“This is no war of Chieftains or of princes, dynasties or natlonal ambitions. It is a war of peoples and causes.†“Let all strive without failing in faith or in duty, and the dark curse of Hitler will be lifted from our age.†With such a cause, such a leader and such a people victory is certain. Three nights a week â€"- on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays -â€"- J. B. Priestley, celebrated English novelist, speaks for Britain to the North American continent. He is heard over the National Network of the CBC on these evenings from 11.15 to 11.30 p.m. EDST. Mr. Priestley says things that need to be said in a manner eminently suitable for quotation, and “Priestley says...†has opened many a conversation. Here are a few of the things he has said recently: “This island is not only a garrison, now, but it might also be called the camp of a vast crusade, the last and greatest of the'crusades, to redeem from the infidel the holy sepulchre of man’s free spirit. There is now a fan- tastic mingling of the fighting men of numerous nations. There are, first, the men from our Dominions â€"â€" husky, sun-tanned Canadians, Australians, New Zealandersâ€"and other tough fighting men from the ends of the earth. Then there are the foreign legions of defiant free menâ€" there are French soldiers, airmen, sailors â€"- there are Poles, there are Czechs, Dutch, Norwegians. Isn’t there something grand and heartening about all this? To know that this small island, now bristling with defiance, is the rallying point of all the figh‘ting forces of freedom every- where...I haven’t been proud of my country for years, as anybody who knows my books will readily agree. But â€"-by thunderlâ€"I am now, and though I’m no hero, I wouldn't be anywhere else for a fortune.†Referring to the importance of buying British books and the need for men and women of creative genius to make their report on what is happening to the mind and spirit of man, Mr. Priestley said: “Our children and our children’s children â€" who will, we trust, live in a nobler world than any we have known â€" must be able to learn What men and women thought and felt, what hopes illum- inated their nights during these iron years.†“Be the ordeal sharp or long We shall seek no terms, we shall tolerate no parleys. We may show mercy â€" we shall ask none.†~ “Hitler has not yet been withstood by a great nation with a will power the‘equal of his own.†“W'e would rather see London laid in ashes than that it should be tamely and abjectly enslaved.†“The good cause can c0mmand the means of survival, and while we mil through the dark valley we can see the sunlight on the uplands beyond." “We are not fighting for ourselves â€" alone. Here in this strong city of refuge, which enshrines the title deeds of human progress, we await undismayed the im- pending assault.†ists. tiny. ‘ 2. Use your business mail and advertising to invite visitors from the U.S.A. 3. Use your personal correspondence to dispel untrue enemy rumours about a Canada-at-war. 4. Urge your United States principal or branches to tell Canada’s vacation story. 5. Make the welcome signs around your City really mean what they say. ’6. Demand good surfaces on the main tourist high- ways and especially the approaches to your City. 7. Help run down the chiseller who does not go out of his way to see the US. visitor gets 10% on his money. 8. Make Americans so welcome they will return home as big boosters for a Canadian vacation. Listen again to a few phrases from that marvelously inspired address he delivered to the world some time ago: “Faith is given us as a help and a comfort when we stand in awe before the unfurling scroll of human des- “Bearing ourselves humbly before God, but conscious that we serve an unfolding purpose, we are ready to de- fend our native land.†The Director of Public Information announces that the speaker on the “Let’s Face the Facts†series for Sun- day, August 25th, at 10.00 to 10.30 p.m. EDST, will be Robert Sherwood. Sherwood, who served with the Brit- ish forces in the last war, is the author of the war play, “There Shall Be No Nightâ€, which is one of the sensations of Broadway’s 1940 season. Edgar McInnis, Associate Professor of History at the "rsity of Toronto, will review the news of the past Week in “The World Todayâ€, Sunday, August 25th, at 6.30 p.m. EDST. ‘ '- ‘~- “The Giant Awakens" will be the title of James H. R. Cromwell’s talk when he speaks at a Canadian National Exhibition luncheon on Friday, August 30th. This will be broadcast over CBC’s National Network from 1.30 to 2.00 p.m. EDST. Great crises produce great men. In most decisive phases of human history leaders of dynamic personality have appeared at the supreme moment and have stimu- lated those who followed them to superhuman achieve- ment. Such a man is Winston Churchill who was un- doubtedly born for this hour. He it is who embodies the will of the British people to eonquer or perish. He it is who, to paraphrase Scripture, has become to them “An hiding place from the wind, a covert from the tempest, and the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.