. 6â€"68 pr. socks, 17 sweaters, 11 pr. wristlets, 4 Balaclava. caps, 2 scarves, 16 bed jackets, 3 hospital, gowns, 6 bed socks, 4 pr. pyjamas, 51 handkerchiefs, 10 quilts, surgical dressing (400 yds. of gauze). For refugees, 3 pr. mitts, 4 caps, 6 pr. bloomers. N.7â€" . k,3 ters,3' o 9 pr so-c S swea leaps, 23 bed socks, 11 pr. mitts, 22 bed jackets. No. 8â€"8 pr. socks, 6 sweaters. No. 9â€"«3 pr. socks, 1 sweater. No. 10, Loeust Hillâ€"66 pr. socks, 4 sweaters, 1'0 scarves, 2 pr. wristâ€" ‘lnln. 1:) .....:1L.. A .1-.. 1.L,,L: L2__,n__rr Julyâ€"162 pr. socks, 15 sweaters, 22 scarves, 3 Balaclava caps, 3 pr. mitts, 10 pr.'pyjamas, 7 doz. khaki handkerchiefs, 5 cartons surgical dressings, 14 quilts, 25 bed jackets. Total supplies shipped to Head- quarters: ‘ 36‘7 pr. socks, 50 scarves, 55 sweat- ers, 17 pr. wristlets, 8 Balaclava hespital bed gowns, 25 pr. pyjamas, 58 bed jackets, 178 khaki handker- chiefs,, 12 cartons surgical dressings, 5 hot water bottle covers, 24 personal property bags. Junior Red Cross, surgical dress- ings (3-00 yds. gauze), 6'0 surgical towels, 24 personal property bags. No. 5, Unionvilleâ€"84 pr. socks, 19l scarves, 5 sweaters, 5 pr. mitts, 19 hospital bed gowns, 39 bed jackets. 79 Khaki handkerchiefs, 6 quilts, 17 bed socks, 5 hot water bottle covers, 3 Balaclava caps, surgical dressings, (700 yds. gauze). No. 3â€"31 pr. socks, 11 scarves. 6 pr. rifle mitts, 1 pr. pyjamas. 3 hospital bed gowns, 5 pr. wristlets, 2 sweaters. No. 4â€"40 pr. socks, 6 sweaters, 4 scarves, 2 pr. wristlets. No. 5, Millikanâ€"13 pr. socks, 5 sweaters, 7 pr. pyjamas. No. 5, Unionvilleâ€"-84 pr. socks, 19 scarves, 5 sweaters, '5 pr. mitts. 19 Supplies re Division Units turning finished articles to Red Cross Branch. I received from N440 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO stenme tut non-negxsu'auon â€"- Failure to register will make any male or female. married or single, over the age of _16 years, liable to a fine not exceeding Two hundred dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding Three months, or to both such fine and imprison- ment, and moreover to a further penalty not exceeding Ten dollars for each day, after the day upon which he should have registered, during which he shall continue to be unregistered. Penalty for Nonffiegistrution â€"- Failure to register will make any male or female. married Registrants are required to register in the regular polling sub- divisions of their own constituencies. But should a registrant be in some other province or district out of the regular polling subdivision on Registration Days, he or she may register at any registration ofiice convenient, upon satisfactory explanation to the local deputy registrar. Registration oflices are being set up by electoral districts in the same manner asin the last Dominion election. Registrants are required to register in the regular polling sup- divistons of their own Constituencies. But should a registrant hp In WHERE TO REGISTER EVERYONE CAN HELP EVERYONE CAN HELP â€"â€"TO keep the cost of this registration at a minimum the Government is asking the co-operation of all public-minded citizens in the work of regis- tration. You can help by getting in touch with your local registration officials and offering your SCI'VICES. Commencing Monday, August 19th, Canada calls on her citi- zens, 16 years of age and over, regardless of nationality, to register. Because of the magnitude of this task the Government asks those who must register to study the questionnaire care- Polling Julyâ€"162 pr. socks, 15 sweaters, 22 scarves, 3 Balaclava caps, 3 pr. 'mitts, 10 pr.'pyjamas, 7 doz. khaki lhandkerchiefs, 5 cartons surgical I No. 9â€"1 quilt. No. 10, Lccust Hill~Gifts to Out- post Red 01-055 Hospitals, 62 Flette. 1 articles of infants‘ clothing; 2 quilts. i No. 10. Cedar Groveâ€"4 scarves, 1 pr. socks. ' Supplied shipped to Red Cress Headquarters; Mayâ€"159 pr. socks, 17 scarves, 35 sweaters, 17 pr. wristlets, 5 Bala- clava caps, 23 bed socks, 8 pr.’ mitts, 22 hospital bed gowns, 15 pr. pyjamas 16 bed jackets, 94 khaki handker- chiefs, '7 quilts, 3 cartons surgical dressings, 5 hot water bottle covers, 24 personal property bags. For re- fugees, 4 caps, 3 pr. mitts, 6 pr. bloomers. ‘ BEAR IN MIND In the opinion of the Peterboro Examiner, “the most frequent of- fense in car driving is pulling away from the curb without giving any signal of the intention to do so. Peoâ€" ple who are otherwise quite sensible keep on doing it.” As witness the