[gem the Toronto Conservatory 9f lime, willgggept a number of pupil: grime, Organ and Theory. _ ond Hillâ€"Tuesday and Friday MRS. MYLKS Thirty Years Expetience ‘ farmerly with! Heintzman Company hive Orders at Amtin’s Drug Store R‘nhmond Hill FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE flichmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at {ormerly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Delany BARRISTER â€" SOLICITOR ' NOTARY 1008 Federal Building 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook. K. C. Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. 'loronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg! 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loav at Current Rate Office 229 THO‘RNHILL Wednesday 7-9 pm. Toronto Office â€"- 45 Richmond St. W. WA. 5923 Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Boks. B.A. Percy Big 5 AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 01 8 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street -â€" Toronto mom HI‘III’IAND UNIONVILLE Barristers, SoIir‘itors, etc. Ofï¬ceâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, unthwest corner of King and Yang Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. H. A. Clark, K.C. H. E. Redman, K.C. W. P. Mulock,K.C. B. Bloomfiequrqan Alexander MacGregor K. C. 014 Confederaiioï¬ Lifé Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 029 Rec. MO. 2866 THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic H31! Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone WAverley 2821 \Bmister, Solicitor, Notary Public 1 Room 66, 18 Toronto St.. Toronto} Phone WAverley 282! i Reaidvnceâ€"Zl Holewood Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 Campbell Line BARRIS‘TER, SOLICITOR, ETC. VOL. McGuire, Boles & Co. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€"â€" z to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephone; . Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRiSTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richard Edmunds 21 CENTRE ST. WEST' Wright & Taylor Morgan L. Piger Barris'ter, Solicitor, Etc. UNIONVILLE George W. Cross Piano Tuner Mulock, Millikan, 'Clark & Redman SAND â€" GRAVEL WM. MCDONALD Telephone 62 Thornhill From Maple Gravel Pit Adelmo Melecci BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Thomas Delany Walter S. Jenkins Cook & Gibson GENERAL CARTAGE Wednestiay 3â€"6 _ p.m. Telephoae AD. 1948 T. C. Newman MUSICAL RICHMOND HILL BUSINESS Richmbnd Hm Every BA RRIS'I‘ER McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ont. 42 Yonge Street WANT ADS COVER AND DISCOVER A MULTITUDE OF NEEDS VOICE Telephone 186 Phone 264 by Truck Residence 148 Registration wasn't so all. He is a wise man who knoWs what not to say, providing he doesn’t say it. Col. Charles Lindbergh is still the world’s greatest living aero-NUT. A Nazi spokesman boasts that the Germans know how to deal with praying people. Perhaps, but so ‘does Almighty God. ‘ Canadians who buy American mag- ‘az'ines which are anti-British in sentiment are helping Hitler. Every loyal Britisher will bchott such pub- lications and encourage others to do 50. Never say “IF we win" but rather “WHEN we win." If We never ad- mit the possibility of defeat victory will come quickly. Canadian women will begin to know there is a war on when the government asks them to raid/their kitchens in search of aluminum for making aeroplanes. Lord Beaver- brook’s appeal to British women brought in a hundred tons of alum- inum the first day. Office Hourï¬sB â€" 11 onwï¬ï¬bï¬'ï¬swâ€" '91â€"1‘2'5m. daily Tues., Thurs. & Sat. Evenings 6 - 8 Telephone 24 Nights 147 dAPLE Centre St. E v . v ““““ [TRâ€"J. P. WILSON OFFICE HOURSâ€" 1-4 p.m. daily Mon., Weg. & ng._§y_egings 6 - 8 VLLu.\. nR. J A M ‘h.â€LANCSTA FF 22 Yonge St. Richmond H11 DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFI‘ Office Horursi10_~_â€" 12 :-‘.m. -.~~m . u‘r‘ (Woman and Office Hours kppointments made Woodoridge AUCTIONEE-R Licensed Auctioneer County of York Auction Sales conducted on short AUO’I‘IONEER MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates '{RT LILLIAN -C. notice and at reasonable xates Richmond Hill Phone 922. Dré. Wilson & Wilson A. S. Farmer LICENSED AUUI‘IONEER 17 “ARE EXPERENGE AUCTIONEERS J-. H. Prentice. 415 Balliol St. K. C. Prentice. Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of :very description. Farms and farm (tock sales a specialty. Farms bought 1nd sold on commission. All sales at- :ended to on shortest notice and con- lucted by the most approved methods DENTIST YONGE- AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dr, C. A. MacDonald DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post O‘f_fice FIRE â€" AUTOMOBiLE â€" LIFE Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m.. 12â€"2 & 6â€"â€"8 and bv appointment_ Prentice & Prentice Dr. R. A. Bigford Bank of Commerce Building THORNHILL Dr. M. J. Quigley Dr. W. J. Mason Drsa Langstaf f J. Carl Saigeon J. T. SAIGEON & SON R: H. KANE GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS @EE mmm MEDICAL all the 'more certainly and Gomley 811. No. l L W.’ .1. WILSON Successor to Telephone 80 DENTIST DENTIST Insurance 2.111.; EANGST'A‘FF Chfldren) L- 3 me Phone 100 Richmond Hill Richmond ï¬il] bad after Phone '77 Phone 3 8 pg: RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1940. The town of Harriston has a pop- ulation of slightly more than 12-00 peopke and already 40 citizens of that town have joined the Canadian Active Service Forces. Canadians, fortunate in being farâ€" removed from the war zone, must make sacrifices and must carry out every duty when called upon. We must prove ourselves worthy- citizens of The Empire. We are told that everyone in Ger- many loves Hitler, remarks The Shelburne Free Press but he has a bodyâ€"guard wherever he goes and similarly everybody in Italy loves Mussolini, but Hitler recently pre- sented him with an armoured train. King George and President Roose- velt need no such things when they go out among their people. A naturalized Canadian citizen of Italian birth is showing his IOyalty for the Union Jack by working for the same pay as a private soldier. and voluntarily turning over his ex- cess earnings to the Department of Finance. He is employed in the Can- adian National Railway shops at Winnipeg and has been advised that he is of greater service to his coun- try there than he would be in the army. He suggests that there are many workmen throughout Canada who would be willing to make the same sacrifice for the duration. The village of Georgetown has been visited by two slick salesmen and the Editor of The Herald is out to help the victims get their invest-. ments back. A map salesman took orders and cash and never returned, while another pair of smart boys were engaged in taking photographs, none of which have been delivered. There are plenty of legitimate busi- ness men without patronizing these fellows, many of whom have no in- tentions of carrying out their agreeâ€" ments. ‘ Chro In! Nazi victii tal 1 index quali from m? st « proci turbi seen Violent opposition has developed to Premier Hep-burn’s proposal to send inexperienced school boys out to help with the harvest and it would seem that most farmers won’t feel badly about the whole thing. Trainâ€" ing a green hand to pitch sheaves and perform other duties about the farm in a week’s time is a virtual impossibility. Nobody, with the ex- ception of the Premier, appears to have much sympathy for the 'plan. As a result, schools will likely open on the criginal date. ‘ Attention_ is again called to the practise of pedestrians walking on highways. Some of them walk de- liberately with the traffic and will not budge off the paved portion in spite of repeated warnings. This creates additional trials for motor- ists who must dodge the walkers and approaching traffic. However, so long as pedestrians and motorists use the same roadway, walkers will, perversely, do the opposite of what is in their own best interests. A Britisher, visiting Canada for a brief spell, tells us that he has been disturbed by only one noeturnal air raid. Despite the fact that five hunâ€" dred Nazi ’planes head across the Channel every day, he has no doubt, come what may, that all will be beaten off. He could remain in Canâ€" adla for the duration but he has no such intentions. Hitler and all his legions will never conquer the tight little Islands. Winston Churchill and the people are ready for him. Robert W. Service, well known ballad“ writer of the Yukon Gold Rush days is back in Canada after an absence of 27 years. He left Canada in 1913 and went to the Balkan War as correspondent for the Montreal Star after which he settled in France. He left France grior to the German occupation. He oes not plan a return to the Yukon but expects to take up residence in Blaitish Columbia. He is 66 years 0 . Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. MacDon- ald of Thistletown celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at home on Tuesdav. Both are 73 years old, and both were born in the province of Quebec. of Scotch parents. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald speak Gaelic as freely as English and often use that seldomâ€"heard language when talking together. They have three children living, Mrs. William Hozg of Thistle- town: Mrs. Rov Boemia‘, of Wind- sor, Vt: and James, of Saskatoon. There are also five grandchildren. RETURN TO THE FARM .More and more sensible persons are beginning to realize that a good farm is the best investment of all. But don’t rush out and buy a farm, just because we told you that, unless you know something about farming 6r know where you can get the right man to run it for youâ€"Trenton Courier-Advocate. GERMANY IN HOLLAND Inevitably and relentlessly the 'Nazi machine clamps down on its victims. Nothing less than the to- tal wiping out of every vestige of independence .of .spirit, of every quality that has .set one people apart from others, can satisfy the new masters. In the Netherlands, legal processes at first remained undis- turbed