†SOME OF THE THINGS THAT PRIESTLEY SAID Estabï¬shed 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVER-Y THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD J. Eachem Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoeiation Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 TOURIST TIPS . Go the extra mile in courtesy when you meet tour- PAGE TWO GREAT MAN OF THE EMPIRE THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1940. SPECIAL WAR-TIME TALKS “THE LIBERAL†The war has now been going on for a year, during which period it has consisted of a series of light- ning successes for Germany in 'areas which could be effectively invaded 'either by land or, over a short sea barrier, by air. These successes have been accompanied by the comâ€" plete failure of Germany to 'break down the seapower blockade â€" a slow-operating weapon â€" which is effectedl against her by Great Brit- am. I am greatly encouraged' in my belief that lightning cannot set the British house on fire, by my obser- vation of the rise of a new tech- nique among those in the Unitedl States who are certainly not the friends of Britain, and who may therefore be classified in the present circumstances as being at least no enemies of Germany. This new tech- nique is the propagatiOn of the doc- trine that now is the time for the United States to pick up the belligâ€" erents by the scuff of the neck, knock their heads together, and tell them to shut up making such a noise, stop fighting and make peace “on reasonable terms.†This doctrine is expounded at length in the current issue of a popular United States weekly which has been under re- peated criticism in Canada on the ground of antiâ€"British tendencies. The article is by Mr. James D. Mooney, a business man who has long been head of the European sub- sidiary of a great American indus- trial corporation. I do not propOse to discuss the article itself, which is The following: is. in part, a broad- cast delivered over the national net- work of the CBC. on Sunday, Au- gust 4, at 6.30 p.m., by B. K. Sand- well, editor of Saturday Night. It is in reply to an article in the Au- gust 3 issue of the “Saturday Even- ing Post†of Philadelphia. The Germans are fond of draw- ing analogies between their favorite method of warfare and the lightning) which'strikes without warning from the sky and. blasts all in its path of destruction. They have them- selves named their method the Blitz- krieg or lightning war. But there is one important respect in which the analogy is ill-omened for the Germans themselves. Lightning must do its job at the first stroke. If it sets the house on fire in the split second of its impact, well and good. But if it does not, it cannot return and try it again. Lightning does not strike twice in the same place; and the thunder which reverberates for a long time after the lightning has ceased to do anything is not dangerous. The lightning war of Germany succeeded â€" it set fire to the house â€" in Poland, Norway, Holland, Belgium, and finally France. It has not yet succeeded, and it looks as though it may never suc- ceed, in Great Britain, where â€" to push the analogy a little further â€"â€"-' the provision of lightning rods is on a vastly larger scale than in those unfortunate countries. And if the lightning fails, the Germans have no other weapon against Britain, while Britain has many against Germany. an entirely proper article for an American business man to write in an American magazine while the United States is neutral. I propose only to make a few observations about the significance of its timing. Neither at the beginning of this year of war nor at any stage of it until the present time has there been any suggestion by any American friend of either side that the United States should intervene to compel peace; this is the first. If the Unitâ€" ed States can compel peace now, it could certainly have compelled peace in August 1939, before the popula- tion of Poland was massacred. Why was not Mr. Mooney then calling upon his government, as he is now calling upon it, “to state bluntly and frankly to the rulers of Germany and England that we (the American people) insist upon an end to the holocaust â€" to this insane and disâ€" graceful indictment of civilization?†The indictment was just as insane and disgraceful in 1939 as it is now; but the Germans then were pretty confident of winning, and Mr. Moo- ney was silent, and the magazine in which he writes was frantically urg- ing that the United States must have nothing to do with this war one way or the other. The gains of Ger- many were then just beginning. they are now at their peak; the losses of Germany are about to begin, and what Mr. Mooney proposes would ar- rest them, would perpetuate the po- litical structure of Europe at the point where Germany's power is the greatest she can ever expect to at- This Idea is German LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO By B. K. Sandwell ed would necessarily be one which1 Americans could regard as “reason-i able.