spoiled beauty of many an innocent automobileâ€"(From the Stratford Beacon-Herald.) INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE Any information obtained under the provisions of the Income War Tax Act is available to the Custodâ€" ian of Enemy Property, the Foreign Exchange Control Board and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police if it is of assistance in the exercise of their respective functions in relation to the conduct of the war. For lefugeesâ€"ZQ quilts, 4 caps, 4 pr. mitts, 6 hr. bloomers. Juneâ€"46 pr. socks, 11 scarves, 5 sweaters, 17 bed jackets, 8 quilts, 4 cartons surgical dressings. Peaches United Church REGISTRATION DATES August 19th, 29th, Zisf Published under the authority of HON. IANEES G. GABDINER Minister of National War Services Notice is hereby given that un- less the arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, the Treasurer will proceed to sell the land on the day and place named in such list publish- ed in the Ontario Gazette. The date of the sale named in the said list is the fourteenth day of November. 1940, at 10 a.m. The sale will take place at the Township Hall, Vellore. Dated at Maple this second day of August 1940. ‘ 0f the deaths, 26] or 40 per cent were the result of collisions between motor vehicles and pedestrians. Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes may be had in the office of the Treasurer, J. M. McDonald, Maple, Ontario. The list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes in the Township of Vaughan was published in the Ontario Gazette on therthiru' day of August 194W). Of 2,658 accidents involving child- ren between 5 and 14, pedestrian ac- cidents on city streets during the past three years, 79 per cent were in- cluded within three classifications. Playing on street caused 30.2 per cent; coming from behind parked vehicles or objects, 27.5 per cent, and crossing between intersections 21.3 per cent. About 70 per cent of all accidents and 69.1 per cent of the fatal acci- dents in 1939 occurred during “clear” weather, and as motorists tend to drive more carefully on slippery roads, the fatal rate is lower under such conditions. There were 652 killed as compared with 640 in 1938, and 11,638 injured compared with 11,683 in 1938, indi- cating, the report states, that the waste, suffering and tragedy result- ing from motor vehicle accldents is due in a large measure to careless- ness. Direct damage loss to vehicles and other property amounted to $1,- 860,264. Majority of accidents throughout the province occurred on roads elas- sified as in “good” condition and during “clear” weather, according to the ninth annual summary of motor vehicle accidents issued by the Motor Vehicles Branch, Ontario Depart- ment of Highways. Ninety-nine per cent of all accidents, and 97.1 per cent of fatal accidents of 1939 ocâ€" curred on “good” roads. 99 Per Cent of All Accidents and 97.1 of All Fatal Crashes Occur on Improved Highways GOOD ROADS SAID WORST IN M!SHAPS TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN fully. Every question must be answered truthfully and without evasion. It is imperative that every one 16 years of age and over register. You will make the whole task easier for yourself and the Government by registering early. Regis- tration will last for three days only. To every person answering the questionnaire fully and satisfactorily a certificate of registration will be issued by the local deputy registrar. This is a small card which must be carried on the person at all times. TAX SALE NOTICE Your Registration Certificate J. M. MCDONALD. roads. killed as compared and 11,638 injured Treasurer. Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynn ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET Prepare for your summer vacation. Choosz your style and order your garment now. 'Garments are from tell dollars up for one complete outfit. For appointmgnt call PhOne Angora 160 or Richmond Hill 9 Richmond Hil-l Day 139 Buy our Fly Spray and have real protection for your cattle. Panâ€"A-Min will put your flock in fine condition for the laying season. Whole Wheat Flour Whole Wheat Cereal Whole Wheat Cereal Blended FOUNDATION GARMENTS TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge btreet RICHMOND HILL, ONT. CORSETIERE Mrs. E. C. Fielding MOTOR INN â€"â€" Aurora THE MILL R. H. KANE (At St. Clements) MOhawk 3000 SPIRELLA Phones: PAGE SEVEN Evenings 82W Phone 92-!

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