by the invader. Now, it seems, the Dutch, although defeatâ€" ed. still fail to show proper respect and reverence for the gift of Nazi rule, still have the effrontery to be- lieve themselves human beings, with human rights and feelings. HITTING THE MARK Suppose you threw a stone at a mark and missed it, what would you say? Would you say that there was no mark to hit, or that it c0uldn‘t .be hit, or that the stone was so mis- shapen that it would not carry true to aim? Or would you be candid and say that the failure was due to your own lack of skill? And if you really wanted to hit the mark, would you make but a single throw? Would you not keep on trying until you hit the mark â€"‘-â€" probably as a con- sequence of ing stones? Yet there are men who use adh vertising but once, and who, when the hoped-for results are not instant- ly obtained, declare that advertising is no good, or that the paper or radio station which carried the ad- vertisement is no good.â€"Dunnville Chronicle. So all Netherlands citizens who act “against the German nation, people. party, individuals or property,†or who commit “crimes against the genâ€" eral interest,†are now to be tried in German courts to be set up in their country, “This is a severe mea- sure, intendedkto teach them their place as helots in the new European utopia. "Bib it remains to be seen whether a people so long disciplined to freedom can learn to prostrate themselves, and Whether they will not in the end prove stronger than their mastersâ€"New York Times. Views of Others :4 on Timely Topics; A Westerner must be pardoned if he continues to marvel at this Jap- anese military pride. Just what, he must wonder, is there to be proud of?â€"â€"The New. York Times. ' Loretto early Sunday morning. A passing motorist was the first to notice the fire and drove in and aroused the occupants. Fire of unknown origin destroyed the home of Charles McKenpa nea_r I'll improved skill in throw- WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES From our Issue of August 23, 1900 W. Mager has been tearing down the old saw mill which did service for many years at Boyle's Pond. A cider mill will be erected at the rear of the foundry. A house on. Mr. Wellington Clu- bine’s farm above Ellgin Mills, form- erly occupied by the late Laurentus Smith, was burned Sunday morning between 3 and 4 o'clock. The Toronto World says:â€"â€"“Lord Roberts has received with thanks the compliment paid to him by the West York and Vaughan Agricul- tural Society in appointing him an honorary director of the Woodbridge Fair". If the great Irish General attends Wood‘brid‘ge Fair, the Hon. N. C. Wallace will have to take sec- ond place. The tall building on the corner of Yonge and Mill streets, our High School, begins to show signs of re- newed activity. OId students Will hardly recognize their accustomed haunts on their return, as the High School Committee has been busy with repairs and various other im~ provements. Mr. W. Hewison has just finished calcimining the Whole interior, thus enhancing very much its former appearance and when school opens there will not be better accommodation in the province, con- sidering the size of the school. GETTING IT WRONG Mistressâ€"If this occurs again, Mil- dred, I shall Be compelled to get an- other maid. UMQiCiZimwish you would, ma'am. There’s quite enough Work for two of us. ll o=0=0=0l=0=0=0=Og0=0 Make Model Year Oldsmobile T-14 1935 Oldsmobile T-14 1935 Maple Leaf 16-48 1936 ATTRACTIVE SUMMER SEATS MADE TO WEB MEASURE-u FORTY YEARS AGO Phone 12 Chevrolet 16-46 1937 Chevrolet 16-46 1937 Phone 49.] Cities Service Garage We have a fine assortment of attractive summer suit- ings, which we make to your measure at most attract- ive prices. Newest colors and materials, and the latest styles to suit your individual personality. We invite you to make our store headquarters for your clothing requirements. Our personal service, backed by years of experience in the clothing business is at your disposal. If you have not yet experienced the thrill of distinct- ive Richmond Tailors clothes we invite you to give us a trial today. You will be surprised at the mod- erate cost â€" really no more than you pay for ready- made. ‘ Let us take care of your Cleaning and Pressing Requirements. Our driver Will call or you may take advantage of our low cash and carry prices. RICHMOND TAILORS o:o:=:o=o M. P. MALTBY 29 Yonge Street J. A. Greene any"... .. Germany missed a good deal when Norway was captured for virtually the whole of the Norwegian mer- chant marine, totalling 4,000,0-00 tons is in British hands and all, of the gold reserve $00,000,000 is in- safe . LL A 'I'TnH-AR gULu Acacxv» VAuv,uvv,v.- a , storage in Cana a or the United States â€"â€" fish that Hitler must abnit got away from himâ€"(From the Naigara Falls Review.) Type Panel Truck Panel Truck Chassis and Cab 2-ton Chassis and Cab 2-t0n Chassis and Cab 2-ton SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Richmond Hill ELUSIVE LOOT Richmond Hill OEOSOHS Sale Price $300.00 $325.00 $300.00 $375.00 $375.00 No.