†On that point we must re- member that what he is proposing is an immediate settlement; and that the only belligerent to whom the United States can apply any imme- diate pres-sure is Britain, to whom .she’could refuse to sell any further war supplies, with obviously ruinous effect. The only leverage the Unit- ed States can apply to Germany is the threat to enter the war against her, an action which might have un- pleasant consequences for Germany a few years from now, but could hardly make any appreciable differ- ence at the moment; indeed it is .highly arguable that it would help her by diverting American effort from the defence of Britain to the home defence of America. You have ltherefore a position in which the self-appointed mediator could in- stantly ruin one of the belligerents and- could do little or nothing- to damage the'other for some years; and it is not hard’ to imagine which side would have to make all the con- cessions in an agreement forced upon the belligerents'by such a mediator. Mr. Mooney~ recognizes that the American people at [large, to whom he addresses himself, are not so friendly to Germany as to wish to act as her stooge in effecting a settlement of the war on her terms, and he therefore represents his pro- posal as designed to save Britain from the appalling consequences of her own, or rather her government’s stubbornness. “Our friends, the English,†he observes, “are taking a hell of a beating, and it is about time for us to help them if we ex- pect to substantiate our sympathy in any kind of sincere way.†His me- thod of substantiating American sympathy for “England†is to tell »her that she can hope for no more aid from the United States unless she adcepts whatever terms Germany can be induced to make and the lUnited States to endorse at this ,point in the war -â€" with Germany and Russia between them in con- trol of the whole of Europe except Great Britain. tain and far greater than she can retain without American aid. Mr. Mooney talks as if the Amer- ican intervention to compel peace would be equally effective to mod- erate the terms demanded by Brit- ain and the terms demanded by Ger- many, so that the settlement reach- I suggest that the nature of the proposal shows that it is a German proposal, and that the fact that it is made at this moment shows that Germany is by no means confident If being able to destroy the effect~ iveness of the British Isles as a base of supply and operation for the British fleet. And if Germany can- not destroy the British Isles in that sense, she has lost the war, and will ultimately lose all that she has temporarily gained by her lightning methods. Mr. Mooney’s solicitude for those whom he calls “our friends the Eng- lish†did not become vocal until afâ€" ter the defeat of France. He was not concerned while the French and the Poles were taking what he calls “a hell of a beating,†although they were the allies of “our friends the English" and are generally supposed to have been pretty good friends of the†Americans also. He was not concerned while the Norwegians, Dutch and Belgians were taking a hell of a beating, not for being al- lies of “our friends the English†but merely for being in the way between them and the Germans. But he is concerned now for “our friends the English,†who as a matter of solid fact are taking and are likely to take much less of “a hell of a beat- ing†than any of these other inno- cent‘and ravaged nations, and who may wind up by not taking a hell of a beating at all. For the reason why Germany wants peeple like Mr. Mooney to promote peace interven- 'tion by the United States is simply that the German lightning war looks as if i1 Britain ‘0‘ WWQOMM l it will not work against Great Clerk’s notice of First Posting of Voters’ List. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers’ List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Maple, on the 22nd day of August, 1940, the List of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Municipal _Elec- tions, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. The last day for filing appeals is September 2lst, 1940. Dated at Maple, Aug. 22nd, 1940. J. M. McDONALD, F‘OR RESULTS, ADVERTISE IN THE LIBIECRAL. VOTERS’ LIST, 1940 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN EGrowell Growing Mash e according to the latest scientific formula, cor- Sell It! Made according to the latest scientific formula, cor- ' rectly balanced and a result producer. Only the high- est quality of ingredients are used. Oak Ridges P.O. Yonge St. The Liberal “Want Ads†each week in- troduce people who have something to sell to people who want to buy. If you have something to sell, whether it is livestock, an unused piece of furn- iture, or a house and \lot we suggest you take advantage of the service of our classified advertisements. They are at your service for ,low cost. Clerk of Vaughan Township. ELECTRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, SALES 4 AND SERVICE Up to twenty-five words, twenty-five cents, over twenty-five words, five cents per line. 2385 Bufferin Street, Toronto, KEnwood 6805, or Crumty of York For Everything Electrical, Consult Send them by mail or Telephone 9, Richmond Hill . A. BONNICK Wesley Clark, Richmond Hill, telephone 4704 FAIRBANK FEED CO. FOR BEST RESULTS Electrical Contractor Established 1878 THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1940- LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY. GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS [N SURANCE Buy Canadian, Buy British,‘ 8111 Help Win the War. ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIF‘F CO'S A. G. Savage MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT , Farm Implements, Machinery and Reps-its Telephone Richmond Hi}! 39 Beatty Farm Equipment Charles Graham Phone King 321 Richmond Hill Old Post Officé Richmond Hill